Implementing an API in ColdFusion

I need to implement an API that would allow a membership
written in CF to share data with a CRM database I use.
The company makes available some API Sample implementations
in asp, java, javascript, perl, php, & python - along
with documentation.
The company that wrote the CF membership site is not
interested in
doing any programming/support for this project.
Not knowing anything about CF personally, can anyone tell me
this it possible, and if it is difficult?
If it is possible, is there a place I can contact a CF
programmer who
would know how to do this?
Thanks so much,

If the API is already written in ASP, then I am sure it is
possible in ColdFusion.
You may want to look into Rent a Coder to find a programmer (

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    As we know, implementing DIR API in either 7.0 or 7.1 is very efficient way to create or to modify bulk of configuration objects. In order to do so, there can be many options, such as Java Application, Webdynpro, just to name a few.
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    When you have to change any objects you should create a  change list and then use the change option on the communication channel wsdl.
    Or try to see [Making Mass Configurations in the Integration Directory using Directory API; or []
    Daniel Graversen

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    Please don't crosspost. It cuts down on the effectiveness of responses, leads to people wasting their time answering what others have already answered, makes for difficult discussion, and is generally just annoying and bad form.

  • How to implement this jquery in coldfusion

    . i will give u my code would u please help me in  that if possible thanks. i bolded all the places where i need  to place this search and where to get the changed output .
    here is my form page test.cfm:   
    <cflayout type="tab" name="courses" tabheight="135"  style="background-color:##DBEAF5" align="justify" >
    <cfoutput query="qryAvailableCourses"  group="course_type_id">
    <cflayoutarea title="#course_type_desc##course_type_id#"  name="#course_type_desc#" style="background-color:##ffffff;  width:600px;padding-left: 5px; padding-top: 5px;padding-right:  5px;padding-bottom: 5px;" >
    <cfset selectedCourses = "">
    <cfif structKeyExists(attributes, 'course_id')>
    <cfset selectedCourses = attributes['course_id']>
    <div style="clear:right;">
    <span class="actionButtons1" style="width:575px; margin:0;  padding:0;">
    <input type="button" name="checkall" onmouseover="hover(this);"  value="Check All" onclick="checkAll(document.getElementById('selectForm'),  'results#course_type_id#');" />
    <input type="button" name="Un_CheckAll"  onmouseover="hover(this);" value="Uncheck All"  onClick="UnCheckAll(document.getElementById('selectForm'),  'results#course_type_id#');">
    here i need to add search  filed:
    Search: <input id="search" type="text"  />
    <div id="userlist"> <div style="height:135px; overflow:auto; float:left;">
    <cfoutput >
    <span class="row#Int(currentrow mod 2)#" style="float:left;  width:575px; margin:0; padding:0;" >
    <cfset checked = "" />
    <cfif listcontains(selectedCourses,course_id)>
    <cfset checked = 'checked="true"' />
    <input type="checkbox" name="course_id" id="#course_id#"  value="#course_id#" class="results#course_type_id#" #checked#/>
    <label for="#course_id#">
    <span style="padding-left:5px;"> </span>
    #course_desc# (#course_id#)
    <!---<div style="clear:both; line-height:0px; margin:0px  !important; padding: 0px;"> </div> --->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function updateQuery(){
    $('#userlist').load('qryAvailableCourses.cfm?search='+ $('#search').val() );
    <script src=""></script>
    in the above form  thats how i need to add this search box, because my application will have tabs ,  now i will give my query page :
    <cfquery name="qryAvailableCourses" dbtype="query">
    dsp_host_reporting = 'A'
    <cfif len(search)>
    AND course_desc LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="%#search#%"/>
    <cfif structkeyexists(attributes, "orderby")>
    course_type_id desc
    , course_desc
    Above this is my query page. i  need to implement that jquery script here so that i need to search in each tab .  thanks for ur time.

    It is a confusing concept to say that you need to impliment Jquery in ColdFusion.  ColdFusion runs on the server, Jquery runs on the client.  All ColdFusion is going to do is return the Jquery syntax back to the client along with the HTML.
    What you seem to be struggling with is the use of the <cflayout type="tab"...>.
    This is just and easy and quick way to have ColdFusion to create the HTML, CSS and Javascript code to send to the broswer to make an interface that looks like a series of tabs.  Under the hood those tabs are just simple div blocks in the HTML that is returned by ColdFusion.
    What you need to do is to use some handy tool, like the Firebug plugin for the Firefox browser, to explore the DOM structure of the page that is actually returned to the browser, see what the id's of these divs that make up your tabs are and the provide those details to your Jquery syntax.

  • Who will implement jdbc api interface?

    Hi Friends,
    I have One doubt on jdbc api interface,
    I will Explait it clearly
    Through java if we want connect any database we need to use JDBC,
    To conne to database,
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    My exact doubt is...
    the Connection class and the total JDBC API is interface,
    to connect to the database,We need to use the above mentioned procedure but they are all interfaces,So those jdbc related interface must be implemented by someone.
    But who is going to implement that interface?
    I am very much confusing with this,
    Can anybody help me out regarding this with an Example.........

    Yes, the specific JDBC driver you use provides the implementation/concrete classes. So if you are using a oracle jdbc driver to connect to an oracle database, then as in your example:
    Connection con= DriverManager.getConnetion("--------");will result in an Oracle Specific implementation connection class (say: OracleConnection) being associated with your connection. Since OracleConnection implements Connection, you can interact with it through this interface. If for some reason, you database changes to MySQL you can simply replace the JDBC driver and your call to "getConnection" will now return the MySQL implementation class without having to change all the code that uses the connection since the MySQL connection class uses the same interface.
    In the same way, the JDBC driver has implementation classes for all the interfaces defined in the JDBC API (which you do not, and should not interact with directly). The driver will provide the correct implementation classes for your interfaces at runtime and you access them through their interface.

  • Designs for interface/implementation factory APIs

    I've been building a complex data store for geographical information based on JNDI.
    The store is basically working but I've been trying to make the API for programs accessing it more regular.
    I'm dissatisfied with the way that new objects for addition to the store are instanciated. It's all a bit ad-hoc at the moment so I want to create a proper factory system, separating interface from implementation and allowing for the case where the interface has a different implentation for remote and local contexts.
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    What I want to get is a sample of how programmers feal about different methods of passing creation parameters to such a factory method (or for that matter, to invite comments on the basic idea).
    One possibility would be as a Hashtable or Hashmap. Generic keys (like datastore path) would be defined as constants in the context or factory interface, type specific keys in the interface which is used to access the object being created.
    Hashtable fsCreate = new Hashtable(5);
    fgCreate.put(DataContext.PATH_KEY, "test.features");
    fgCreate.put(DataContext.FORMAT_KEY, format);
    fgCreate.put(DataContext.BOUNDS_KEY, boundaryRectangle);
    FeatureSet fs = (FeatureSet)dataContext.create(FeatureSet.TYPE_VALUE,fsCreate);Another possibility would be some kind of parameter bean, with an fundamental parameter class and different extensions for each type of object to be created.
    FeatureSetParams fsCreate = new fsCreate();
    FeatureSet fs = (FeatureSet)dataContext.create(fgCreate);The Hashtable method has a slightly clumbsy feel, but it does avoid directly instanciating a whole bunch of new concrete classes (which seems to go against the spirit of interface/implementation separation).

    If there's a create method in the interface, wouldn't
    that make it accessible from anything that knows about
    the interface? This would nullify the factory
    pattern, wouldn't it?Not necesasrilly, that would depend how the create method was implemented. I already have a "retriever" object associated with each implentation class that can be retrieved from the data store. I can add a "create" method, effectively adding a factory class function to these. These retrievers are already registered with the concrete implentation of the JNDI Context.
    Granted the implentations are in several different packages, so I can't restrict acces to these retriever objects to the package level.

  • Error compling Solaris(TM) OE Implementation Win32 API

    I have downloaded above API from sun web site. I am not able to compile it. Do I have to use forte to complie it ? I am using gnu gcc /g++ 2.95.3 on sparc solaris 8.
    I am able to compile without any flags. Means no CFLAGS, no OPTIONS and no LIB64_FLAGS. with this flags it is giving me error for each .c file :
    gcc : language CC not recognised.
    gcc : xxxxx.c linker input file unused since linking is no done.
    And if I use 'release/' that is supplied with download and includes that into my program, it gives me error :
    /Win32_Library/include/wintypes.h:134 declaration does not declare anyhing
    /Win32_Library/include/wintypes.h:169 parse error before 'char'
    /Win32_Library/include/wintypes.h:240 declaration does not declare anyhing
    /Win32_Library/include/wintypes.h:241 declaration does not declare anyhing
    And wintypes.h :
    134: typedef unsigned long DWORD;
    135: typedef unsigned long long DWORD64;
    168: typedef unsigned int SID;
    169: typedef SID *PSID;
    239:typedef BOOL *LPBOOL;
    240: typedef CHAR TCHAR;
    240: typedef CHAR _TCHAR;
    And it is also giving me too many warnings for widec.h, wchar_iso.h and getwc.
    thaks in advanced.

    Yes, you need to use the Forte C/C++ compiler (Formerly known as Sun's Workshop compiler) to compile the library. The Solaris(TM) OE Implementation of Win32 API library has never been tested with gcc compiler.
    It is also mentioned in the README file under the root level folder for this library that this version of library has been compiled by the Sun WorkShop 5.0 98/12/15 C on SunOS Solaris 8. One should use the cc compiler "Sun WorkShop 5.0 98/12/15 C 5.0" or higher version to compile this library.

  • Implementing JAVA Apis

    I am running java 5_7 from the command prompt on Windows.
    The error is that i have put various jar apis in my lib/ext file. When I am compiling from the command prompt i can use those apis. So for example:
    java org.apache.lucene.IndexFiles SCOTUSLex
    at the command prompt works and runs the IndexFiles class. If however, i attempt to import the api in a java program with all of the other imports, so for example:
    import java.util.*;
    import org.apache.lucene.*;
    when I attempt to compile it, it tells me that the org.apache.lucene package does not exist. This is true of any other api i try to use this way as well.
    My classpath contains the following:
    .;..;c:\;c:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_07\lib
    I have tried making the classpath more explicit (i.e. c:\Program Files\ Java\jre1.5.0_07\lib\ext\ and c:\Program Files\ Java\jre1.5.0_07\lib\ext\*.* and c:\Program Files\ Java\jre1.5.0_07\lib\ext\lucene-core-2.0.0.jar) but all to no avail.
    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    A typical project structure looks like this:
    <project name>
      +-- src (or "source" for *.java and resource files)
      +-- lib (for *.jar files)
      +-- bin (or "classes" for the compiler's result)Within the folder <project name>, there's space for *.bat or *.sh files and/or make files (for Ant/Maven). The CLASSPATH for compiling should contain any single *.jar file under "lib" and the "src" folder, the CLASSPATH for running should contain any single *.jar file under "lib" and the "bin" folder.

  • Sample Scripts Needed to implement Counter API in R12

    Hi all,
    Could some please help me with some kind sample implimentation of the following API.
    Im trying to use the following API, and not able to find any example. This is in R12
    following are the parameters.
    (p_api_version IN NUMBER,
    p_init_msg_list IN varchar2,
    p_commit IN varchar2
    p_validation_level IN NUMBER
    p_ctr_reading_lock_rec IN/OUT csi_ctr_datastructures_pub.ctr_reading_lock_rec,
    x_return_status out varchar2,
    x_msg_count out number,
    x_msg_data out varchar2,
    c_ctr_id out number
    following are the parameters.
    (p_api_version IN NUMBER,
    p_init_msg_list IN varchar2,
    p_commit IN varchar2
    p_validation_level IN NUMBER
    p_counter_instance_rec IN/OUT csi_ctr_datastructures_pub.counter_instance_rec,
    p_ctr_properties_tbl IN/OUT csi_ctr_datastructures_pub.ctr_properties_tbl,
    p_counter_relationship_tbl IN/OUT csi_ctr_datastructures_pub.counter_relationship_tbl,
    p_ctr_derived_filters_tbl IN/out csi_ctr_datastructures_pub.ctr_derived_filters_tbl,
    p_counter_association_tbl IN/OUT csi_ctr_datastructures_pub.counter_associations_tbl,
    x_return_status out varchar2,
    x_msg_count out number,
    x_msg_data out varchar2,
    c_ctr_id out number
    Thanks for your time.

    Hi all,
    Could some please help me with some kind sample implimentation of the following API.
    Im trying to use the following API, and not able to find any example. This is in R12
    following are the parameters.
    (p_api_version IN NUMBER,
    p_init_msg_list IN varchar2,
    p_commit IN varchar2
    p_validation_level IN NUMBER
    p_ctr_reading_lock_rec IN/OUT csi_ctr_datastructures_pub.ctr_reading_lock_rec,
    x_return_status out varchar2,
    x_msg_count out number,
    x_msg_data out varchar2,
    c_ctr_id out number
    following are the parameters.
    (p_api_version IN NUMBER,
    p_init_msg_list IN varchar2,
    p_commit IN varchar2
    p_validation_level IN NUMBER
    p_counter_instance_rec IN/OUT csi_ctr_datastructures_pub.counter_instance_rec,
    p_ctr_properties_tbl IN/OUT csi_ctr_datastructures_pub.ctr_properties_tbl,
    p_counter_relationship_tbl IN/OUT csi_ctr_datastructures_pub.counter_relationship_tbl,
    p_ctr_derived_filters_tbl IN/out csi_ctr_datastructures_pub.ctr_derived_filters_tbl,
    p_counter_association_tbl IN/OUT csi_ctr_datastructures_pub.counter_associations_tbl,
    x_return_status out varchar2,
    x_msg_count out number,
    x_msg_data out varchar2,
    c_ctr_id out number
    Thanks for your time.

  • Netflix API and Coldfusion

    I was reading the Netflix API documentation which seemed like
    it offered some very good methods to see the latest dvd releases,
    manage you queue, etc. However, the coding looks pretty complex
    compared to Amazon and other services where you can do a lot with
    basic xml and a few cfhttp requests. Netflix uses OAuth to
    authenticate all requests made by your application. Has anyone
    gotten past this first hurdle of just generating all the attributes
    needed to build the OAuth parameters. It could be smoother sailing
    once you're past that. Thanks.

    Don't bet on it - in fact, it looks to me that it will be Java-fied. Unless Hyperion has released information that they will support the .NET platform, you may be stuck using the older-style C and VB APIs. Hyperion has invested a lot of time and effort getting all their products to support the J2EE standard.However, since .NET will become the defacto Win32 development environment, it would make sense for them to update their APIs to the .NET standard.Regards,Jade----------------------------------Jade ColeSenior Business Intelligence ConsultantClarity [email protected]

  • Seeing implementation in api's

    i recall being able to use java browser on mac to see the source implementations of standard sun-implemented java classes. i'm wondering if there's any easy way to see the implementations of java3D classes, i'm trying to check out ColorCube...thanks for any help.

    i recall being able to use java browser on mac to see
    the source implementations of standard
    sun-implemented java classesAmazing, I always thought you could only see the javadoc... I suppose I should be thanking you.
    i'm wondering if
    there's any easy way to see the implementations of
    java3D classes, i'm trying to check out
    ColorCube...thanks for any help.Just go to "File | Add Classes..." to add the class you want to see, if you really want to use Java Browser. But I'm pretty sure the app searches your computer for all packages (for example, anything you have in the Extensions folder), so you shouldn't even have to add the class.
    - elAmericano

  • Webservice API call

    I have been trying to make Webservice call to "" using coldfusion server 9.0 without much success. My code recognizes WSDL and it methods but When I call method it throws following error:
    Web service operation Describe with parameters {{DESCRIBEREQUESTS={[;@78b0e1}}} cannot be found.
    Please suggest.....
    MyCode CFM file code:
    Package Class: ""
        <cffunction name="head1" access="private" returntype="Any" output="false"
                    hint="Return the header needed to make an Omniture web service request as a SOAPHeaderElement object">
            <cfargument name="strUsername" type="String" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="strSecret" type="String" required="true" />
                // Unique random number
                var strNonce = createUUID();
                var strCreated  = DateFormat(Now(),'YYYY-mm-dd H:mm:ss');
                var strPassword = arguments.strSecret;
                // Start to build header
                var objHeader = CreateObject("java", "org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement");
                var nodeUserToken = "";
                var nodePassword = "";
                // Construct XML structure with code
                objHeader.init("", "wsse:Security");
                nodeUserToken = objHeader.addChildElement("wsse:UsernameToken");
                nodeUserToken.setAttribute("wsu:Id", "User");
                nodePassword = nodeUserToken.addChildElement("wsse:Password");
                nodePassword.setAttribute("Type", " rdText");
            <cfreturn objHeader />
            objHeader = head1("test", "emails@3");
            objService = CreateObject("webservice", "");
                                    definitionRequest =  createObject("java", "").init();
                                    DefinitionRequestMsg  = StructNew();                               
                                    defre = arraynew(1);
                                    defre[1] =definitionRequest;
                                    DefinitionRequestMsg.DescribeRequests = JavaCast("[]",defre);
    SubKey ::: <cfdump var="#sub.SubscriberKey#">
    Type ::: <cfdump var="#definitionRequest.getObjectType()#">
    DefinitionRequestMsg ::: <cfdump var="#DefinitionRequestMsg.DescribeRequests[1].ObjectType#">
    Methods ::: <cfdump var="#objService#">
    resp = getSOAPResponse(objService);
    SubKey :::   Jon_Doe 
    Type :::   Account
    DefinitionRequestMsg :::   Account
    Methods ::: 
    object of com.exacttarget.wsdl.partnerAPI.SoapBindingStub
    Class Name
    Return Type
    java.lang.String PASSWORD_PROPERTY
    java.lang.String USERNAME_PROPERTY
    Parent Class
    The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
    Please contact the website administrator.
    The following information is meant for the website developer for debugging purposes.
    Error Occurred While Processing Request
    Web service operation Describe with parameters {{DESCRIBEREQUESTS={[;@78b0e1}}} cannot be found.
    The error occurred in /Users/bgogineni/ColdFusion/wwwroot/ET/index2.cfm: line 84
    82 : <br/> 83 : <cfscript>
    84 :  objService.Describe(DefinitionRequestMsg); 85 :  resp = getSOAPResponse(objService); 86 :
    Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using the correct syntax.
    Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem.
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100315 Firefox/3.5.9
    Remote Address
    13-May-10 10:27 PM
    Stack Trace
    at cfindex22ecfm949006999.runPage(/Users/bgogineni/ColdFusion/wwwroot/ET/index2.cfm:84)                  
    coldfusion.xml.rpc.ServiceProxy$ServiceMethodNotFoundException: Web service operation Describe with parameters {{DESCRIBEREQUESTS={[;@78b0e1}}} cannot be found. at coldfusion.xml.rpc.ServiceProxy.invokeImpl( at coldfusion.xml.rpc.ServiceProxy.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke( at cfindex22ecfm949006999.runPage(/Users/bgogineni/ColdFusion/wwwroot/ET/index2.cfm:84) at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag( at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.MonitoringFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.BrowserDebugFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.NoCacheFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.CachingFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service( at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service( at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter( at coldfusion.monitor.event.MonitoringServletFilter.doFilter( at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter( at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter( at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service( at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke( at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext( at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke( at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch( at jrun.servlet.http.WebService.invokeRunnable( at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable( at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable( at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable( at
    Debugging Information
    ColdFusion Server Enterprise
    Time Stamp
    13-May-10 10:27 PM
    English (US)
    User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100315 Firefox/3.5.9
    Remote IP
    Host Name
    Execution Time  
    Total Time
    Avg Time
    15 ms
    15 ms
    14 ms
    29 ms
    red = over 250 ms average execution time   
    22:27:34.034 - Application Exception - in /Users/bgogineni/ColdFusion/wwwroot/ET/index2.cfm : line 84
        Web service operation Describe with parameters {{DESCRIBEREQUESTS={[;@78b0e1}}} cannot be found.    

    We do a lot of work with web service APIs using coldfusion.  A while ago, we decided it was much easier (especially when dealing with complex web service invocations) to switch to posting/receiving the raw XML SOAP messages in order to exchange data with the remote web service.  Ben Nadel has a great article that outlines what is involved: TTP.htm
    What's more, you can use a lot of free/OSS tools to generate a template for the Request/Response SOAP messages, so it really just winds up being a matter of creating your XML in a cfsavecontent block and adding your variables in place of the sample text.  We use SOAPSonar from Crosscheck networks ( - they have a free "personal" edition that will parse a WSDL and generate the resulting XML SOAP messages that you can use as a template.
    The only major issue is you have to watch out for the XML namespaces in the response that comes back from the web service.  ColdFusion (not surprisingly) has a major issue with extracting data using XMLSearch() from an XML node that includes a name space.  There are a couple of work-arounds - you could use a local-name() xpath method to perform a namespace-agnostic search, or you could use regular expressions to just strip all the namespace data out of the XML and parse using ColdFusion.
    Anyway, the implementation winds up looking something like this:
    <!--- build Soap XML --->
    <cfsavecontent variable="sSOAPBody">
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
    <!--- Send SOAP data using CFHTTP --->
    <cfhttp url="URL of Web service (e.g. .asmx, .cfc - no WSDL)" method="post">
    <cfhttpparam type="header" name="SOAPAction" value="http://target_namespace_goes_here/method">
    <cfhttpparam type="header" name="accept-encoding" value="no-compression">
    <cfhttpparam type="xml" value="#trim(sSOAPBody)#">
    <!--- Parse XML Response in CFHTTP.FileContent --->

  • Populating a PDF File from ColdFusion

    I wanted to populate a pfd file from coldfusion and I found
    this online:
    When I submit the form.. I then show a link [view pdf].. only
    when I click
    on that lick I get a message saying
    Adobe acrobat: the file is damaged and could not be repaired.
    Has anyone used this method successfully? If so, would like
    to hear some
    The PDF template I created just have 2 fields. firstname
    lastname (which
    matches cfm form).
    Thanks in advance
    1. Create PDF document to populate
    Create the document you want to populate. This document could
    be done in
    Microsoft Word, as an HTML page or using some drawing
    application. Then
    create a PDF file of that document.
    You must have Adobe Acrobat or the equivalent to create a PDF
    Typically, the easiest way to create a PDF is to click File
    > Print and
    select Acrobat Distiller as your printer.
    2. Enter fields with Acrobat
    Once the document is in the PDF format, open it in Acrobat.
    Use the menu bar
    tools to define your fields.
    a.. Use the Form Tool to define the various text fields,
    give each a name,
    and designate the font type and size. The field name should
    correspond to
    the name of the data you will input.
    b.. Use the Text Tool to modify areas of text. You may have
    to change the
    font or font size. It is not the easiest tool to use.
    This will be your PDF template.
    3. Create a ColdFusion page to populate the PDF
    Create a ColdFusion form to gather data from input over the
    Internet or from
    a database query. This page or an action page will provide
    the means to
    populate the PDF file.
    The code you use will depend on the method or software you
    decide to use.
    Options will be explained in the next section.

    Hi, I need your help again.. And if you can do this for me; i
    will pay for
    your time. just let me know. because i need this project wrap
    up in the next
    28 hours.
    I've used the Ben Forta (cf_PDFFROM) and i'm able to get the
    pdf. (great)
    now i need to suppress blank lines.
    my pdf is a business card template.
    on the left top down
    firstname middle name lastname
    job title
    on the right bottom up:
    there's where I'm stuck:
    if a user does not enter a fax number... I want the PDF to
    move 'phone:'
    down 1 line and not show the word 'fax'.
    PLEASE can someone point me in the right direction OR tell me
    you can do it
    quickly. contact me and i'll pay you.
    thanks in advance!
    "BLXWebMaster" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f2fi63$c1e$[email protected]..
    > What version of PDF are you using? Are you creating your
    PDF Form in
    > designer?
    > If you are trying to Pre-Populate a PDF Form, this
    technique will not work
    > in
    > that this will not preserve your Form. With the recent
    versions of PDF,
    > Adobe
    > hase changed the technology to be XML and you are trying
    to populate your
    > PDF
    > using FDF. I don't think that this can be done.
    > I would stay away from FDF.
    > Although there are several tools that will allow you to
    do this, most of
    > them
    > rely on the old FDF format.
    > I would suggest checking out XPAAJ. This is a free api
    for Coldfusion
    > users
    > and offers a decent basic pre-population of PDF's.
    > Written by our friend Ben Forta, you can check it out

  • Payment api issue on MIDlet Application

    Hi All,
    I am having an existing MIDlet application in which I want to implement payment api. I have followed all the guidlines provided by BB team. I have even done a sample application for payment api using UiApplication which is working fine, now when I tried to use the same code in my MIDlet application its not working, giving error "Error!907: Descriptor missing required attribute: MIDlet-Name" during packaging of project.
    When I don't add paymentapi.jar from "order and export" of eclipse its giving me "Error!907: Descriptor missing required attribute: MIDlet-Name" and when I remove it from there in the same application it gets packaged properly. This is sort of annoying behaviour of BB!!!
    Can anyone please help if I am missing any step in my MIDlet application.
    Thanks in advance.

    Adding more detail of the issue.  This issue is arising in OS5 device only, in OS6 and OS7 device it is working properly.  Seems that some issue is coming in paymentapi.jar while using the Registry api. (I have tried using both version of paymentapi.jar - 1.0 as well as 1.5 but the issue remains same.)
    Debug information is as follows:
    RegistryImpl.verifyClassname(String) line:1170
    RegistryImpl.getRegistry(String) line:168
    Registry.getRegistry(String) line: 304
    f$TestMidletInApp.b() line:142
    f$TestMidletInApp.a() line:126
    f$TestMidletInApp.a(PurchaseArguments$TestMidletInApp, int) line:67
    f$TestMidletInApp.a(PurchaseArguments$TestMidletInApp, int) line:27
    PaymentEngine$TestMidletInApp.purchase(PurchaseArguments$TestMidletInApp) line: 208
    MyScreen.fieldChanged(Field, int) line:65
    The message in IllegalArgumentException is : "classname does not exist in current application package."
    Supporting OS5 devices are very important to us so if anyone has any idea related to this issue then please reply, its urgent.
    If not anyone than I hope Blackberry Development Team has some answer to this issue.
    Thanks in advance.

  • How do I create an API with session support?

    Hi experts,
    I am implemented an API, now I need to have a session for each user using this API, something like HttpSession, I need to store some attribute for each user. for example, each user may choose its own locale and I need to manage every one separately.
    is there any design pattern to support session or has anyone such experience?
    thank you very much

    java1357 wrote:
    Thanks valooCK
    may I ask you what is lightweight container? in other words, how can I define one. did you mean something like a Servlet? if yes, in none-web application what kind of container I can use?
    do you know a simple container or an example?
    thanks againactually you dont need session support in a regulr application. it is needed only in a web application because a session of a web application may comsist of several stateless pages, the session helps maintain the state throughout the application.
    a regular application may consist of a main thread, plus work threads and background thread. so long as your main thread is running, you can use it to maintain state. all you need is a containter type of class for more efficient management, which can be used for a web application as well.
    a lightweight container is a server code which, unlike heavyweight container such as the ejb container that requires you implement certain interfaces, does not require any special interface implementation, any good old java classes will run in it. for more informatioon, look up some spring docs.

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