Unable to import a java class in a jsp file

I am trying to import a java class in my jsp.
<jsp:useBean id="form" class="com.company.portlets.searchApps.object.SearchOBJ" scope="request" />
<jsp:setProperty name="form" property="*" />
<input type="TEXT" name="projectID" value='<%= form.getProjectID() %>'>
When I run the above JSP, it says that class 'com.company.portlets.searchApps.object.SearchOBJ' cannot be found.
My project structure looks like this:
+Application Sources
+Web Content
Please advice...thanks!

The way that JDeveloper organized the files was like this:
I am assuming that JDeveloper puts the file where they are suppose to be...if not, how do I change that?

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    In Report Builder 10g , I am trying to load image from Remote server
    Steps did in Report Builder 10g
    1.In Report Builder Created a Formula column with
    Datatype : Character
    Read from File: Yes
    File Format: Image
    In Formula columns trying to Unable to Import Customize Java classes.
    To read methods from Java classes.
    Please help on this.

    To import the Java classes:
    Add your jar in the REPORTS_CLASSPATH
    Launch Reports Builder.
    You must launch Reports Builder now so that the new REPORTS_CLASSPATH is used.
    Choose Program > Import Java Classes to display the Import Java Classes dialog box.

  • How to import a java class in a JSP

    Hi All,
    I have a java class file called myTest.class (i made after compilation of myTest.java). I have a JSP page that uses this java class file.
    These 2 files are in same folder called c:/test
    and iam importing this java class file into my jsp file and that too at the start of this jsp file:
    <%@page import="myTest" %>
    BUt iam getting an error ..............when iam running this JSP page:
    /opt/bea81sp2/user_projects/domains/wliDomain/./Managed2/.wlnotdelete/extract/Managed2_myTest_myTest/jsp_servlet/__test.java:20: '.' expected
    probably occurred due to an error in /test.jsp line 5:
    <%@page import="myTest" %>
    Please advise how to solve this problem

    Don't bother with the import
    when iam not importing this class file into my JSP, then on my JSP, the class file is not found.
    Here is my code: and these 2 class file are in c:/test
    import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant;
    import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Property;
    import org.apache.tools.ant.types.*;
    import org.apache.tools.ant.*;
    import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.ExecTask;
    import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Commandline;
    import java.io.File;
    * Creates an Ant project to run an Ant build
    * @author myself
    * @version 1.0
    public class RunTest extends Ant {
        String applicationName;
        String buttonClicked;
        String boxName;
        String targetName;
        public void applicationName(String applicationName){
         this.applicationName = applicationName;
        public void boxName(String boxName){
         this.boxName = boxName;
        public void buttonClicked(String buttonClicked){
         this.buttonClicked = buttonClicked;
      public RunTest() {
    public void goTest() {
         if(this.buttonClicked.equalsIgnoreCase("deploy") && this.applicationName.equalsIgnoreCase("scsmail") && this.boxName.equalsIgnoreCase("testnet")){
           this.targetName = "deploy-scsmail-testnet";
         if(this.buttonClicked.equalsIgnoreCase("undeploy") && this.applicationName.equalsIgnoreCase("scsmail") && this.boxName.equalsIgnoreCase("testnet")){
           this.targetName = "undeploy-scsmail-testnet";
        Project project = new Project();
        System.out.println("printing 1 ....");
        ExecTask exec = new ExecTask();
         exec.setDir(new java.io.File("/export/home/beamon/bin"));
         Commandline.Argument arg = exec.createArg();
         // arg.setLine("-f scsmail.xml test -listener org.apache.tools.ant.XmlLogger -logfile D:/antProject/src/log.xml");
         arg.setLine("-f build.xml "+ targetName + " -listener org.apache.tools.ant.XmlLogger -logfile /export/home/beamon/bin/log.xml");
         System.out.println("printing 2....");
        //exec.setOutput(new File("D:/antProject/logs/prob.txt"));
        System.out.println("printing 3....");
    -----------------------the JSP page is called as test.jsp
    <%@page contentType="text/html" %>
    <%@page import="java.io.*" %>
    <%@page import="java.util.*" %>
    <%@page import="java.net.*" %>
    <%@page import="RunTest" %>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="3000" >
    <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
    <BODY BGCOLOR="silver" TEXT="333333">
    <table border=0>
    <tr align="left"><td align="left"><FONT SIZE="-1"><B>  Test Page <FONT SIZE="-1"><B></td></tr>
    <form action="./test.jsp" method="POST" name="testForm">
    <select name="appName" size=1>
    <option value="">Select Application Name
    <option value="scsmail">scsMail
    <option value="clientmanager">ClientManager
    <select name="boxName" size=1>
    <option value="">Select Box Name
    <option value="testnet">TestNet
    <option value="production">Production
    <input type="submit" name="deploy" value="deploy">
    <input type="submit" name="undeploy" value="undeploy">
       RunTest rt = new RunTest();
        String deployButton = "";
        String undeployButton = "";

  • Can't find the imported java class when run .jsp file

    I want to run a jsp web application using tomcat. I put all my .jsp files under "TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/junmin" directory, and put all .class files under "TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/junmin/WEB-INF/classes" directory. I set up TOMCAT_HOME AND JAVA_HOME already. But when I type in the address like below:
    The IE will give me error msg indicating that it can't find all the .class files which I imported them in login.jsp file.
    So, does anyone know that if I miss some configuration in order to let the .jsp file recognize the .class files. Thanks a lot!
    Sincerely, Junmin

    Ha, this might be the reason.
    Can I add sth like this:
    <Context path="/junmin" docbase="junmin" debug=0 reloadable=true>
    But in my local computer, I didn't add this <Context> either. It works well.
    Thanks a lot! I will ask the administrator to try this.
    And will write down the reason.
    Sincerely, Junmin

  • Invoking a method from a java class to a jsp file

    Maybe i'm going through a very basic error, but as i've looked for in some forums and nothing found decided to post. So let's go to the problem.
    Well, i have a form in a jsp file, it's basicaly html, but as i need some select boxes populated with data from the database i decided to create some methods in java classes. This is the point.
    My method receive some attributes, like the table and colums names, the name of the select box and the HttpServletResponse object.
    So after making all the database process. The method is supposed to write the result through the out.println(); object
    It goes everything all right except that the method seems to be called first than the html code coz' my select boxes comes above the head in the begin of the page and was supposed to come in the middle.
    part of the code:
    package pacote;
    import java.packages.*
    public class Class{
    public void metodo(HttpServletResponse response, String tableName, String column name, String selectName){
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    //After making the query stuff
    //caso n�o haja nada na consulta
         if(rst == null)
         out.println("N�o h� registros.");
         out.println( "<select name='" +SelectName + "' id='" +SelectName + "' class=\"input_ob\" >");
         out.println( "<option value=''>Escolha: "+objeto+"</option>");
         //fill the select body with options; A while that sweap the resultSet and use the out object to write the results          
         getSelectBody(out,rst, selectValue);
    }This method is called this way:
    <tr valign="baseline">
        <td nowrap align="right">Grupo</td>
        <jsp:useBean id="m" scope="page" class="pacote.Class" />
                   m.metodo(response, "tabela","grupo","id_grupo);
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                        %></td>I'd like to know what i'm missing here. why the answer doesn't go in the place It's supposed to go.
    any answer will be greatly apreciated

    The issue is caused because you are using the response to get the writer directly.
    The JSP has gotten the same writer, but has wrapped it in a JSPWriter class. That class has got a buffer.
    So it writes the beginning html to the JSPWriter buffer.
    You write your stuff to the response writer - gets sent to the output.
    It writes more stuff to the JSPWriter buffer, then flushes that buffer - at which point all the text written into the JSP writer now gets added to the response.
    You see how your code is coming out first?
    Solution - instead of getting the writer from the response, pass the writer into your method (maybe instead of response if you don't use response for anything else)
    public void metodo(Writer jspWriter, String tableName, String column name, String selectName){
      PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(jspWriter);
      ...That means that you will be writing to the same writer, and the text should come out in sequence.

  • Calling a java class in a JSP file

    I have a jsp file in which I call a java class.
    I work with Tomcat 4.0.1
    If I modify the java class and then I execute my JSP, it still be the old version of my class that is executed.
    I don't understand why since if I creates a main function and I execute it, it works correctly!
    Do you know what is the problem?

    i also have this problem.when i modify jsp file,it didn't execute inmediately. Then i restart tomcat,but problem also exist.
    a few minute age,i execute jsp file again,it can appear the modified jsp.i don't down why
    i work tomcat 5.0 windowxp

  • Re: Using simple java class in an .war file.

    Hi All,
    I have a simple question,
    Can I access an simple java class from a jsp file that I have written by putting it in the "classes" folder?? What entry should go in the web.xml file?
    Here is my directory structure:
    ----test.jsp <file>
    ----WEB-INF <folder>
    | |
    | ----classes<folder>
    | | |
    | | ----simpleJavaClass.class<file>
    | |
    | ----lib<folder>
    | |
    | ----web.xml
    I want to access the simpleJavaClass.class from the jsp test.jsp.
    Please suggest.
    Thanks and regards

    It is possible to access the class in u r classes folder from u r jsp file.
    For example
    <%@ page import="com.test.service.PricingSolution,
    <% PricingSolution solution = (PricingSolution)session.getAttribute("solution"); %>
    This is a simple scriplet example. You do the same using jstl tags also.

  • Unable to compile the java class in the SQL PLUS

    Hi Team,
    I am unable to compile the java class in the SQL PLUS in dev1 and dev2. It is giving the following error.
    But the same class get Compiled in the Toad(Tool) without any error and working fine. Could someone help me
    What to do for this for your reference ,Attaching the java class file.
    “ORA-29536: badly formed source: Encountered "<EOF>" at line 1, column 28.
    Was expecting one of:
    ----------------------Here is the Java class Code.....................
    create or replace and compile java source named "XXVM_ZipFileUtil_Ela"
    import java.math.BigDecimal;
    import java.util.zip.Deflater;
    import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
    import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;
    import oracle.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class XXVM_ZipFileUtil_Ela
    public static oracle.sql.BLOB getZipFile(
    oracle.sql.CHAR zipFilePathCHAR, oracle.sql.CHAR zipFileNameCHAR,
    int fileBufferSize, int zipFileBufferSize,
    boolean deleteZipFile, java.sql.Array fileNames, java.sql.Array fileContents, java.sql.Array fileContentsLength)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, java.sql.SQLException
    String zipFilePath = (zipFilePathCHAR == null) ? null : zipFilePathCHAR.stringValue();
    String zipFileName = (zipFileNameCHAR == null) ? null : zipFileNameCHAR.stringValue();
    String zipPathAndFileName = new String(
    new String(zipFilePath == null || zipFilePath == "" ? "/tmp/" : zipFilePath) +
    new String(zipFileName == null || zipFileName == "" ? System.currentTimeMillis() + ".zip" : zipFileName));
    byte[] buffer = new byte[fileBufferSize == 0 ? 100000000 : fileBufferSize];
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:default:connection:");
    oracle.sql.CLOB[] fileContentsCLOB = (oracle.sql.CLOB[])fileContents.getArray();
    String[] fileNamesString = (String[])fileNames.getArray();
    BigDecimal[] fileContentsLengthNumber = (BigDecimal[])fileContentsLength.getArray();
    ZipOutputStream zipOut = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipPathAndFileName));
    for (int i = 0; i < fileNamesString.length; i++) {
    zipOut.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(fileNamesString));
    InputStream asciiStream = fileContentsCLOB[i].getAsciiStream(1L);
    int asciiReadCount = asciiStream.read(buffer,0,fileContentsLengthNumber[i].intValue());
    zipOut.write(buffer, 0, fileContentsLengthNumber[i].intValue());
    byte zipFileContents[] = new byte[zipFileBufferSize == 0 ? 100000000 : zipFileBufferSize];
    FileInputStream zipIn = new FileInputStream(zipPathAndFileName);
    int byteCount = zipIn.read(zipFileContents);
    byte returnFileContents[] = new byte[byteCount];
    String returnFileContentsString = new String(returnFileContents);
    if (deleteZipFile)
    boolean deletedFile = (new File(zipPathAndFileName)).delete();
    oracle.sql.BLOB returnFileContentsBLOB = null;
    returnFileContentsBLOB = BLOB.createTemporary(conn, true, BLOB.DURATION_SESSION);
    //OutputStream tempBlobWriter = returnFileContentsBLOB.getBinaryOutputStream();
    OutputStream tempBlobWriter = returnFileContentsBLOB.setBinaryStream(1);
    return returnFileContentsBLOB;
    catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    throw ex;
    catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
    throw ex;
    catch (IOException ex)
    throw ex;
    catch (java.sql.SQLException ex)
    throw ex;

    860411 wrote:
    Hi Team,
    I am unable to compile the java class in the SQL PLUS in dev1 and dev2. It is giving the following error.
    But the same class get Compiled in the Toad(Tool) without any error and working fine. Could someone help me
    What to do for this for your reference ,Attaching the java class file.
    “ORA-29536: badly formed source: Encountered "<EOF>" at line 1, column 28.
    Was expecting one of:
    I believe the error message is clear and self-explanatory.
    ----------------------Here is the Java class Code.....................
    create or replace and compile java source named "XXVM_ZipFileUtil_Ela"
    import java.math.BigDecimal;
    import java.util.zip.Deflater;
    import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
    import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;
    import oracle.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class XXVM_ZipFileUtil_Ela
    public static oracle.sql.BLOB getZipFile(
    oracle.sql.CHAR zipFilePathCHAR, oracle.sql.CHAR zipFileNameCHAR,
    int fileBufferSize, int zipFileBufferSize,
    boolean deleteZipFile, java.sql.Array fileNames, java.sql.Array fileContents, java.sql.Array fileContentsLength)
    throws IllegalArgumentException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, java.sql.SQLException
    String zipFilePath = (zipFilePathCHAR == null) ? null : zipFilePathCHAR.stringValue();
    String zipFileName = (zipFileNameCHAR == null) ? null : zipFileNameCHAR.stringValue();
    String zipPathAndFileName = new String(
    new String(zipFilePath == null || zipFilePath == "" ? "/tmp/" : zipFilePath) +
    new String(zipFileName == null || zipFileName == "" ? System.currentTimeMillis() + ".zip" : zipFileName));
    byte[] buffer = new byte[fileBufferSize == 0 ? 100000000 : fileBufferSize];
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:default:connection:");
    oracle.sql.CLOB[] fileContentsCLOB = (oracle.sql.CLOB[])fileContents.getArray();
    String[] fileNamesString = (String[])fileNames.getArray();
    BigDecimal[] fileContentsLengthNumber = (BigDecimal[])fileContentsLength.getArray();
    ZipOutputStream zipOut = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipPathAndFileName));
    for (int i = 0; i < fileNamesString.length; i++) {
    zipOut.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(fileNamesString));
    InputStream asciiStream = fileContentsCLOB[i].getAsciiStream(1L);
    int asciiReadCount = asciiStream.read(buffer,0,fileContentsLengthNumber[i].intValue());
    zipOut.write(buffer, 0, fileContentsLengthNumber[i].intValue());
    byte zipFileContents[] = new byte[zipFileBufferSize == 0 ? 100000000 : zipFileBufferSize];
    FileInputStream zipIn = new FileInputStream(zipPathAndFileName);
    int byteCount = zipIn.read(zipFileContents);
    byte returnFileContents[] = new byte[byteCount];
    String returnFileContentsString = new String(returnFileContents);
    if (deleteZipFile)
    boolean deletedFile = (new File(zipPathAndFileName)).delete();
    oracle.sql.BLOB returnFileContentsBLOB = null;
    returnFileContentsBLOB = BLOB.createTemporary(conn, true, BLOB.DURATION_SESSION);
    //OutputStream tempBlobWriter = returnFileContentsBLOB.getBinaryOutputStream();
    OutputStream tempBlobWriter = returnFileContentsBLOB.setBinaryStream(1);
    return returnFileContentsBLOB;
    catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    throw ex;
    catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
    throw ex;
    catch (IOException ex)
    throw ex;
    catch (java.sql.SQLException ex)
    throw ex;
    The last two lines above should be

  • How to import a java class

    I want to know how can i import some java classes to my application.
    I'm trying to write a little class as:
    package paco.view;
    import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import javax.faces.convert.Converter;
    import javax.faces.convert.ConverterException;
    import oracle.jbo.domain.ClobDomain;
    public class ClobConverter implements Converter {
    public ClobConverter() {
    public Object getAsObject(FacesContext context,
    UIComponent component,
    String value) {
    if (context == null || component == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException("FacesContext and UIComponent can not be null");
    if (value == null) {
    return null;
    try {
    return new ClobDomain(value);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    final String message =
    String.format("Unable to convert boolean value \"%s\" into a oracle.jbo.domain.Number",
    throw new ConverterException(message, ex);
    public String getAsString(FacesContext context,
    UIComponent component,
    Object value) {
    if (context == null || component == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException("FacesContext and UIComponent can not be null");
    return value.toString();
    but I'got this message:
    Error(3,8): class javax.faces.component.UIComponent not found
    Error(4,8): class javax.faces.context.FacesContext not found
    Error(5,8): class javax.faces.convert.Converter not found
    Error(6,8): class javax.faces.convert.ConverterException not found
    What should I do?
    Thanks in advance

    You need to add the faces library to you project. To do this, select the project properties, go to libraries and class path and select the faces library.
    Using JDev you can also choose one or more project technologies (project properties->technology scope) which will add the needed libraries to the project.

  • Java Mapping Error - Unable to instantiate the Java class

    I am trying out a Java Mapping scenario.
    The code worked fine in eclipse.i could get the desired output.
    but when i tried it out in XI ....i got the following error in moni:
    *Unable to instantiate the Java class*
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Request Message Mapping
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="">
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack>Unable to instantiate the Java class JavaMapping (http://www.sdsdsd.com/XI/Sales/T~, 3bd13b30-6300-11dc-b9f1-f0050aa5c91a, -1)</SAP:Stack>
    Please help me out with this error.

    Hi Anu,
    Currently I am also facing the same Unable to instantiate the Java class  same java class is working fine in eclipse .
    Could you please confirm Is this because of version mismatch that in Eclipse JAVA and SAP JAVA ?
    Thanks in Advance.

  • ADF : How to import a java class in jspx page

    Hi All,
    In jsp we have page directive to import a java class. Do we have anything similar to that in a jspx page?

    If you create a new jspx file in jdeveloper, the untitled file generated will be this:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.1">
    <jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="true" doctype-root-element="HTML"
    doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"/>
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" import="java.util.*"/>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
    You can see the page directive there!

  • Need to import my java class. Please help

    Dear all.
    I made a java class named GetOS which contains a method that return th OS name. Then I deployed this class to a Jar file called tarek.jar.
    now I need to import this jar file in my form
    i'm using forms9i release2
    I did the following:
    I copied "tarek.jar" to \\developerhome\forms90\java\
    then I opend the forms builder - program-import java class but my jar file "tarek" doesn't exist in the list.
    please help.

    Dear all
    I solved this problem. I editing the class path of the system control panel>system>advanced and it works fine
    Now i can import my class easly without any problems
    But when the forms builder imported my class , it generates a pl/sql package which contains a function with the same name of the method i did in my class.The problem is I do not know how to call this function
    Function getOSname( obj ora_java.jobject)
    return varchar2 is
    cls := jni.get

  • How to create java classes when multiple xsd files with same root element

    I got below error
    12/08/09 16:26:38 BST: [ERROR] Error while parsing schema(s).Location []. 'resultClass' is already defined
    12/08/09 16:26:38 BST: [ERROR] Error while parsing schema(s).Location []. (related to above error) the first definition appears here
    12/08/09 16:26:38 BST: Build errors for viafrance; org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Internal error in the plugin manager executing goal 'org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin:0.7.1:generate': Mojo execution failed.
    I tried genarate java classes from multiple xsd files, but getting above error, here in .xsd file i have the <xe: element="resultClass"> in all .xsd files.
    So I removed all .xsd files accept one, now genarated java classes correctly. but i want to genarte the java classes with diffrent names with out changing .xsd
    Can you please tell me any one how to resolve this one......

    If you want to upload several Java classes in one script the solution is .sql file, for example:
    set define ?
    create or replace and compile java source named "my.Sleep" as
    package my;
    import java.lang.Thread;
    public class Sleep {
    public static void main(String []args) throws java.lang.InterruptedException {
    if (args != null && args.length>0) {
    int s = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    } else
    create or replace and compile java source named "my.App" as
    package my;
    public class App {
    public static void main(String []args) throws java.lang.InterruptedException {
    Then the .sql file can be parsed using the SQLPlus, JDeveloper or SQLDeveloper tools.
    HTH, Marcelo.

  • How to call a java class in a bat file

    I need to call a Test.java class in a bat files .It refer .DOM.jar
    in C:/url; How do i call the java class i need the syntax
    Thanks lot

    assuming lanch.bat, Test.class and DOM.jar are in c:\url
    assuming %JAVA_HOME% is defined (else substitue it with your java installation directory)
    here is the content of launch.bat:
    cd C:/url (or cd c:\url ) (or cd c: followed by cd url)
    %JAVA_HOME%\bin java -classpath .;DOM.jar Test
    hop that'd help,

  • I have a family video DVD that was originally on tape, but is now on disc. I want to import it onto my MacBook to edit and store. However the files are IFO, BUP and VOB and the Mac is saying 'unable to import' as it doesn't recognise the file. Help !!

    I have a family video DVD that was originally on tape, but is now on disc. I want to import it onto my MacBook to edit and store. However the files are IFO, BUP and VOB and the Mac is saying 'unable to import' as it doesn't recognise the file. Help please !!!!!

    Those are the constituent parts of a standard mpeg2 DVD. Storing them is easy: just copy the folder to your hard drive and they will play in DVD player or VLC.
    But that format is not intended for editing. To do so:
    You need to convert the VOB files in the TS-Folder of the DVD back to DV which iMovie is designed to handle. For that you need mpegStreamclip:
    which is free, but you must also have the  Apple mpeg2 plugin :
    http://store.apple.com/us/product/D2187Z/A/quicktime-mpeg-2-playback-component-f or-mac-os-x
    (unless you are running Lion in which case see below))
    which is a mere $20.
    Another possibility is to use DVDxDV:
    which costs $25.
    For the benefit of others who may read this thread:
    Obviously the foregoing only applies to DVDs you have made yourself, or other home-made DVDs that have been given to you. It will NOT work on copy-protected commercial DVDs, which in any case would be illegal.
    And from the TOU of these forums:
    Keep within the Law
    No material may be submitted that is intended to promote or commit an illegal act.
    Do not submit software or descriptions of processes that break or otherwise ‘work around’ digital rights management software or hardware. This includes conversations about ‘ripping’ DVDs or working around FairPlay software used on the iTunes Store.
    If you are running Lion:
    From the MPEG Streamclip homepage
    The installer of the MPEG-2 Playback Component may refuse to install the component in Lion. Apple states the component is unnecessary in Lion onwards, however MPEG Streamclip still needs it. See this:
    To install the component in Lion, please download MPEG Streamclip 1.9.3b7 beta above; inside the disk image you will find the Utility MPEG2 Component Lion: use it to install the MPEG-2 Playback Component in Lion. The original installer's disk image (QuickTimeMPEG2.dmg) is required.
    The current versions of MPEG Streamclip cannot take advantage of the built-in MPEG-2 functionality of Lion. For MPEG-2 files you still need to install the QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component, which is not preinstalled in Lion. You don't have to install QuickTime 7.

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    i have an apple id that is assiciate with my email & with my iphone 4s, we have recently purchased 2 new ipod touches and i set those up with my apple id, can i add 2 more apple id's to my account or do i have to make them both separate (the new ipod

  • Export Error. Error compiling movie. Disk Full.

    I have the following error since CS6 when exporting some videos: Export Error. Error compiling movie. Disk Full. All my drives have plenty of space, NTFS 7200rpm, everything was fine with CS5.5. Same problem with Encoder or Premiere Pro. Much of the

  • Error with WIMAX (ni80216dG Generate Multiple FDD DL Frames)

    hi,  I just installed 2 days ago, Wimax on my RFSA and RFSG mimo systhem, but by running this "ni80216dG Generate Multiple FDD DL Frames", I have an error out :   "Call Library Function Node in ni80216dGv1 PHY TX RS Encoder.vi:3050001->ni80216dGv1 PH

  • HTMLB in MSS

    Can anyone tell me , how HTMLB is linked with MSS ? Is HTMLB skills needed for MSS Customization ? Rgds, J