Imovie 08 is a downgrade

where do i complain? There are little to no video editing features with this new iMovie 08. yes some features are nice but it seems to be a rather downgraded, throw together an ok vacation video program. before i was able to have some artistic liscense and now it is very plug in and go.

It would have been much less of a shock to the paying userbase if iMovie '08 was a combination of iMovie HD's features and the new stuff. If the user wants to splice and order clips then he would be switched to the "new" UI.. and if the user wants to add chapters, do themes, and visual editing then he should have a toggle to swap the UI.
At this point, sure the new app is a totally new setup but Apple just threw off nearly the entire core userbase without much of an explanation and ...crucially... support documentation to help those who find themselves stuck. Users of an iApplication shouldn't have to browse forums to figure out how to use an consumer app. That's the fault of the HUI engineer or the documentation guy.

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    Yes. I downloaded Final Cut Pro X this morning and created a project with a frame rate of 24p. I imported footage shot on my Canon 7D @60fps. I dropped a clip in the timeline, selected it, went to Modify>Retime>Conform Speed and it retimed the footage to 40% of it's original speed.

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    Here are the various builds of iMovie.  There is no 9.0.0, but 9.0.1 looks like the most recent stable build.
    As for your projects, they should stay in the same directory even when you change application versions.
    You can navigate to them manually by going to *yourhomefolder*/movies.  You should see iMovie Events and iMovie Projects folders.
    You can back them up if you're nervous about losing them.
    Happy moviemaking!
    An Apple a Day...
    Doctah Wilson

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    Two things happen immediately on import:
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    b. The video becomes pixelated and of lesser quality, as if its bitrate was dramatically reduced.
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    Hi Steve,
    At first I too didn't notice the difference, but once I discovered it, its hard to avoid
    The easy way to see it, is to use a clip with some shadows, or low light. See how it plays in its original format, then play it within imovie 09 - the pixelation will become very evident and way more emphasized compared to the original file. To me this looks like a serious imovie issue.

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    I am not sure if it is will still work but if you have an original disk you can try loading it. It should load to a different folder.

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    Apple removed their free download site for purchasers of iLife 8. The only way to get iMovie 6 is to buy iLife 6 if you can find it. Try ebay.
    If you ever had it on another computer, you can connect the computers and copy it to your new iMac.
    iMovie 9 does have more features than iM8, so before getting exasperated over it, look at Apple's tutorial and check out other tutorial/info sites to see if you can be comfortable using it. You and your son may find that it is ideal for his purposes.
    A good site:
    And, Ken Stone has just done a beautiful tutorial, the most comprehensive I've seen:

  • How To Downgrade iMovie HD to NOT HD version, 6-5 or 4 without CD software?

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    Thank you for your help!
    Power PC G4   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   iLife '06
    Power PC G4   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   iLife '06

    As Niel pointed out a few weeks ago, iMovie 3.0.3 - which was free - is still available for download from Apple here.
    However, it's not as stable, or as useful, as later versions, and you do need to be careful with it: DO NOT EMPTY THE IMOVIE TRASH when you use this version, until you've completely finished your project and have backed it up, or burned it to a disc or sent it back to tape. Emptying the Trash can sometimes corrupt projects when you're using iMovie 3.0.3.
    It should be able to co-exist with other versions of iMovie in your Applications folder, and it has its own 'Preference' file, so it shouldn't cause problems if you have both iM 3.0.3 and iMovie HD on the same Mac. But you may not be able to open, in iM 3.0.3, a project created with a later version.
    I don't know, but there may be a QuickTime conflict, too, and you just might have to downgrade to an earlier version of QuickTime if you have problems with iM 3.0.3.

  • Downgrading to iMovie from Final Cut Express - exporting?

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    But then I started looking at the new iMovie and I have no idea how to export a final movie into a file that won't lose any quality. In final cut there is the 'self contained movie' setting which is a full quality version of the final movie. But in iMovie, I can't find an equivilent. How are you exporting your final movies in iMovie and where are you storing them? And if we downgrade to iMovie, will there be a loss in quality? I saw another thread that says that iMovie 11 is exporting movies that lose a lot of quality. Has Apple fixed this yet? When we started using iMovie years ago we were told that it imports and exports the exact same quality since it is all digital there would be no degradation. But now that I read that there is a loss of quality in the new iMovie I am nervous to downgrade to iMovie. Can anyone shed some light on these issues for me? Should we stick with Final Cut, or can we make iMovie work?

    Is this a really slow board, or did I ask a silly question? Why no responses?

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    Hi bubbalou - Jon's link won't work for you because it is available only to those with iMovie 08 already installed - and you couldn't install it.
    Also, 6.0.4 isn't a "downgrade". It is an 'as-well-as'. It is saying that some people may prefer to continue using the HD version for some editing purposes.
    Did you not have an HD version already on your computer? If not, probably your only recourse is Ebay, as it is no longer available in stores.

  • IMovie 09 - Will titles downgrade 1080i quality?

    I think I now understand the quality issues with v8.0.1/v8.0.2 relating to FX (other than cross dissolves and fades to black/white) downgrading the quality of 1080i clips to "Large" but could someone tell me if the inclusion of a Title, either overlaying an video image or on a plain black background, would also cause a 1080i image to be downgraded across the whole movie?
    I am about to start my first edit in iMovie 09 and want to know what to expect, if titles will cause a problem then I'll create physical titles and shoot them with the camera rather than create them in the program. By the way the camera is a Panasonic TM300 (AVCHD).

    Titles over video are fine.
    But for some insane reason Apple decided that plain backgrounds were to be included in the "bad" FX category. So I grab some video and dial EVERYTHING down to create black video.
    Of course the correct thing is to use photoshop to create some colored mattes and import into iphoto.

  • Downgrade iMovie 08 to 06

    Is there any way to downgrade iMovie 08 to 06?
    I just bought a Mac Mini, and it came with iMovie 08.
    The main reason for me getting a Mac is to use the movie functions, but as it stands, my Windows with Pinnacle Studio 10 has greater functionality.
    I am VERY dissapointed in this product.
    I did research before making my descision to get it, and everywhere I went, they touted the Mac as a great movie machine...
    Can anyone help me with this?
    Where do I start?
    The Apple website does not offer live communication with anyone unless you are calling about an iPhone...
    I just don't need a $600.00 system to check email and surf the Internet. I already have one for that...
    Thank you in advance,

    Does anyone at Apple with any stroke actually read these forum messages.
    Apple does listen to it's customers and respond.
    Pass on your concerns to Apple, be nice, be polite, be HONEST.
    iMovie 08 is NOT an upgrade of iMovie 06. It is a completely new application. iMovie 08 is better for absolute beginners that don't want to burn a DVD. Most others will like iMovie 06 for its far greater editing power and ease of making DVDs. (Like creating Chapter Markers and Share to iDVD.)
    Most owners of iLife 08 I know use iMovie 06.
    iMovie 08 is a wonderful program assuming that you're using it for what it was designed to do, assemble simple videos to share on the Internet.
    Remember that Apple includes iMovie 06 as a free download to iLife 08 owners. (THEY WANT YOU TO HAVE IT!)
    Much has been written about the differences between iMovie 06 and iMovie 08. I have found the below link to be helpful.

  • Can I downgrade imovie 08?

    I  have imovie 08 and would like to downgrade or upgrade to an imovie which has slow motion or fast motion effects,
    any help please. thank you!
    Ps. I couldn't find any original download for imovie 06, and when I try to download imovie HD 6 or imovie 6.02 it mentions that i do not have imovie 6 and it cannot download it onto my system, and for imovie 9 it says that my OS 10.5.8 doesn't accept imovie 09
    please help, thank you!

              It sounds like your mac doesn't support imovie 09. There are no more leagal downloads for imovie 06, you need to purchase it!

  • Downgrade to iMovie 9.0.4?

    What are the steps to downgrade from iMovie 9.0.6 to 9.0.4? 9.0.6 doesn't import audio from the camcorder, and downgrading iMovie seems to be the only solution at the moment. I downloaded 9.0.4 from Apple Support, but the installer returns the message "The version of iMovie installed on this Mac must be updated through the Mac App Store. Check the Mac App Store to see if an update is available."
    Time Machine is not set up on my computer, so that is not a possibility.
    Any ideas?

    Do you have Time Machine running? If so, you can select the iMovie App, the Movies/iMovie Projects folder, and the Movies/iMovie Events folder (Plus any iMovie folders on external drives) and go back in time to a time before the upgrade.
    Unfortunately, this would cause you to lose any project work done after the upgrade, because it would not exist in the earlier time. You might try saving it in a diffferent location so you could retrieve it when you upgrade at a future time (presumably after Apple provides a fix.)
    If going back in time would cause you to lose Events, then rather than reverting to a pre-upgrade state, just delete the cache, thumbnails, and stabilization folders within the events and let iMovie regenerate them the next time you open it.
    This is a bit like brain surgery so do so at your own risk (better yet, make a complete backup before you start so if anything goes wrong, you still have your important video!)

  • Does iMovie '09 downgrade HD video?!  Import/export questions.

    Just bought my first HD camcorder that records in 1920x1080 resolution; I was planning to import the clips into iMovie'09 at the "full" setting (instead of the "large" setting) to retain maximum quality -- but when I do this, and export an iMovie using QuickTime, it says that the "current" resolution is 960x540. Umm, huh?
    I am SURE I am recording and importing at the 1920x1080 resolution, so why is iMovie downgrading my HD by default?
    Is there a way to keep the full resolution? Should I care? Eventually I want to maybe play these movies on an HDTV... I know I can change the export settings from 960x540 to 1920x1080, but how you can you magically achieve that full quality if the project is "current" at 960x540?
    Given the above, is it even worth importing footage in the full 1920x1080 mode if it converts to 960x540 anyway?!
    Thanks for any help in advance.

    this is an interesting question. I had read that if you add anything tricky to the 1080 project that it goes to 540 anyway, speed changes, things like that. And even if you share to media browser at the HD level (a 540 Large import from camera) you then get upgraded to 720p.
    your last question has eluded me. but I import from camera at large (540). I share to media browser at HD level and get a 720p .mov. I tried Export to QuickTime and picked Apple Intermediate Codec (Supposed to be less compressed, takes longer, larger file) but it had problems with the colors in the stills of the movie as it went from still to still. That 720p movie , when played on a HD screen (my HD TV) looked excellent, not HD HD, but was much better than SD. and DVDs made from that look pretty good.
    At some point we will be recording in HD, editing in HD, and burning BlueRays to play HD. Apple will have to change iMovie to default handle it, keep it in HD, and add a blueray player and burner to the computers, i hear they do not plan on that.we will also need large many TB drives to store it all on.
    The two issues that you have to remember, is that you probably have a consumer brand HD video recorder, what you are recording is HD but with poor optics. And when you watch it on your computer screen it wont look as good as it will on a better screen, as your computer screen is likely a limiting agent as well.

  • Downgraded to quicktime 7.0.1 now itunes 6 music will not play in imovie HD

    I Downgraded to Quicktime 7.0.1 so my Imovie hd would play smoother. It worked great but now it won't play the music. It said I must authorize this computer to play it. So I type in my authorization and it says I'm good to go. Still no music plays

    Lennart gave a very good link - only one BUT
    Make an Audio-CD - BUT - .aiff NOT .mp3 or other strange file format.
    Using .aiff 16-bit 48kHz audio works greately in iMovie and iDVD.
    Yours Bengt W

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