Import of SPML in Pi 7.1

we want to do some provisioning between different systems and want to use SPML for the different messages. Therefor we use the description in . After the import we get an error in PI saying one element is used recursively.
It is about PSOIdentifierType that contains containderID of the same structure. The shown definition is taken literally from the Oasis website.
<complexType name="PSOIdentifierType">
     <extension base="spml:IdentifierType">     
        <element name="containerID" type="spml:PSOIdentifierType" minOccurs="0" />
     <attribute name="targetID" type="string" use="optional"/>
When activating a generated proxy, we get an error message "Proxy generation teminated : Recursions not supported".
Is there a way in SAP/PI to avoid this error - apart from not using the SPML standard ?
Kind Regards.

Recurssive datatypes are not yet supported by SAP,

Similar Messages

  • Invoking operation on SPML Service

    I was trying to invoke one of the operations on the SPML service thru he SOAP UI interface. This is what I did :
    Created the project
    a) Imported the SPML Service
    b) Created the test suite
    After the above steps, I tried invoking an operation like "SPMLAddRequest" ..I got this error message :
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
    <env:Fault xmlns:ns0="">
    <faultstring>InvalidSecurity : error in processing the WS-Security security header</faultstring>
    ANy ideas to set the security header ..or any other suggestions using other IDE.

    This works for
    - You must add the security header, and use the credentials of a user who has the right privileges. We are using a user that has the "SYSTEM ADMIN" role.
    - For the 'deleteRequest' alone, my experience has been that you have to specify a value for the 'executionMode' and the value for "psoID' must be of the form 'identity:NNN'.
    - I have been able to test all other requests using no value for 'executionMode' and not pre-fixing the psoID with 'identity:'
    You must also first apply the updates suggested via knowledge base article '1262801.1' which will walk you through changing the security policy that is in effect for the SPML services.
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:names:spml:ws:header" xmlns:urn1="urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:2:0" xmlns:ns1="">
    <urn1:deleteRequest requestID="deleteRequest-${REQ_ID}" executionMode="asynchronous" locale="?" policyURI="?" recursive="false">
    <!--You may enter ANY elements at this point-->
    <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
    <urn1:capabilityData mustUnderstand="?" capabilityURI="?">
    <!--You may enter ANY elements at this point-->
    <urn1:psoID ID="identity:${PSO_ID}" targetID="?">
    <!--You may enter ANY elements at this point-->
    Aspi Engineer
    Putnam Investments

  • Idm-Vaau Rbac role creations and mapping

    Hi All,
    I'm working on the integration between Idm and Vaau's Rbacx (role based access control) tool for role creation and provisioning...I've imported the spml.xml and SPMLGetObjectsform.xml into Idm for the SPML calls between Rbacx and Idm.
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    Any help is greatly appreciated!
    Thank you.

    Hi newbie,
    Were you able to solve this issue? I am facing the same problem while assigning resource attributes for a created role using a custom workflow.
    This is where I set the resource attributes in my workflow:
    <Action id='1'>
         <block trace='true'>
         <set><ref>role</ref><s>assignedResources[AD].attributes[AD Groups].valueType</s><ref>ADGroupsValueType</ref></set>
         <set><ref>role</ref><s>assignedResources[AD].attributes[AD Groups].requirement</s><ref>ADGroupsRequirement</ref></set>
         <append><ref>role</ref><s>assignedResources[AD].attributes[AD Groups].value</s><ref>ADGroupsValue</ref></append>
    where <ref>ADGroupsValue</ref> contains the attribute value.

  • Problem Web Services for Identity Manager deployed on WebSphere

    Hi, I've a problem with the Web Services. I'm tryng to lunch a JAVA class that execute this called: "http://localhost:9080/idm/servlet/rpcrouter2". This error return me: "No registered SPML handler".
    Identity Manager 5.0 sp4 is deployed on WebSphere 5..1
    I've just configured the SPML importing the spml.xml file and I've added tha jar package "openspml.jar" to WEB-INF/lib directory. I've also added to the CLASSPATH the link to this jar and the link to WEB-INF\lib.
    How can I do??

    You will have to include the servlet(SPML Handler) in your web.xml.

  • How to Use SPML?

    We are working on a requirement for using SPML in our project and we�ve been able to do simple tasks like Add Delete Search Modify a user using SPML.
    Now here is a brief understanding jotted down in points that I�ve about SPML
    SPML is an XML- based framework for exchanging user, resource and service provisioning information between organizations
    A given requesting authority, or client, sends the provisioning service a set of requests via a well-formed SPML document (an XML document that conforms to the SPML standard).
    Based on a pre- defined service execution model, the provisioning service takes the operations specified within the SPML document and executes provisioning actions on a pre- defined set of service targets or resources.
    Sun Java Identity Manager comes with a toolkit for OpenSPML which is bundled with the Identity Manager Suite itself.It is basically a collection of Java classes that assist in submitting OASIS SPML 2.0 (SPML2) requests and receiving SPML2 responses.
    Now using the OpenSPML.jar(The collection of Java Classes) that is available with Sun Java Identity Manager 6.0 I am able to do the following
    Add a User
    Delete a User
    Modify a User
    Search for a User
    If we consider the following sample code for a add operation it would be as simple as the following.
    LighthouseClient client = new LighthouseClient();
    AddRequest req = new AddRequest();
    req.setOperationalAttribute("trace", "true");
    req.setAttribute("password", "heinz57");
    req.setAttribute("gn", "SPML");
    req.setAttribute("sn", "Test3");
    req.setAttribute("email", "[email protected]");
    SpmlResponse res = client.request(req);
    Now following are the answers I am looking for.
    How do I get access to information about the person I am going to add using SPML?
    ( In the above case information about jkerry)
    Do you guys have some documentation regarding flow you�ve implemented in your previous projects?
    How does one handle a scenario when there are batch/multiple requests coming in (say for creation of users)?
    Do I need to design in such a fashion that I need to have a Custom XML Parser and get all the information (say creation of users) in a well formed XML Document? Then user the Custom XML Parser to get information from XML document and use the OpenSPML jar API�s to do the provisioning part?
    I hope I made myself clear.
    Vinod Kandukuri

    Hi again Vinod ,
    You were asking :
    1.How do I get access to information about the person I am going to add using SPML?
    ( In the above case information about jkerry)
    2.Do you guys have some documentation regarding flow you�ve implemented in your previous projects?
    3.How does one handle a scenario when there are batch/multiple requests coming in (say for creation of users)?1. A solution to access user information might be using a SPML searchRequest :
    <%@page contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@page import="org.openspml.browser.*"%>
    <%@page import="org.openspml.client.*"%>
    <%@page import="org.openspml.message.*"%>
    <%@page import="org.openspml.message.Filter"%>
    <%@page import="org.openspml.server.*"%>
    <%@page import="org.openspml.util.*"%>
    <%@page import="java.util.List" %>
    <%@page import="java.util.Iterator"%>
    <title>Edit User Result</title>
      String userName = request.getParameter("name");
      if (userName != null && userName.length() == 0)
        userName = null;
      String firstName = request.getParameter("firstName");
      if (firstName != null && firstName.length() == 0)
        firstName = null;
      String lastName = request.getParameter("lastName");
      if (lastName != null && lastName.length() == 0)
        lastName = null;
      LighthouseClient client = new LighthouseClient();
      SearchRequest sreq = new SearchRequest();
      System.out.println(" Equals : "+FilterTerm.OP_EQUAL);Hi Vinod ,
    System.out.println("AND :"+ FilterTerm.OP_AND);
      Filter f = new Filter();
      FilterTerm ft = new FilterTerm();
      ft.addOperand(new FilterTerm(FilterTerm.OP_EQUAL));
      List ops = ft.getOperands();
      for ( int i = 0 ; i < ops.size() ; i ++ ){
           System.out.println("ops :"+ops.get(i).toString());
      System.out.println("Filter initial Thingey :"+ft.getInitialSubstring());
      System.out.println("Filter final Thingey :"+ft.getFinalSubstring());
      System.out.println("Filter match rule Thingey :"+ft.getMatchRule());
      System.out.println("FitlerTerm : "+ft.toString());
    // sreq.setFilter(f);
        SearchResponse sres = (SearchResponse) client.request(sreq);
      //obtain the result
      List responses = sres.getResults();
      if (responses == null || responses.size() == 0) {
           Terribly Sorry . No Results Found .
      else {
           <table border=1>
                Pass & Stuff
           String name;
             String id;
             SearchResult searchResult;
             Iterator iter = responses.iterator();
             while (iter.hasNext()) {
               searchResult = (SearchResult);
               if (searchResult != null) {
                <%= searchResult.getAttributeValue("firstname") %>
                <%= searchResult.getAttribute("id") %>
    </table>The only drawback is that I did not manage to implement Filters . If anyone has any ideas/sugestions or is willing to give it a go please post the information .
    Thanks ,
    Edited by: java_gibi on Jan 15, 2008 8:13 AM

  • Questions about SPML Web Service ( OIM 9.1 )

    I need to launch a provisioning process on a target by using a generic connector (Web Service).
    Host A is where the OIM server is installed. A generic connector is defined here.
    Host B is the target where users must be created. A webservice (axis) is installed here.
    OIM server (Host A) sends a request to WebService (Host B). The Web service receives, process and sends a response with the result to the OIM server.
    Version 9.0.3
    On Version 9.0.3 I got the expected results but a problem appeared: there wasn't feedback error control because the web service response could'nt be processed.
    I followed the next steps:
    1º deploy axis on application server
    2º write SendWSResponse.jws including public method "doProvisioning". Copy this file to ..\server\default\deploy\axis.war\
    3º compile SendWSResponse.jws (from a browser)
    4º Create generic connector (for reconciliation and provisioning). Definition of parameters and mappings.
    Note: In 9.0.3 version only three parameters were required for Web Service Definition:
    Web Service URL=http://host:8080/axis/SendWSResponse.jws
    Operation Name = doProvisioning
    SPML-->Target ID=4201
    Version 9.1
    On the new version, the connector definition is more complicated. Also they have added an ear-application or web service (OIMSpmlWS) related to this connector .
    The first question is:
    Is this ear-application addressed to process the reponses that are sent by the target?
    The second question is:
    Must I install the OIMSpmlWS on Host B? and if the answer is affirmative, how can I include the logic to my provisioning process.
    And the most important?
    How might the connector be configured and the webServices in this usual scenario?
    Many thanks in advance

    There is no "sample" WSDL file, there is THE WSDL file. It is located in the OIMSpmlWS.ear EAR file, in spmlws.war WAR file in the directory WEB-INF/wsdl.

  • GTC connectors and SPML compliant

    I am trying to integrate a target application using GTC connector transport providers as web services and Format providers as SPML and even i have to create a dummy web service which is compliant with SPML so that it can be integrated with OIM.
    can any one pl help me to create a Dummy webservice compliant OIM SPML?
    Web services shud be created using Java.The web service needs to store data the in txt file and send a response to OIM.

    Make sure you are exporting the Generic Connector type object, and not the Resource Object. There are configurations that only come when you export this way. Otherwise you only get the resource and process definition workflow, and none of the configurations.
    You might also need to export the provider definition as well and import.

  • Generic connector with webservice and SPML provider

    I have created a Generic connector in Oracle Identity server successfully with Webservice transport porvider and SPML payload provider. But when I am trying to create a user using this connector I am getting following error in OIM server log:
    AJPRequestHandler-RMICallHandler-20 XELLERATE.WEBAPP - Setting the response code as GCPROV.ProvTransportProvider.WebServices.Caught exception while handling request: malformed array t
    Can anyone please help me regarding this? I am even not able to identify where it is getting failed.
    Thanks in advance

    This is what I've found in the docs:
    "Each SPML request is sent in a SOAP message. The SOAP header carries authentication information for the request. The actual SPML request data is the SOAP message body. "
    All I'm trying to do is create a SOAP web service (in this case with Java 6, but that's not fundamental) that can intercept that message and grab the SPML request (and then do what I have to do).
    I tried with something like the following code:
    package wsspml;
    import javax.jws.WebService;
    import java.util.logging.*;
    public class SPMLServer {
         public String processRequest(String requestData) {
    but it won't work. It's like the exposed SOAP method "processRequest" is invisible. It's not being called. Perhaps the signature is wrong. I don't know what to make of it. I'm trying to understand how to grab that SPML request that's coming from OIM through the custom generic technology connector that I configured.

  • How to create a user using spml call

    I am trying to create an user in idm using spml call. I have also imported spml.xml into idm. I m using LighthouseClient class to set the user attributes. After authenticating to idm i m sending the request to rpcrouter2 on localhost via client.request(req); But i m getting error
    com.waveset.util.InternalError: Unable to locate view handler for 'user'. Why cant i create a user in IDM from a command line program. Do i need to call this program from a workflow only ? Is it necessary?
    thanks in advance

    hi All,
    I am working with Idm7.1 and using SPML to write command-line programe to work with Idm7.1
    getting a guideline from all your post I started with few sample code and got stucked ... Can any of you answer me ....
    Why Can't i do the following in IDM from a command line program using SPML.
    Add a User
    Delete a User
    Modify a User
    Search for a User
    I am using following code to create user:-
    ------ CODE--------
    LighthouseClient client = new LighthouseClient();
    AddRequest req = new AddRequest();
    req.setOperationalAttribute("trace", "true");
    req.setAttribute("password", "abcd");
    req.setAttribute("gn", "showmen");
    req.setAttribute("sn", "majumdar");
    req.setAttribute("email", "[email protected]");
    SpmlResponse res = client.request(req);
    System.out.println("Response from Server->"+res.getResult());
    System.out.println("Error from server->"+res.getError());
    The output Reflect's as:-
    Response from Server->urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:1:0#failure
    Error from server->null
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 5 seconds)
    I am currently using Idm7.1 and when i try to Import spml.xml file it throws some Weird Exception
    where as spml2.xml can import without any Exception.
    After all these when i loging to Idm7.1 using login.jsp as -u "configurator" -p "configurator"
    there is no new user created .....
    likewise all the sample code provided is throwing exception's ....
    Can any of you please send me some guideline to figureout these
    Showmen Majumdar
    e-mail: [email protected]
    Wipro Technology

  • Generic technology connector and SPML problems

    I'm having some trouble finding docs for my problem. What I'm trying to do is create my own spml web service (employing the new Java 6 JWS technology), which can be used by OIM by means of a generic technology connector . But no matter what I do, I can't seem to make the two communicate. I can't find any documentation explaining how to create a SOAP web service for SPML: what methods should be created, their signature, whether there is any specific WSDL that I should use to generate the Java classes and methods for the web service, etc...
    I actually don't even know whether the new JWS can be used at all. Perhaps I should be using Apache Axis (or Axis2) or something else.

    This is what I've found in the docs:
    "Each SPML request is sent in a SOAP message. The SOAP header carries authentication information for the request. The actual SPML request data is the SOAP message body. "
    All I'm trying to do is create a SOAP web service (in this case with Java 6, but that's not fundamental) that can intercept that message and grab the SPML request (and then do what I have to do).
    I tried with something like the following code:
    package wsspml;
    import javax.jws.WebService;
    import java.util.logging.*;
    public class SPMLServer {
         public String processRequest(String requestData) {
    but it won't work. It's like the exposed SOAP method "processRequest" is invisible. It's not being called. Perhaps the signature is wrong. I don't know what to make of it. I'm trying to understand how to grab that SPML request that's coming from OIM through the custom generic technology connector that I configured.

  • Error importing roles

    Hello there,
    I am trying to import Roles in CUP for Portal system and I have the following error
    ''ERROR Error occurred while importing roles. java.rmi.RemoteException: Service call exception; nested exception is: Invalid Response Code: (401) Unauthorized. The requested URL was:""
    I have checked the SPML service , the user name for it in the connector , its just fine !
    but however I am not sure  if its the same user is used in the field mapping  for EP ?
    can any one help me here ? your help i smuch appreacited !

    The connection test is succesful however when I try to import the role I get message ' Invalid Response Code: (404) Not Found. The request URL was:"http://XXX:XXX/UserRoleSearchForAEService_5_3/Config1?wsdl&style=document". Check, whether the URL is correct, and the Web Service that you are requesting is up and running.
    I am not able to find the webservice when I try to open http://XXX:XXX/UserroleSearchForAEService_5_3/Config1?wsdl&style=document. BTW, I am able to open the Web Service xml for just one portal environment ... all other portal environments say 'The requested resource does not exist.'
    Am I missing something here ?

  • Error when importing spml2.xml

    I'm trying to configure SPML2. Currently it's not configured, i get error:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: There is no Configuration object named 'SPML2'. The SPML 2.0 interface has not been configured.
    when trying to use openspml toolkit.
    When I'm importing samples/spml2.xml through Configuration / "Import Exchange File" following error occurs:
    type Exception report
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax/activation/DataSource
    root cause
    javax.servlet.ServletException: javax/activation/DataSource
    root cause
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/DataSource
         java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
    I cant figure out what is the cause.. Any tips would be helpful.

    you should add activation.jar (and possibly mail.jar) to your IDMs WEB-INF/lib folder as stated in the installation guide for running IDM on tomcat.

  • SPML URL for Sun IdM Server

    How to find SPML URL for Sun IdM Server?
    I'm trying to configure 'New Provisioning Server Connection' from Sun Role Manager (Vaau's RBACx) Admin and this requires SPML URL.
    Please help me,

    Hi All,
    I'm working on the integration between Sun Identity Manager 7.1 and Sun Role Manager 4.1. When I import users from idm to role manager, i had this error:
    15:04:51,093 ERROR [WavesetIAMSolution] SPML request returned a failure - com.waveset.exception.ItemNotFound: Configuration:listUsernames
    15:04:51,093 ERROR [IAMJobExecutor] Failed to execute iam job 'import_user':
    com.vaau.rbacx.iam.RbacxIAMException: com.waveset.exception.ItemNotFound: Configuration:listUsernames
         at com.vaau.rbacx.iam.sun.WavesetIAMSolution.listUsernames(
         at com.vaau.rbacx.iam.sun.WavesetIAMSolution.readUsers(
         at com.vaau.rbacx.iam.service.impl.RbacxIAMServiceImpl.importUsers(
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor698.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
         at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
         at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke(
         at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
         at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
         at $Proxy25.importUsers(Unknown Source)
         at com.vaau.rbacx.scheduling.executor.iam.IAMJobExecutor.execute(
         at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$
    Any help is greatly appreciated!

  • OIM SPML WS client issue

    I have created an SPML WS client for OIM with eclipse and apache CXF. On running the AddRequest operation for a user I am getting the following error: UNSUPPORTED_EXECUTION_MODE.
    On reading the oracle documentation I have understood that this error occures when a synchronised service is called in asynchronised mode but I am not sure how to change the mode from the code before calling the service.
    Please let me know if u have come across similar situation...

    import oracle.iam.wsschema.model.spmlv2.core.AddRequestType;
    import oracle.iam.wsschema.model.spmlv2.core.ExecutionModeType;
    import oracle.iam.wsschema.model.common.pso.ProvisioningObjectType;
    import oracle.iam.wsschema.model.common.pso.ProvisioningObjectType;
    SPMLService ss = new SPMLService(wsdlURL, SERVICE_NAME);
    SPMLRequestPortType port = ss.getSPMLServiceProviderSoap();
    ProvisioningObjectType pot = new ProvisioningObjectType();
    AddRequestType art = new AddRequestType();
    art.setExecutionMode( ExecutionModeType.ASYNCHRONOUS );// Or change it to SYNCHRONOUS, as per your need
    AddResponseType response = port.spmlAddRequest(art);
    If it is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly and also mark the question answered so that others too may get benefit.

  • SPML Browser Schema Not Loading - newbie

    We are trying to test the SPML 1.0 funtionality via SPML Browser. The steps we followed are
    1. imported the spml1.xml from the samples directory.
    2. Tracing is on via the web.xml parameters.
        <display-name>OpenSPML SOAP Router</display-name>
        <description>no description</description>
      </servlet>3. open the spml browser from command line i.e. lh spml
    4. Test connection was sucessfull.
    5. But when submitted from schema tab. There is no schema tree returned under the schema tree panel.
    Note:- An simple test from java code works fine. But the browser is not working.
    thanks in advance

    Has anyone been able to get this to work. I as well am having the same problem.
    I also am having a problem with connecting with the spml browser using the following URL
    http://myhost:myport/idm/servlet/openspml2. THe error I am recieving is
    org.openspml.util.SpmlException:Unsupported response content type "text/html;charset=UTF-8", must be "text/xml". Response was ERROR: class org.openspml.v2.transport.RPCRouterServlet:org.openspml.v2.transport.Spml2TransportException:org.openspml.v2.util.UnknownSpml2TypeException: SPML2 Parsing error, cannot unmarshall.
    however it works fine when using the http://myhost:myport/idm/servlet/rpcrouter2.
    Is the SPML Browser only configured to work with SPML 1.0?

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