ImageIO (support .pdf and .psd)

Hi All -
Does anyone know if the ImageIO class will support taking an Image and writing it out to a file that is either a .pdf or .psd file? I have seen that it is possible to write out .jpgs...
If the ImageIO class does not support this, does anyone know of any sample code or third party products that can do this?

For PDF generation, have a look at It's a good free library.

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    Don't worry. On some versions, it's not that easy to spot. Most Save_As will have Photoshop PSD at the top, then drop down alphabetically, so that Photoshop PDF is amongst the "P's." Sometimes I have to squint to see it and have paniced, when I could not initially find it tucked away.
    Good luck,

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    Thanks and Regards.

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    Hi Vanessa Moran,
    Please try this link (Adobe - Adobe Education Store – Australia & New Zealand - Adobe ExportPDF ) and let me know if you face any problem.
    Hope that helps!!
    Rahul Tyagi

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    Thanks ,

    Hello Roshni,
    For XI 3.0, the supported Acrobat Reader versions are:
    u2022 Acrobat Reader 7.0
    u2022 Acrobat Reader 7.0.8
    Supported MS Office versions are:
    u2022 Microsoft Office 2007
    u2022 Microsoft Office 2003 SP2
    u2022 Microsoft Office XP SP3
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    If you log onto SAP Service Marketplace, then SAP Support Infrastructure -> Business Objects Support -> Integration of Business Objects Support Infrastructure -> Documentation -> Supported Platforms.
    Ted Ueda

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    1. You have a pre-release Beta 1 version of what will become Firefox 4 in like 5 or 6 months. Unless you are intending to test it for flaws and report those flaws to help in the development process, don't use it.
    2. Did you create a new Profile for 4.0b1, and are you using that Profile with it? ''That isn't done automatically when you install 4.0b1, and those of us who have been doing the "testing" for many years consider a new Profile as the basis of doing out testing.''
    IMO, Mozilla is making a huge mistake by directly offering these beta versions to the general public.
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    Download Firefox Portable Test to your hard drive and double click the '''FirefoxPortableTest_4.0_Beta_#_English.paf.exe''' file. The entire installation (including a new Profile for "Portable") will be self-contained in the \Program Files\FirefoxPortableTest\ folder and won't interfere with an "official" version that you already have installed. Your Profile will be in the \Program Files\FirefoxPortableTest\Data\profile\ folder.
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    Hi KnoopL,
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    1 - Please fix yoour Cap Lock key - all caps is terribly hart to read and is rude - considered yelling
    2 - to place text on a photo you need a photo editor - Preview can do it as can many other editors - <a href=""> click here for links to some to consider.</a>

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    Any ideas?

    My C6180 printed multiple copies of any document from my Vista OS laptop ( wireless connection ), but not from my
    XP OS desktop ( USB connection), even though I selected 1 copy on the print menu. Unchecking "Enable bidirectional support" in the Properties / Ports dialog box solved the problem. Hope this helps someone too.

  • Do I begin by scanning my illustration in a pdf and then save it as a png on illustrator?

    Do I begin by scanning my artwork as pdf and then saving it as a png on illustrator?

    Depends on what you want to do with the file. Most scanning software can scan as tiff, png, jpg and sometimes pdf. In each of these cases the resulting file is usually a raster file. The exception is software that can convert text into edible text known as OCR, or have some time of auto trace feature for converting artwork into vector objects. This is where pdf would shine compared to the other formats. Tiff is the only remaining one that can also save live editable text.
    As I said once the pdf is imported into illustrator, what format you choose to save from there will depend on what you plan on doing next with it. Ai, pdf, psd or tiff would make good candidates for master files. (A file you can re-edit at a later date with no worry of degradation) And then each of these formats have their pros and cons.

  • Do I begin by scanning my illustratration in a pdf and then save it as a png on illustrator?

    Do I begin by scanning my artwork as pdf and then saving it as a png on illustrator?

    Depends on what you want to do with the file. Most scanning software can scan as tiff, png, jpg and sometimes pdf. In each of these cases the resulting file is usually a raster file. The exception is software that can convert text into edible text known as OCR, or have some time of auto trace feature for converting artwork into vector objects. This is where pdf would shine compared to the other formats. Tiff is the only remaining one that can also save live editable text.
    As I said once the pdf is imported into illustrator, what format you choose to save from there will depend on what you plan on doing next with it. Ai, pdf, psd or tiff would make good candidates for master files. (A file you can re-edit at a later date with no worry of degradation) And then each of these formats have their pros and cons.

  • Do I begin by scanning my illustrator in a pdf and then save it as a png on illustrator?

    Do I begin by scanning my artwork as pdf and then saving it as a png on illustrator?

    Depends on what you want to do with the file. Most scanning software can scan as tiff, png, jpg and sometimes pdf. In each of these cases the resulting file is usually a raster file. The exception is software that can convert text into edible text known as OCR, or have some time of auto trace feature for converting artwork into vector objects. This is where pdf would shine compared to the other formats. Tiff is the only remaining one that can also save live editable text.
    As I said once the pdf is imported into illustrator, what format you choose to save from there will depend on what you plan on doing next with it. Ai, pdf, psd or tiff would make good candidates for master files. (A file you can re-edit at a later date with no worry of degradation) And then each of these formats have their pros and cons.

  • How do I embed a pdf document into an existing pdf so that the user double clicks on the pdf object within the pdf and it opens? i've looked everywhere on various forums and tried attachments - but still not working. Thanks

    I've tried various methods but to no avail. I have a pdf document and within the pdf I'd like to embed a couple pdf documents so that all the user has to do is double click on the pdf object inside the pdf and it opens in a new window. I've tried using attachments to do it and linking it...but to no avail. Anyone know how to do? I'm using Acrobat Pro Version 11. Thanks

    The "embed" feature common to MS Office applications is not applicable to PDF (for the why and wherefore of PDF get comfortable and read the ISO Standard for PDF - ISO 32000-1:2008).
    You can insert other PDF files' pages into any given PDF.
    You can attach files of supported formats to a PDF (of course a PDF is supported).
    You cannot "embed". So, nothing is broken.
    Be well...

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