IMAQdr - Frame, trigger and grab control.

Ok, so I have DALSA camera connected to my PC and the connection works fine. Im trying to figure out how to control the frame, trigger and grab attribiutes. My camera is comptaible with LabView. I checked some VIs in the Find Example section but these are too complicated for me. Any help would be appreciate.
Kind Regards,

Here is something to get you started. Let me know if it helps.
IMAQdx.png ‏21 KB

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  • Simultaneously trigger and display two camera images with two frame grabbers

    When I try to simultaneously trigger and display two camera images, each with their own frame grabbers, Labview is only able to display one of the images at a time.
    My hardware:
    Two Sony XC-EU50 cameras (not in sync with each other)
    My Software:
    Windows XP and Labview 7.1 with IMAQ
    I connect each camera to its own frame grabber.  Both frame grabbers are in the same computer.  I input a trigger into each frame grabber.  Both trigger signals are identical.  Trigger rate is only 0.2 Hz. 
    I want to display and save both images at the same time.  The program i put together only displays one image at a time.  The image that is displayed alternates from one camera to the other.
    Please help with any suggestions.
    Shahab K.
    Attachments: ‏137 KB

    Hi Shahab.
    Without having triggered two cameras connected to two NI boards with LabVIEW yet: This shouldn't be a limitation in LabVIEW.
    Updating two Image Display Indicators in one run of a while loop definitely works properly, so this cannot be the reason for the problem.
    Your code uses the IMAQ This VI is not reentrant, so the both instances of this VI on your block diagram cannot execute at the same time.
    I could not find an appropriate example matching your scenario exactly. (Maybe someone else knows better?)
    I recommend to have a look at the examples in the "IMAQ Signal IO.llb" and do some copy and paste to get a VI that satisfies your requirements.
    The "Grab with two boards.VI" illustrates how to acquire images without using the not-reentrant "IMAQ Snap.VI".
    Hope this helps, Guenter
    P.S.: Do you know NI's Vision Forum?

  • Safari 5.1, OS 10.6.8 and cookie controls

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    I'd use that terminal command - takes seconds (and a restart) + no download. But otherwise yes - the 10.6.8 v1.1 then the update & anything else software update picks up (not safari, obviously )
    Some people happily get a copy of just the safari 5.0.5 application & use that, since apparently it works, although I'm not sure what cookie function you'll get (easy enough to see). You'd use Pacifist to extract it from the 5.0.5 installer package, or grab it from a backup.
    Although you'd hope software update would catch the security change - I'm not sure if the combo would overwrite the new or not... on the one hand, it's newer, but on the other, it sure over-wrote safari 5.1 when i checked it... so better to be sure, I haven't checked since that update.
    If you look at the files in /System/Library/Keychains/ afterwards - if EVRoots.plist, SystemRootCertificates.keychain, and SystemTrustSettings.plist are all dated 23 April 2011, the combo rolled them back - if they're later... it didn't.
    Apple do know, since bug reports come back as 'duplicate of...' - but  there's no public info to my knowledge.
    How much of a security issue is this? Should I worry about it, or just leave it until they update to fix?
    more privacy than real security, I'd say - although there are add-ons to manage cookies.

  • IMAQ AVI Read Frame Trigger Error

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    I was hoping somebody could have a look and see why I am getting the error.
    Terry Sopkow
    Sr. Reseach Technologist
    Attachments: ‏596 KB

    Hi Terry,
    I ran your program with your video and got error 1074395975 DirectX has timed out reading the avi file.  I do not think there is anything wrong with your program because I ran your program with a different avi file and it worked perfectly.  I also ran the shipping example Read AVI with your video and got the same timeout error.
    So there must be something wrong with your avi file.  Perhaps frames 36 and 51 are missing or corrupt for some reason.  Try creating the avi file again and see if you still have the same problem.  If you do, then we'll have to investigate the problem with the creation of the file.
    Christopher W.
    Application Engineer
    National Instruments

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    I got it figured out. Thanks anyway!

  • Frame 9 solution for table column + side head does not work in Frame 10 and 11

    In Frame 9 structured (DITA) we could force Frame to record the actual widths of table columns in the DITA XML.  Frame 9 would respect the widths when opening the file.  This was particularly useful for forcing tables to be wide -- to go across the column and the side head -- and for the columns to never resize. 
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    "writer use proportional widths;" 
    like this
    "/* writer use proportional widths; */"
    in the topic.rules.text" file located in
    This no longer works in Frame10 and Frame 11.  Even though the same line is commented out in all the "NAME.rules.txt" files in all the subdirectories of
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    Commenting out the line does force Frame 10 and 11 to record  the absolute column width (2.357" etc.) in the DITA XML.
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    For example, this on Save then Close from Frame 10 or 11
    <table frame = "topbot" colsep = "0" rowsep = "1">
    <tgroup cols = "4" colsep = "0" rowsep = "1" outputclass = "FormatB">
    <colspec colnum = "1" colname = "1" colwidth = "1.796in" colsep = "0"/>
    <colspec colnum = "2" colname = "2" colwidth = "1.852in" colsep = "0"/>
    <colspec colnum = "3" colname = "3" colwidth = "1.179in" colsep = "0"/>
    <colspec colnum = "4" colname = "4" colwidth = "2.152in" colsep = "0"/>
    goes to this on Open then Save: 
    <table frame = "topbot" colsep = "0" rowsep = "1">
    <tgroup cols = "4" colsep = "0" rowsep = "1" outputclass = "FormatB">
    <colspec colnum = "1" colname = "1" colwidth = "1.351in" colsep = "0"/>
    <colspec colnum = "2" colname = "2" colwidth = "1.393in" colsep = "0"/>
    <colspec colnum = "3" colname = "3" colwidth = "0.887in" colsep = "0"/>
    <colspec colnum = "4" colname = "4" colwidth = "1.618in" colsep = "0"/>
    Any help at all would be appreciated!  
    We have 8,000 to 10,000 pages to PDF in the next few days and about 33% of those pages are messed up tables!
    Message was edited by: borealforest

    Unfortunately, I don't have any insight into the default DITA table handling in FM10 or FM11 .. so can't give you the answer you're looking for. Since both FM10 and FM11 offer ExtendScript, you could write a script (or have one written) that processes all of your files to reset the table widths. Or, perhaps the best short term solution may be to reinstall FM9 to get the job done, then spend more time later to figure out a better solution.
    One alternative would be for you to use DITA-FMx, which supports the table/@pgwide attribute for controlling which tables span the page and which don't. Since your tables probably don't make use of this attribute, it won't help in the near term, but might make sense going forward.
    Scott Prentice
    Leximation, Inc.

  • Update Trigger and COLUMNS_UPDATED()

    Let me rephrase my question:
    I want to know if there is a faster way (probably using bit operators) to see if COLUMNS_UPDATED() in an update trigger on a table with more than 8 columns contains any column other than 1 specific column I will refer
    to as 'columnToIgnore'. I don't care about which columns are included or if the value has actually changed, only that there are other columns present.
    Original question:
    I have inherited a Sql Server database + schema and corresponding application and I have been tasked with speeding up the batch update of users in the database. After running some profiling I discovered that the reason it was slow is because of an update
    trigger on the users table. I did some “cleaning up” of the trigger and now it runs faster but I still think it could be more efficient. The objective of the trigger is to write to an Audit table any time an update takes place and any column is updated (it
    does not actually matter if the value has changed or not) with the exception of 1 specific column. Now I have the following code in the trigger which I had refactored from something much uglier.
    DECLARE @ColumnsUpdated VARBINARY(100)
    SET @ColumnsUpdated = COLUMNS_UPDATED()
    DECLARE @onlyIgnoreColumnChanged int
    SET @onlyIgnoreColumnChanged = 1
    SET @onlyIgnoreColumnChanged = 1
    WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'users'
    AND sys.fn_IsBitSetInBitmask(@ColumnsUpdated, COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('dbo.users'), COLUMN_NAME, 'ColumnID')) <> 0
    AND column_name !='columnToIgnore')) BEGIN
    SET @onlyIgnoreColumnChanged = 0
    Ideally I would change the code to disable the trigger and do the insert myself BUT the code is old Classic ASP ( ie. VBScript with ODBC database connections) so I am not going to change any of the calling code because that would cost too much time and probably
    create more problems than I am solving.
    My proposed fix which I am unsure of how to code in SQL:
    It seems to me that there should be a way to get the proper id or position for the column and see if the column was used in the COLUMNS_UPDATED().
    If it was not used then we can set @onlynieuwchanged to 0 for the remaining code (not shown)
    If it was used then remove the bit from the COLUMNS_UPDATED() and see if it is empty
    If its empty then then we can set @onlynieuwchanged to 1 for the remaining code (not shown)
    If it’s not empty then then we can set @onlynieuwchanged to 0 for the remaining code (not shown)
    My problem is I am not sure how to go about coding this logic in SQL. I would think it would be possible with BIT operators? It would seem this could be more efficient than what I have now as it would get rid of the select statement which could slow down
    a large batch update.
    My table has 30+ some columns so more than 8 which is relevant when working with COLUMNS_UPDATED() from what I have read. It also means that testing each column with UPDATE() would probably be more inefficient than what I have now.
    The update is called from the front end code (VBScript) which currently times out although not as much as it used to with my latest change. I cannot alter the code to run async mode and show progress, it would be easier for me to update the trigger.
    Reason for audit - we only record the user id in an audit table. This is then used to force a sync to another system outside of our source control that is used for various other tasks (mailings, views, etc). Again, I do not want to change how this system
    works, I only want to speed up the existing trigger with minimal effort.
    Sql Server version 2012, database Schema is set to Sql server 2005 compatibility mode.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

    Thank you again everyone for your input. As I mentioned there is much out of my control. This is an active application worked on by many developers and has been pieced together over the past 10+ years. It is NOT well written, the database schema has MUCH
    to be desired, and the code is the classic definition of 'spaghetti' code and multiple platforms are used to access the data, and there are millions of lines of code. There is nothing I can do about all of this which is why I am ignoring much of the advice.
    Sure, if this was a new application or something that was well written and possible to do some modifications then I would BUT it's not. If I was given 1 year of dedicated time to fix everything... well, I would probably throw it all away and start from scratch.
    Here is what I finally came up with. It is probably not  much faster, if at all, but when I started this I thought there would be a simple solution that I did not see. I will probably leave my code the way it was but will include the following for reference.
    DECLARE @bit int, @field int, @char int, @comparisonField VARBINARY(100)
    -- the following segment recreates the value contained in COLUMNS_UPDATED() if only the field nieuw was altered and stores that value in field @comparisonField
    SET @field = (SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('dbo.users'), 'columnToIgnore', 'ColumnID')) -- geth the field id for column nieuw
    select @bit = (@field - 1 )% 8 + 1
    select @bit = power(2,@bit - 1)
    select @char = ((@field - 1) / 8) + 1
    -- select @field AS [Field number], @char AS [Char], @bit AS [Bit] -- debug code to check the bits that are tested.
    -- Recreate the binary value of just having the field present in the columns_updated
    SELECT @comparisonField = CONVERT(VARBINARY(100),'0x' + RIGHT('000000000000000000' + RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), CONVERT(varbinary(1), @bit), 1), 2), @char*2), 1)
    -- if the generated value in @comparisonField is the same as COLUMNS_UPDATED() then only nieuw was updated
    IF @comparisonField <> COLUMNS_UPDATED() BEGIN
    -- code to add to the tracking table

  • Differences between trigger and Integrity Constraints

    waht are the differences between trigger and Integrity Constraints

    waht are the differences between trigger and Integrity ConstraintsConstraints are to be preferred:
    "Declarative Ease
    Define integrity constraints using SQL statements. When you define or alter a table, no additional programming is required. The SQL statements are easy to write and eliminate programming errors. Oracle controls their functionality. For these reasons, declarative integrity constraints are preferable to application code and database triggers. The declarative approach is also better than using stored procedures, because the stored procedure solution to data integrity controls data access, but integrity constraints do not eliminate the flexibility of ad hoc data access.
    Centralized Rules
    Integrity constraints are defined for tables (not an application) and are stored in the data dictionary. Any data entered by any application must adhere to the same integrity constraints associated with the table. By moving business rules from application code to centralized integrity constraints, the tables of a database are guaranteed to contain valid data, no matter which database application manipulates the information. Stored procedures cannot provide the same advantage of centralized rules stored with a table. Database triggers can provide this benefit, but the complexity of implementation is far greater than the declarative approach used for integrity constraints."

  • HD, Frame Rates and standards

    Hi All,
    I am sure I am trying to oversimplify a more complicated problem but i am hoping the answer is simple..
    We are working on a project that will be delivered in HD And SD Formats and used in the UK (PAL).
    Some of the assets we have received to use are in 29.97 frame rates and anything we create will be 25fps frame rates.
    The question is what do we build a project in - ideally we would build all in 25fps rate as the end result will be this and won't cause any problems when producing final formats. However the existing assets that are 29.97fps are rostrum rotations so any drop frames or rate changes become obviously jerky straight away.
    We could build all at 29.97fps but when we come to create SD formats we are going to end up using NTSC DVD settings which is a lesser resolution and may not play on certain DVD Players.. And if we transfer at the end to 25fps we are still going to see jerkiness?
    Hope this makes sense and anyones help would be most appreciated? Am i missing something fundamental..
    thanks in advance to all.. we have so much work to do and need to start it but if we start down the wrong route i fear we would have to start again!..

    you might try converting the 29.97 to 25 in compressor. drop in the 29.97 footage and select what you want it to be. turn frame controls on and select so source footage plays at 25 fps. It should remap the frame count into the new frame count. obviously your duration will change. if you use an audio pass thru setting, make sure you enable audio rather than pass through or your sync will be amiss.

  • Use context to pass value between JPF and Java Control

    Can we use context to pass value between JPF and Java Control? It works if i m using InitialContext in the same machine but i dun think it will works if i put Web server and application server in different machine. Anyone have an idea how to do it?
    I also want to get the method name in the onAcquire callback method. Anyone knows how to do this?

    Yoy can the next options for make this:
    1. Pass your values in http request.
    example: http://localhost/index.jsp?var1=value1&var2=value2&var3....
    2. You can use a no visible frame (of height or width 0) and keep your variables and values there using Javascript, but of this form, single you will be able to check the values in the part client, not in the server. Of this form, the values of vars are not visible from the user in the navigation bar.

  • Time stamp and make controls blink when waiting on user input

    I would like it to get the current time reading whenever the sequence is in frame 5 and for the format to be something like 10/4/07 3:28:17 PM or something like that (military time or whatever) and then put into the first block of the build array outside the sequence loop.  Another thing I would like to be able to do is possibly in the sequence - frame 0, when it stops, waiting for the "Polarizer value ok?" button to be clicked, to highlight or start blinking the Polarizer # numeric control indicator box to let the user to know that it is time to choose a new Polarizer # to input.  Also, in the sequence - frame 4, when it stops and waits for the "Ready for P2 reading?" button to be pressed, I would like the user to know that by possibly having the "Ready for P2 reading?" button to start blinking.  I hope I am making sense in these questions.  If you have any other ideas that may make more sense or may make it easier for the user to understand, I would love to hear those as well.
    Stephen Coward
    Northrop Grumman
    [email protected]
    EPM2000 Query Reading Ch A ‏52 KB

    Wow, that was great advice Matthew.  What if I wanted to display on the front panel in real time the values from Polarizer #, P1, P2 and the last calculated value (P2/P1 * 100) called T% in a table or something like that.  What would I have to do?  Or it could just be Polarizer # and T% at the least.  I just want to let the user know the values in a list, spreadsheet or table as they go.  I think the very last thing would be able to stop the program at any point in time instead of at the end like I have it.  The problem with what I have is that the stop button will be pressed and then an additional loop will go on afterwards.  I want the program to end as soon as the stop button is pressed no matter what sequence it is.
    Stephen Coward
    Northrop Grumman
    [email protected]
    EPM2000 Query Reading Ch A trial ‏58 KB

  • Jumping frame counter and thumbnail offsets in PE3

    I've been creating thumbnail offsets for my DVD markers in PE3 by subtracting the DVD marker placement from the current frame counter. One was off by two frames, and I couldn't figure out why, until I stepped frame-by-frame. The frame counter jumps from 00;31;59;29 to 00;32;00;02! Why is this? The first number is where the DVD marker and transition are, but I've never seen this before.
    Also, is there an easier way to compute the thumbnail offsets than doing the math? I know you can slide the offset with the mouse, but that's rather small and difficult to control. Is there a way to tell it to "use the current frame"?
    John S.

    Thanks for the reply.
    No, my source video is all dv-avi over firewire from a minidv camcorder. If the transfer hiccupped and dropped two frames, could that be the cause? I figured PE would count the frames and do its own numbering, rather than rely on the data encoded in the dv-avi.
    Your method #1 is what I meant by "doing the math", since the timecode of the dvd marker has to be subtracted from the timecode of the frame to get the offset. That is of course absolutely precise -- provided the timecode in PS isn't missing any frames! And dragging as in #2 can get tedious when the offset is minutes long. Not that I'm averse to some math, but I was just wondering if there was some way of putting in the current frame directly.
    John S.

  • Synchronisation of frame grabber and DAQ board

    I want to aquire images and analog voltage signals at the same time, and synchronised, using a NI PCI-1428 Camera Link frame grabber and a NI PCI-6014 DAQ board. Can this be done using the RTSI trigger functions? I know that the frame grabber supports this, but what about the DAQ board?
    How about synchronising a NI-board with a non-NI frame grabber?
    Thanks a lot!

    Hi, Peter,
    No, the PCI-6014 DAQ board does not support RTSI. However, most of the low-cost E-series NI data acquisition cards do support RTSI, such as the PCI-6024E or PCI-6036E, so you might consider using one of those boards instead.
    If you decide to go that route, there is a useful tutorial that describes the signals that can be routed over RTSI for NI DAQ and IMAQ boards:
    Developer Zone Tutorial: Synchronizing Motion, Vision, and Data Acquisition
    as well as several example programs:
    Developer Zone Example: Integra
    ting IMAQ and DAQ with Single Display
    Developer Zone Example: Low-level Triggered Ring (with DAQ-supplied triggers)
    As for a non-NI frame grabber, that would really depend on what support the frame grabber has for timing and synchronization. You could route a trigger signal or scan clock out over the PFI pins on the PCI-6014, but you would need to see if the frame grabber is designed to receive these types of signals.
    I hope that helps!
    Best regards,
    Dawna P.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Unable to initialize capture device and device control in HDV

    I shot with a Sony HVR-Z1U/Z1N and am using a Sony HDV 1080i tape deck to digitize.
    I recently purchased a MacBook Pro and installed FCP Pro 5 on it. After getting over some time code issues we were chugging along, when on the 4th tape the image on the log and capture screen suddenly dissapeared (I could get audio and could see the image on the tape deck). Well after taking the tape out, checking and rechecking it I popped it back in and ever since then, I have been getting this error mssg "Unable to initialize capture device and device control."
    I have tried deleting the preferences and starting from scratch. If I do that, and choose the easy setup with HDV- 1080i60, it gives me this error "Unable to locate the following external devices- HDV (1440 X 1080) 30fps.
    I upgraded to FCP 5.1.2 this morning and upgraded the OS to 10.4.7 and QT to 7.1.3 and still no change.
    Im at my wits end, Ive been working on this for a whole week now.
    Thank you,

    It has been reported to take more than one attempt to correct the installation but, if properly executed on a machine without other system problems, the QT reinstall process does work. The key element here is you must reinstall QT after you trash the receipts. The process is listed below.
    To do a full quicktime reinstall.
    Go to /library/receipts and delete any files that say Quicktime followed by a number e.g. Quicktime703.pkg
    Go to the Apple quicktime site and download the appropriate version of Quicktime to your hard drive.
    Run the Quicktime installer.
    Repair Disk Permissions for your System Disk (Disk Utility > Select the system disk > Repair Disk Permissions)
    If this doesn't work, then the problem lies elsewhere:
    1. your system - user preferences, firewire ports or other system elements.
    2. your equipment - camera/deck/firewire cables.
    3. your process - not setting up the software properly or using the software erroneously.
    Listed below is a troubleshooting process. Not all steps are appropriate but the general process of isolating the problem is useful.
    Troubleshooting Steps for OS X
    by Jan Johannsen (Collected from: Apple>User Tips Library>User Tips Contributions forum)
    01 Completely shutdown, wait a 5 minutes, restart
    02 Make sure you're not running out of free space on the System volume
    03 Check/fix the filesystem using Disk Utility &/or Diskwarrior
    04 Repair permissions using Disk Utility
    05 Create a new user account, and see if the problem persists there
    06 Clear system & user caches
    07 Run FCP Rescue
    08 Unplug all USB, Firewire devices except Apple mouse
    09 Startup in SafeBoot mode, and see if the problem persists there
    10 Reset system firmware
    11 Reapply the latest combo updater
    12 Run the Apple hardware diagnostic CD
    13 Check the hard drive for bad blocks
    14 Take out 3rd party RAM
    15 Unplug 3rd Party PCI cards
    16 Reset PMU
    17 Archive and reinstall the OS
    18 Reinstall the system from scratch
    19 Send the machine back to Apple

  • Unplugging all network devices from Fios router prevents DVR freezing and remote control lock ups.

    I recently had a Verizon tech visit my house due to constant DVR and remote control freezing. TV content was freezing whether it was locally recorded, pulled from another DVR in the house, or On Demand. On a hunch after the tech tested everything and was about to leave, he unplugged my gigabit switch from the Fios router. Lo and behold everything started running perfectly. Since to the tech, the problem was solved, he closed the case and was on his way. The probem is of course I have more devices than the built in router switch provides ports for. My network is compised of an 8 port Netgear gigabit switch downstream from the Fios router with two wireless access points (with their own built in gigbait switches) connecting to the Netgear gigabit switch. There are no loops in the switch topology. I've tried changing out the router, the gigabit switch, removing the wireless acces points individually as well as plugging the access points directly into the Fios router switch (one at a time with no Netgear switch in the middle) and all scenarious cause the DVR/remote control freeezing to come back. The only devices I can plug into the Fios router without causing freezes are PC's....anything with it's own switch essentially brings the network to it's knees. If anyone has an idea how to get my network back in one piece AND make the DVR's/remotes behave, I'd greatly appreciate the help!
    My Fios equipment:
    MI-424WR GEN-3I  rev I (eye) running firmware 40.19.36
    5 Motorola HD-DVRs all QIP 7232-2 running software release 1.9.1 platform build 25.39 (Oct. 22, 2012)
    Specific config:
    75/35 Fios connecting via ethernet from ONT. Set-top boxes connect to Fios router coax port via powered splitter.
    *All SNR/dB mesasurements taken by the tech from the set-top boxes and router are well within spec.
    Fios router provides DHCP addressing. Wireless N access points are configured for roaming with the same SSID and non-overlapping channels. Access points are not providing routing or IP adressing...all layer 3 and up services still provided by Fios router
    Fios Router ---------Cable Splitter---------Set Top Boxes
    Netgear Switch
      |           |
    WAP1    WAP2

    WayfarerII wrote:
    ... DVR ... remote ... freezing ... TV ... whether ... locally recorded, pulled from another DVR ... 
    ... tech ... unplugged my gigabit switch from the Fios router ... and ... everything started running perfectly ...   
    ... config:
    75/35 Fios ... via ethernet from ONT ... Set-top boxes connect to Fios router via powered splitter ...
      | cat5
    Fios Router ---------Cable Splitter---------Set Top Boxes
    Netgear Switch
      |           |
    WAP1    WAP2
    I am inclined to echo several of the "tns" comments, particularly with respect to your splitter.  My layout is based on a standard 8-port splitter of the type usually supplied in a VZ install.  In addition I do have a ChannelPlus device that functions as a powered splitter, but its use is limited to distribution of secondary TV signals to older analog TVs.  My first point then is that this may be an offender as "tns" has suggested.
    In addition, I'd describe your wiring as "non-standard" (red-colored items in the above diagram)  As you're no doubt aware, with 75/35 you don't really need Cat5e from the ONT (your original diagram).  It seems the highest tiers do require it, but in "standard" installations this run is coax directly to an 8-port non-powered splitter (below diagram), then from that splitter via coax to all STBs and CableCards, other TVs, et.), and also to the Actiontec.   Subsequent feeds from the Actiontec to wired devices (including WAPs) are via Ethernet (typically Cat 5e).
    In fact I don't immediately see how your STBs get additional services such as On Demand and IMG with the wiring shown in your diagram (perhaps someone can help me out here).  In "standard" installs the Actiontec must be connected via coax to the ONT to provide such services to other network clients.  I don't see that requirement being met here.
    For starters I'd recommend that you change your service from WAN Ethernet to WAN coax.  This can easily be accomplished over the telephone.  Then I'd run coax directly from the ONT to the Actiontec as in my revised diagram below (blue-colored items).  If your setup can manage with this arrangement, I think it will help greatly with the "freezing" issue.
    ONT - - - - - - coax - - - - -
    Fios Router --- coax--- Standard 8-Port Splitter --- coax --- Set Top Boxes
    Netgear Switch
    |cat5           |cat5
    WAP1 WAP2
    Subsequent Note:  You provided additional info while I was composing a response, and I'd  like to offer another comment.  Structured wiring "panels" of the type usually available are pre-configured to provide data, phone and video.  This usually means that one is in certain respects limited by the ideas of the panel designer.  I have what can be called a structured wiring layout, but it really is composed of individual small custom networks for  each service (automation, security, video, data, telco, etc.), configured so that all wiring terminates in "home run" fashion at a central panel (a few details here: ).  This layout makes it easier to make adjustments (and there have been quite a few over the intervening years).  I'm thinking that in your case you may have to abandon the powered splitter (presumably) built into the panel in order to avoid your present fix.
    Subsequent Subsequent Note:   From your description it seems that you are using more than a single "whole house" DVR to supply programming to other devices.  This is a bit puzzling to me because somewhere along the line I recall reading that only a single whole house DVR was allowed on the network.  Can you elaborate a bit?

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