IMessage icon menu bar

While iMessage is not running its icon is still shown in the menu bar. How can I remove it?

Hi Tuttle,
Thanks.  I was unware of that change.
Just tried it.
Any Buddy List Account (AIM, Yahoo, Jabber (Google and Facebook included) plus Bonjour) will activate that second section of the General Preferences for Messages 8.
Re-enabling several Accounts (Up to 10) at once does not always make the Buddy Lists appear if you are using them.
Swapping between two to test did show the Buddy List but re-enabling did not.
8:15 pm      Sunday; November 3, 2013
  iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
 G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
 MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
 Mac OS X (10.6.8),
 Couple of iPhones and an iPad
Message was edited by: Ralph Johns (UK)

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    Mac OS X (10.7.2)   <  from your profile
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    Go to system preferences / Sound then the output tab and choose your bose speaker ..
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    Cheers enjoy the experience..

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    "if for some reason u have the icon in your task bar (the one with 2 arrows pointing in a circle) just go into mobile me sync...and uncheck box show status in menu bar."
    I do not have the option box to "show status in menu bar"
    I tried the free for a little while Mobile me, and didn't use it, so cancled. I cannot get the sync status roundabout arrows out of my status bar. AND, they keep trying to sync.
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    Good day, I could really need some information. Thank you in advance.
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    I hope I don't have to delete all my info on my drive, that would be a big problem for me.
    Solutions, recommendations?
    Thank you.

    Hi Paul,
    One way to test is to Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, Test for problem in Safe Mode...
    Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive
    Reboot, test again.
    If it only does it in Regular Boot, then it could be some hardware problem like Video card, (Quartz is turned off in Safe Mode), or Airport, or some USB or Firewire device, or 3rd party add-on, Check System Preferences>Accounts (Users & Groups in later OSX versions)>Login Items window to see if it or something relevant is listed. Or an errant process eating up RAM.
    Check the System Preferences>Other Row, for 3rd party Pref Panes.
    Also look in these if they exist, some are invisible...

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    I will say that I am not a fan of it either as it looks like the menu is stuck or has crashed rather than actually doing something. That is why I came here. It comes across as something being wrong.
    It is not a very good icon or representation of what is going on. They could have at least moved the clock hands to another position or something.The small additional arrow is just not enough.
    Cheers, Andrew.

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    Could be a third party app preventing you from being able to login.
    Mac App Store: Sign in sheet does not appear, or does not accept typed text
    If it's not a third party issue, follow the instructions here.
    Quit the MAS if it's open.
    Open a Finder window. Select your Home folder in the Sidebar on the left then open the Library folder then the Caches folder.
    Move the and the files from the Caches folder to the Trash
    From the same Library folder open the Preferences folder.
    Move these files Preferences folder to the Trash: and
    Same Library folder open the Cookies folder. Move the file from the Cookies folder to the Trash.
    Relaunch the MAS.

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    I want to mirror my MacBook Pro's screen to my HDTV.  I had it at one time by clicking the Mirror Icon on my upper menu bar but I do not have it any more?
    What am I missing?  In the System Perferences the display menu seems incomplete.  There is no where in there to set my MacBook Pro to mirroring.
    Can someone please help me?
    I would apprecate any help I get.

    The mirroring selection is in the "Arrangement" tab and only shows up on the MacBook Pro LCD, not the external display.

  • My apps won't launch & menu bar missing all top left icons!!!

    A strange concurrence of multiple problems:
    I am a pretty advanced user and have an iBook G4/1.33 GHz running Tiger 10.4.8, but I am having trouble with my PowerMac G4/500 MHz running 10.3.9 right now. I keep my PowerMac in Panther since it is almost 7 years old and I only have Tiger on my iBook disc.
    Suddenly a few things started to happen at once yesterday:
    1) NONE of the top right menu bar icons (OS 9 status, modem status, iChat, monitors, AirPort, Volume, clock, etc. show up upon log-in or restart.
    2) Virtually NONE of my apps will launch from the Dock or the Finder. They bounce a few times then give up, with no error message.
    I peformed successful repairs booting from both the OS X Panther disc and TechTool Deluxe. Although recommended, I can't create a TEST User because System Prefs won't launch, can't repair permissions from the problematic drive because Disk Utility won't launch, and I can't clear out caches because Cocktail won't launch.
    I made sure the Application Support Folder in my Home Library had read/write permissions for me and applied to all enclosing folders as suggested. I tried trashing the preference in my Home Library also as suggested. However, it wouldn't allow me to remove the Launch Services file in the Caches folder of the main Library Folder as I also read here in the discussions.
    Aside from successfully running disc repairs from the startup disc and TechTool, I tried repairing permissions from the startup CD as well (since couldn't launch any apps like Disk Utility from regular startup drive). Every time I try to repair in this manner though, after a minute it tells me "Disk Utility lost connection with Disk Managment" and I must quit and relaunch Disk Utility. However, same thing happens when I do, for both my drives running copies of OS X 10.3.9.
    Only thing I can think of is to do an Archive/Reinstall of one of the two OS X systems on two different drives. But does anyone else have a clue what is causing this or what I need to try??? I read similar stories on here but nothing will all these symptoms at once.
    I would REALLY appreciate some input, thanks!!!
    PowerMac G4/500 MHz (1 GB); iBook G4/1.33 GHz (1.5 GB)   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   (still using 10.3.9 Panther on PowerMac)

    Menu Bar Problems ..........
    Check the following link for OS X troubleshooting steps. When doing so, following all steps in the order provided:
    1 If resetting permissions doesn't help, you may have a corrupt preference file... Delete....
    Delete ~/Library/Caches (folder)
    where 'xxx' is a 12 digit (hexadecimal) numeric string
    • Then log out and back in again. You may need to go to System Preferences to put back the menu items you need to display.
    • Removing systemuiserver.plist will cause the right half of the menubar back
    its original pristine default state.
    2. Check Preferences Thoroughly;
    - Navigate to ~/Library and drag the "Preferences" folder to the desktop.
    - Restart and test your applications.
    • If this does not work, move the "Preferece" folder back to ~/Library
    • If this works, delete the old preferences folder. (You'll have to go through some of your System Preferences and apps to set the preferences back to how you like them).
    3. Navigate to ~/Library and drag the "Fonts" folder to the desktop.
    - Restart and test your applications.
    - If they work start adding the fonts back few at a time.
    ( A likely suspect is Time RO, also if you do not use Classic you can trash the classic fonts.)
    4. Check Permissions Inside Home Folder
    - Navigate to ~/Library.
    - Get Info (Command + i) on the "Applications Support" folder.
    - Open the "Ownership & permissions" flippy triangle.
    - Make sure you are the owner, with "read and write" access.
    - Click on "apply to all"
    - If this is correct, open the "Applications Support" folder and do the same procedure (Command+I) for the folders with the names of the applications you are having trouble with.
    Note...The reason to check this is because repairing permissions with Disk Utility doesn't touch permissions inside your home folder.
    • Create a new User.... go to System Preferences/ Accounts and click on "+" at bottom left of window..... and test the apps in this new account if they work the problem is isolated to your User
    (~ means your home directory)
    george w

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