Images in UIWebView

While in Safari, tapping on an image pops up a menu showing options like 'set as wallpaper' etc ... but when viewing same webpage in UIWebView, tapping on image shows nothing.
Can anybody tell what is it?

I just ran a test and found a way to do this. The UIWebView delegate method 'shouldStartLoadWithRequest' has as one of its arguments an NSURLRequest object. Happily this is really a NSMutableURLRequest (at least in my quick test). A mutable request allows you to set any HTTP header including user agent. No guarantee that a given site will work properly inside UIWebView but at least you can try different user agent strings and see what happens.
You can't use mobile Safari IN your app but you can launch it FROM your app. Of course your app terminates at that point.

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    EdOfTheMountain wrote:
    Thanks for your post and sharing your solution.
    Can you please post the code snippet used to download and save the PDF to the iPhone? I did not know you could do that.
    Ed,... Here's the code ... I've cut and pasted from a couple different routines, but you should get the point...
    - (BOOL)downloadPDF:(NSString *)pdfFileName
    // Download a (pdf) file
    BOOL success = NO;
    NSString *urlStr = \[NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://... web path to file .../%@", pdfFileName\];
    NSURL *PDF_URL = \[NSURL URLWithString:urlStr\];
    NSMutableData *receivedData = \[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: PDF_URL\];
    success = YES;
    NSLog(@"PDF downloaded... Save it to file: %@",pdfFileName);
    NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
    if (paths.count > 0)
    NSString *documentsDirectory = \[paths objectAtIndex:0\];
    NSString *filePath = \[documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent: pdfFileName\];
    if(\[receivedData writeToFile:filePath atomically:YES\])
    success = YES;
    NSLog(@"Saved file: %@",filePath);
    NSLog(@"Failed to save PDF to: %@",filePath);
    return success;

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    Message was edited by: Small Apple

    Hi Maurício -
    For your future reference and for the information of everyone who comes across this post in the future:
    We host all of our DataPlugins on our website at  There are hundreds of file formats supported through the available DataPlugins, and there is also a link on that site where you can request a DataPlugin be written for file formats that aren't currently supported (such as custom *.CSV files).
    Derrick S.
    Product Manager
    NI DIAdem
    National Instruments

  • View Doc (pdf, image, .doc) imported as BLOB files in UIImageView within a UIScrollView.

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    /****** from SP ****/
    Insert TestBlob(tbName, tbDesc, tbBin) Select
    'Test.pdf','PDF file', BulkColumn from Openrowset( Bulk
    'C:\blob\udoc\81.pdf', Single_Blob) as tb
    /****** from my App *******/
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        NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:data64URLString]];
        return data;
    return nil;
    Please help me. i have already viewd Image but PDF comming empty. i do not want to edit or do anything only user should be able to view uploaded Doc from IPD App. and Doc can be image, pdf or .doc or excel sheet. i get BLOB file for all file types which i pass to my App.
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    Please guid me if i am missing anything.

    Hi Sreelatha. The best example code for your purpose is the Scrolling sample app I referred to previously. The word Scrolling in that post is a link to the download page. I think that code will answer all your questions about how to init a UIImage, then use it to init a UIImageView, and then position the UIImageView frame in a UIScrollView. Two cases are demostrated: 1) Scrolling horizontally through a series of images; 2) Scrolling both H & V over a single image which is several times larger than the window.
    You might also be interested in the PageControl sample app in case you want to add a page control to your scroll view.
    Reading your last post again... I sure hope we've been discussing images (like jpegs?) in this thread. This isn't about reading and rendering the actual xls, pdf and doc files, is it?? Of course the iPhone handles html beautifully, so for example, an html representation of a doc file would play nicely. But in that case you'd want a UIWebView, not a UIImageView.

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    What a nightmare, I've got over 2 years of cocoa experience but the iPhone SDK is a nightmare. It's easy to come up quick with some results, but than to go all the way is a proper nightmare. It's WEEKS that I stuck with zooming either for PDFs or images. Let's start with the pdf, I've got a pdf that's loaded in a UIWebView thats loaded in a UIScrollView thats loaded in a UIViewController. Displays ok, it's already zoomed (why? where to set it? Where's the docs?), now when I zoom it doesn't redrawn to sharpen, it zooms to blurry oblivion. Here's my code:
    scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
    myWebView = [[DAUIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
    NSURL* urlLocation = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:theURL];
    myWebView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
    myWebView.autoresizingMask = ( UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight);
    [myWebView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:urlLocation]];
    scrollView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
    scrollView.autoresizingMask = ( UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight);
    scrollView.maximumZoomScale = 2.0;
    scrollView.minimumZoomScale = 1;
    scrollView.clipsToBounds = YES;
    scrollView.delegate = self;
    [scrollView addSubview:myWebView];
    DAUIViewController* viewController = [[DAUIViewController alloc]init];
    [[viewController view]addSubview:scrollView];
    [[self navigationController] pushViewController:viewController animated:YES];
    - (UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
    return myWebView;
    I've also tried with :
    - (void)scrollViewDidEndZooming:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withView:(UIView *)view atScale:(float)scale{
    [myWebView reload];
    Message was edited by: Michael Fuhrmann
    Message was edited by: Michael Fuhrmann
    Message was edited by: Michael Fuhrmann
    Message was edited by: Michael Fuhrmann
    Message was edited by: Michael Fuhrmann
    Message was edited by: Michael Fuhrmann

    Well you cannot get everything that is shown there, as informed by Dave. But some part of it can be achieved by PDF Portfolios. There are some layouts available in Acrobat or you can also get some from internet. You can use this link to get more information about PDF Portfolios:
    If you want to watch some videos, use this link:
    ~Sandeep V.

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    i have make my first application using UIWebView,, it  is simple application just to display a webpage
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    i have attached the project files for your review .. (
    Many thanks for your cooperation
    best regards,

    Hi ,,
    I think there is a problem ,, the screen below should appear not the image that you post it
    can any one recognize what is the problem please !!?
    this is the website check it in the browser (

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    s0undz wrote:
    If I save my images to the Documents directory, will I be able to display my images in the UIWebView like this:
    <img src="abcd.jpg">
    Not unless you set the baseURL
    Or is there some special file:// path I need to use?
    Build a file URL like this:
    NSArray *documentPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
    // NSLog(@"documentPath=%@", documentPath);
    NSString *saveDirectory = [documentPath objectAtIndex:0];
    NSString *finalPath = [saveDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Image.png"];
    // NSLog(@"finalPath=%@", finalPath);
    NSURL *imageURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:finalPath];
    // NSLog(@"[imageURL absoluteString]=%@", [imageURL absoluteString]);
    I borrowed the above from a nice tutorial that shows how build a class for viewing local documents in general: [ al.html]. Be sure to use those NSLogs. Don't expect to see an image in your web view on the first try, ok?
    - Ray

  • Does UIWebView support WebResourceLoadDelegate

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    - (id) webView : (WebView *) sender identifierForInitialRequest : (NSURLRequest *) request fromDataSource : (id) dataSource {
    and it fails obviously , because I'm using UIWebView. Changing (WebView*) to (UIWebView*) compiles fine, but the method is never called.
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    I am also interested in the answer to this. Has anybody been able to do this using UIWebView?

  • Flash Images and text fading in and out

    Hey Guys,
    Well this is my first post here, hopefully I'm in the right
    section, so here it goes...
    I mainly design websites using Dreamweaver, and I use
    Photoshop and Fireworks to make graphics. I'm making revisions to
    my site, and I wanted to add some animation. I was googleing for
    some inspiration and found this SWF file:
    I basically want to know how this was created, so that I can
    "put my own twist on it"
    I know this has to be a simple concept, because I see it done
    a lot in modern site designs today...
    I've played around with Flash a little bit, so I'm familiar
    with the interface, basic tweening, creating symbols stuff like
    Any ideas, interpretations, would be appreciated!
    If any of you could walk me through this process, that would
    be awesome.. My Email is: [email protected]
    Oh, and I'm using Flash 8 Pro on OS X
    Thanks guys.

    Hi Mindus -
    tiff is supported by UIImage, so all you need to do is add the file to your project and drag it onto a content view or UIImageView object in IB, or make a UIImage object in code using imageWithContentsOfFile:.
    Text files may be loaded into a NSString object using a method such as stringWithContentsOfFile:encoding:error: and setting the text property of a UITextView object to the string.
    However, if your objective is to compose text and images on the fly, UIWebView is the only reasonable choice.
    I think UIWebView doesn't support to display images is in tiff format.
    Where did you learn that? Have you tried to display the same html with UIWebView and just changed an image reference from jpeg to tiff? All the UIKit classes make use of the same Core Graphics framework, and CG supports tiff (see Supported Image Formats in the +iPhone Application Programming Guide+. There might be more online discussions about iPhone problems with tiff compared to other file formats. I think user complaints about email attachments have added to the buzz about security weaknesses. Do we think MS has figured out a way to generate faxes that can't be read on an iPhone? Who among us could believe such a ridiculous, paranoid delusion?
    Anyway as above, if you need to compose pages dynamically, running away from UIWebView is not the solution.
    Hope that helps!
    \- Ray

  • UIWebView and https URLs

    Hi guys,
    I'll make this very short.
    If a URL that you want a UIWebView to load is https and would put up an authorization dialog in Safari, what's the best API to use to accomplish this? (I can supply the authentication programmatically).
    All I need is a point in the right direction - there is URLLoading, and several other APIs. I just want the most straightforward one for simply supplying the authentication and then getting the URL to load into a WebView.
    Much thanks,

    So on your localhost, this works fine.. its only when you've uploaded it to your production or remote server that you get these problems ?
    I'd talk to the host of the box.. is there a firewall issue here. Do a view source on the http and https versions of the same pages and double check that the paths are the same. Are there frames in the application which could foul things up ?
    Are you SURE you've uploaded all the images etc that you need ?

  • [iPhone] large table view (500+ elements), each cell with a UIWebView

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    I'm developing an application that has to show a table view with 500 (or more) elements in it. Each element has a UIWebView that has to load an image (50x50 pixels in PNG format) from a web server. What i'm finding is that, when this table view is displayed, most of the images don't show up, though a few of them do. I've verified that all of the images are indeed on the web server, but I think that most of the requests fail (perhaps to too many of them going on at once?). Furthermore, the table sometimes scrolls very rough i.e. when an upcoming cell is loading its' image.
    Other iPhone apps seem to do the UIWebView-in-a-cell thing pretty well i.e. Facebook. In the Facebook iPhone app, the table scrolls smoothly, and the images display as they're loaded. How can I make my app behave similarly?
    Falling You - exploring the beauty of voice and sound

    Hmm ... something still isn't right. The scroll view still scrolls very jerkily, and the reason seems to be that I don't know which delegate method to override to detect when scrolling has finished. I tried overriding -scrollViewDidScroll, like so:
    - (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollViewDidScroll
    AlbumViewCell *firstAlbumShown = (AlbumViewCell *)([[self.tableView visibleCells] objectAtIndex:0]);
    AlbumViewCell *lastAlbumShown = (AlbumViewCell *)([[self.tableView visibleCells] lastObject]);
    NSLog(@"scroll view finished scrolling ... first row is %s:%s and the last is %s:%s",
    [[[firstAlbumShown album] albumname] UTF8String],
    [[[firstAlbumShown album] artist] UTF8String],
    [[[lastAlbumShown album] albumname] UTF8String],
    [[[lastAlbumShown album] artist] UTF8String]);
    for (int count = 0; count < [[self.tableView visibleCells] count]; count ++)
    [[[self.tableView visibleCells] objectAtIndex:count] displayAlbumArt];
    ... but when I make one swipe with my finger to scroll the view, I see this in the console log:
    2008-10-21 15:43:52.051 Magnatune[3160:20b] scroll view finished scrolling ... first row is 14 Days:Plunkett and the last is A Celtic Celebration:Da Camera
    2008-10-21 15:43:52.637 Magnatune[3160:20b] scroll view finished scrolling ... first row is 5 and 6 part Fantasies of William Lawes:Oberlin Consort of Viols and the last is Acoustic Abstracts:Heavy Mellow
    2008-10-21 15:43:53.376 Magnatune[3160:20b] scroll view finished scrolling ... first row is Airs De Cour Francais Du XVIIe Siecle:Trio Dafne and the last is Alpha and Oranges:Atomic Opera
    2008-10-21 15:43:54.247 Magnatune[3160:20b] scroll view finished scrolling ... first row is Ambient Excursions:Stargarden and the last is Apa Ya:The Headroom Project
    2008-10-21 15:43:55.041 Magnatune[3160:20b] scroll view finished scrolling ... first row is Ashek:Tim Rayborn and the last is Back with Bach:Ralph Rousseau Meulenbroeks
    2008-10-21 15:43:56.002 Magnatune[3160:20b] scroll view finished scrolling ... first row is Azadi:Junoon and the last is Balance:Solace
    2008-10-21 15:43:56.581 Magnatune[3160:20b] scroll view finished scrolling ... first row is Azadi:Junoon and the last is Balance:Solace
    i.e. -scrollViewDidScroll was called multiple times, even though I only swiped once. I just want to know when the scrolling has truly and completely stopped, so I can tell the visible cells to draw their album art. Which delegate method do I override?
    Falling You - exploring the beauty of voice and sound

  • Uiwebview player status bar problem

    Hi There,
    Iam facing a problem when I play a video on UIWebView,
    as the webView starts the player playing the video the player tool bar hides if the user dont touch screen for few secounds, at that time if the device is rotated to different orientation and then press done to exit the full screen mode, the existing webview goes and sits inside the staus bar as show in the image.
    can anyone get back to me on this.

    Are you mentioning the screensizes on the right bottom of the document window (Refer the below screenshot)

Maybe you are looking for

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