IMac is having font problems

I've been having issues with fonts on my iMac for some time.  Every time I upgrade my OS, it screws up my copy of Word.  It keeps getting stuck on optimizing fonts and crashes.  I empty the cache and it works ok for awhile.  But I don't dare try to install any new fonts, one, it cases Word to crash again, and two, the font doesn't even show up on the font lists.  So I am thinking I need to gut the entire thing and start over.  However, one Fonts folder keeps giving me a message about aliases when I try to open it.  And the three other Fonts folders won't delete, saying OS X needs them.  My MacBook is having no problems.  There are three Fonts folders, and they all seem to be working.  I've upgraded the OS on that, and it doesn't screw up Word.  So what should I do with the iMac?  Do I get rid of all the Fonts on it and start over?  Can I fix this folder that keeps talking about "alias"?  I just want it to work like my MacBook does.

I tried using a new user account to download/install several things (including a maintenance program, which I ran) and was able to do it on that user account, then switched back over to my user account and downloaded/installed an update that I hadn't been able to and it seemed like everything was better.
But I am still getting the "update server" error where I can't install updated from the apple icon on my computer. And Safari not working.
Yes, I bought my mac from an Apple retailer, new in box.

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    Dear Kurt,
    in bigger companies thinks come slow :-)  Actually we are switching from 10.4.11 with Quark 6.52 and FontReserve to 10.6.8 with Adobe CS5 and FontBook.
    And as you may guess we're running directly into the HelveticaNeue problem.
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    Our goal was to have no font conflicts to keep our users save. In addition we put fonts in predefinded collections to switch them on/off with an AppleScript that picks the collection name.
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    Unfortunately this brings up two problems:
    The HelveticaNeue.dfont can't be put to a font collection without taking the corresponding font from the Type1 font with it, so it's more difficult to handle with the AppleScript (we have to pick the exact single name).
    The second is that if something goes wrong and all fonts are switched to active we have a font conflict and the possibility that the dfont is used in documents.
    I think I have read all (ok, many :-) of your posts about the Helvetica problem in 10.6 as well as your really great document about font handling in OS X.
    But I wasn't able to get it to work.
    Do you have the one big hint for me???
    Thanks and best regards...      Udo

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    FA NEWS editor

    The .sitx file extension is a Stuffit executable, a way of compressing files so that they take less time to transfer. This has nothing to do with your problem.
    What I'm recommending is that you Export PDF (File > Export > Adobe PDF). Choose the Press Quality preset and send the resulting PDF to your printer. Scott's suggestion will give you a PDF with outlined type, but before you go that route, try a Press Quality PDF, which will have live type and embedded fonts.
    The best reason for sending PDF to your printer is to avoid font problems.

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    with Fireworks 8.

    Have you tried a search within Fireworks 8' Techdocs through
    Fireworks Support site?
    If still problem, let us know. We can try and give you a tip
    or suggestion to find some solution for you.
    If I remember this correctly, not all of fonts are equally
    installed into Font folder on your Mac. There are a couple of
    Library folders on your System folder, plus users' Library folder
    and sometimes inside software developer's application folders. It
    varies from software developers to others. I don't recall that I
    run into font problems with Fireworks or any other Adobe
    applications on my Mac. let me take a look at Brush Script MT on my
    Fireworks and see what happens.

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    Make a temporary, backup copy of your library if you don't already have one (Control-click on the library and select Duplicate from the contextual menu) and  apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
                                            Screenshot is for iPhoto 9
    Since only one option can be run at a time start with Option #3, followed by #4 and then #1 as needed.
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    2 - click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    3 - Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option.
    4 - In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    5 - Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments.  However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

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    See if you have supported applications >

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    iv unistalled flash, iv checked plug ins it just wont work,

    It would have been a great help to know precisely what Mac you have, so some of the following may not apply:
    You can check here:  to see which version you should install for your Mac and OS. Note that version 10,1,102,64 is the last version available to PPC Mac users*. The latest version, or later, is for Intel Macs only running Tiger or Leopard, as Adobe no longer support the PPC platform. Version 11.4.402.265 or later is for Snow Leopard onwards.
    (If you are running Mavericks: After years of fighting malware and exploits facilitated through Adobe's Flash Player, the company is taking advantage of Apple's new App Sandbox feature to restrict malicious code from running outside of Safari in OS X Mavericks.)
    * Unhelpfully, if you want the last version for PPC (G4 or G5) Macs, you need to go here:  and scroll down to 'Archived Versions/Older Archives'. Flash Player is the one you download. More information here:
    You should first uninstall any previous version of Flash Player, using the uninstaller from here (make sure you use the correct one!):
    and also that you follow the instructions closely, such as closing ALL applications (including Safari) first before installing. You must also carry out a permission repair after installing anything from Adobe.
    After installing, reboot your Mac and relaunch Safari, then in Safari Preferences/Security enable ‘Allow Plugins’. If you are running 10.6.8 or later:
    When you have installed the latest version of Flash, relaunch Safari and test.
    If you're getting a "blocked plug-in" error, then in System Preferences… ▹ Flash Player ▹ Advanced
    click Check Now. Quit and relaunch your browser.
    You can also try these illustrated instructions from C F McBlob to perform a full "clean install", which will resolve the "Blocked Plug-in" message when trying to update via the GUI updater from Adobe.
    Use the FULL installer for  Flash Player 12 (Mac OS X)
    And the instructons are here: Snow Leopard Clean Install.pdf
    (If you are running a PPC Mac with Flash Player and are having problems with watching videos on FaceBook or other sites, try the following solution which fools the site into thinking that you are running the version 11.5.502.55:)
    Download this to your desktop, unzip it, and replace the current Flash Player plug-in which is in your main/Library/Internet Plug-Ins folder, (not the user Library). Save the old one just in case this one doesn't work.

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    Message was edited by: stephenfromdelray beach

    So now that's two of us.  Hopefully, someone has an answer. 

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    Has anyone had any luck returning their iMac w/ Lion? I couldn't even reconnect back to the iternet tonight w/o restarting my new iMac....  Looks like folks have been having this problem for months & months .. The Apple tech told me that all I could do is wait for Apple to come up with a fix... Got a new router this week so that isnt' it.  Would I be better off w/o this until Apple gets their act together?  I downloaded the combo update 10.7.3 & it helped for about a day...  yesterday I still had to manually reset the connection but now it's resorting back to disconnectiong w/o fully going into sleep mode first.  Sorry to say this is a major lemon.  Help!

    Seems unfair... I thought I was probalby having a router problem...  got a new router this week. Thst's when we realized we have a computer problem.  My next door nieghbor got zero sleep staying up all night while trying to help us figure out what the problem could be. He said if it were him he would have returned the iMac / Lion.  Got the new iMac w/ Lion for Christmas but didn't realize until this week that Apple is the problem....  Hard to believe that Apple just has kept on selling this like ... oh  No problem!  Can't stay on the internet... but will sell you another one today!  I'm getting mad...  It's not every day we spend that kind of money on a computer .  & ALL they can give us is that LOUSY Lion combo update.  I can't even stay connected long enough to make a vitamin order with Puritan's Pride...  & then the disconnection wipes out my cart... so I have to  start over. When are they going to fix this!   'Not feeling very positive'.  I feel like Apple KNOWINGLY sold my husband a defective... system.  14 days... oh please...

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    FCE was discontinued nearly 3 years ago and is no longer supported.
    I don't know whether it's possible to install it on Mavericks and if you do it may not perform properly.
    Final Cut pro X and iMovie are the only Apple apps that are supported.

Maybe you are looking for