Import custom java classes

          I am playing with WL6.0SP2. I started the exampleServer and can render the
          HelloWorld.jsp page using
          http://localhost:7001/examplesWebApp/HelloWorld.jsp. I added a line in
          HelloWorld.jsp like <@ page import="*" %> and put the
          exploded classes under
          \config\examples\applications\examplesWebApp\WEB-INF\calsses directory.
          However, Weblogic failed to compile HelloWorld.jsp, complaining
 package can not be found. Where should I put the custom
          classes do that it can be found by WL?

          I am playing with WL6.0SP2. I started the exampleServer and can render the
          HelloWorld.jsp page using
          http://localhost:7001/examplesWebApp/HelloWorld.jsp. I added a line in
          HelloWorld.jsp like <@ page import="*" %> and put the
          exploded classes under
          \config\examples\applications\examplesWebApp\WEB-INF\calsses directory.
          However, Weblogic failed to compile HelloWorld.jsp, complaining
 package can not be found. Where should I put the custom
          classes do that it can be found by WL?

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    Message was edited by:

    Since our this requirement is in Quotes module, its not using OAF. It is using plain JSPs and java classes.
    What i was thinking is, create the Option values as flex fields, and write a custom java class to fetch these data from the flex tables and use it in the JSP.
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    I have tried various ways from this forum and in the documentation without success. I am using IDM 8. I found these instructions regarding how you would do it if you were writing custom resource adaptors in the deployment tools guide:
    To install a resource adapter you’ve customized:
    1. Load the NewResourceAdapter.class file in the Identity Manager installation
    directory under
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    2. Copy the .gif file to idm/applet/images.
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    4. Stop and restart the application server. (For information about working with
    application servers, see Identity Manager Installation.)
    I tried the instructions here but placed my custom class in a folder entitled custom instead of /adapter/sample. Not sure about instruction 3 or whether it is relevent. Anyway nothings working.
    Edited by: masj78 on Nov 25, 2008 3:50 AM
    Edited by: masj78 on Nov 25, 2008 4:03 AM

    The way to add custom class is the same as you followed , put them in the WEB-INF/classes.
    To use the custom adapter ,
    Go To Resources - > Configure Types -> Add Custom Resource .
    Type in the fully qualified class name of the custom adapter you added.and Save.
    Now the new adapter you added should showup in the list of available adapters when you try to
    configure a new adapter.
    (Make sure that the prototype XML of your custom adapter is correct so that it displays the correct name / type for the adapter in the adapter list.

  • How to import a java class in a JSP

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    I have a java class file called myTest.class (i made after compilation of I have a JSP page that uses this java class file.
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    probably occurred due to an error in /test.jsp line 5:
    <%@page import="myTest" %>
    Please advise how to solve this problem

    Don't bother with the import
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    * Creates an Ant project to run an Ant build
    * @author myself
    * @version 1.0
    public class RunTest extends Ant {
        String applicationName;
        String buttonClicked;
        String boxName;
        String targetName;
        public void applicationName(String applicationName){
         this.applicationName = applicationName;
        public void boxName(String boxName){
         this.boxName = boxName;
        public void buttonClicked(String buttonClicked){
         this.buttonClicked = buttonClicked;
      public RunTest() {
    public void goTest() {
         if(this.buttonClicked.equalsIgnoreCase("deploy") && this.applicationName.equalsIgnoreCase("scsmail") && this.boxName.equalsIgnoreCase("testnet")){
           this.targetName = "deploy-scsmail-testnet";
         if(this.buttonClicked.equalsIgnoreCase("undeploy") && this.applicationName.equalsIgnoreCase("scsmail") && this.boxName.equalsIgnoreCase("testnet")){
           this.targetName = "undeploy-scsmail-testnet";
        Project project = new Project();
        System.out.println("printing 1 ....");
        ExecTask exec = new ExecTask();
         Commandline.Argument arg = exec.createArg();
         // arg.setLine("-f scsmail.xml test -listener -logfile D:/antProject/src/log.xml");
         arg.setLine("-f build.xml "+ targetName + " -listener -logfile /export/home/beamon/bin/log.xml");
         System.out.println("printing 2....");
        //exec.setOutput(new File("D:/antProject/logs/prob.txt"));
        System.out.println("printing 3....");
    -----------------------the JSP page is called as test.jsp
    <%@page contentType="text/html" %>
    <%@page import="*" %>
    <%@page import="java.util.*" %>
    <%@page import="*" %>
    <%@page import="RunTest" %>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="3000" >
    <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
    <BODY BGCOLOR="silver" TEXT="333333">
    <table border=0>
    <tr align="left"><td align="left"><FONT SIZE="-1"><B>  Test Page <FONT SIZE="-1"><B></td></tr>
    <form action="./test.jsp" method="POST" name="testForm">
    <select name="appName" size=1>
    <option value="">Select Application Name
    <option value="scsmail">scsMail
    <option value="clientmanager">ClientManager
    <select name="boxName" size=1>
    <option value="">Select Box Name
    <option value="testnet">TestNet
    <option value="production">Production
    <input type="submit" name="deploy" value="deploy">
    <input type="submit" name="undeploy" value="undeploy">
       RunTest rt = new RunTest();
        String deployButton = "";
        String undeployButton = "";

  • Facing problem to Use a custom Java class in UCCX

    /* Style Definitions */
    {mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
    mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
    We are using Communication manager 7.0.1 and UCCX version 7.0.1(Cisco Unified CCX Premium).  We are trying to call a Custom Java class file from UCCX scripting. We have followed the steps mentioned in the guide (How-To: Using a custom Java class in UCCX 5.x (SOAP Example)). See below link.
    After completed all the steps we have got the variable type SimpleSOAP at script but we did not found it to object constructors or object attributes (plz find the attached screenshots). We will appreciate if you plz guide us to solve the issue.
    LEADS Corporation Ltd.

    Hello, Fakhrul.
    I'm sorry to see you were not able to find the information or help you were looking for here in the Contact Center community forum.
    You may be able to find more help through the Cisco Developer Network.
    Also, you might want to consider engaging Cisco Advanced Services via your account team to assist with UCCX custom scripting.
    Thank you, and good luck.

  • Unable to import a java class in a jsp file

    I am trying to import a java class in my jsp.
    <jsp:useBean id="form" class="" scope="request" />
    <jsp:setProperty name="form" property="*" />
    <input type="TEXT" name="projectID" value='<%= form.getProjectID() %>'>
    When I run the above JSP, it says that class '' cannot be found.
    My project structure looks like this:
    +Application Sources
    +Web Content
    Please advice...thanks!

    The way that JDeveloper organized the files was like this:
    I am assuming that JDeveloper puts the file where they are suppose to be...if not, how do I change that?

  • Using Custom Java Class - WorkflowRegistry.xml

    I am using a custom java class in workflow. While executing I am getting errot -
    com.waveset.util.WavesetException: Class com.LdapGroupMod is not a WorkflowApplication
    It seems from documentation that I need to add this in workflowregistry.xml file. I added the same like given below -
    <WorkflowApplication name='Workflow Name'
    <Comments>Nothing Here</Comments>
    </WorkflowApplication>Even tried restaring the application server but I am still getting same error. Any idea what needs to be done here? or I am missing smething?

    Well the first thing would be to read the workflowRegistry.xml file. The header talks about internal and external applications and so on. The crucial part is that any application registered must implement the WorkflowApplication interface (which I guess your class dont do)
    I gave up. I am totally baffled by the documentation. I admit it.
    What I did was to create an Script action in an Activity where the script used Xpress to invoke my class. It seems to work.

  • ADF : How to import a java class in jspx page

    Hi All,
    In jsp we have page directive to import a java class. Do we have anything similar to that in a jspx page?

    If you create a new jspx file in jdeveloper, the untitled file generated will be this:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1">
    <jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="true" doctype-root-element="HTML"
    doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"/>
    < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" import="java.util.*"/>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
    You can see the page directive there!

  • To Unable to Import Customize Java classes in Report Builder 10g

    In Report Builder 10g , I am trying to load image from Remote server
    Steps did in Report Builder 10g
    1.In Report Builder Created a Formula column with
    Datatype : Character
    Read from File: Yes
    File Format: Image
    In Formula columns trying to Unable to Import Customize Java classes.
    To read methods from Java classes.
    Please help on this.

    To import the Java classes:
    Add your jar in the REPORTS_CLASSPATH
    Launch Reports Builder.
    You must launch Reports Builder now so that the new REPORTS_CLASSPATH is used.
    Choose Program > Import Java Classes to display the Import Java Classes dialog box.

  • How to create custom java class in Content Server

    Hi All,
    I want to develop a custom java class (.class) file and upload in the UCM(Stellent Content Server). The problem is that I have to use some objects like DataResultSet, SharedObjects etc in my java class file. Since these class files resides in the Content Server I am not able to create a custom java class with these objects.
    Can any one help me to solve the above issue
    With thanks and regards

    Hey there,
    All of the core content server class files are included in a single jar file. This jar is in one of 2 places in the 10gr3 version of UCM:
    1. If you have an unpatched content server include $IntradocDir/shared/classes/ in your classpath
    2. If you have a patched content server include $IntradocDir/custom/CS10gR35CoreUpdate/classes.jar in your classpath.
    In UCM 11g the jar file is located in %MIDDLEWARE_HOME%/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/jlib/idcserver.jar
    P.S. Venkat is correct, post UCM specific questions in the ECM forum.
    Hope that helps,
    Andy Weaver - Senior Software Consultant
    Fishbowl Solutions < >

  • Sql Query in Custom Java Class in OIM 9x

    Hi All,
    I m having requirement where I need to execute SQL Select Query in custom java class.
    The class is a action class ,in a method I m trying to execute SQL Query as below
         sdkDataSet = new tcDataSet();
              dataprovider =sdkDataSet.getDataBase();
                   //sdkDataSet = new tcDataSet();
                   sdkDataSet.setQuery(dataprovider, sdkQuery);
                   logger.debug(CLASSNAME + methodName + "Query Executed");
                   if (sdkDataSet.getRowCount() > 0)
                        sdkName = sdkDataSet.getString(0);
                        logger.debug(CLASSNAME + methodName+ "The sdkName is " + sdkName);
    Error is returned in logs
    tcDataSetException    Must set a query before executing
    I hope issue is coming due to dataprovider dbrefence.
    Kindly let me know how to execute sql query in a action class.

    Hi Pallavi,
    Thanks for your reply...
    OOTB class Name is com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.ApprovalsAction
    This class will display the pending Approvals for a user.On pending approval page, I need to add one more attribute let say email of the beneficiary user.I have a query which will fetch email value based on RequestID.
    select usr.usr_email from rqu rqu, usr usr, act act  where rqu.usr_key=usr.usr_key and usr.act_key=act.act_key and rqu.req_key=1234*
    Pls let me know if there is any way to get email with or with out executing Query.

  • 11g iBots(Agents) calling custom java class?

    We upgraded from 10g to 11g and we have iBots that call a custom java class in the form of a jar file.
    This all worked fine in 10g.
    I followed all configuration steps in the documentation, but we are unable to get our iBots(Agents) to work in 11g.
    Keep getting "Can't find Class" errors.
    Has anyone successfully created agents that call custom java classes with 11g, if so, can you please share your steps for doing this?

    Hi glova,
    The document refers to the RPD and catalog migration....what ever customization used in 10g wont effect in 11g i suppose most of the things.
    i would suggest you to copy the java class of ibots and do the copy paste or manually do it in 11g and see if it works ...this is the only alternative.
    hope helps you.

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