IMac won't wake up - Screen slowly fades to white

Dear everyone,
I love my iMac g4, it just has this one stupid little problem:
The computer will go to sleep just fine, but when I wake it up, the screen is colored all weird, full of lines, and the whole thing slowly fades into a lovely white. Then I have to reset.
I have tried cleaning up the system with Onyx, but short of that, I don't know what the problem is, or if it can be repaired.
Any advice?
iMac G4 15" "USB 2.0"   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
iMac G4 15" "USB 2.0"   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

Hi,Welcome to Apple Discussions.
It sounds much like you are suffering the famous screen issues. Please see this link that not so much details a solution but rather things other's have tried - although the common issue is a fade to black not white....
I would suggest that the short term solution is to go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Energy Saver > and set to never sleep. Try to see if turning on and off system, display and hard disk sleep options helps.
See this post which links to Apple's Service Manual and the associated troubleshooting guide.

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    Hi 02SilverSport,
    Try using the power button to wake the iMac.
    OS X Mavericks: Using the power button
    If you are using a wireless keyboard or mouse, check out this article:
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    And for more generic troubleshooting, try this one:
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    Best Regards,

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    This sounds like the intermitent problem that has been around for a few users since some point during 10.6 Snow Leopard. I had the problem off and on and found the only 'fix' that worked 100% was to set: System Preferences>Energy Saver and set 'computer sleep' to 'never'.

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    Here is what I would do. Add a 5 second white generator solid to your storyline. Add your 10 half second clips as attached clips. Select them all, right click and make a compound clip. Then keyframe the compound clips opacity from 100% t0 0% with one keyframe at the beginning and one at the end. That will give you a linear reduction in opacity over the 5 seconds(10 pics). You can play with the keyframes to get the effect you want if linear isn't doing it.

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    Hello, not normal.
    One way to test is to Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, Test for problem in Safe Mode...
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive
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    Also look in these if they exist, some are invisible...
    Bootup holding CMD+r, or the Option/alt key to boot from the Restore partitiion & use Disk Utility from there to Repair the Disk, then Permissions.
    Re-install if that doesn't work.

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    I'm having this same issue. Try this advice

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    At this point, it would seem that you are down to two last options:
    1) Re-install OS X from your original Restore disks.
    2) take it in for repair and see if it's a hardware problem.
    I think you have the last version of the iMac G5 (the one with the iSight). If so, you are still under warranty since those came out around November or December. So, you should still be in your first year (a 3 or 4 months left).
    I think at this point, it would be best to do two things:
    1) Run the hardware test that came with your computer. See if that finds a problem.
    If it does, we'll stop there, and let you take it in for servicing.
    This should be on one of your restore disks. It will say Apple Hardware Test on the disk somewhere (smaller print). And, provide directions for starting the test on your particular system.
    Now, once you are in the test, run both the standard and extended tests. See if either finds a problem. This could take a couple of hours.
    Let me know what it says.
    2) Now, if it doesn't find any problems, then I would propose that you re-install OS X from scratch.
    I would first copy any important information to an external drive or disk.
    If you have an external hard drive, you could make a full backup of your entire hard drive using a program such as Carbon Copy Cloner:
    This program can be used to create an exact clone of your main hard drive.
    So, it is a bootable backup that can be used to put your entire system back exactly as it was at the time of the backup.
    This means that if something happens, you can boot from your external drive, and resume normal work. Or, you can boot from the external drive and run the program again to restore your computer to match the backup.
    This backup is an exact clone of your entire installation, so it is readable by another machine.
    It works great, and I've never had a problem with it.
    But, I use the "Clone" feature.
    This has the advantage of being able to restore quickly, and return back to the exact point you were at when you backed-up.
    In your situation, we would use this backup for two purposes. First, it ensures that all your important information is backed-up. Second, it means that if your new installation doesn't fix the problem, you could just revert back to this installation and everything would be like it was.
    Now, if you don't have an external drive, then just backup your important files (e-mails, documents, downloads, anything of importance to you) to another disk (CD-R or DVD-R, etc.).
    Make sure you get the 10.4.7 Combo Update stored somewhere so you can update again without downloading it.
    Once you have verified that everything you want is safely stored on another disk or drive, then you could proceed with the re-install.
    Make sure you disconnect any external drives (FireWire, USB) and other accessories before re-installing. Just keep your keyboard and mouse connected.
    You can install OS X by booting from your Restore disks. Insert the disk, and restart while holding down the letter C on your keyboard until it finishes booting from the restore disk.
    Once started-up, I would personally recommend using the "Erase and Install" option. This will give you a completely fresh installation without any of your old bugs getting carried-over.
    The "Archive and Install" will basically install a fresh copy of your OS X while preserving your settings and installed software.
    Here's a good article summarizing your options and how each works:
    The problem with Archive and Install is that sometimes problematic settings will survive using this method.
    So, for best results, use the Erase and Install. Since you already have everything copied to another disk, this shouldn't be a problem.
    Once the fresh installation is done, then see how your system behaves.
    If everything is fine, then immediately install the 10.4.7 Combo Update.
    Now, repair permissions.
    See how things are now.
    If everything is fine, then go ahead and setup your e-mail, programs etc.
    Copy your data and files back, and resume operations
    3) Now, if things still don't work right, then call your service shop and arrange for warranty repair.
    It is a pain to go through all these steps. But, the service shop will blame software first unless the hardware test reveals a problem.
    So, by doing a fresh install, you beat them to it. You can tell them you have already done that, and know the problem is hardware related.
    Anyway, I hope that the re-install isn't needed. But, if it is, then the steps are listed above.
    Start with the hardware test and other ideas above first. But, if those don't work or reveal something, then go ahead and re-install and let me know what you find.
    Keep me posted on your progress, and let me know what does or doesn't work for you.
    I hope this helps.

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    Thanks in advance

    I have a fairly new iMac G5 2GHz, and just installed the latest security update yesterday(4/1/06). Since that update, everytime my computer goes to sleep, I can't wake it up.
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    Thanks in advance

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    Any suggestions would be great.

    It will look just like this:

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    I have a brand new iMac 21.5" with Hybrid drive.
    Its OS and apps are fully update to date.
    Strange thing is that it won't wake from sleep.
    To reboot, I have to turn the power off at the wall and back on again. Neither of the usual
    wake/reboot processes work (holding the power button briefly or holding the power button for
    > 10 seconds). No combination of opt/ctrl/cmd/power work either. I have to turn it off at the wall
    and back on again, after which it immediately boots.
    I've reset the SMC and NVRAM/PRAM.
    I've checked the power options - which are set to defaults (sleep after 15 IIRC).
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    going wrong (an example is below).
    Does anyone have any other ideas as to what I can try before going through the painful process
    of sending it into the shop?
    Many thanks.
    Console log below. You can see the machine went to sleep after 12:05pm, and I woke it up and 8:20pm. There seem to be no unusual messages in the middle.
    (The SASL failure is email... still working on that).
    29/04/15 12:05:33.391 pm identityservicesd[265]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fde94947690>:   DND Enabled: YES
    29/04/15 12:05:33.392 pm identityservicesd[265]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fde94947690>: Updating enabled: NO   (Topics: (
    29/04/15 12:05:36.577 pm Mail[241]: Failed to start the SASL connection
    SASL(-1): generic failure: XOAUTH2 requires user
    29/04/15 12:05:44.142 pm Mail[241]: Failed to start the SASL connection
    SASL(-1): generic failure: XOAUTH2 requires user
    29/04/15 8:20:11.406 pm distnoted[232]: # distnote server agent  absolute time: 6.328668630   civil time: Wed Apr 29 20:20:11 2015   pid: 232 uid: 506  root: no
    29/04/15 8:20:11.592 pm otherbsd[231]: Could not get containing identifier from bundle: CFBundle 0x7fa663c16190 </Applications/Utilities/HP Utility> (not loaded)
    29/04/15 8:20:11.592 pm otherbsd[231]: Could not obtain containing identifier for LoginItem. This LoginItem will not be bootstrapped: LoginItems/ -- file:///Applications/Utilities/HP%20Utility/Contents/Library/LoginItems/HP%20De

    I have gone to the apple support team - and they took me to the standard apple "what happens if your mac won't turn on" page
    (If your Mac won't turn on - Apple Support) and walked me through the standard checks (which I'd already done).
    The support guy thought it was a bad driver - I'm not so sure as I haven't installed anything new (just updates).
    Anyway - I was just hoping/wondering someone in the wider community had seen this issue before I take the machine
    in for servicing.

  • IMac won't wake from sleep

    New iMac 27 purchased Feb 2014. If the computer is allowed to go to sleep, it won't wake up. Neither taping the keyboard or mouse has any effect. Pressing the power button whether momentarily or holding it for up to 30 seconds brings it back. The power cord must be unplugged for at least 15 seconds, plugged back in and the power button pressed to bring it back.
    Setting the computer to never sleep seems to be the only thing that resolves the problem.
    Allowing the display to sleep is OK.
    Manually choosing sleep from the Apple logo is OK.
    Base model iMac 27 with just one option, the Apple 256GB SSD
    Performed all the updates after first turning on the machine yesterday
    Two external WD 4TB USB3 hard drives, one for data and the other for TimeMachine
    Canon Printer
    Canon Scanner
    OSX 10.9.1
    Any ideas?

    The warranty entitles you to complimentary phone support for the first 90 days of ownership.
    If you bought the product in the U.S. directly from Apple (not from a reseller), you have 14 days from the date of delivery in which to exchange or return it for a refund. In other countries, the return policy may be different. If you bought from a reseller, its return policy applies.

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