IMG_ERR_N​OEM not enough onboard memory...

IMG_ERR_NOEM error message when trying to acquire image with a PCI-1409 in CCIR mode using MAX
Diagnostics reports DSPFPGA Register test and Scarab register test failed.
Any ideas?

Sounds like you have a bad board. Please goto to generate a service request number and call the technical support line with the serial number of your board and we'll be more than happy to help you RMA'ing that board.
Yusuf C.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments

Similar Messages

  • Safari hangs: not enough program memory, while 90G HD and 4G ram, OS re-installed, removed files etc. (mac book pro, leopard)

    Safari hangs direct after starting up. Rainbow bol rotates around one hour after which a message is shown: "not enough program memory"
    More than 90G free on HD, even removed more files and installed OS and programs again. Nothing helps.

    SIG, thanks for your reaction. After reading my question again I understand it was not clear.
    The reason I mentioned the 90G free HD space was the information I found on internet about my problem in which it was assumed there was not enough RAM memory and the processor uses the HD for SWAP files?
    In any way my problem is still there and I like to add some information:
    MACBookPro OSX 10.6.7, 2.4 GHz duo, 4GB DDR3 RAM, L2 cache 3MB, 250 GB HD (90 GB free).
    What I have done untill now:
    Re-install OSX plus programs
    Reboot in safe mode (cold start with shift C pressed)
    A number of reports generated after a forced Safari stop were send to Apple. (by the way what are they doing with these? besides not helping me?).
    Just today I learned where to find the Safari cache file's which I will empty when I am back from work tonight.
    I hope, with this additional information you have some more suggestions. In any way I will come back with the result of emptying the Safari cache.

  • Photoshop CS3 "Not enough scratch memory available" error.

    I am Using Adobe Photoshop CS3 Version 10.0 and I keep getting the error "Not enough Scratch memory available to perform this action" whenever I try to Save a .psd file to a .jpg/.jpeg file.
    I did go to Edit -> Preferences -> Performance, and add my other two partitions as scratch disks, also put up my E: drive as the primary scratch disk on the top of the list (Which has 80GB's of space) but I still keep getting this error.
    My file (the .psd that i am trying to save to a .jpg) has a total size of 56MB and 300dpi with 4 or 5 layers in it and the target jpg file is supposed to be 12inches by 20inches.
    Some other things I have tried is celaring the %temp% folder, Defragmenting my Hard Drive(s), Disk Cleanup, set my System Page file to 4GB, but all this is of no use.
    I know that I have enough RAM and Hard disk space so please help me get rid of this problem.
    Also, this maybe a stupid question but, does the type of RAM and Processor you are using effect this? I have a DDR RAM.. 2GB, I know its outdated, its our office computer I am working on.. My Processor is a Core 2 Duo which isnt bad.

    I think Varun is mistaking one's forums Join Date for a post time stamp.
    I'm moving this post from this forum for photoshop-dot-com (an online portal) to the correct forum for Photoshop pro users like yourselves.
    FYI, the correct forum URL is:
    Since you've posted in this forum for, you may receive additional posts in this forum unless you update your profile.  After signing in on these forums, go to Your Stuff > Forums, and disable any forum you don't want to watch.
    Kind regards,

  • There is not enough free memory to run this program

    Hi all,
    I am running into an issue with OfficeXP SP3 that has been virtualized using ZAV 8.0.1 and registered using the msi method. First, when you try to open a document from a web browser (Firefox in my case) it will open the downloads window and show the file but never launch the virtualized Office. Then if you try double-clicking on the document in the downloads window, nothing happens. If you open the folder that the document was saved to and double-click on it nothing happens. If you go into open with and choose the virtualized officexp it gives this error: "There is not enough free memory to run this program. Quit one or more programs, and then try again."
    Now here is the really odd thing, you can double-click on a word/excel/etc document in MyDocuments, a network drive, anywhere and it will open the appropriate officexp application just fine. I will also mention that firefox is virtualized as well but the same process works fine with
    This also happens if you choose to save the file to a specific location. It cannot be opened. However I just discovered that if you move it to somewhere else, say the desktop, it will open just fine.
    Anyone have an idea what might be causing this issue? Is it somehow related to the sandbox?

    Look in the class section of the registry for the FF virt app... See if some of the same extentions are in there.
    I would guess that FF has its own file associations for those document types and that is whats failing.
    If you remove the file association conents (but leave the folder and set isoation to writecopy) then the FF virt should be able to view and use the workstation file associations for the virt XP.

  • Yosemite - says "not enough application memory - and closes all open applications

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    application Memory and it starts automatically shutting down all of my programs. Normally, first to go is Mail, then Google (Safari would not work with Maverick - it would freeze) then Photoshop and whatever else is open. I did not have this problem with Maverick.  This is a pain!
    I am working on a 2009 Mac Pro with 24 MB Ram. 
    Any ideas about what is going on and how to remedy it. I would appreciate it. Thanks

    There is excessive swapping of data between physical memory (that is, the memory chips on the logic board) and virtual memory (one or more files on the startup volume.) That activity is relatively slow and causes the whole system to be less responsive. It can happen for two reasons:
              A long-running process with a memory leak (a kind of bug)
              Not enough memory for your usage pattern
    Tracking down a memory leak can be difficult, and it may come down to a process of elimination.
    These instructions are for OS X 10.9 and later. Some details may be slightly different for earlier versions of OS X.
    When you notice the swap activity, open the Activity Monitor application and select All Processes from the View menu, if it's not already selected. Select the Memory tab. Click the heading of the Real Mem column in the process table twice to sort the table with the highest value at the top. If you don't see that column, select
              View ▹ Columns ▹ Real Memory
    from the menu bar.
    If one process (excluding "kernel_task") is using much more memory than all the others, that could be an indication of a leak. A better indication would be a process that continually grabs more and more real memory over time without ever releasing it. Here is an example of how it's done.
    The processes named "Safari Web Content" render web pages for Safari. They use a lot of memory and may leak if certain Safari extensions or third-party web plugins are installed. Consider them prime suspects.
    Another process often implicated in memory leaks is "inkjet4" or "inkjet8," which is a component of the HP printing software. If it's present, force-quit the process in Activity Monitor to solve the problem temporarily. Empty the print queues in the Printers & Scanners preference pane (which has a slightly different name in each recent version of OS X.) If you don't use an HP printer, remove the software. Otherwise, if the problem is recurrent, update the software (which may not help) or contact HP support.
    "Wired" memory should be a small part of the total. That memory is not swapped, but it makes less physical memory available which may then result in swapping. If you have a lot of wired memory, that's usually an indication of a memory leak in a third-party program that modifies the operating system at a low level. Ask for guidance in that case.
    If you don't have an obvious memory leak, your options are to install more memory (if possible) or to run fewer programs simultaneously.
    The next suggestion is only for users familiar with the shell. For a more precise, but potentially misleading, test, run the following command:
    sudo leaks -nocontext -nostacks process | grep total
    where process is the name of a process you suspect of leaking memory. Almost every process will leak some memory; the question is how much, and especially how much the leak increases with time. I can’t be more specific. See the  leaks(1) man page and the Apple developer documentation for details.

  • "There is not enough virtual memory available. Please save your work and restart {0}"

    This seems to be the most recent similar post. Prior posts are not useful as they have supposedly been fixed.  The most relevant Microsoft connect case has been closed.  The reported new Microsoft connect case has been deleted without explanation.
    Yet, still the problem persists.  Only working on one small XAML file. VS2013 and Blend always report "There is not enough virtual memory available. Please save your work and restart {0}" (except when they report "Package 'DesignPackage'
    failed to load" when run in safe mode) Saved my work and restarted VS2013, Blend, and the computer. Followed all other suggestions as much as possible.
    There is an abundant available and virtual memory.  The only changes from last week to this is Microsoft updates.
    Has there been any new effort on this issue that I have missed?
    What is left to do?

    Get IT to do it. Get them to uninstall all the latest updates, since you can identify them as a proximal cause of the problem. Also, search MS Knowledge Base or do some googling for the exact error text.
    We have no tech support resorces; we're just users.
    A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks "Why the long face?" "Because I was born into servitude and when I die my hooves will be used to make glue." It was at this point that the bartender realized he would not be getting a tip.

  • CS5 "Not enough scratch memory available" error when there's plenty of it.

    Illustrator CS5 throws this error:
    Adobe Save For Web AI Error
    Could not complete this operation. There is not enough scratch memory available.
    when trying to save for web. The content has a lot of linked images, around 1000x1000 px each, used with clipping masks, drop shadows and glows at 300dpi.
    I realize that this might be hard to flatten for JPEG and I'd be fine with long processing times (which I get) but out of memory?.. Here's my config:
    Illustrator CS5
    Windows 7 x64 Ultimate
    Intel Core i7 920
    6GB RAM
    Total pagefile size: 24GB.
    Primary scratch disk - 155GB free.
    Secondary scratch disk - 544GB free.
    Those are all gigabytes, not megabytes, no mistake. There's NO WAY that there's not enough scratch memory available.
    And this is how the process looks:
    Physical memory usage at this point is 62%, Commit charge - 15%.
    Currently, I can work around this by making a screenshot of "Original" tab in Save for Web dialogue when it's there - because sometimes it's just a pink-filled window.
    So, Adobe, any suggestions, please?

    Illustrator CS5 has some improvements to how Raster Effects are rendered on screen. So even if you use 72ppi DRES, you would see very little/no difference compared to 300ppi DRES - i.e., pixelization issues would be almost non-existent.
    Could you try this out & come back with your findings?
    Also if you just want to send something to other people for Previews, maybe a PDF with the 'Smallest File Size' Preset be good enough. These can be viewed with the (free) Adobe Reader.

  • Not enough available memory. Cannot upload the file. [Android]

    Why do I get an error message that says: "Not enough available memory. Cannot upload the file." When trying to save a pdf to the document cloud?  The pdf is 105MB and I am using a Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

    tried un syning books from itunes as well as deleting app, reinstalled app and re-syned  books - appears to be ok now

  • There is not enough free memory to load the entire file

    I saw an older reference to this error in a previous post which apparently got resolved, but didn't explain precisely how it got resolved:
    Michael Kitzmiller, "There is not enough free memory to load the entire file" #, 27 Jul 2007 5:23 am
    I presume that one answer is to rebuild the document from scratch, changing imported images to referenced images. But I want to recover the file as I put hours of work into it and expected that anything I can save that I also should be able to read back in. I will certainly change to referenced images, but I have to be able to open it first.
    thank you

    Here is a smattering of ideas.
    Do you have ample unused HDD space? If not, defrag it, although in myu experience, this hardly makes a difference. Check your TEMP/TMP folders and clean them out. Consider downloading cCleaner and running it. Do everything you can to make ample room on your HDD and in places like your TEMP folders. If your HDD is congested, temporarily remove big but relatively unimportant applications and move data elsewhere for a while.
    Even with 4GB of RAM, Frame can only use somewhere between 2.7 - 3.2 GB of it under the very best of conditions, and that includes the application as well as the files. Unpacking image files can consume considerably more space than it takes to store them. For example, a 1024 x 768 color image requires more than 3.1MB to describe it as a 32-bit color image, yet when stored in JPEG format, it can be as small as 50kB, a compression of 65:1. Of course, it's not reasonable to assume that your document is comprised entirely of such highly-compressed images, but in the unachievable extreme, it would take 980MB to simultaneously open 15MB worth of those kind of files. The point here is to not fall into the trap of thinking a 15MB file comprising a lot of images needs little more than 15MB of RAM.
    Make sure ALL other applications are closed when trying to open your file...Outlook, IE or FireFox, Anti-Virus and Spyware apps, Word, etc.
    Consider sending a copy of the file to someone else to see if they can open it for you and delete some of the images before resaving it. If you have a backup copy, rename your current file and restore the backup. Maybe your working copy is corrupt. Who knows? Anything is probably worth trying as long as you have a save copy stored somewhere.

  • "Not enough system memory" when there is?

    Yesterday I had a screen freeze and did a forced restart. After that I've been having a problem that will not go away, altho I have run Disk Warrior and Disk First Aid.
    When I try to launch applications I'm sometimes getting an error message saying: "There is not enough system memory, please close an application, etc."
    The puzzle is that I have plenty of free available memory when I'm getting this message. It also seems to jump between applications. First I couldn't open Word. Now Word launches but I can't open Internet Explorer, altho Mozilla launched okay. Re-starting and running Disk Warrior didn't help. I don't get it. What else should I do?
    Thanks much!

    Hi, Paul -
    Is it possible for it to change itself during a mishap (freeze)?
    It's just about impossible for that to happen. When a program's memory allocation settings are changed, the new numbers are not entered in an external document like most prefs setting. Instead, it changes a bit of the code in one of the resources in the program itself (judicious use of ResEdit will reveal this). For just that particular piece of code to be altered in an acceptable way as the result of a freeze is nigh impossible.
    However, there is a utility program named Reaper whiuch will make such changes with no input from the user. Its purpose is to automatically change the memory allocations for programs based on perceived usage and need. Unfortunately it will make such changes according to its logic, which is not constrained by the logic of the user.
    Check to see if Reaper has been installed. It uses a control panel as a user interface; not sure what the name of that control panel is, but it may be Reaper. If you find it has been installed, try deactivating it.

  • Not enough physical memory is available to power on this virtual machine with its configured settings.

    hi ... My opering system is windows 8.1 and my system RAM is 6 GB with intel core i3 processor...
    I got error in vmvare " not enough physical memory to start virtual  machine. then  after some day  i visit at your webside and read the bolg about this error solution and i  uninstalled the microsofts update like
    "KB2995388" then reboot the system, after that i search config.ini file in drive "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation"  but i did'nt got this file, so i created a new "config.ini" file and write one line
    vmmon.disableHostParameters = “TRUE” and save the file , then i copied this file to vmware workstation , like this path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation' after that i opened my vmware and power on virtula machine but still i getting same error like not enough physical memory..........plesae any one can help me ? and give me a better solution to solve this problem ?

    Welcome to the Community,
    without any details about the VMware Workstation version you are using and the blog you read it's pretty hard to help. Anyway, the issue you mentioned was resolved with VMware Workstation 10.0.4 (see VMware Workstation 10.0.4 Release Notes), so in case you are running an older version it may be worth updating.
    Message was edited by: a.p. - Fixed typo in version number 10.0.4 (instead of 10.4)

  • 2146827284Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available memory or disk space

    Hi Experts,
    I am getting below error when Exporting data from my one web application to the Excel 2010 on Windows Server 2008 R2 ,
    02/29/2012 18:54:50
    Type : System.Exception, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b11a5c481859e569
    Message : -2146827284Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available memory or disk space.
    • To make more memory available, close workbooks or programs you no longer need.
    • To free disk space, delete files you no longer need from the disk you are saving to.
    The disk space is 30 GB free, I have cleared all the temp files, increased the virtual memory & internet temp files size to max but no luck

    You want to use this one here - MMC
    comexp.msc /32
    THAT will launch the MMC process
    as 32 bit then you'll the Microsoft Excel Application.
    Right Click -> Properties.
    What I did at this point was to select the Identity tab and then select "The Interactive User" (the default was "The launching user").  My app pool was already running as "LocalSystem".  I believe by running it as the Interactive User now that it
    has the right permissions to save workbooks.
    Everything worked after this.
    This was a tough one!
    R. Matt Sampson

  • Not enough app memory

    not enough app memory error message

    It would be helpful if you indicated the model/year of your MBP, the OSX that is installed and the amount of RAM that is in the MBP.


    I am facing "NOT ENOUGH SHARED MEMORY " problem even with 1-2 users in portal 3.0.6.x.
    The init.ora settings are:
    shared_pool_size=104857600 large_pool_size=614400
    Is it due to hanging sessions?
    How to see the hanging sessions inside database?
    Can you tell me what is going wrong?

    Think I got it figured out. Oracle 10g XE doesn't
    have a DB_HANDLE initialization parameter. The
    problem is that the initialization parameters are
    located in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileXE.ora, but sqlplus
    is looking for initORCL.ora.You mean instance is looking for initORCL.ora and not for SPFILE, or ;-)
    So does anyone besides Faust knowSorry, again me ;-)
    how to configure
    sqlplus to look for spfileXE.ora instead of
    initORCL.ora? I can't find an SQL*Plus setting that
    will do this.How to set SPFILE and arond it you can find here:

  • ": Not enough physical memory for SHM_SHARE_MMU "

    Dear ALL,
    ": Not enough physical memory for SHM_SHARE_MMU "
    This is an error message which occurs while trying to mount the database on startup. I've two database running of solaris. DB1 is running with 700M shared pool size. I want to run the DB2 database with 400M. But if i specify 400M shared_pool size on DB2 it is not mounting. It is only mounting when I specify 200M size of shared_pool. Machine has 4cpu and 4gb of RAM.
    I've configured the kernel and shemaphore parameter according to the oracle process.
    Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.

    The whole SGA must fit into physical memory (SGA=shared_pool_size + (db_block_buffer*db_block_size) + log_buffer + java_pool_size).

Maybe you are looking for