Image pixelating

When I dragged an image file into the background for a new
navigation bar and did a preview, it was very ragged. When I open
the background file on its own and preview it, it's fine. (Using a
Leopard-based Mac with Fireworks CS3).
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Sorry, I had meant to check the "Subscribe" box and
inadvertently posted this same message twice.

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    1024-by-768 is the size of the screen.
    Basic troubleshooting steps  
    17" 2.2GHz i7 Quad-Core MacBook Pro  8G RAM  750G HD + OCZ Vertex 3 SSD Boot HD 
    Got problems with your Apple iDevice-like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Try Troubleshooting 101

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    Hi Ghost,
    Like you said at the end of your post, the ability to record an image with such pixel depth will depend entirely upon the camera being used. Assuming you have a camera of this bit depth, it is certainly possible to use LabVIEW and IMAQ 1394 to interact with that image. The write file functions you mentioned are bound by the format of the file type you are trying to save. For example, an avi file supports only 8 bit images. If you wanted to save an image to file with greater bit depth, you can use IMAQ Vision to save one of these images as a .png or .tif file.
    Let me know if you have any more questions!

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    It could just be the screen rendering of the images.  Make a disk image of the project and play it with DVD Player.  Check the images again and see if they are clear or blurred.
    Follow this workflow to help assure the best qualty video DVD:
    Once you have the project as you want it save it as a disk image via the File ➙ Save as Disk Image  menu option. This will separate the encoding process from the burn process. 
    To check the encoding mount the disk image, launch DVD Player and play it.  If it plays OK with DVD Player the encoding is good.
    Then burn to disk with Disk Utility or Toast at the slowest speed available (2x-4x) to assure the best burn quality.  Always use top quality media:  Verbatim, Maxell or Taiyo Yuden DVD-R are the most recommended in these forums.

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    This works too.
    Surely a bug?
    (using Premiere Pro CC)

    Thanks for the quick reply. But then why does the still's properties (in my bin) show the pixel aspect ratio as 1.3333 (not square pixels, 1.0) and should it not appear incorrectly in both the preview renders and the exported video ? This seems inconsitent to me.

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    Dont know what camera was used, the footage was given to me. The dimensions of the footage is 720X486. Dont know if that helps.

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    It's AMD that have been doing the tweaking/correcting. Catalyst 13.1 can be problematic for any version of Ps that uses OpenGL although you may not have exposed the problems until yesterday. Your example image shows the bug where a pixel with red component of zero is displayed as completely black.

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    Any ideas?

    mport javax.imageio.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    public class Test {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable{
         BufferedImage bi = new File( args[0] ) );
         for( int x = 0; x< bi.getWidth(); x++ ) {
             for( int y = 0; y< bi.getHeight(); y++ ) {
              System.out.print( Integer.toHexString( bi.getRGB( x, y ) ) + "," );
             System.out.println( "" );
    java Test theNameOfImage.gif

  • Why are my images pixelated in Bridge?

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    What sort of images are these? It might be a good idea to try both of the suggestions at the top of the forum page:
    Remove minor corruption by exporting
    Replace Your Preferences

  • I want to zoom into digital image pixels.

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    But when I use the Scale tool to enlarge the picture, FCPX thinks I want to avoid seeing pixels so it mushes the image, blurring all the pixels.
    How do I get it to stop doing that? Can it be done in Motion?
    Photoshop scaling has all these Bicubic options, but it also has the Nearest Neighbor option so I can see individual pixels in the blow up, there. Is there a way to get FCPX to do the same idea?

    Peter Inova1 wrote:
    When you are zooming into a movie that is made in a way to reveal an HDSLR's blown pixels, it would be nice to see them as a pixel map.
    again: the actual compression (from any cam!) doesn't deliver single pixels.
    it starts on the sensor of the cam - ever heard of the Bayer Filter?
    if you could read out the raw data of that chip, you'd notice twice as much green 'dots' than red and blue, oops!
    next, your cam compresses '4:2:0'
    that Chroma Subsampling drops 7 of every 8 'color dots' ... most pixels are 'grey'!
    finally, it's a lossy codec, working with 'assumptions'
    picture-prediction .... that's bits, not atoms
    on de-coding, final delivery, these 'formulas' are calculated to a 1920x1080 picture ... but that is not the 'pixel reality' from your cam, nor on its sensor, nor in the file.
    so, a zoom-to-pixel-level is a special effect, as mentioned above, create a close-up in Photoshop, showing r/g/b- squares … but this is not reality.

  • Load image pixels in 2D array - Duke Dollars up for grabs :)

    Hi everyone!
    I am writting a program that will work from a 2 dimensional array to get the location of any pixel (x and y) coordinates and it's color in an int format. I must apologise for my request but I do not have the slightest clue about images and all I know is how to load one and then display it. Can somebody provide the source code for representing an 50x50pixel .gif image in a 2D array with the index of the array being (x coordinates and y coordinates) and holding the color in int format and I will be eternally greatefull.:)
    Your humble servant,

    Thanks for the code but the functionality i need is
    setting the array to contain all the pixels of my
    Can you please tell me how I can do that?!
    Image imge;
    imge=getToolkit().getImage("icon.gif");The way i will do:
    Create a buffered Image 50*50
    get the graphics for this image
    draw your image into the buffered Image
    use getRGB(x,y) to get the pixel
    Image imge;
    BufferedImage bi;
    Graphics      gi;
    Color[]       col = new Color[2500];
    bi = new BufferedImage(50,50,BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
    gi = bi.getGraphics();
    for (int x = 0; x < 50; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < 50; y++)
              col[x*50+y] = bi.getRGB(x,y));  

  • Restrict image pixel size in multiple image upload

    Re: Multiple Image Upload behaviour.
    One of the only issues I have with this extension is if users try to upload an image within the limits I set (of 250Kb) but with a high pixel count.
    For example, a jpg of 800 x 600 at 200Kb causes no problem, but a one of 2000 pixels at 150Kb probably will.
    I understand that there is probably more server load to resize a large pixel image, so is there a way to check the pixel size of images to be uploaded as well as the file size and reject it if it is too large?

    But what you could do, is retrieving the php.ini´s "post_max_size" value and display a note to your site visitors:
    <br />
    <br />
    <b>1.</b> put this into the doc´s head:
    <br />
    <br /><?php<br />$replace_max_size_MB = str_replace("M"," MB",ini_get('post_max_size'));<br />?>
    <br />
    <br />
    <b>2.</b> the related message:
    <br />
    <br />Pics larger than <?php echo $replace_max_size_MB; ?> will be rejected by the server
    <br />
    <br />Cheers,
    <br />Günter Schenk
    <br />Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

  • Images pixel

    Hi there!!
    I have a little problem with this test website here:
    as you can see the progression numbers below the slider are a bit funny, as if some pixels from the outline of the numbers were missing...
    try open the same page with IE of Chrome, it's perfect.
    What could this be?
    thank you!

    Hello ,
    You want to compare these two image to find what ? In other word in case program find something what event you want to happen ?
    Also you can collect full information from this link :

  • Images pixelated/distorted in ADE

    I just downloaded ADE, and everything seems to be working, except that the images are all distorted. You can actually see part of the images below the distortion, but the distortion consists of what appear to be pixelated, thick horizontal lines of varying colors that block out major portions of the image and make them unusable.
    Has anyone else encountered this issue? If so, was anyone able to successfully resolve it?
    Just realized that I can insert images, so here's an example:

    Read this FAQ:
    Donald Gruener, "3.1 - Importing and Placing Graphics into PageMaker" #1, 17 May 2002 8:11 am
    TIFF is the preferred raster format.
    EPS should be OK with a postscript printer (e.g. PDF), but PM's preview is poor.
    PM7 will accept AI, but only up to Ver 8
    John Davies, "3.11 - Importing Adobe Illustrator Files (*.AI) and how they differ from *.EPS" #1, 7 Dec 2003 7:46 am
    Remember PM is archaic. Your client should be using InDesign by now.
    Iechyd da! John
    00:54 20/10/2008 BST

  • Internet Images Pixelated

    Recently I have noticed that when I open Firefox or Safari the images that upload/download are under severe compression and appear severely pixelated. For instance, when I open a compressed JPG on my Macbook Pro the image appears rather clear and unpixelated but when I upload that image to a site and then view it through Firefox and Safari it appears *very pixelated*.
    It also occurs with images that are not mine and I am simply viewing on a site. This was not happening before!!
    I cleared my browsers cache to see if that was a problem and so far, it has not fixed it.
    Anybody got any ideas as to what I can do to revert it back to the way it was?

    Yes, I see the big ugly squares. They are what appears whenever extremely heavy JPEG compression is applied to a low-resolution image tht has relatively large areas of similar colors. Something somewhere is applying such compression to the pages, or portions of them, that you are viewing in your browser(s). Your MBP is not doing that: it can't. Either the page images (or parts of them) are being compressed by the website owners or, if every web page is affected, they are being compressed by your ISP in the process of being transmitted to you, as Gordito suggests. That would greatly increase the speed of page loading, but at the expense of image quality. You wouldn't see the image degradation on an iPhone or cell phone — the screen is too small — but on the MBP's high-resolution display it would be much more apparent, IF the MBP were receiving the signal in the same highly compressed form as the phone. If the MBP receives the same web pages through an ISP that doesn't over-compress them, they'll look the way they ought to look. So if you are receiving these web pages through a cellular ISP rather than through a broadband connection, take the MBP to a wifi hotspot and connect through wifi instead. I bet things will look different then.
    Compressing images is something a web browser can't do: a browser just displays the signal that comes to it.

Maybe you are looking for