Image generating problem

HI, I have a program that generates a set of images then loads them to the screen. The problem is, is that it wont load them to the screen when they have been created. The only time they will be loaded is if I run the program, generate the images (with them not appearing on screen), go into Eclipse, refresh my folder, then run my program again. If anyone has any idea what may be wrong that would be great.

Http: One request, one response.
There can be only one ;-)
Also in a response, you can send back either text (use response.getWriter()) or binary format (getOutputStream()) but again, not both. It is programmed to throw an exception if you as for one, when the other has already been obtained.
What it looks like you are trying to do here, is send back two things - an image, and a JSP page.
It sends the image (ok) but then you seem to be forwarding on to display a JSP.
If you want to send back a JSP, include an <img > tag on the JSP that invokes your action to load the graph.
That way you have two requests - one for the JSP page, and then one for the graph image to put on the JSP page.
It looks like you are using struts.
You should return null from your struts action which generates the image to tell struts that you have already handled the response, and it shouldn't do any forwarding.
// presumed to be in a struts action
BufferedImage bf=(BufferedImage)request.getAttribute("Image");
JPEGImageEncoder encoder=JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(response.getOutputStream());
// return null to tell struts we have handled the response
// it shouldn't try to forward to any JSP pages.
return null;Hope this helps,

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    Not explicitly, as far as I know.
    But you could always run it and then hide its window using Cmd+H, or the menu command "iCal" -> "Hide iCal". Click its dock icon to make it visible again.

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    File >> New Catalog
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    When the empty catalog launches you are ready to start over.

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    Avoiding image persistence on Apple (IPS) displays
    Avoiding image persistence on Apple LCD displays
    If you cannot resolve the issue yourself, then return the computer for a replacement. You may do this freely within 14 days from date of purchase, so don't delay.

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    <applet code="CameraApplet.class"
         codebase = "webcam/classes"
         width="375" height="475">
    <param name="imagePath" value="http://judge/webcam/images">
    <param name="webCamImage" value="door.jpg">
    <param name="COMPort" value="COM2">
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    webCamImage.flush(); // flush out the previous image
    webCamImage = getImage(url); // get a new image
    webCamImageIcon.setImage(webCamImage); webCamImageIcon.paintIcon(webCamLabel, webCamLabel.getGraphics(), 15, 15);
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    Thank you all very much in advance.
    best regards,

    Thank you so much for the suggestions. I did tried the way u suggested. The problem still the same.
    I think its the problem between IE browser and Java Plug-in.
    I which SUN would find these incompatibilities and solve these problems.
    I even tried using java SDK and plug-in 1.4.1 it even worst. It can't even load an applet. And it does not show any loading messages nor any error messages. It just show a cross sign on the upper left coner.
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    I have seen so many people in the forums with all sorts of problems because of this.
    Right now I m desperately looking for work around to my problem.
    If somebody would provide me with the solution to my problem it would be a great help to me.
    thank you all so much.
    best regards,

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    Hi Techchi,
    Based on the limited information, I cannot figure it out for this issue. As per my understanding, I think this issue can be caused by the browser that run the report manager. If you use IE explorer to render the report, I suggest that you can try to run
    it in compatibility mode. If you are using another browser, I recommend that you should use IE explorer to render the report to check the issue again.
    If this issue still exists, in order to solve the problem more efficiently, I need to clarify some information.
    Are all reports with indicator image cannot render well in DEV report manager? Or just this one report?
    What is the phenomenon about the indicator image display problem? Could you please post a screenshot about this?
    It is benefit for us to do further analysis. Thank you for your understanding.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    This has very little to do with Dreamweaver. DW is merely a tool to assist you in building a web site. It is purely a matter of styling (CSS).
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         GALLERY (width: 452px)
              CONTAINER (width: 500px)
                   ITEM (width: 150px)
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    ITEM will fit three times into CONTAINER
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    I just want to give a work-around for all of you having the image display problem in the iTunes Store. In my case only the square images in the slider sections won't load:
    I had this in my last W7-installation and got it again in W8 after the first few weeks.
    There are a lot of reports about this problem out there and adhoc solutions like 'clear the cache' or 'reinstall and drink ice tea' that do not work. It is obviously a file request error. It is all about finding out which server addresses get blocked by your computer.
    Solution: Go to your firewall and your Anti-virus-program. There must be a whitelist option. In Kaspersky, check the web-options, the banner-options and the firewall-options, because the all have whitelists. The following addresses have to be whitelisted:
    Press Ctrl + R in the iTunes Shop then and browse throught the music sections. All images should be displayed correctly now.
    If not, there might be more Apple servers involved in your case. You can find them by running a DNS sniffing tool like the DNS query sniffer by Nirsoft or Wireshark.

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  • Image reading problem in servlet

    Image reading problem in servlet
    I am reading an image in servlet and writing it to ServletOutputStream
    The following code works fine unless I change the size of the byte array (for increasing download speed) from 8 to something like 128 or any other higher value
    If I change the value of byte array size the image does not get downloaded properly, I mean the quality of the image changes, it does not looks like the original imageURL url = new URL("");
    URLConnection con = url.openConnection();
    BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(con.getInputStream());
    BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());
    byte b[] = new byte[8];
    while( != -1)
    in.close();what do I change
    byte array size
    or use the constructor of BufferedInputStream with 2 parameter
    or use the constructor of BufferedOutputStream with 2 parameter
    or use flush outside while loop or what else

    Change your while loop to:
    int count;
    while((count = != -1)
         out.write(b, 0, count);
    }The penultimate time read is called, it may not fill the entire byte array. You only want to write out however much was read into the array.
    For better performance, you should move the flush() outside of the loop too. BufferedOutputStream will flush automatically when its internal buffer is full.

  • Image refresh problem

    hi, i have an image inside an iframe that i'm trying to
    change upon the click of a button. i use the following code:
    <SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function swapImage(intImage){
    imgs=["images/pic0.jpg","images/pic1.jpg","images/pic2.jpg","images/pic3.jpg","images/pic 4.jpg",
    parent.frames['cont'].document.getElementById('mgmnt_pic').src =
    then in body:
    <p><a href="javascript:; "
    i know from the alert that it is changing the source of my
    image, the problem is that the image itself is not changing at all.
    has anyone experienced this before? what can i do to fix it?

    chk the link

  • Netinstall image  installation problem

    Hi, I'm new in MacOSX Server and trying to do image file with System Image Utility 10.6.2 - MacOS10.6 and additional packeges (MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.2, iWork'09, iLife'09) with "AddPackages and Post-Install Script". By making a image no problem but when I start the installation occurs the following problem.
    MacOs10.6 install correct but other programs added in "AddPackages and Post-Install Script" is not installed, and in Macintosh HD is created a folder named Install.76443 with locked directories.
    Where is the problem why the additional packages not installed.
    My SIU configuration is :
    Define Image Source: MacOSXInstallDVD
    Add Packages and Post-Install Scripts
    - MacOsx10.6.2. Update Combo
    - iLife'09.pkg
    - iWork'09.pkg
    Create image
    type: Netinstall
    Install Volume: Macintosh HD
    Save to: Documents
    Image Name: Netinstall of Mac OS X Install DVD
    Network Disk: Netinstall of Mac OS X Install DVD
    Image Index: 1533
    Description: Netinstall of Mac OS X Install DVD
    i want to create one image for all packages and updates and install it from network to all computers in my office.

    I think this is covered in a different thread but, in short, the 10.6.2 update will fail to install on top of the 10.6 DVD. YMMV with the iLife & iWork packages as they may run pre-install scripts that will also cause them to fail.

Maybe you are looking for