Imlementing Simple Webservice using AXIS

I am trying to implement simple webservice using APACHE AXIS.
I have imported all the required jar files.
Even my client code compiles without any error.
But when I am trying to execute the code, it gives NULL POINTER EXCEPTION. The exception is caused by statement
Service service=new Service();
where Service is a class imported from org.apache.axis.client.Service
Please guide me how to avoid this exception and make my program run properly.

hi ashutosh,
according to me null pointer exception is displayed because the service you are trying to call is not identified by your client.
this happens if your endpoint is not properly mentioned.
try to save the service as .jws and keep it in axis directory.after that ,use your client to call the service.
mention endpoint, service method name. use invoke method to call the service.
//use the following import statements:
<%@ page import="org.apache.axis.client.Call" %>
<%@ page import="org.apache.axis.client.Service" %>
<%@ page import="javax.xml.namespace.QName" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>
//set target
String endpoint = "http://localhost:9000/axis/test.jws
call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new URL(endpoint));
//set operation name
QName qname;
qname = new QName("getString");
//invoke the service
out.println(call.invoke(new Object[]{}))
if you have to pass parameters then mention them as
out.println(call.invoke(new Object[]{String s1,....}))
among the jar files you should have:
activation.jar,axis.jar,jaxrpc.jar,saaj.jar,servlet.jar,wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar,xercesImpl.jar,xmlParserApis.jar and the all the tomcat lib jar files in tomcat/common/lib directory
call your service from browser using your client as:

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    Apparently you don't understand arrays. You've created the array with a space for one reference. You never assign anything into that array element.
    String[] s = new String[1];
    s[0].size(); // The reference is NULL!The above is guaranteed to be a null pointer exception - how could the array element have a String in it? We never create a String (only the array) and what text would it have even if it somehow magically worked?
    Instead you would have to do this:
    String[] s = new String[1];
    s[0] = "Hello";
    s[0].size(); // The reference is NOT nullThe above is exactly analogous to your problem.

  • Transmission of XML Documents in a vector via WebService using Axis

    I'm trying to transmit several XML documents (belonging to a DICOM-Study) from WebService Provider to WebService consumer.
    This is my server/provider:
    public static Vector<Document> returnPatientStudies(String PatientID)
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory  = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder        builder  = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    File x = new File(PATH + "patient.xml");
    Document document = builder.parse(x);
    DCM2XMLFiles.add(document);This code works fine if it's executed locally in a JAVA class or via http/GET (http://.../axis/services/Gateway?method=returnPatientStudies&PatientID=123456).
    After using Axis' WSDL2Java-Tool I wrote a client:
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    GatewayServiceLocator locator = new GatewayServiceLocator();
    try {
         Gateway gateway = locator.getGateway();
         Vector<Document> documents = Gateway.returnPatientStudies("123456");
    ... Everytime I try to invoke this client-side class, I get an "org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to deserialize."
    Obviously the client gets confused by the XML content of the vector I'm trying to transmit (this error also occurs if I transmit XML files constisting only of a single empty element <empty />).
    I think this is a simple problem, since one single XML Document can be transmitted and gets displayed on client side, but I don't have a clue how to solve this vector<Document> problem. Hope someone can help me.

    Hi thanks for your answer.
    I am striving to make this webservice as universal as possible. I have only been returning dumps to my calling page to try and get a view of what's going on inside the component when I call it as a webservice. I wouldn't dream or returnin these back the client.
    The major core of this idea was to create a single component that acts as a facade for a number of other components. Because of this the component needs to accept and return a dynamically variable number of arguments. Because of this I selected xml as this seemed like the ideal solution; I can pass in an out some xml that contains all the arguments. I was hoping to reuse some internal functions to provide external webservices, and use this facade architechture to add a layer of security and logging which doesn't exist with the current functions.
    Do you have any suggestions of how I could best acheive something along these lines? Has someone already created a framework or methodology for creating webservices with Coldfusion which would provide this sort of functionality out of the box?
    Thanks again

  • Error while invoking a webservice using Axis deployed in  tomacat from Bpel

    I am trying to invoke a Axis webservice(from Java class to WSDL- bottom up java bean webservice approach) developed in Exclipse IDE, deployed in Tomcat.
    When i am trying to invoke the service, from Bpel from Jdeveloper it is throwing error as such :
    Invoke_1 (faulted)
    [2009/05/22 14:32:18] Faulted while invoking operation "storeLoanData" on provider "LoanDataPersist".less
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="p_request">
    -<p_request xmlns="" xmlns:def="" xsi:type="def:LoanDataPersistRequest" xmlns:xsi="">
    -<remoteFault xmlns="">
    -<part name="summary">
    <summary>exception on JaxRpc invoke: trailing block elements must have an id attribute
    I may add that, the WSDL generated is using "soap:enc:array ", rpc style.
    Can anyone tell me the reason and suggest .

    Hi Marc,
    Thanks for the guidancer. But sir, i am unable to detect at which place i have to do the required changes.I found p_request as a parameter in the method only in the interface only.
    As bcos ultimately , i am generating the tomcat /axis web service (WSDL) from the java class, which is using 2 Request and response java bean, in which they are doing someing like this:
    private static org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc typeDesc =
    new org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc(LoanDataPersistRequest.class, true);
    static {
    typeDesc.setXmlType(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "LoanDataPersistRequest"));
    org.apache.axis.description.ElementDesc elemField = new org.apache.axis.description.ElementDesc();
    elemField.setXmlName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "customerName"));
    elemField.setXmlType(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "string"));
    etc etc...................}
    And second thing is when the WSDL is generated, from that the stubs and skeletons is generated to test the service.
    There in the Stub i found out "p_request" in this place:
    private static void _initOperationDesc1(){
    org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc oper;
    org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc param;
    oper = new org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc();
    param = new org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc(*new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "p_request")*, org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc.IN, new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "LoanDataPersistRequest"), com.demo.dtos.LoanDataPersistRequest.class, false, false);
    oper.setReturnType(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "LoanDataPersistResponse"));
    oper.setReturnQName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "storeLoanDataReturn"));
    _operations[0] = oper;
    And in skeleton :
    static {
    org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc _oper;
    org.apache.axis.description.FaultDesc _fault;
    org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc [] _params;
    _params = new org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc [] {
    new org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc(*new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "p_request")*, org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc.IN, new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "LoanDataPersistRequest"), com.demo.dtos.LoanDataPersistRequest.class, false, false),
    oper = new org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc("storeLoanData", params, new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "storeLoanDataReturn"));
    _oper.setReturnType(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "LoanDataPersistResponse"));
    _oper.setElementQName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:com.demo.service", "storeLoanData"));
    if (_myOperations.get("storeLoanData") == null) {
    _myOperations.put("storeLoanData", new java.util.ArrayList());
    PLease suggest if i make some changes in stub and skeleton how it would reflect the WSDL... or else please suggest where shud i do the required changes.

  • Developing SOAP based Webservice using Axis 2 Eclipse plugin

    I want to develop a SOAP based Webservice which connects to the PostgreSQL DB , by fetching the data for the employeeId entered and display the results in the browser. I'm using using JDK 1.6, Tomcat 6.0, Axis 2.0 , with Axis 2 Eclipse Plugin. Please send me a sample code of how to build it, i am able find some examples on the internet, but none of them are related to connecting to the DB and fetching the data. It will be great if you guys can provide the sample application which does have the same functionality as mine. Please do respond as this is urgent. Thanks in advance..

    Thanks Adhir Mehtaji, This is what i have come up with, developing a webservices based on SAAJ and deploying that in Tomcat server, here is the Webservice and the other related files:-
    public class EmployeeService {
         * This method returns the Employee Name
         * @param empId String
         public void getEmployeeName(SOAPEnvelope req, SOAPEnvelope resp) throws javax.xml.soap.SOAPException {
              System.out.println("Inside the getEmployeeName in Employee Service");
              IEmployeeDAO employeeDAO= null;
              employeeDAO = new EmployeeDAOImpl();
              SOAPBody body = resp.getBody();
              String empId = null;
              NodeList empIdNodeList = req.getBody().getElementsByTagName("empId");
              for( int i=0; i < empIdNodeList.getLength(); i++ ) {
                   Element empIdElementElement = (Element) empIdNodeList.item(i);
                   Node empIdNode = empIdElementElement.getChildNodes().item(0);
                   empId = empIdNode.getNodeValue();
                   System.out.println("the empId in the employee service is:::"+empId);
         private static void addNode(SOAPBody body,String nodeName,String nodeValue) throws SOAPException{
         This Service is exposed as a Webservice which connects to the DAO and get the response for the EmpId.
         This is the client file:-
         public class GetEmployeeNameClient {
              public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
                   // Invoking the Webservice endpoint which is hosted (deployed) in Tomcat by passing the SOAP Message request
                   // Get the SOAP Message response , which contains the employee name for the empId 100
                   // Parse the SOAP Message response to get the employee name (response from the WS)
                   String[] nodeNames = { "empId" };
                   String[] nodeValues = { "100" };
                   SOAPMessage message = GetEmployeeNameClient.getMessageFactory(
                             "getEmployeeName", nodeNames, nodeValues);
                   SOAPConnection conn = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance()
                   SOAPMessage response =,
                   // If the response is not null then everything is fine with the WS.
                   System.out.println("the response is what???"+response);
                   System.out.println("\n Soap response:\n");
                   System.out.println("\nXML response\n");
                   // Create transformer
                   TransformerFactory tff = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
                   Transformer tf = tff.newTransformer();
                   // Get reply content
                   Source sc = response.getSOAPPart().getContent();
                   // Set output transformation
                   StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out);
                   tf.transform(sc, result);
                   // For these to work we need to connect to the DB - jdbc:oracle:thin:@ora-b2cd:6473:b2cd to get the segment name
                   SOAPBody soapBody = response.getSOAPBody();
                   System.out.println("the soapBody is what???"+soapBody);
                   NodeList empNameNodeList = soapBody.getElementsByTagName("empName");
                   System.out.println("the empNameNodeList.getLength is::"+empNameNodeList.getLength());
                   for (int i = 0; i < empNameNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
                        System.out.println("inside the loop");
                        Element empNameElement = (Element) empNameNodeList.item(i);
                        System.out.println("the empNameElement is what???"+empNameElement);
                        Node empNameNode = empNameElement.getChildNodes().item(0);
                        System.out.println("the empNameNode is what???"+empNameNode);
                        System.out.println("Employee Name For empId is ...... "
                                  + empNameNode.getNodeValue());
              // Construct the SOAP Message request by passing the empId 100(should come from UI)
              private static SOAPMessage getMessageFactory(String methodName,
                        String[] nodeNames, String[] nodeValues) throws SOAPException {
                   SOAPMessage message = null;
                   try {
                        System.out.println("Inside the getMessageFactory");
                        MessageFactory messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
                        message = messageFactory.createMessage();
                        SOAPPart soapPart = message.getSOAPPart();
                        SOAPEnvelope envelope = soapPart.getEnvelope();
                        SOAPBody body = envelope.getBody();
                        SOAPElement bodyElement = body.addChildElement(envelope
                        for (int index = 0; index < nodeNames.length; index++) {
                        // View input
                        System.out.println("\n Soap request:\n");
                   } catch (Exception e) {
                   return message;
         This client will send a SOAPMessage with EmpId (100) as a request and get the response from the Webservice as SOAPMessage , which
         contains the empname for the respective empid which is passed.
    I tested this service in the browser, it is up and running through the URL : http://localhost:8080/axis/services
    But when i try to access the webservice to get the response from my client program, i am getting the following SOAP Fault string:-
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException: Feature:
    <ns1:hostname xmlns:ns1="">
    My client path contains :-
    Similary the in the d:/tomcat/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/lib,contains the same as that in client path.
    I am using Tomcat 6.0 , JDK 1.6, I have googled and found that the expection is due to "Xerces.jar" not in Tomcat/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/lib.
    I have copied xerces.jar in the said path, still the error persists. Please do provide a solution to this. Where i have gone wrong.
    I have one more query, If i have to rest a "list" as a response from the server (webservice), how i can add the list into the SOAPMessage? Whether i need to parse it and add the values one by one in the SOAPMessage? like
    <empname> xxxx</empname> <empage>25</empage>
    <empname> yyyy</empname> <empage>26</empage>
    Please answer these queries.

  • Error in invoking webservice using axis

    Here is my code: I get an error saying No Deserializer found to deserialize a '
    /:string' using encoding style ''.
    Please advice on what do I need to do
    import org.apache.axis.client.Call;
    import org.apache.axis.client.Service;
    import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
    public class Traffic {
    public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
    Service service = new Service();
    Call call = (Call)service.createCall();
    String endpoint = "";
    call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new URL(endpoint));
    call.setOperationName( new QName("urn:xmethods-CATraffic", "getTraffic") );
    String hwnum = "101"; // get a highway number
         //System.out.println("Here"+call.invoke(new Object [] {new String(hwnum)}));
    String answer =
    (String)call.invoke(new Object [] {new String(hwnum)});
    System.out.println("Got result : " + answer);
         }catch(Exception e){

    Here is my code: I get an error saying No Deserializer found to deserialize a '
    /:string' using encoding style ''.
    Please advice on what do I need to do
    import org.apache.axis.client.Call;
    import org.apache.axis.client.Service;
    import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
    public class Traffic {
    public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
    Service service = new Service();
    Call call = (Call)service.createCall();
    String endpoint = "";
    call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new URL(endpoint));
    call.setOperationName( new QName("urn:xmethods-CATraffic", "getTraffic") );
    String hwnum = "101"; // get a highway number
         //System.out.println("Here"+call.invoke(new Object [] {new String(hwnum)}));
    String answer =
    (String)call.invoke(new Object [] {new String(hwnum)});
    System.out.println("Got result : " + answer);
         }catch(Exception e){

  • Creating webservice using webdynpro java calling bapi from r/3

    hi all,
    as i am new to this area can anyone provide me a guide to create a simple webservice using webdynpro java to call bapi's from r/3?
    i want to consume the created webservice on a .net client.
    Thanks in advance,

    You can use the SAP .NET Connector to do it.
    Download from [|].

  • How to create a webservice with axis specific WSDL

    Hi all
    I want to know if anybosy can provide with me any documentation or information link from where i can find the way how to deploy webservices using axis specific WSDL(i mean WSDL is created using axis jars) on to the application server like Weblogic.
    I would like to know the following
    1 - How to create the web.xml
    2- How to create the deployment descriptor.
    3- How to pack the EAR or WAR file.
    Thanks and Regards

    You can't as File is nor serializable. It won't make sense as you would try to give a handle to a file on the server hosting the service to a remote system.
    Can you explain the use case in more detail?

  • Simple WebService sample App with AXIS - needed

    Hi -
    I am new to JDeveloper. Can anyone lead/provide me with a sa(i)mple Webservices application with AXIS integration. Additionally any details related to AXIS and JDeveloper based Webservice app creation is highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hello Saranova,
    First of all, which version of Oracle JDeveloper are you using?
    We don ot have direct integration of Apache AXIS within Oracle JDeveloper 10g. What I mean is we do not have wizard that allow you to create Axis artifact automatically.
    However, you should be able to integrate Ant to your project by:
    - create an Oracle JDeveloper Library with the Jar files
    - integrate Axis Ant task to your IDE
    and then you should be able to create new WS, and run them in the context of JDeveloper.
    So the sample app will be, you create an Axis app (take one of their sample) and create a web project from existing sources.
    Also I would be please to understand what is your driver to use Axis instead of the Oracle Web Services stack that is integrated to JDeveloper and standard based (JAX-RPC, ...)
    Tugdual Grall

  • How to call webservice using java client

    I am new to webservice related stuff.Can any body help me.
    How can i call the webservice using simple java programing using jdeveloper tool is very useful for me.

    user10394151 wrote:
    I am new to webservice related stuff.Can any body help me.
    How can i call the webservice using simple java programing using jdeveloper tool is very useful for me.
    venujTry this simple webservice client.
    You will need apache-axis.jar in your classpath. The following client is apache axis based. A similiar client can be built also using the JAX-WS only[without apache-axis.jar].
    import org.apache.axis.client.Call;
    import org.apache.axis.client.Service;
    import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
    public class WEBSERVICE_CLIENT{
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    try {
    String endpoint ="<YOUR WS ENDPOINT>";
            Service  service = new Service();
            Call     call    = (Call) service.createCall();
            call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new );
            call.setOperationName(new QName("<YOUR WS SERVICE NAMESPACE>", "<WS SERVICE TO BE INVOKED>"));
            String msg = (String) call.invoke( new Object[] { "data" } );
            System.out.println("RETURNED MESSAGE : "+msg);
          } catch (Exception e) {

  • Which protocol does weblogic7 webservice use?

    i know that the java webservice development use either axis or soap protocol,but
    i don't know which protocol does the weblogic7 webservice use?
    thank you

    We have our own implementation of soap.
    WebLogic Web services use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1 and 1.2
    as the message format and HTTP as the connection protocol. See SOAP 1.1 with
    Note: WebLogic Web services accept both SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 incoming
    requests, but produce only SOAP 1.1 outgoing responses.
    "zhebincong" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3e7d2ed3$[email protected]..
    i know that the java webservice development use either axis or soapprotocol,but
    i don't know which protocol does the weblogic7 webservice use?
    thank you

  • How to use Axis to access a web service through Authentication  proxy

    Using axis access internat web service is success,but access a web service through Authentication proxy is failure.But other java classes connect through a proxy to the internet which works very well:
    please help me ,thank you!!!
    import org.apache.axis.client.Call;
    import org.apache.axis.client.Service;
    import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
    //this is my access webservice faliure   codes
    public class TestClient
       public static void main(String [] args) {
           try {
                System.getProperties().setProperty("http.proxySet", "true");
                System.getProperties().setProperty("http.proxyPort", "8080");
                System.getProperties().setProperty("http.proxyUser", "username");
               String endpoint =
               Service  service = new Service();
               Call     call    = (Call) service.createCall();
               call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new );
               call.setOperationName(new QName("", "echoString") );
               String ret = (String) call.invoke( new Object[] { "Hello!" } );
               System.out.println("Sent 'Hello!', got '" + ret + "'");
           } catch (Exception e) {
       }I get an "(407)Proxy authorization required" error?

    I am also looking for a solution. Does any one know how to do through code instead of jvm settings?
    Thanks in advance!

  • Can I use axis.jar in my custom component

    Can I use axis.jar in my custom component.
    Is there any license need to user this jar ??

    In our UCM setup axis has been implemented in a custom component to consume webservices. As Axis falls under the Apache license you can freely import it in your custom java classes.

  • Issue with generation of document/literal type WSDL using Axis

    Hi All,
    I am trying to convert some Java code into WSDL using Axis 1.2 framework. I used Document/Literal style for binding.
    One of the methods in my Java code returns an array. This array is described in Axis generated WSDL as follows:
    <complexType name="ArrayOfThings">
    <restriction base="soapenc:Array">
    <attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="impl:Things[]"/>
    But the end user(client for the web service I am hosting) says " .NET won't allow him to consume my webservice (or generate the proper reference classes) for types that derive from encoded types".
    So my question is "Would it be possible to change the webservice so that it doesn’t use that(soapenc) implementation of the array?"
    The end user is expecting something more like this:
    <s:complexType name="ArrayOfThings">
    <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Things" nillable="true" type="tns:Things" />
    I am new to Web Services. So any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Dragana,
    We definitely support the ability to call a web service that exposes two operations (document/literal or not).
    Glancing through your WSDL, it looks good.
    Could you please try to tunnel the second request and see 1) what data is sent to the service and 2) what data is returned by the service?
    Can you please email us a reproduceable case so that we can help troubleshoot in parallel?
    Thank you,
    [email protected]
    please rename .zip to .zap

  • Any one knows how to use Axis Framework in the SOAP Adapter Modules

    How to use Axis Framework in the SOAP Adapter?
    How to add custom handler modules?
    I went through the above link on But still could not create a working example.
    I have created a wc on some 3ed party app server using apaches axis. I am trying to call that web service from XI using SOAP receiver? I need to add some security related headers to the soap message, SO I am trying to use a handler.  I want to know how to configure this handler in SOAP axis adapter module.
    Thank you

    Ravi ,
    I am trying exactly the same. Hers is the scenario.
    ABAP Proxy --> PI (7.0) SP 12 ---> WebService.
    Since This is service is secured, means it is using OASIS web servie securyty user name token,
    I am trying to use AXIS adapter. and I want to configure HandlerBean in which I want to use apache wss4j api to add the userNameToken. I am looking for some documentation on this.
    I need to add SOAP action element too as I can not configure this one on the communication channel.
    Thanks for any inputs in this regard.

Maybe you are looking for