Import lost

I was importing from my video camera the other day and had to cancel the import.  More than 1/2 the files imported, so I thought.  Now, I cannot find what I thought was imported in iMovie.  Any ideas where they could have gone to?

See this topic....

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    Hi Alex,
    Try clicking on the little gray oval at top right of the window.

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    Do not make any changes to the contents of the  library from the Finder.
    and lost the photos.
    Don't they show in the Last Import smart album?  If they don't show in the Last Import smart album try the following:
    1 - launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down to open the First Aid window. Be sure to follow the circled recommendation in the screenshot.
    2 - run Option #4, Rebuild Database.
    If that fails to recover the photos continue with:
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download the free version of iPhoto Library Manager and launch.>Click on the Add Library button,
    2 -  select the library you want to add from those in the selection window.
    3 - make sure that in the rebuild window the checkbox  "Scavange orphaned photos" is checked.
    4 - now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the Library ➙ Rebuild Library menu option
    5 - in the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed. Click on the Create button.
    Note 1: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments. However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost.
    Note 2:  Your current library will be left untouched for further attempts at a fix if so desired.

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    Quick update to say that I found them!  I convinced myself that when the power cut occured, there's no way that a few GB of media could be instantly deleted, and thus they must be somewhere on the HD.......similar to data getting stored in a TEMP folder on a PC.  I managed to access the main LIBRARY folder via Finder >> GO >> OPTION KEY and then did a search for one of the photo numbers that I knew was missing. Amazingly found it together with all the other 588 missing photos & movies buried in a folder called 26Dec2013_2 (strange considering this happened on 01Jan2014 and all the photos/media were from the period 27Dec to 01Jan).  Note that my earlier search of the entire iPhoto Library package had also proved fruitless. Not sure where that folder was actually residing, but I copied the entire contents to my Desktop and then imported them into iPhoto.  In short, I am so happy!  Lesson learned about the dangers of power cuts, especially living in a city short on energy.  I will not do that again.  Hope this helps someone else sometime in the future. Thanks.

  • Keywords from previous import lost

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    All you can do is what I did, submit a bug report. I hate that it clears the "last used" as well.  In my case, some of the time it even forgets where the import directory was... sigh.
    So, it's work arounds until someone figures out that keeping the last used, etc, could be a good thing and puts it back.  Adding your own bug reports will raise it a bit higher in the priority list to get it seen.

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    Hi Photecs!
    Generally speaking, that will largely depend on if your Mac meets the system requirements for Leopard 10.5.x, which have not been announced yet.
    But with past new versions of OS X, it was possible to upgrade from an older version, skipping others.
    For example, I went from Puma 10.1.5 to Panther 10.3.x, without installing Jaguar 10.2.x.
    ali b

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    First of all, you can't do that in the import, as you do with tables.
    1. You can extract the source from user_source dictionary table and re-create them.
    2.If you have OEM or TOAD or PlSql Developer, you can easily extract it.
    3.imp userid=/ indexfile=foo.sql
    open the foo.sql file and remove addition characters (choose which you need).

  • IPhoto Duplication Nightmare - What???

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    Hi Terence:
    Thanks for your response.   I finally found what I was looking for in the new Mac files, yet alas the naming convention was still numerical in nested folders named by the date (import date).  I ended up completing the job manually photo by photo as I was already halfway done when I first posted and didn't want to risk following Larry's directions (as they were basically the same as what I did to start with) and end up having to start all over again.
    For the record though, in case anyone else like me is out there encounter a similar issue and was on an old version of Tiger, you are incorrect that we could never directly access the iPhoto library.  I am looking at it easy peasy in my old Mac as I type.
    And there they all are listed nicely
    Finder: Users: (name of User): Documents: iPhoto Library: Modified or Originals: 2000-2012 (one for each year of import):Roll #s (all your rolls): photo jpgs by number or name.
    Your final sentence basically explained it all.  As it happens, I got my last Mac in July of 2007 and have always been able to see the hard drive & its files etc in Finder.
    Coming into a brand new system where it was promised that magical one button migration assistant would do all of this and load my email, browser, photos, and everything else in my computer is only for people who have a computer that is less than 4-5 years old (LOL)... eons I realize to kids and computer geeks who routinely get new equipment, but not to the rest of us who don't. 
    I believe when you are able to use Migration Assistant, it will indeed likely keep all your naming conventions, etc.  When you can't, the computer sees it simply as a new import of data and creates new names & time stamps.
    As for the "User Tip", if you mean Larry's directions, finding a "Library" to drag is not readily seen
    The Finder window in the new computer only shows this (of which Library or Users are no where):
    All My Files
    Air Drop
    Time Capsule
    Remote Disc
    I had to figure out to:  View"Show Status Bar"
    and then at the bottom double click that Users icon to access that to navigate inside folders.  Even then, the folder he's talking about is not in "Library" which would confuse a lot of people.  It's in Users.  And if you wish to see your files the only way to do that was to actually search for the name of a JPG to find where it was nested.  For me this was made tougher because my old computer was connected to the new one for the migration.... which could also lead to someone not realizing that the Library they're "finding" is not the one to be throwing away.
    Anyway, Thanks for your kind response and the opportunity to memorialize this for any other soul experiencing what I am.

  • Importing to I-Movie - lost sound AND video

    I have a feeling this has already been answered but here goes:
    I recorded some video on my Sony still camera in MPEG format (.mpg files). They worked fine in I-photo. When I imported them into Imovie though, I not only lost sound but it would seem vision. They are now .mov files but don't play?
    The scroller moves, but the picture doesn't change, it just zooms in on the first frame (like a slide show) and there's no sound.
    I am not very techie, and new to Macs. Can anyone please tell me how to solve this, and have I lost the content on the files I transferred into IMovie?
    I transferred them into Imovie so I could compress them for web use on my blog.
    I have already downloaded Streamclip in case I need that, though I don't know if I have to open/mount/unzip it or anything like that.
    Many thanks in advance for any assistance.

    Hi, sorry for the delay in coming back to you.
    Right, since we spoke I met a guy who said:
    Streamclip WILL be enough for me and it will work. He said my camera will be using MPEG-1 and so I will be fine. If I had an MPEG-2 (professional?) camera it would be more complex and I would need to buy that Apple component.
    So I downloaded it. The next step will be learning how to use it! That's going to be a whole different ballgame. If you have any links to an easy step-by-step guide, that would be awesome? RE the external drive, I'm downloading my MPEG's via USB cable onto the hard drive before I do anything at all.
    Thanks for your post

  • I have lost all my music on my itunes library. These were not purchased items from itunes, just CDs i had imported, so I could reimport them, but would rather not do that.

    I have recently lost all my itunes library. All the CD's were imported, but I would rather not go through the laborious technique of downloading them on to my computer again. I have tried all sorts of methods to restore my library, and have now given up. I have deleted itunes completely from my computer, and  reinstalled the program.
    I have now bought itunes match.
    Unfortunately, I now realise that I will lose all the music on my phone if I use itunes match. So, is there any way of transferring the music on my iphone back to itunes?
    Can anybody help?

    Hey xxCreepyFiaxx,
    First, I would try the following suggested steps for when you don't see content in iTunes after updating:
    Quit iTunes.
    Download and install the latest version of iTunes.
    Use the Finder (Mac) or Windows Explorer (Windows) to go to the iTunes folder that contains the iTunes library files:
    Mac OS X
    Microsoft Windows Windows XP and Windows 2000
    \Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\
    Microsoft Windows Windows Vista and Windows 7
    Drag the iTunes Library file from the above location to the Desktop.
    Open the Previous iTunes Libraries folder in the iTunes folder.
    Locate the file named iTunes Library YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY-MM-DD is the date you upgraded iTunes (Year-Month-Day).
    Drag this file to the iTunes folder (the enclosing folder).
    Rename this file to iTunes Library.
    Open iTunes.
    You should now see your missing content in iTunes.
    via: No content shows up in iTunes after updating
    If that doesn't resolve the issue, then I'd go through the steps in here:
    iTunes: Finding lost media and downloads
    Have a good one,

  • My iphone is broken,and i came to store to change a new one today. When I come home, I found I lost my backup and may be mistake is made during before backup.The information in my previous iphone is really important for me? how can I get the backup back?

    my iphone is broken,and i came to store to change a new one today. When I come home, I found I lost my backup and may be mistake is made during before backup.The information in my previous iphone is really important for me? how can I get the backup back?

    If you don't have a backup then the only possible solution is to go back to the store and see if they can get your old phone and create a backup of that. I know very often that Apple employees will wipe the returned iPhones clean before shipping them back to wherever they ship them.
    When you say your old phone was "broken" does this mean it is dead and won't turn on?
    Do you have a Time Machine backup of your computer, or a clone that might have this info on it?
    Other than that I hate to say you may be out of luck. Time Machine and/or a cloning program performed regularily will inevitably save your a** in situations like this.
    Good luck

  • When relocating my itunes, I lost all my metadata for albums that I had originally imported from either CD or bandcamp. Is there anyway to stop this from happening?

    I wanted to access my itunes music from an external HDD as my mac mini only has a 256GB SSD. That was fine, I did that correctly as the forums suggested, however looking through my library It appeared that I was missing a fair amount of music! Right down the bottom of my library was a whole bunch of songs with '01 *trackname* ' then a whole bunch of '02 *trackname* ' so on and so forth. This was all my missing music! I realised after a short moment that this was indeed all the music that I had imported either directly from CD or music I had bought from Bandcamp (so originally it had all the album/artist/artwork/year etc etc) Now I've had to go through and look up each album and re-sort them myself. I want to know how to make sure that if I do need to ever re-import my itunes (HDD failure etc) that all that metadata will stay the same.

    AIFF and ALAC will both preserve tags in the files itself as well as what is stored in the library file.  It is still best you do the move the library properly as there are some metadata only stored in the iTunes library file and this data will be lost if you end up re-adding a file, but at least most will be saved.
    ALAC is the same quality as AIFF but smaller files (~60% original).
    Various things you mention set up small red flags.  If you are sharing a library you have to be careful.  A library is all the media plus all the support files which give it the structure you see when you open the iTunes application.  Only one person at a time can open the library file itself (iTunes library.itl).  Several people can simultaneously share media but if you want several computers using the same media at the same time you will have to set it up so
    each user has their own library file and share the same media.  The main problem there is if one person makes changes to the media the other person has to be notified because iTunes iwll not automatically update a library file if something changes in the media folder.  I could type another 30 lines on this topic and won't unless you specifically need to configure things a particular way.
    Another red flag is "network".  Is this a NAS?  Plenty of posts on the forum where iTunes has problems using those. Probably many people with no issues but it seems to be a constant issue with some.

  • HT1766 After restoring yesterdays icloud back up one of my Apps has lost all its data.  How can I get the data back as its important to me.

    I accidentally added a passcode to my ipad mini after yesterdays IOS7 update.   I then promptly forgot the passcode (I think apple secretly changed it really).
    Its taken me 2.5hours to figure out how to reset my ipad after discovering there was no other way of getting into my ipad around the passcode.
    Luckily my ipad backs up every evening to icloud so i had a new back up sat waiting for me.
    Annoyingly, itunes wouldnt let me restore the factory settings as the "find my phone" thing was switched on.  The only way to turn it off appeared to be via my ipad which I was unable to get into.
    I eventually figured out how to restore it without this problem, by pressing the home button as I turned it on and then getting itunes to recognise it as a new ipad and restoring its settings that way.
    Following this it was relatively simple to restore my icloud back up.
    Everything appears to be here, my calander, my contacts etc.  All my apps have been restored and Im yet to find any app that has missing data except for one (naturally the one that is most important to me).
    This one app appears to have been returned to my ipad but it no longer has any data attached to it.  I have lost everything.  Payment info, Client info etc.
    Is there any way of recovering the data.  I presume its floating around the ether somewhere given I automatically back up to icloud every night.

    There's one other variable, although it shouldn't really come in to play but worth checking anyway.  Is it possible that the backup was made using a higher version of iOS than the one you are running now?  For example, if you were running the iOS 7 beta, then restored to version 6.1.3, the backup would not be listed as you cannot restore to a backup made on a device running a higher version of iOS.  If that's the case, you would have to update to the same or higher version of iOS in order to access your backup.
    Also, you can redownload apps and certain other purchased media (in most countries) as discussed here:

  • I have many of those lost photos on my iPod.  How can I import those to my MacBook Pro without the iTunes synchronization kicking in and removing them?

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    import from that iPod?  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as those photos now only reside on that iPod...

    The photos you synced to your iPod through iTunes are no longer in their full resolution, but instead are scaled down thumbnails of those photos.  So if you do manage to get them off your iPod, they will be quite small in size compared to the original ones you lost.
    In order to get them off of your iPod, you'll need the help of some sort of 3rd party software. Here is one option.

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