Import content from mediawiki to OS X wiki

i have already a mediawiki running with a lot of content on a linux box. i would like to transfer/export those content to the wiki on the Xserve. is there a tool or functionality on Xserve to do that. It can save a ot of time

Don't do it unless you are a small company with no cloud based aspirations or virtualisation ideas.
So many of my clients are now looking to move from OSX wiki to another wiki that can be put in the cloud (Amazon or the other main players) or virtualised.
Apple is out of the Pro server game, and no virtualisation options outside of the "desktop" space. Even VMWARE "supported" mac hardware is 4 years old.
Apple has a very nice wiki server and effectively a simple click a button solution. But OSX wiki is specific to Apple and apple hardware and I am still struggling to find an export script.
I now have clients that started small and now have  many 1,000's of pages of data in OSX wiki's that can't virtualise them in there data centres, or migrate them off old server hardware to new "server" hardware and can't migrate them to there cloud based IaaS solutions with Rackpsace or Amazon etc..
If you have any plan's to be anything more than a "mum and dad solution" then stay with MediaWiki or migrate to another wiki or hybrid wiki like open atrium or others. Most of these do have installers or can compile on a mac. So you can use your hardware still to reduce costs.
Just save yourself the heartache a few years from now when your get bigger and the Mac mini in the corner can't support your growth or your business strategy changes and "dedicated tin" in a server room is not part of that strategy

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