Imovie 11 move vs. copy

I have clips that I use in several movies...
Wanting to move off some of the data burden off of my computer... I had ctrl-moved some of my projects off onto another drive.  So I'm having problems w/ crashes upon selecting some of my projects (not all).  So in this 'move' feature... I'm supposing I've shot myself in the foot, having not considered multiple uses, hence the reason for the crashes & inability to even get into those projects any longer. 
I did this like.... 5 months ago & it never connected until now & realllllly wanting into an older project.
Would you all concur?  Any fix suggestions?  If I time machine... I'll lose my newer stuff right? or will it keep multiple placements?  I had this kind of footage together on the computer in a few folders that no longer exist & I don't know I could guess what they were....  (perhaps i could view them on time machine but not implement them from it) but if I could, would the ans. be to dupe them from the external drive and place them back on the computer with the right folder chain?
anyways... advice apprec.

maybe i'm not as clear as I should be.... I selected "move project AND events"... instead of just "move project"...
so in using event footage in multiple projects... baaaaaaaddddd.
can't dupe an event folder IN imovie and move it back (to help out many projects looking for what's missing)... so would duping it (event folder) and putting it back OUTSIDE of imovie (in it's old place) be the route to go? 
I know things get messed up if you do thing outside of imovie... but if i'm just putting something back it's already looking for... I dunno.??
OR... LOL... if I want to get into them move the event folder to the old drive... access what I need and then move it back so I can access the newer stuff?
I'm trying to make the most of my mess here...

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    I dont even know how you get 'iMovie originals", but why not make a copy of the iMovie originals folder on an external HD, then trash the original and see what happens. then make a new project, see if it creates a new "iMovie originals"...

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    Rhosh18 wrote:
    I used to frequently move or copy a page from one multiple-page Pages document to another just but dragging and dropping the thumbnail.  Since I upgraded I can't do this anymore.  How can I do it now?
    It never worked that way in Pages '09. You have to copy and paste the Thumbnails.
    That no longer works in Pages 5. Sounds like you are not copying and pasting content because that certainly works. Read what VikingOS wrote and do precisely what he said.

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    {The last link in this post is most relevant, except for your recent finding.}
    The reference was to the User permissions, per each; as when these
    become corrupted, the simple 'repair disk permissions' and other
    basic duties do not find an error with them. That is because there is
    nothing really wrong with them from that standpoint.
    Another odd error can happen if one is resizing partitions in an Intel
    based Mac, and also if one has or had a BootCamp partition and
    wanted to reclaim space. But not always. Thankfully, the only time
    I tried Windows on a Mac, the media install disc was corrupted so
    it just didn't happen. That was Virtual PC and Windows on PPC.
    Tiger brought with it the ability to non-destructively resize partitions.
    However, it was not thought to be successful in non-Intel based Macs.
    The discussion on that matter came up a few years ago, so someone
    has undoubtably tried that in a PPC and reported findings online.
    When file sharing between user-account created content runs amok,
    then the system(s) will not allow the content to be moved or shared.
    So, if any shared user-account created content (including drives
    initialized or handled without permissions ignored, clones wrong,
    etc) are not the problem, then how does one explain these wrong
    ful action circles-with-lines, or action disallowed warning symbols?
    There must be a simpler answer. Do you have cats which have
    access to your computers in the off-hours? They do keyboard.
    Some have been thought to have technical skills outside of the
    usual coy and cute play-acting people think they are limited to.
    I'm sticking to the cats theory for now; the time is 3:21AM here
    and I only am up to get a drink and look outside at +5°F. calm.
    Mac OS X 10.4 Help: I can't move or copy a file or folder
    • _Rearranging Files (and renaming them)_ InformIT: Mac OS X unleashed
    It is good to have a backup for the backup; plus a backup Mac.
    Good luck & happy computing!
    { edited: was distracted }

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    Whenever you transfer something from one drive or volume to another, it is copied and the original remains where it was no matter the method you use. It is so by design: just in case you were to delete it on the one drive, you still have it on the other. However, if you no longer want the original, simply delete it and empty the trash.

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    You can't do it directly on the iPad - the new album functionality basically only allows you to copy photos into those new albums, you can't move them. The way that I think of it as working is that you are just creating pointers to the photos in those new albums, so if you then delete the original photo on the iPad you therefore automatically delete all the pointers to it.
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    Thanks Monika,
    May be I'm not understanding you or may be you misunderstood me.
    This is an example:
    Create a document and a path (for example a box) and apply Effects > Stylize > Round Corners
    In the layers panel, click the target circle of the layer and apply Effects > Stylize > Drop Shadow.
    Now I want to move or copy the drop shadow from the layer and add it to the path without removing the Round Corners effects already applied to the path.
    The result for the path should be Drop Shadow effect added to it and the Round Corners effect remains. 
    The result for the layer should be no effect remains for it in case of moving the effect or the Drop Shadow effect remains in case of copying it (holding Alt key while dragging from its target circle).

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    Self-solved!  I work in column view in Finder so get there in a Finder window with folders and files appearing.
    There really is no problem, just select an ITEM in the COLUMN before right-clicking!
    The "old" context menu will appear. If you click in the white space in that column (or anywhere in a Finder window) and then place the cursor over a folder or file WITHOUT selecting it and right-click you will bring up the secondary context menu - Open, Copy, Duplicate, View Options and a greyed out Labels option. No "Move to Trash".

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    there are two - most probably origin to this
    • use of strange media eg .avi, .wmv .mp4 etc.
    (not from miniDV tape Camera - as iMovie up to HD6 is made for)
    Convert video to - streamingDV and
    audio to .aiff 48kHz 16-bit (no .mp3 etc)
    • corruption - eg iMovie pref file or preferences
    Trash iMovie plist file
    Repair Permissions
    Usually helps here
    *Not knowing the origin to Your problem - General approach when in trouble is as follows.*
    • Free space on internal (start-up) hard disk if it is less than 10Gb should rather be 25Gb or more
    • Delete iMovie pref file
    iMovie pref file resides.
    Mac Hard Disk (start-up HD)/Users/"Your account"/Library/Preferences
    and is named. (one or more of these)
    and find
    While iMovie is NOT RUNNING - move this/these file/s out to desk-top.
    Now restart iMovie.
    • Hard disk is untidy. Repair Permissions, Repair Hard disk (Apple Disc Util tool)
    • Garageband-fix. Start it, Play a note and Close it. Re-try (Corrects an audio problem that hinders iMovie)
    • Screen must be set to Million-colors
    • Turn off Mac and disconnect Mains/Power for 20-30 minutes - will at least re-set FW-port
    • Third party plug-ins that doesn't work OK (not relevant for iMovie’08 or 09)
    • Problems in iPhoto Library can affect iMovie to crash on start-up. Re-build this first then try to re-start iMovie.
    This You do by
    _ close iPhoto
    _ on start up of iPhoto - Keep {cmd and alt-keys down}
    _ now select all five options presented
    _ WAIT a long long time
    • iMovie updated ?
    • QuickTime updated ?
    • Mac OS version ?
    • Program miss-match. iMovie 4 - will not work under Leopard
    • Program miss-match. iMovie 5.0.2, up to Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK
    • Program miss-match. iMovie 6.0.3 or 6.0.4, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK (will work under Leopard and Snow-Leopard)
    • Program miss-match. iMovie’08 v. 7.1.4, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK (will work under Leopard and Snow-Leopard)
    • Program miss-match. iMovie’09 v. 8.0.6, Mac OS X.5.8 AND QuickTime 7.6.4 - is OK (will work under Leopard and Snow-Leopard)
    From LKN 1935. (in this case = iMovie HD (5), I tried it all, but nothing worked.
    Your answer (above) has been helpfull insofar as all the different trials led to the conclusion that
    there was something wrong with my iMovie software. I therefore threw everything away and reinstalled
    iMovie from the HD. After that the exportation of DV videos (there has not been any problem with HDV videos)
    to my Sony camcorders worked properly as it did before.
    Lennart Thelander
    I run "Cache Out X", clear out all caches and restarts the Mac.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Move/Duplicate/Copy

    Ok, so essentially I'm trying to write a script so that I can batch process a whole bunch of .SVG files.
    The .SVG files come from a variety of sources... some open very cleanly with nice layer structure, etc... others open with completely wacked clipping masks grouped dozens of times, etc.... So, I need to try and "normalize" the .SVG with a batch process.
    Basically the "normalizing" process I'm trying to use involves:
    1. "Flattening" the layer structure by ungrouping any nested layers.
    1b. Moving all art objects into a single GroupItem.
    2. Move/Duplicate/Copy the GroupItem to a new Document with a predefined Artboard size.
    3. Re-sizing and positioning the GroupItem on the new Artboard based on some criteria.
    Anyway, I'm kind of mystified as to the best way to accomplish this, so I'm trying all kinds of things...
    I thought the simplest way to get all the artwork to the new Document would be to use the move() or duplicate() methods.
    However, I keep getting 'MRAP' errors for this line:
    item.move(newDoc.activeLayer, ElementPlacement.INSIDE);
    In the CS5 JavaScript Reference, the object parameter is referred to as a "relativeObject".
    Does this mean that you can only move() or duplicate() an item within the SAME document?
    Is the app.copy() and app.paste() methods the only way to move art from one Document to another?

    Well, I think I found the cause of the 'MRAP' errors... I had my looping logic screwed up, so I essentially was trying to either:
    1. Move something that didn't exist.
    2. Move something that does exist into something that doesn't exist.
    3. Move something that does exist into itself.
    Also, fixing that allowed me to use the move() method to move art items (or a GroupItem) from one document to another.
    I didn't test it, but I imagine duplicate() would work as well. Both these seem to me to be more desireable than the app.copy() method.
    Also, a few notes to anyone trying to do something similar for prosterity sake:
    - Moving artwork within a document will reset the PageItem indexes, e.g. doc.pageItems[index]
    - If you remove all the artwork from a GroupItem, the GroupItem will remain in doc.pageItems unless you call app.redraw()
    - If you're trying to "flatten" some random amount of artwork, CompoundPathItems (as well as GroupItems) and their respective PathItems actually take up separate indexes of the doc.pageItems array. For example:
    doc.pageItems[5] // myCompoundPathItem
    doc.pageItems[6] // PathItem contained in myCompoundPathItem // Also: doc.pageItems[5].pathItems[0]
    doc.pageItems[7] // another PathItem contained in myCompoundPathItem // Also: doc.pageItems[5].pathItems[1]
    doc.pageItems[8] // a PathItem NOT contained in myCompoundPathItem
    So, generally you want to avoid moving a PathItem that has a CompoundPathItem as a parent, because it will destroy the shape and screw with your indexes to no end.

  • GL assignment to the new movement type copied from101(GR of purchase order)

    Dear friends,
    user need another movement type copied from 101 due to diffierent GL assignment needed for the new movement type.
    while below is the only combination for PRD(cost (price) diffierences) is OBYC. and the first row is the current GL assignment for 101.
    My question is :  How do I  assign diffierent GL  for the newly copied movement type ,say Z01.
    General modification       Debit          Credit
                                         530000       530000
    PRA                              530050       530050
    PRF                               530000       530000
    Thanks in advance,

    Go to t code OMJJ and locate your movement type Z01. Then go to  Account Grouping on the left pane  and create a new account modifier there. Then give the same account modifier in OBYC settings and assign the GL account against it. 

  • Move or copy iPhoto '11 slideshow from one Mac to another

    How do I move or copy a slideshow created on my iMac to my Macbook Pro

    Export it as a QuickTime movie.
    If you want to move it in an Editable format then you'll need to copy the Library that contains it over to the other machine.

  • IMovie 13 Movie Disappeared

    I was working on a project in iMovie, when suddenly my computer froze and wouldn't do anything until I powered it down manually. When I went back to iMovie, the movie I had been working on had disappeared. (All of the raw footage was still there however.) I used the 'Show Package Contents' option in the finder to look through my iMovie library, and found that there still is a folder for the movie file I was working on with a single file inside it marked 'CurrentVersion.imovieevent' so it seems to still exist in some sense. Is there any way I can restore it to iMovie so that I can keep working on it? Thanks.

    I should probably clerify that by 'iMovie 13', I really mean version 10.0.2.

  • How can I move/copy scanned photos that were sent to my gmail account? I have not been able to move or copy to iPhoto.

    How can I move/copy scanned photos that were sent to my gmail account? I have not been able to move or copy to iPhoto.

    Hello SusieMacBook,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities! 
    You can definitely get these photos into iPhoto if they are the correct file type (JPEG, GIF, TIFF, and PNG).  The way you import the photo attachments depends on where you check your e-mail.  The following article is for iPhoto 11 (but should work for previous versions as well).  It outlines how to import photos from Mac Mail, other e-mail applications, and web browsers, so just look at the section that applies to you. 
    iPhoto '11: Import a photo sent in email
    I hope this helps! 
    Sheila M.

  • The feature move or copy is not working in my software. I am unable to move people

    The move feature on Elements 11 will not highlight for me to use this feature to move or copy.  I have tried to move or copy people from to another picture.

    Is your movetool selected: (Refer the below screen shot)
    if yes, try to reset the tool.
    Click on the drop down list on the right bottom of task bar in photoshop elements (refer the below screenshot)
    Expand the drop down and select the option 'reset tool' (refer the below screenshot)
    try to use the move tool again.
    -Harshit yadav

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