IMovie 7.0 problem!

iv been having a problem with iMovie 7.0, after i installed it i tried to open it and the icon on the dock was bouncing (it was opening, but it dident say i movie on the apple menu bar), then it just quits before it opens!
i cant use it, i dont know why this is happening, im pretty sure it can work on leopard.

K .. ..L

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    imovie on iphone problem, music will not sit in desired timeline and keeps reverting back to the start of the project instead. Have tried to move but it won't stay

    Sorry G23 - I like birds ;)
    I suggest you start another thread as I don't know the answer to that one but this might help:
    Go to settings - general - usage -   Her e you might find some data hogs
    Good luck

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    have you read and watch the Tutorials..? :
    iM is a bit.. iffy, when it comes to the definition, what a 'camera' is. historically, only tape based machines were a movie-camera. nowadays still-cams allow movin' images too..
    but, as mentioned above: the intended workflow is: material from photo cameras (even when they move) => import via iPhoto; material from video cameras (even when they don't move.. ) => iMovie
    when the import is done, you'll notice in all iLife apps the 'media browser' - in iM09, on the very right, the icon with a camera on.. click it, presto, all (incl. your 'videos') your iPhoto Library at hand for usage in iMovie.
    watch this:
    (about from midths of tutorial...)

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    I'm having the same problems with your #6. When I add an audio clip, I get the option to choose clip trimmer. But when I select it, I either don't get the clip trimmer window or I get it with a blank space. It doesn't give me the audio to trim.

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    I am surprised it has ever worked. That can normally only be done with synched professional equipment. Maybe they changed the CD player at the performance and the old one happened to play at the same rate as your Mac when it imports? (There is a slight difference between the playback speed between different players)
    Or perhaps your video camera has become slightly worn, so it pulls the tape slower?
    There are endless possibilities for problems with your setup.
    I think you should take a look at the "add scaled" tip at the bottom here:
    (Instead of adding the extracted audio from iMovie, you should add the CD audio.)

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    21.06.09 12:00:15 [0x0-0x10010][102] Error: MPEG2Decompressor[0x1f3f8a50]: bad picturecodingtype (number = 85, size = 148628)
    i am using iMacs with 10.5.6, ILife 09 mit iMovie 8.0.3 oder iMovie 8.0.2
    Please help! Thanks!!!

    Most probably iDVD pref file - trash it - or even better start a new User-account
    log into this and have a re-try.
    *Not knowing the origin to Your problem - General approach when in trouble is as follows.*
    • Free space on internal (start-up) hard disk if it is less than 10Gb should rather have 25Gb
    • Hard disk is untidy. Repair Permissions, Repair Hard disk (Apple Disc Util tool)
    • Delete iDVD pref file - *or rather start a new user/account* - log into this and re-try
    iDVD pref file resides. Mac Hard Disk (start-up HD)/Users/"Your account"/Library/Preferences and is named.
    While iDVD is NOT RUNNING - move this file out to desk-top.
    Now restart iDVD.
    • Program miss-match. iDVD 5.0.2, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK - DON’T work under Leopard
    • Program miss-match. iDVD 6.0.4, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    • Program miss-match. iDVD’08 v. 7.0.1, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.5.5 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    • iDVD (08) v7 Locate theme folder. Move out iDVD1, iDVD 2 and eventually iDVD4 folders to desktop - re-try
    • Try a Cleaning CD/DVD that cleans the laser lens on the DVD burner/player
    iDVD 6.0.4 and iDVD 7.0.1 are compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
    Last resort. from Craig. Solved the problem!! Finally!!
    I deleted every iDVD application and folder from my boot drive,
    emptied the trash and then installed iDVD 08 using the customize option
    and I am up and running.
    If You do a re-install be sure to get rid of all iDVD old parts AND then EMPTY the Trash-basket !
    iDVD updated ?
    Apple Codec updated ?
    Start a New Clean project - or delete project assets
    Yours Bengt W

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    {quote}Has anyone else had problems importing with this specific model or a related model and if so were you able to fix the problem or find a work around? I guess I could transfer the old Sony movies to my new Canon GL2 and then import into the iMac but that kind of defeats the purpose as I have been repeatedly told how simple and intuitive it is to do things on the iMac.{quote}
    I don't have the Sony, but for older tape camcorder's I use a standard DVD recorder and burn the movie to DVD then use [HandBrake|] to convert to MPEG-4 for importing to iMovie.

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    Earlier this week I had to format the HD of my MBP (I wanted to get rid of the Windows partition I had). Before I did this, I obviously backed-up all my files onto a portable HD and reinstalled them on my MBP. Today, when I attempted to open the iMovie Project file (again, by double-clicking on it in Finder) I ran into a problem: iMovie 08 opens, but the file will not play. It doesn't even appear anywhere in iMovie. Before, it would appear in iMovie and show all the individual frames, audio track, etc.
    (Unsurprisingly) I also cannot open this iMovie Project file in any other program, such as Quicktime, etc...
    Can anyone tell me how I can open this file in iMovie again and/or import it back into iMovie and watch/edit it there? It is quite important that I can open it again.
    Thank you very much, Scott

    AM1958, you are a lifesaver!! Thank you very much -- moving the .rcproject file to user>/Movies/iMovie Projects/ fixed my problem and I can now play my slideshow movie. I really appreciate the assistance. One more (small) thing: it seems to me that the quality of the movie has been somewhat compromised, in that I recall the images looking sharper and clearer before. This could be my mind playing tricks on me, but I am just wondering if this is possible... Or am I imagining this?

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    Hi Applefananswer,
    If you are having issues transferring your project to your Camera Roll, you may want to try transferring it to iTunes on your computer, then transferring it back. This will also give you an opportunity to back up the file, should anything happen to it during further troubleshooting on your iPad. You may find the following article helpful:
    iMovie for iOS (iPad): Send to iTunes
    - Brenden

  • IMovie newbie with problems and questions

    I first posted this in iMovie 9 which was incorrect. I am at iMovie version 6.0.3.
    I am new to iMovie and am struggling with my first project. My current problem is with transitions and playback. I have added a transition between my first and second clips and it shows in the clip viewer. However, when I click on the first clip and click play the clip plays to it's end but the transition does not start. If I then click on the transition and click play it goes through the transition but the next clip doesn't start to play. In fact, none of the clips play unless I click on the specific clip and click play. I would expect the entire movie to play from start to finish. Am I missing something? The iMovie Getting Started instructions are not very helpful
    Thank you

    Sorry guys (Klaus and Karsten). I didn't look thoroughly enough (most unlike me)! When the iMovie Help window appears (following the link Klaus provided), it is blank. But then I clicked on the Home button - the middle icon shaped like a house at the top left of the window. Immediately, the Help Index appeared from which I could access all the items.
    How embarrassing - I should have known better, having used Help many times in the past (in all versions of iMovie).
    Apologies also for my comment about Apple removing Support articles! I think baby sitting yesterday threw me off a bit
    For the benefit of other users (including John Hendrie, the OP), this is the link we are talking about (as kindly provided by Klaus):
    Message was edited by: John Cogdell

  • IMovie and iPhoto problem after restoring iPhone 5 from backup

    Isnt iMovie and iPhoto supposed to be free for iPhone 5 when we bought it?
    When i first tried my iphone, imovie and iphoto is there. i even tested it. then after yesterday i restore it from my backup on my Macbook Air, those 2 apps are gone. I dont know what went wrong.
    My previous phone is iPhone 4. So supposedly i restore it from the iphone 4 backup data. I doubt that would be the problem, isnt it?

    iMoive and iPhoto are not free apps. If you purchased them on your iPhone they should available to download again on your new iPhone.

  • IMovie 09 to iMovie 11 slide problems

    I recently upgraded to iMovie 11. Now, projects that I was working on won't work. The music is still fine, but the slides are always the same. There are like 5 pictures that always repeat throughout the whole video, even thought the miniatures apear fine. Any ideas why is that?

    I'm having a very similar problem. Recently upgraded to iLife 11 and some projects that I was working on play fine, but the more recent video projects I was working on won't even open. The "Edit Project" button becomes disabled as soon as I try to select those particular projects from the Project Library. The raw footage in the Event Window plays fine but the project won't. Apple, please FIX this.

  • IMovie 5 import problem  -43 error

    IMovie displays a -43 error when exporting or importing files
    When using iMovie 5.02 I may get a -43 error message when you try to do the following:
    Import files into iMovie.
    Export projects to QuickTime using iMovie's Share feature.
    FAQ did not help me with this.

    You state that the "movie clips cannot be found in the folder where they should be". I hope I understand your comment.
    In iMovie 5.0X, the movie clips reside within a folder that in turn resides within a folder within the project folder. Just control click on the project file, select, Show Package contents and you will see a number of folders, including one called Media. The clips are there, all of them. But except for real problems you should not access the comtents of this folder at all. But, the new organization does not require you to locate the actual clips files to make a DVD. You can click on the make iDVD button within iMovie. This option allows you to create chapter markers. The other way is to select "Share" and then Quicktime from the File menu bar in iMovie. This creates a Quicktime movie, but you will not be able to add chapters. The quicktime file of your movie then can be imported into iDVD once you open iDVD yourself.
    The first option also allows you to select just those clips on the time line you want to include in your DVD.
    This is described in iMovie help.
    I hope I have understood your comment.

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