Import mpegs plus a tabulated txt file into fcsvr

I am sure that I am not the first to try this, so I'm asking. I have about 6000 mpeg2 files plus a tabulated text file that holds all the metadata for the files. I am looking to ingest both into fcsvr. I could probably automate an export of the txt file so that each video gets it's own XML file. If I can manage that, is there a way to ingest both the XML and video so that they link up? Any ideas are welcome to help through this mammoth task.

The 'trick' is to dig up the proper XML schema for the Read XML response in Final Cut Server. I don't think the XML schema is an officially published type of thing. You gotta try and leech it out of that FCS Web integration sample Apple put out a few years ago. With the schema in hand, you can generate an XML file for each clip. Then the fun begins ...
You gotta set up a workflow in FCS, so that as each clip is ingested (by a Scan or a Watcher), it pops out an XML file for that clip. The only important data in those popped XML files is the Asset ID and the Title, which will be the file name of the clip. You have to give the original XML files, the ones that you generated from that text file, filenames that match what FCS is going to give your clips and the XML files that it pops out on ingest.
Now, you have two XML files, (in different directories of course), with the same filename-dot-xml. One has the 'live' FCS Asset ID, and the other has the metadata you want to apply to that asset. You have to execute some kind of script that will take the data out of one, and the Asset ID out of the other, and place it into a third XML in the schema format that will allow it to be processed by the FCS Read XML response. Then feed that third XML file into a Read XML Watcher and watch the metadata get updated for that clip.
Use a custom metadata field in conjunction with a Subscription, in order to trigger the XML files on ingest. Just stamp anything in that particular Clip Watcher or Scan to set that custom metadata field to some value that will trigger the Subscription and the Write XML response within it.

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    Advice? See in some version of the object-model reference under userDictionary. There you'll find a method called addWord(), which looks promising.

  • Problem reading .txt-file into JTable

    My problem is that I�m reading a .txt-file into a J-Table. It all goes okay, the FileChooser opens and the application reads the selected file (line). But then I get a Null Pointer Exception and the JTable does not get updated with the text from the file.
    Here�s my code (I kept it simple, and just want to read the text from the .txt-file to the first cell of the table.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    public class TeamTable extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ItemListener                {
    static JTable table;
         // constructor
    public TeamTable()                {
    super( "Invoermodule - Team Table" );
    setSize( 740, 365 );
              // setting the rownames
    ListModel listModel = new AbstractListModel()                     {
    String headers[] = {"Team 1", "Team 2", "Team 3", "Team 4", "Team 5", "Team 6", "Team 7", "Team 8", "Team 9",
    "Team 10", "Team 11", "Team 12", "Team 13", "Team 14", "Team 15", "Team 16", "Team 17", "Team 18"};
    public int getSize() { return headers.length; }
    public Object getElementAt(int index) { return headers[index]; }
              // add listModel & rownames to the table
              DefaultTableModel defaultModel = new DefaultTableModel(listModel.getSize(),3);
              JTable table = new JTable( defaultModel );
              // setting the columnnames and center alignment of table cells
              int width = 200;
              int[] vColIndex = {0,1,2};
              String[] ColumnName = {"Name Team", "Name Chairman", "Name Manager"};
              TableCellRenderer centerRenderer = new CenterRenderer();          
              for (int i=0; i < vColIndex.length;i++)          {
              table.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.ITALIC, 12));
              // force the header to resize and repaint itself
              // create single component to add to scrollpane (rowHeader is JList with argument listModel)
              JList rowHeader = new JList(listModel);
              rowHeader.setCellRenderer(new RowHeaderRenderer(table));
              // add to scroll pane:
              JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane( table );
              scroll.setRowHeaderView(rowHeader); // Adds row-list left of the table
              getContentPane().add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              // add menubar, menu, menuitems with evenlisteners to the frame.
              JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar();
              setJMenuBar (menubar);
              JMenu filemenu = new JMenu("File");
              JMenuItem open = new JMenuItem("Open");
              JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem("Save");
              JMenuItem exit = new JMenuItem("Exit");
    // ActionListener for ActionEvents on JMenuItems.
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {       
         String open = "Open";
         String save = "Save";
         String exit = "Exit";
              if (e.getSource() instanceof JMenuItem)     {
                   JMenuItem source = (JMenuItem)(e.getSource());
                   String x = source.getText();
                        if (x == open)          {
                             System.out.println("open file");
                        // create JFileChooser.
                        String filename = File.separator+"tmp";
                        JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(new File(filename));
                        // set default directory.
                        File wrkDir = new File("C:/Documents and Settings/Erwin en G-M/Mijn documenten/Erwin/Match Day");
                        // show open dialog.
                        int returnVal =     fc.showOpenDialog(null);
                        File selFile = fc.getSelectedFile();
                        if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                        System.out.println("You chose to open this file: " +
                        try          {
                             BufferedReader invoer = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(selFile));
                             String line = invoer.readLine();
                             // THIS IS WHERE IT GOES WRONG, I THINK
                             table.setValueAt(line, 1, 1);
                        catch (IOException ioExc){
                        if (x == save)          {
                             System.out.println("save file");
                        if (x == exit)          {
                             System.out.println("exit file");
    // ItemListener for ItemEvents on JMenu.
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {       
              String s = "Item event detected. Event source: " + e.getSource();
         public static void main(String[] args)                {
              TeamTable frame = new TeamTable();
              frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()           {
                   public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )                {
    * Define the look/content for a cell in the row header
    * In this instance uses the JTables header properties
    class RowHeaderRenderer extends JLabel implements ListCellRenderer           {
    * Constructor creates all cells the same
    * To change look for individual cells put code in
    * getListCellRendererComponent method
    RowHeaderRenderer(JTable table)      {
    JTableHeader header = table.getTableHeader();
    * Returns the JLabel after setting the text of the cell
         public Component getListCellRendererComponent( JList list,
    Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus)      {
    setText((value == null) ? "" : value.toString());
    return this;

    My problem is that I�m reading a .txt-file into a J-Table. It all goes okay, the FileChooser opens and the application reads the selected file (line). But then I get a Null Pointer Exception and the JTable does not get updated with the text from the file.
    Here�s my code (I kept it simple, and just want to read the text from the .txt-file to the first cell of the table.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    public class TeamTable extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ItemListener                {
    static JTable table;
         // constructor
        public TeamTable()                {
            super( "Invoermodule - Team Table" );
            setSize( 740, 365 );
              // setting the rownames
            ListModel listModel = new AbstractListModel()                     {
                String headers[] = {"Team 1", "Team 2", "Team 3", "Team 4", "Team 5", "Team 6", "Team 7", "Team 8", "Team 9",
                "Team 10", "Team 11", "Team 12", "Team 13", "Team 14", "Team 15", "Team 16", "Team 17", "Team 18"};
                public int getSize() { return headers.length; }
                public Object getElementAt(int index) { return headers[index]; }
              // add listModel & rownames to the table
              DefaultTableModel defaultModel = new DefaultTableModel(listModel.getSize(),3);
              JTable table = new JTable( defaultModel );
              // setting the columnnames and center alignment of table cells
              int width = 200;
              int[] vColIndex = {0,1,2};
              String[] ColumnName = {"Name Team", "Name Chairman", "Name Manager"};
              TableCellRenderer centerRenderer = new CenterRenderer();          
              for (int i=0; i < vColIndex.length;i++)          {
              table.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Dialog", Font.ITALIC, 12));
              // force the header to resize and repaint itself
              // create single component to add to scrollpane (rowHeader is JList with argument listModel)
              JList rowHeader = new JList(listModel);
              rowHeader.setCellRenderer(new RowHeaderRenderer(table));
              // add to scroll pane:
              JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane( table );
              scroll.setRowHeaderView(rowHeader); // Adds row-list left of the table
              getContentPane().add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              // add menubar, menu, menuitems with evenlisteners to the frame.
              JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar();
              setJMenuBar (menubar);
              JMenu filemenu = new JMenu("File");
              JMenuItem open = new JMenuItem("Open");
              JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem("Save");
              JMenuItem exit = new JMenuItem("Exit");
    // ActionListener for ActionEvents on JMenuItems.
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {       
         String open = "Open";
         String save = "Save";
         String exit = "Exit";
              if (e.getSource() instanceof JMenuItem)     {
                   JMenuItem source = (JMenuItem)(e.getSource());
                   String x = source.getText();
                        if (x == open)          {
                             System.out.println("open file");
                        // create JFileChooser.
                        String filename = File.separator+"tmp";
                        JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(new File(filename));
                        // set default directory.
                        File wrkDir = new File("C:/Documents and Settings/Erwin en G-M/Mijn documenten/Erwin/Match Day");
                        // show open dialog.
                        int returnVal =     fc.showOpenDialog(null);
                        File selFile = fc.getSelectedFile();
                        if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                        System.out.println("You chose to open this file: " +
                        try          {
                             BufferedReader invoer = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(selFile));
                             String line = invoer.readLine();
                             // THIS IS WHERE IT GOES WRONG, I THINK
                             table.setValueAt(line, 1, 1);
                        catch (IOException ioExc){
                        if (x == save)          {
                             System.out.println("save file");
                        if (x == exit)          {
                             System.out.println("exit file");
    // ItemListener for ItemEvents on JMenu.
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {       
              String s = "Item event detected. Event source: " + e.getSource();
         public static void main(String[] args)                {
              TeamTable frame = new TeamTable();
              frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()           {
                   public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )                {
    * Define the look/content for a cell in the row header
    * In this instance uses the JTables header properties
    class RowHeaderRenderer extends JLabel implements ListCellRenderer           {
    * Constructor creates all cells the same
    * To change look for individual cells put code in
    * getListCellRendererComponent method
    RowHeaderRenderer(JTable table)      {
    JTableHeader header = table.getTableHeader();
    * Returns the JLabel after setting the text of the cell
         public Component getListCellRendererComponent( JList list,
    Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus)      {
    setText((value == null) ? "" : value.toString());
    return this;

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    Any help will be greatly appreciated!
    <Email Edited By Host>

    Hi Rammohan,
    Thanks for the effort!
    But I don't need to use GUI upload because my functionality does not require to fetch data from presentation server.
    Moreover, the split command advised by you contains separate fields...f1, f2, f3... and I cannot use it because I have 164 fields.  I will have to split into 164 fields and assign the values back to 164 fields in the work area/header line.
    Moreover I have about 10 such work areas.  so the effort would be ten times the above effort! I want to avoid this! Please help!
    I would be very grateful if you could provide an alternative solution.
    Thanks once again,
    Best Regards,

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    Dave,thanks for the suggestion. I am having a lot of trouble , and if that code works for you, then it must be my connection string.
    I am trying
    public class rabbit5{
    public static void main (String[] args) {
    String bcp_command ="bcp [maindatabase].[databaseowner].[table-to-populate] in [file - in] -I -Sserver -Uuser -Ppassword >stdout_ylogfile 2>std_error_file";
    String[]cmd = {"cmd.exe","/C",bcp_command };
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
    catch(Exception i){   
    System.out.println("this has not bcp'd");
    But I get a variety of errors; from not being able to find my database, to not being able to find my server - in that order as well!! All to do with my bcp_command string
    You have been very helpful, but I think I need an example of a working string. please??
    many thanks

  • Copy contents of a txt file into a transport request

    I am implementing the steps of the 990534 note.
    The note says "Create a new transport request (transaction SE09) in the source client of your Solution Manager system. Unpack file, which is attached to this note. Copy the contents of the SOLMAN40_MOPZ_TTYP_SLMO_000.txt file into the transport request."
    can anyone tell me how can I copy the contents of a txt file into a transport request?

    I don't know the OSS note, but I think they mean, that you have to go into the object list of your transport (in transaction SE09), switch to change mode and insert the objects from the text file.
    I guess the text file looks like:
    R3TR PROG xyz
    R3TR TABL abc
    Best regards

  • How can I load a .TXT file into a dynamic text box?

    I am sure that many people know how to load a .txt file into
    a dynamic text box. But I do not. I want to be able to reference a
    txt file from the server into the text box. So that when I change
    the text file it changes in the flash movie without even editing
    the flash file itself. Thank you.
    I think this is the simplest way to go :)

  • Add .txt files into .zip file

    Hello friends,
    Any buddy knows how to add ".txt" files into ".zip" format through the ABAP code. 
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Murali,
    You can use the method in the class CL_ABAP_GZIP to zip your file and then download it using GUI_DOWNLOAD.
    data: zip type ref to cl_abap_zip,
          result type xstring.
    create object zip.
    zip->add( name = some_file content = content ).
    result = zip->save( ).
    Also you can check this thread as well.
    How to Download data in Zip folder
    Re: UNZIP file from ABAP
    Hope this will help.
    Ferry Lianto
    Please reward points if helpful.

  • Is it possible to import an Oracle 10 (export .dmp file) into Oracle 9 db ?

    hi Oracle Guru's
    Is it possible to import a oracle 10 (export .dmp file) into an oracle 9 database ?
    I tried & got the following error ...
    IMP-00010 not a valid export file, header failed verificationperhaps their is a work-around ?

    You can take export from a previous version and import to a later version. Having said that, there is still a workaround to do what you want.
    On 9i server add a connect string for your 10g instance. Then use 9i export utility to export 10g data. That way your export will be compatible with 9i. You can then import the data in your 9i instance.
    To create connect string you can either use Net Configuration Assistant or manually edit TNSNAMES.ORA file in your 9i server.
    Hope it helps.

  • Also problem read txt files into JTable

    i used the following method to load a .txt file into JTable
                        FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(filename);
                        InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fin);
                        BufferedReader br =  new BufferedReader(isr);
                        StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine(), "|");
                        while( st1.hasMoreTokens() )
                        while ((aLine = br.readLine()) != null)
                             StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer(aLine, "|");
                             Vector row = new Vector();
                             data.addElement( row );
                        }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
                   //colNum = st1.countTokens();
                   model = new DefaultTableModel(data,columnNames);
                   table.setModel(model);but there is a problem : if cell A's location is (4,5),and its left neighbour,that is, cell(4,4) is blank (the value is ""), the the cell A's value will be displayed in cell(4,4).if cell(4,3) is also blank ,the cell A's value will be displayed in cell(4,3).that is,the non-blank value will be displayed in the first blank cell of the line.
    how can i solve it?Please give me some helps or links.
    Thank u very much!

    Or, use the String.split(..) method to tokenize the data
    Or, use my SimpleTokenizer class which you can find by using the search function.

  • Convert .txt file into .xml file

    How do i convert an .txt file into an .xml file using labVIEW function?.
    Also i do i extract the header from the text file.
    My file format is mentioned in attached .txt file.
    Also I need to extract the header from the converted .xml file.
    Anticipating reply
    Example.txt ‏1 KB

    There is no automatic mechanism for converting a .txt file to XML in any language. You have to define the XML schema and then write the code to generate the XML file. You could also read in your text file into some form of structure and then use the Flatten to XML functions to use the NI XML schema. If you need to use your own XML schema then you would need to use the XML Parser VIs to generate your XML file. Alternatively, you could use LabXML or JKI's EasyXML Toolkit.

  • How to store txt file into Oracle 7 Database using Pro*C

    I want to store a txt file into Oracle 7 database table using
    Pro*C application. But do not know what type of column to use.
    At first glance it appeared to me as LONG can serve the purpose
    but later I noticed that I can not do the sequential read/write
    in LONG type of column. That is, I have to use chunks of max of
    2GB (or file lenght) to read/write into such columns.
    I want something simiar to CLOB of Oracle 8.
    I would appreciate if you can provide me solution.

    You store images in a BLOB column in the database.
    However, inserting image in that column and displaying data/image from that column are 2 very different tasks.
    If you are using Oracle forms, displaying is easy. Default block sitting on the table with BLOB column, can be easily mapped to image box (or similar control), which will display that image.
    Inserting images will be a different ball game. If your forms are web based (i.e. run from browser) and you want to insert images from client machine, some special arrangements are required.
    If images are on database server and you want to insert them in database, the stored procedure given in the earlier thread (posted above) will do the job.

  • Import txt files into table

    Hi all,
    I was created table A with A1 and A2 columns.
    create table A (number A1, varchar A2).
    I have file.txt from my desktop like
    1000,element YIIO
    How to import this file into table A with A1 have number and A2 have elements
    from txt file using sql plus editor?
    Thanks in advance

    Below example using External Table Feature.
    create a directory on the server where your database is installed and copy your data file(text file) in that directory. In the below example Oracle directory name is "text_file" and the physical directory on the server is "D:\TEXT_FILE\". The file name of data file is "data.txt".
    create directory text_file as 'D:\TEXT_FILE\';
    DROP TABLE load_a;
    CREATE TABLE load_a
    (a1 varchar2(20),
    a2 varchar2(200))
    LOCATION ('data.txt')
    select * from load_a;
    now you can use
    insert into a select * from load_a;
    Sachin Chauhan

  • Import txt file into report

    I have an Arinc signal that I have decoded into each of its digital I/Os.  Since I have over 150 I/Os I needed a way to sort and do a quick report on them.
    I have three categories.
    1. Stayed =1 throughout test
    2. Stayed = 0 throughout test
    3. Changed either from 0 --> 1 or 1-->0 during the test.
    I want to just put a list of the signals for each of these categories into my report.
    I have created a txt file for these to go in, but how do I import that into my report?
    Or is there an easier way?
    Here is an example of my code...
    'HCM1 Label 104 decode - Untitled 3
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_HSOV_A1_CLOSED"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 3""),0)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_HSOV_A2_CLOSED"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 3""),1)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_HPP_A_RUNNING"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 3""),2)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_SYS_A_HI_TEMP"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 3""),4)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_SYS_A_LO_PRS"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 3""),7)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_HPP_A_LO_PRS"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 3""),12)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_HPP_A_HI_TEMP"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 3""),13)")
    'HCM1 Label 105 decode - Untitled 4
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_HSOV_A1_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 4""),0)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_HSOV_A2_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 4""),1)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A1_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 4""),2)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A2_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 4""),3)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_PRS_FLT_CLG"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 4""),6)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_RET_FLT_CLG"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 4""),7)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A1_FLT_CLG"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 4""),8)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A2_FLT_CLG"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 4""),9)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_HPP_A_LO_QTY"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 4""),11)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_HPP_A_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 4""),12)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_HPP_A_CDF_FLT_CLG"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 4""),14)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_IV_A_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 4""),15)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_IV_A_FAIL_LOCAL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 4""),16)")
    'HCM1 Label 106 decode - Untitled 5
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_PF_DPI_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),0)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_RF_DPI_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),1)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A1_CDF_DPI_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),2)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A2_CDF_DPI_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),3)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A1_PS_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),4)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A2_PS_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),5)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_PX_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),6)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_TX_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),7)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_QX_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),8)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_HSOV_A1_IND_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),10)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_HSOV_A2_IND_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),11)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_EDP_A1_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),12)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_EDP_A2_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),13)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_FV_A_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),14)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_HSOV_A1_RELAY_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),15)")
    Call Calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_HSOV_A2_RELAY_FAIL"")= GetB (Ch(""[1]/Untitled 5""),16)")
    Dim k, m, pMyChn, result, ArincTrue, intMyHandle01, intMyHandle02,intMyHandle03,intMyText, intMyError01, intMyError02, intMyError03
    intMyHandle01 = TextFileOpen("C:\ArincTrue.txt",tfCreate or tfWrite)
    intMyHandle02 = TextFileOpen("C:\ArincFalse.txt",tfCreate or tfWrite)
    intMyHandle03 = TextFileOpen("C:\ArincChange.txt",tfCreate or tfWrite)
    For k = 2 to 4
    For m = 1 to GroupChnCount(k)
    Set pMyChn = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(k).Channels(m)
    Result = ChnValMax(pMyChn)-ChnValMin(pMyChn)
    If Result = 0 and ChnValMax(pMyChn) > 0 then
    intMyText= TextfileWriteLn(intMyHandle01, pMyChn.Name)
    elseif result= 0 and ChnValMax(PMyChn) = 0 then
    intMyText= TextfileWriteLn(intMyHandle02, pMyChn.Name)
    intMyText= TextfileWriteLn(intMyHandle03, pMyChn.Name)
    End If
    intMyError01 = TextFileClose(intMyHandle01)
    intMyError02 = TextFileClose(intMyHandle02)
    intMyError03 = TextFileClose(intMyHandle03)
    Go to Solution.

    Hi 2Pale4TX,
    You can't easily reference the content of an ASCII file.  Instead, I suggest you make a new Group of 3 text channels that you can drag onto a REPORT table.
    Dim k, m, z, ResultsGroup, TrueChannel, FalseChannel, ChangeChannel, Group, Channel, Result
    Set ResultsGroup = Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("Results")
    Set TrueChannel = ResultsGroup.Channels.Add("ArincTrue", DataTypeString)
    Set FalseChannel = ResultsGroup.Channels.Add("ArincFalse", DataTypeString)
    Set ChangeChannel = ResultsGroup.Channels.Add("ArincChange", DataTypeString)
    For k = 2 to 4
    Set Group = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(k)
    For m = 1 to Group.Channels.Count
    Set Channel = Group.Channels(m)
    ChMax = CMax(Channel)
    ChMin = CMin(Channel)
    Result = ChMax - ChMin
    If Result = 0 and ChMax > 0 Then
    z = TrueChannel.Size + 1
    TrueChannel(z) = Channel.Name
    Elseif Result = 0 and ChMax = 0 Then
    z = FalseChannel.Size + 1
    FalseChannel(z) = Channel.Name
    z = ChangeChannel.Size + 1
    ChangeChannel(z) = Channel.Name
    End If
    Next ' m
    Next ' k
    Brad Turpin
    DIAdem Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

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