Images Aren't Showing Up In Flash

My images aren't showing in my .swf file and they used to work.  I was wondering what happened.  Some help would be greatly appreciated.  Also wondering if there is a way to save a .swf file back as a flash file, I tried recreating the work that was done prior from the flashmo file ( but was unable to duplicate the look.
Below is the code (
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<!--Fireworks CS3 Dreamweaver CS3 target.  Created Wed May 05 15:16:45 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) 2010-->
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function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
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function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
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   <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="71" border="0" alt="" /></td>
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   <td colspan="6" rowspan="4" valign="top" background="images/webdevelopment_r3_c3_f2.gif"><table width="589" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
       <td> </td>
       <td align="center" valign="middle"><object id="FlashID" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="576" height="450">
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         <param name="swfversion" value="" />
         <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
         <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
         <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
         <!--[if !IE]>-->
         <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="flashmo_183_photo_rotator.swf" width="576" height="450">
           <param name="quality" value="high" />
           <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
           <param name="swfversion" value="" />
           <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
           <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
             <h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
             <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
           <!--[if !IE]>-->
       <td> </td>
   <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="33" border="0" alt="" /></td>
   <td background="images/green.gif"><a href="webdevelopment_portfolio" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('webdevelopment_r8_c2','','images/webdevelopment_r8_c2_f2.gif', 1)"><img name="webdevelopment_r8_c2" src="images/webdevelopment_r8_c2.gif" width="198" height="71" border="0" id="webdevelopment_r8_c2" alt="" /></a></td>
   <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="71" border="0" alt="" /></td>
   <td background="images/yellow.gif"><a href="webdevelopment_contactus" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('webdevelopment_r9_c2','','images/webdevelopment_r9_c2_f2.gif', 1)"><img name="webdevelopment_r9_c2" src="images/webdevelopment_r9_c2.gif" width="198" height="71" border="0" id="webdevelopment_r9_c2" alt="" /></a></td>
   <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="71" border="0" alt="" /></td>
   <td height="294" background="images/webdevelopment_r10_c1.gif"> </td>
   <td align="left" valign="top" background="images/webdevelopment_r10_c2.gif"><table width="180" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
       <td width="18"> </td>
       <td width="162" align="left" valign="top"><div>
         <p class="body_text"><span class="leading1">.</span><span class="body_bold"><br />
           I</span>f you have any questions or would like to know more about our services, we are<br />
           <span class="leading1">. </span><br />
           <span class="body_bold">Located at:</span><br />
           102 S Eastern Street<br />
           Sanborn, IA 51248<br />
           <span class="body_bold"><span class="leading1">.</span><br />
             Phone:</span><br />
           712.930.5593<br />
           <span class="leading1">.</span><br />
           <span class="body_bold">Fax:</span><br />
           712.930.5595<br />
           <span class="leading1">. </span><br />
           <span class="body_bold">Email: </span>[email protected]<span class="body_bold"><br />
   <td background="images/webdevelopment_r10_c9.gif"> </td>
   <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="294" border="0" alt="" /></td>
   <td><img name="webdevelopment_r11_c1" src="images/webdevelopment_r11_c1.gif" width="19" height="53" border="0" id="webdevelopment_r11_c1" alt="" /></td>
   <td colspan="7"><img name="webdevelopment_r11_c2" src="images/webdevelopment_r11_c2.gif" width="791" height="53" border="0" id="webdevelopment_r11_c2" usemap="#m_webdevelopment_r11_c2" alt="" /></td>
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   <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="53" border="0" alt="" /></td>
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   <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
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<area shape="rect" coords="415,16,460,27" href="webdevelopment_portfolio" alt="" />
<area shape="rect" coords="361,16,405,27" href="webdevelopment_services" alt="" />
<area shape="rect" coords="305,16,352,27" href="webdevelopment_aboutus" alt="" />
<area shape="rect" coords="265,16,297,27" href="" alt="" />
<script type="text/javascript">

That template that you used uses an XML file to tell the Flash movie which image files to use and where they are. This Flash movie requires that you have a folder named "photos" right next to the .swf file.
When you download the template zip file from, you will get a folder with all of the necessary files including the original .fla file. An important concept to remember is that the names, and the capitalization of those names, are critical to the success of a schema like this. The .swf file is looking for a folder named "photos". On some servers, if the folder is named "Photos", it won't be used. Don't include spaces in the names of your image files. When you are uploading the files to your server, be sure to upload the .swf and the image files as data and not as text.

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    Note that the message that the "image can't be displayed" is actually a placeholder message that Firefox shows as long as the full image hasn't been loaded from the server.
    You can reset user set (bold) network.http.* prefs on the <b>about:config</b> page via the right-click context menu to the default value.
    If images are missing or corrupted then check that you do not block images from some domains.
    *Press the F10 key or tap the Alt key to bring up the hidden Menu bar.
    Check the permissions for the domain in the currently selected tab in "Tools > Page Info > Permissions"
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    *Select the first image link and use the cursor Down key to scroll through the list.
    *If an image in the list is grayed and "<i>Block Images from...</i>" has a checkmark then remove this checkmark to unblock images from this domain.
    Make sure that you do not block (third-party) images, the <b>permissions.default.image</b> pref on the <b>about:config</b> page should be 1.
    Make sure that you haven't enabled a High Contrast theme in the Windows/Mac Accessibility settings.
    Make sure that you allow pages to choose their own colors.
    *Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Colors : [X] "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above"
    Note that these settings affect background images.
    See also:
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    See also:

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    >banner at the top
    You have banner.png.
    The name "banner" is frequently blocked (ad popups etc). I
    suggest you
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    Something else, you have spaces in folder/filenames - I'd use
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    and lower case in filenames - again, safer to stick to lower
    "Eos alive" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fo7sn9$apj$[email protected]..
    > Hi Guys, I have just got my copy of dreamweaver from a
    fellow user on
    > another
    > site, I have just received it in the post and registered
    it and after
    > playing
    > around for a while getting my images on my website -
    - they are showing in the galleries but
    > will
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    are in the same
    > folder
    > as my webpages so I can't understand why they are not
    working. Please
    > help!
    > Thanks

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    Please help!
    CS3 Mac

    I'm confused by the subject line! Is this like 'all of your
    base are belong
    to us?' 8)
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Dooza" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:gki5he$3pu$[email protected]..
    > Why_ATL wrote:
    >> Hey Alan
    >> is the filename exactly what it should be? YES
    >> Are these .png files for web use, or are they PNG
    fireworks original
    >> files
    >> which are very large in file size because they
    contain all the info on
    >> layers and such? They are .png files for the web. I
    can't figure out why
    >> my Div is showing up in preview instead of my images
    There just Div's
    >> with the little blue question mark.
    >> This is getting harder and harder. I'm trying to
    laugh so i don't get a
    >> head ache over this. This is weird.
    > Without a link we can only make wild stabs in the dark.
    > Dooza

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    Thanks for your response. Yes I did mean .bmp files.
    The problem is not getting it to show in HTML - but Adobe then picking it up from there. I guess though if it is not a standard format for HTML then maybe Adobe has trouble recognising it if it is there. Also, it is possible for Adobe to convert .bmp files if they are inserted in the HTML file, but I have instead a template with the code for the location of the file rather than the graphic itself.  I don't have this problem using the other file formats and getting them into's just that the images aren't as sharp as the bmp. I have tried various formats and resolutions so if there isn't a way I can get the bmp from the HTML file into pdf I might just have to live with printing and scanning from the original. Thanks for your input, it confirms what I was thinking. I'll leave this unanswered for now in case someone else has further information.

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    Thanks for the reply with the very helpful details.
    Export from Premiere Elements 12/12.1 Publish+Share/Computer/MPEG with Presets = HDTV 1080p29.97 High Quality
    I suspect that we are in a no win situation here - an Elements Organizer 12 issue.
    With Elements Organizer 11, 10, and 9, I can bring your MPEG2.mpg into the Elements Organizer with thumbnail with
    image. I cannot for Elements 12. And, I am working with the same MPEG2.mpg in Elements Organizer 9.0/9.0.1, 10, 11,
    and 12 on the same computer. In the morning, I will look Elements Organizer 13 as well.
    In my work with 12, this MPEG2.mpg consistently crashed the Elements Organizer 12.
    It is difficult to explain these results by invoking a missing codec theory since all was done with the same sample on the
    same computer.
    More later.

  • Images won't show up in browser

    Hi everyone,
    I am working on publishing my first website, which is also my porfolio. For some reason all the image links are broken or something? I have gone into dreamweaver and tried re-linking them, but they still aren't showing up? I have no idea how to fix this, and your help would be greatly appreciated.
    Currently i have the first page uploaded:

    Hi Megan,
    Your code has some critical errors that need fixing and you haven't uploaded images to your server yet.
    On line 44 of code view, change all this:
    <div id="main icon"><a href="Home Page2.html"><img src="pictures1/Home page icon.jpg" width="600" height="540" align="right" /></a></div>
    <body leftmargin="100 px" topmargin="100 px" marginwidth="100 px" marginheight="100 px">
    to just this:
    <div id="main icon"><a href="HomePage2.html"><img src="pictures1/Homepageicon.jpg" width="600" height="540"></a></div>
    IMPORTANT!  Don't use spaces in your folder, file or image names because they don't translate well on the web.  You can use hyphens or underscores between words but not spaces or any other special characters.
    Nancy O.

  • Error while using Image component to display a child flash file

    I'm using Xcelsius version 4.5. I used the "Image Component" to import a child flash file(.swf) into the parent flash file.
    I gave the path "D:\246024\Loblaw\Dashboard Docs\New Folder\trend input.swf" in the general tab of the image component.
    After exporting the .xlf into a flash file , it works fine in the system in which i created it. If i open the same flash file in any other system the parent file opens but the child flash file imported through the image component is not displayed.
    Please help me out in solving this issue

    yes, you will face the same problem as its still looking for the path of the swf.
    you need to have the SWF on specific location which is accessable by the Parent SWF
    usually web page or something which is accessable for all.
    good luck

  • HT201272 Some of my previous purchases aren't showing up on the iTunes store. It says "Purchased" but won't let me download them. Is there any way to fix this?

    I've been making my iTunes music purchases on my iPhone for over a year now. I bought a new one so I relied on iCloud to keep my purchases on record. When downloading my songs, I saw that some of them were missing. When I logged into the iTunes store, it said that the albums (yes entire albums are missing) have been "PURCHASED", therefore I can't buy them again. And they don't have that iCloud icon on them to download them (since I have already purchased them). I checked my iTunes account on both my PC and my iPhone and still nothing. These aren't old purchases, but ones that I made a few months ago. Can anyone help me get my music back??

    If they aren't showing in the Purchased tab in the iTunes store app (and the Purchased link under Quicklinks on the right-hand side of the iTunes store homepage on your computer's iTunes) for redownloading then have you checked to see if they are hidden : ?

  • Some of my contact names are not appearing when they text message me.  They are just showing up as their numbers. I have them saved in my phone so i am not really sure why their names aren't showing up when they message me?

    some of my contact names are not appearing when they text message me.  They are just showing up as their numbers. I have them saved in my phone so i am not really sure why their names aren't showing up when they message me?

    I have this identical problem.  For a while my group texts didnt show up on my ipad.  Then one day they did, maybe everyone in the group started using the same os version or something.  Ever since my first reply to the group there have been complaints of multiple threads.  I can not find a pattern for when my group text's decide they want to create a new thread. (it doesnt happen every time)  Everyone in the group has deleted the thread, we've all toggled imessage on/off etc.  There still hasn't been a solution.
    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Songs aren't showing up in iPod but are on iTunes

    Certain songs aren't showing up on my iPod, but I see them in the iPod music list on iTunes. They show up in the library. They are also in the iPod when it is open in iTunes. But they dissapear when I disconnect the iPod from the computer. Any suggestions would be great!

    This Apple knowledge-base article may help address that issue.
    Windows confuses iPod with network drive.

  • Upgraded to 5.0 and now more fonts aren't showing up correctly

    I had a previous problem with a colon not appearing correctly on websites and instead, I got FF 1A. Initially it looked like FF IR but FF 1A is the unicode or UTF font for that being it is a wider colon than normal.
    I downloaded every font set I could find, even things that are odd shaped things I couldn't possibly ever use and the colon problem was taken care of, but then certain things in email started showing up with an FF 1A, or something else for that unicode and now that I've upgraded to 5.0, a lot more websites are showing these instead of the actual letters, numbers, or punctuation marks.
    I even have Fontfinder installed but it isn't much help. I never had this problem until version 4.0.1 I don't know what else to do. I have Unicode UTF-8 for the character encoding because that is what fixed the colon problem, but now I'm having trouble with more characters.
    I can't read the boxes, like I could for the colon FF 1A, but on this website
    Before each episode there are several boxes and each has a different set of numbers and letters and I zoomed in as much as I could and still can't make them out "魔女エスパー The Witch Esper" I can't tell if the first one is 98 54 or 9B 54. But there are several of these on this website, and I don't know what other fonts to try and install.
    They are messed up in Internet Explorer, but most of them are just boxes with nothing in them, but I know this is support for Mozilla Firefox only and I don't really use Internet Explorer.
    I can't seem to get online when someone in "Live Help" is available and there isn't a phone number to reach anyone in Support so I am very frustrated because these problems weren't happening before version 4 or 5 and I can't find any more fonts that would help. I believe "Wingdings" are automatically installed with Windows-XP, but these missing characters are supposed to be letters, numbers or punctuation marks, and they aren't showing up correctly, so windings wouldn't matter anyways and I am at my wits end.
    I have never had a problem with any computer until now and I even reformatted and did every single update available for Windows-XP and even the ones that are still coming out.
    For some reason below where it says
    We've made some educated guesses about your current browser and operating system. When I click on "Show Details" under "installed plug-ins", it shows these
    * Office Plugin for Netscape Navigator
    * Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape 10.1.0
    * DRM Store Netscape Plugin
    * DRM Netscape Network Object
    But I don't know why and I doubt that is the problem. You can't even get Netscape anymore.
    It's so frustrating because it is messing up reading email and doing surveys that I didn't have this problem with before using versions 4 or 5.
    In my "Windows\Fonts" folder, I have 375 files over 41 MB so I don't know what to do. I'm about ready to throw the computer out the window being I can't respond properly to an email or do surveys, if I can't read the letters.
    4.0.1 was was a clean install after I had to reformat a couple weeks ago but 5.0 was an update that I just did tonight.
    I thank everyone in advance.

    Thanks one again. I know you helped me the last to. I do have the Deja Vu font set in my folder. I downloaded and the last time. So I don't know if there is supposed to be more or not, but those were installed with Windows-XP after my reformat.
    This is really driving me nuts. as I've done several re-formats on my computer and several friends computers and even upgraded hardware so I am not necessarily a software or programming expert, I am somewhat advanced when it comes to computers in general and can usually diagnose the problem but these font's are the problem and they never were before.
    I did see in another forum that if you had a Dell Computer and did the Microsoft update for the onboard video card driver that it could be the culprit, but I have that disabled being I have a much better graphics card so the updates from Microsoft for the onboard video weren't installed.
    It' a Dell Dimension 3000 with an Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller so I don't believe it is the culprit being it is disabled. The actual video card that I am using is a PCI Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT with 1 GB Memory. And I didn't have any problem before.
    I appreciate the help. But still can't get things to work. Live Help Chat doesn't open for another two hours so maybe they can do "Remote Access" or something and can check setting and help me. But if you come up with other suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks again.

  • Image Icon not showing in "get info" for OS 10.9.4

         I  now have PS CC 2014 and the image icons are showing the "generic" .jpg and .psd files in the "get info" finder window, but on my desktop the images are showing their
         proper image icon.
         I was previously using PS CS 5 and the icons are showing up in the "get info" window, but with PS CC 2014 these icons are showing up as generic.
         To be clear the images I saved using PS CS 5 are showing the icons vs. the images I saved in CC 2014 where the icons are not showing in the "get info" window.
         I've compared preference settings with PS 2014 and PS 5 but their basically about the same.
         I'm including 2 images so you can see what I'm explaining. IMG_1627 is a PS CC2014 created image and Arturo is a PS 5 image.
         I did read about other PS users having similar issues but it looked to be unresolved.
         You may think what's the big deal, but I use these image icons to label my folders. A "trick" I've doing for over decade which helps keep my folders visually on track for me.
         Is anyone out there able to solve this issue??  

    I do on occasion get jpgs and pngs that won't render a thumbnail or preview in MacOS.  I have 10.9.5
    I don't have this problem, although I just have CC and CC 2014 on my Macbook.
    I would open those up in and try a Save As... and I would get the thumbnail and thumbnail preview back.
    Not really the best idea,but you can see if it helps.
    These  are my file saving options, perhaps there is something there you can try.

  • Image is not showing up on Dialog.

    Hi Guys
    I am getting problem with Dialog. In my Dialog I have created the image field which accepts image from dam by Drag and drop. Whil Iam dropping the image it is showing up inside the Dialog properly and is showing up on the screen also But when I try to edit the image the current image got vanished inside the dialog. I don't understand why it is happening?
    while uploading
    The above image is not showing up while editing. Could you please help me where I am doing wrong?
    here is my dialog.xml
    title="Picture Properties"
    <items jcr:primaryType="cq:WidgetCollection">
    fieldLabel="Picture Link"
    fieldLabel="Picture Alt Text"
    fieldLabel="Picture Title Text"

    Hi Jitendra,
    It worked.Perfect. Thank you very much. I want to implement the same in my Custom widget which contains smartimage. But it is not showing up. Here is my Custom widget code for the smartfile but iam not getting Drag and drop jus it is showing up blank. Any idea how can I incorporate the smartfile in my Custom widget.
    // Picture URL
                            this.add(new CQ.Ext.form.Label( {
                                cls : "customwidget-label",
                                text : ""
                            this.bannerImageURL = new CQ.form.SmartFile( {
                                cls : "customwidget-1",
                                fieldLabel : "Picture Link: ",
                                allowBlank : false,
                                anchor: '75%',
                                maxLength : 100,
                                cropParameter :"./image/imageCrop",
                                ddGroups : "media",
                                fileNameParameter : "./image/fileName",
                                fileReferenceParameter : "./image/fileReference",
                                mapParameter :"./image/imageMap",
                                rotateParameter : "./image/imageRotate",
                                name : "./image/file",
                                requestSuffix : "/image.img.png",
                                sizeLimit : "100",
                                autoUploadDelay : "1",
                                listeners : {
                                    change : {
                                        scope : this,
                                        fn : this.updateHidden
                                    dialogclose : {
                                        scope : this,
                                        fn : this.updateHidden
    Once again thanks for helping me to resolve the issue. The above is another requirement. Any ideas?

  • Image is not showed in Apps Output

    In Apps output image is not showed, but in report builder output images are showed.
    I imported image from my local system. Is there any path in Apps server to keep images?
    Thanks in advance.

    Are you working ona Report?. If so please check the concurrent program definition, it should be PDF or Postscript.

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