IMovie Original Movies vs iMovie Events

What is the difference between them? I have the same file under iMovie Original Movies/New Event and iMovie Events/New Event.
Is taking the double capacity of my HD and would like to know if I can delete one of them.

I dont even know how you get 'iMovie originals", but why not make a copy of the iMovie originals folder on an external HD, then trash the original and see what happens. then make a new project, see if it creates a new "iMovie originals"...

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    Thanks. I tested it out and you were correct. I loaded 2 .dv movies from my external HD back onto my internal HD, and got them re-imported into iMovie, took a few short clips from each of the 2 iMovie events and pasted them into a new project in the Project Browser. Then I deleted these 2  "source clips" from my internal HD, closed iMovie and then re-opened it and found that iMovie would NOT export the smaller clips for a "highlights" .4mv movie without the "source clips" being available.
    I read your link on Quicktime. It talks about mostly trimming, which is what I did with each iMovie event before I took each one as a project to export as a smaller .4mv file. But if I use Quicktime (do I need QT Pro or basic), what advantage is it to me to use QT over iMovie (I must admit I am a novice at iMovie and have never used QT or QT Pro as a tool)? Will it then convert any edits I make to a .m4v movie or do I need iMovie to do that?
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    I am very sorry. I misread your original post.
    You could maybe save it as a Data DVD, if your event is smaller than 4GB (or 8GB if you do a double layer DVD).
    In Toast, create a Data DVD and drag these files in.
    In iDVD, you can look up the instructions for creating a DVD ROM. Normally, you would burn your movie so you could view it on a regular DVD, then add the files you used to make it to the DVD ROM part.
    Finally, you can create a burn folder on your Desktop, and burn to a DVD from there. That is probably the simplest way. it has been a while since I have done it, so maybe someone else can give you the step by step.

  • IMovie events and original video folder

    Hi everyone,
    I have some questions regarding the iMovie events folder: -
    I bought a new 2TB drive for my video editing, I imported around 300GB of footage and brought into a new iMovie project. When I check the hard drive I see that I have an iMove Events folder, which has the same video footage and takes up the same space, so now I have 600GB used!
    I'm confused as to why I have double the footage, when I already have my video, why has it created the footage again in the events folder?
    Can I delete anything to free up space, or will deleting the iMovie events folder contents mean I'm deleting my project?
    Thanks in advance

    But is the Events version not encoded differently than the original?
    As I understand it, iMovie translates the files into AIC (Apple Intermediate Codec). In my experience these files are often much larger than the original h264 AAC files that my originals come in off of the iPhone 4S.
    It also renames then as clips with dates, e.g. 2011-10-09, as opposed to leaving them with their original file names such as IMG_6754.MOV, which can make it easier or, for me, more difficult to organise your files. For me, this poses a problem because I am accustomed to simply copying and pasting my files from my phone onto my Windows PC but now, with the auto import features on the Mac (MacBook Air in my case), I have a much harder time because I cannot simply copy and paste the files over to the same location and choose to not copy those files with the same file name. This is a good method on the PC but seems somewhat troublesome on the Mac, as their are more file names and the file architecture created by the OS is much more complicated (higher level of date specificity) than the one that I would create myself on the PC.
    So... while I agree with your point about keeping the iMovie events, I do also see a drawback to this method. Particularly insofaras these files may have different names than your originals and that they may also be substantially larger than the originals. Their largess is such that, in my case, I would rather reimport than keep the AIC files because they are upto 6 times the size. I'm not sure if this is a widespread issue, restricted to iPhone 4S to iMovie clip imports or not but it's definitely a point of consideration. Of course, always tempered with the benefits of keeping your projects' integrity.
    Thoughts and/or corrections are welcome, as I am just getting used to the Mac (moved over in June).

  • How do you move imported iMovie events to different drive?

    Hi there,
    I'd like to import my entire iMovie event library (200+ GB) into Final Cut Pro X, but I can't figure out how to get the imported events to live anywhere besides the startup disk.
    Here's my process so far:
    Use FCPX's feature to import my entire iMovie event library. Make tea.
    I don't seem to be able to choose which drive to import to, so they end up on the startup disk at ~/Movies/Final Cut Events
    No worries! FCPX is a media management superhero. I just use the FCPX event browser to drag the events to my external drive.
    Make more tea while all the events are moved to my external.
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    Now let's test updating my imported library by clicking to import the library a second time. (Dialog confirms my impression that only new material will be copied.)
    Result: Oh no! My entire iMovie event library is re-imported to the startup disk. Now I have two copies of each event in FCPX (not to mention the original copy in iMovie events -- oi my hard drives are filling up fast.)
    How do I get FCPX to import my iMovie event library to a drive other than startup? I love the idea of being able to periodically sync my iMovie events to FCPX, but it's not going to be possible if those events are required to live on my startup disk.
    Thanks for any help,
    - canton

    You really don't want to share the Events folder even if you could. If any other application changes (or sometimes even opens) a clip in a FCPX Event, FCPX will offline that clip with no easy way to relink it.
    I'm surprised your Android phone footage isn't supported; what is the codec/format? Have you tried importing it after copying the files to the hard drive and using "Import Files" as opposed to importing from the "camera" directly?
    My strong recommendation would be to keep the Events separate; use iMovie for android footage only, and FCPX for everything else. When FCPX supports the footage in the way you want, import them at that time and start using FCPX exclusively.
    List of FCPX supported formats:

  • How do I move an iMovie event to iPhoto?

    I simply want to put an imove event into iphoto.

    Hi, oreolucy2.
    Here are a couple resources that you may find helpful about moving files between Mac computers. 
    iMovie '11: Copy or move a project to an external hard disk
    Mac Basics: File Sharing
    Jason H. 

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    Both units are running iMovie '11

    AppleMan1958... unlike many posts I find on these forums I really appreciate that you answer the questions and do so quite authoritatively.
    In keeping with the theme of this particular discussion, I have a question for you (or anyone else who can answer it).
    I moved several iMovie 11 project files along with the associated events to a Mac OS Extended (Journaled) external hard drive. I did this within the iMovie Project Library window on a Mac Mini running OSX 10.6.6
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  • How do I move Iphoto videos to iMovie event library?

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    Hi welcolme
    You may get a better response posting this under iLife iMovie section
    A PhotoBooth movie can be dragged by it's thumbnail image from the bottom of the PhotoBooth window out of PhotoBooth on to the Desktop and then can be dragged into an Event in iMovie's Event Library. Or you can drag it directly into the iMovie Event Library if you do not want a copy on the Desktop
    Mac101 e=en_US&q=transfering%20iPhotobooth%20videos%20to%20iMovie%20event%20library

  • Importing mov files into iMovie events

    This is my first post ever on this site. Here goes!
    I am new to iMovie, but have had someone more experienced trying to help but to no avail!
    I am trying to import mov files into iMovie Events. However in the file menu there is no "events' option, so I chose 'Import Movies'. But ultimately when I click on the mov files they are greyed out.
    The version of iMovie I have is iMovie '08 - 7.1.4
    When I first opened iMovie it offered to update to the latest version, but in the end it said 'No updates available'. When I looked into this in the Apple Store, it said you need Mac OSX 10.7 or above to get the latest version. My Mac is 10.6.8, so won't support the latest version. However, can I not still use the version I have? What is wrong here?
    Any help much appreciated - thanks.

    If you don't get an answer here, you might want to post your question in the iMovie discussion here.

  • Why are iMovie events (2400 of them) shown in the iDVD movies pane along with my iMovie projects (12 of them)?

    Why are iMovie events (2400 of them) shown in the iDVD movies pane along with my iMovie projects (12 of them)?

    Sorry about the delay in responding, I've been putting up with a very slow iDVD, but now I'm fed up with it again. My version of iDVD is 7.1.2 (1158) running in Mac OS X, version 10.6.8, with 3.2GHz and i3 processor, 4GB of memory, on a desktop iMac. My version of iMovie'11 is 9.0.4 (1634).
    I can stop iDVD from showing iMovie EVENTS (now 3247 of them) in its Media pane under Movies, by moving the iMovie Events folder from the iMovie folder ( that iDVD ALWAYS looks in) to somewhere else in that Directory (where I store all my data, and which I have named "browning").  But then iMovie can't display the EVENTS, because it is looking in the wrong place. So, how can I save iMovie Events in another folder (not iMovies) but somewhere where iMovie will find them?
    Is there a method to change the default folders for iMovie and/or iDVD? How does iMovie know where the iMovie default directory is?
    Should I put iMovie into the "Main" Mackintosh HD directory?
    The Apple Store in Bath, UK, couldn't help, but surely I'm not the only iDVD user who is annoyed with this process?
    HELP, please

  • Import iMovie event movie

    I have some Events media files from iMovie '08. Not a movie. Not a Project. I just captured them a while ago. This is one of the QT files.
    clip-2007-02-13 12;11;01.dv
    I this still in a format that FCE can import?

    More questions about importing iMovie Event files (not a movie, just an Event)
    I am using miniDV tape. Easy Setup: DV-NTSC. Here is the file type in iMovie:
    clip-2007-02-13 12;11;01.dv
    I opened it in QT Pro with the following info from Inspector:
    Format: DV 720 x 480 (640 x 480), DV Stereo, 32.000 kHz
    FPS: 29.97
    Data Rate:54.54 mbits/s
    Normal Size: 640 x 480
    **What does Normal Size mean? **
    So, the mismatch with FCE is the audio (DV-NTSC)
    Tom's book said (hope I'm not misrepresenting) that it's best to convert prior to Import.
    I can do this in QT Pro and Export: Movie to QuickTime Movie (.mov)-But I think that I read that .mov is NOT acceptable to FCE for import. How do I just convert the audio mismatch?
    If I choose AIFF, will that take care of the video also?
    Options: I think that I got the audio settings from Tom's book (FCE 3.5), the same as for Exporting audio: AIFF? on Pg 115?
    For the video settings, I need some guidence:
    Compression Type: ????
    Frame Rate: assume 29.97
    Compressor Quality: ???
    Encoding: ? Best Quality ??
    Data Rate: ? Automatic ???
    Key Frames: ??????
    While converting, can I use Mono to decrease file size?
    Would it be possible for someone to take pity and list the settings for video and audio to convert these .dv files for FCE using QT Pro?
    Thanks a bundle.

  • How can I unprotect my original movie edited in imovie?

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    in german input, the key "Y" and "Z" are opposite comparing with normal english keyboard. and in chinese input method, the "y" and "z" are mapped just as normal english keyboard.
    what happens now is, in ITABC input method, "y" and "z" are mapped as normal english keyboard, which is not like that before when i was using tiger.
    Thanks for the info! You should definitely ask about this on the Chinese-Mac list. Keyboard mapping with the Apple Chinese IM's has long been a problem, and is one reason many people are moving to QIM:
    I suspect something has changed in the Chinese IM with Leopard to mess this up for you, and it may not be fixable.

  • How can i transfer/import movie clips from iMovie Events back to iPhoto Library?

    hi, my camcorder only records AVCHD format and so i have to import the camcorder videos into iMovie as an iMovie Event.
    i'd like to keep both photos and movies managed under iPhoto library instead.
    can someone please please help me how i can transfer the movies imported into iMovie, BACK TO iPHOTO?
    thank you!

    Process the Movie in iMovie then export it as a mov file to the finder and then import to iphoto.

  • My external hard drive holding half my iMovie events and projects has crashed: how do I restore the events from another source?

    My external hard drive holding half my iMovie events and projects has become corrupted.  I have now downloaded all the same files (from a backup in the cloud) to another hard drive - but iMovie is not "seeing" those events or movies in that external hard drive.  Q1 Is there a way of rectifying that?  (I.e. telling iMovie to point to the relevant folders or files on the new external hard drive)
    Q2 I have a TimeMachine backup of the corrupted drive in another drive which i keep elsewhere.  Is it worth me attempting to restore from that backup? And if so where can I restore to (as the original external drive is corrupted) and how do i go about that restore process so that the events and projects re-appear?
    thanks in advance for your help.  (I thought i would check re Q2 before embarking on the wrong method!)

    When I right click on an image, then went to Go to Folder in Library, it pulls up the new external hard drive where I made the new link. When I try to work on the photos, the image still says file image is offline or missing. When I right click on the image to Show in Finder, it says the image could not be used because the original file could not be found. I eventually did click on their locate and found the image. When I linked those two together, a few minutes later ALL the "?" went missing and now IT WORKS!!!!
    That was weird!
    Hope this helps someone else in my predicament.

  • Manual backup of iMovie events

    So here is my problem.
    I imported a lot of footage.
    I cant edit it all that fast.
    I already erased the original tape of my recorder.
    Its there, my hard drive is running out of space.
    I have a desktop PC, the one I used before getting my MacBook, so what I wanted to do is to copy some of the folders from the iMovie event folder (under ~/Movies) to it, and then delete them. This would bring me enough space until I get my external HDD.
    Will this work? Will I just have to copy the folder back or will I have to re-import and loose all my tags?
    Thanks for your help

    Thank you for the information, but it only partially worked.  I can do the first part
    iTunes menu bar > File > Device > backup
    But there is no option to do the second part
    Summary page > select backup to this computer
    When I do the first part, it starts the backup immedicately, but doesn't give me any options on changing the location from the cloud to my computer and viceversa.

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