Import pics to IPhoto

I am trying to import pictures from the Picture folder on my sister's computer and an internal modem configuration message comes up and will not allow the import. She has an IMac and is connected via Ethernet. What is going on?

Can you see the pictures folder in the finder? If so drag the photos to your computer and then import to iPhoto
basically this is a computer operation question not an iPhoto question

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    long story short...i attempted to import pics from iphoto to a folder on my desktop but somehow clicked desktop so 45,000 pics loaded to my desktop and now my computer freezes up after trying to load everything, and i'm not able to just drag the photos into the folder.  is it possible to reverse this?  what are my options?  restore hd from time machine?  
    a further question to restoring my hd from a previous backup on time says it will erase the hd.  does it actually erase everything or does it just erase anything that may have been added or downloaded since that backup?  this is confusing to me.
    another problem which is part of the original problem is it seems that when i connect my iphone to my computer and iphoto uploads my doesn't just upload new ones, it duplicates and uploads every picture again...which is why i have 45,000 pics...they are 40,000 duplicates!  what's up with that? 
    I have a macbook pro, and recently updated the os to Yosemite.  the iphoto app is out of date, but i'll worry about that once i can figure out how to get all those pics off the desktop.  also, i recently purchased and installed 8g of new ram, but that hasn't seemed to help. 
    any advice would be appreciated! 

    thanks for replying. 
    the booting and walking away and then attempting to browse and clean method is what i've been trying to do.  it won't let me drag and drop and just freezes up and goes to sleep after 2 minutes.  it's a never ending battle with very few results. which is why i questioned the method of just restoring the hd from a time machine backup.
    do you think restoring the hd from time machine will resolve the issue with all pics on the desktop?  and everything will be as it was from the date i restore it from?  sorry, as you can tell, i'm not overly computer savvy. 
    i have a really old desktop mac...i can try connecting the does one boot a mac in 'target mode'? 
    as for the iphoto cleaning and organizing issue...that is what i was trying to accomplish with importing them to a folder.  was going to browse and clean from there...but somehow imported to desktop which is what's complicating everything.  once i get them off the desktop i can work on the iphoto issue...which as i mentioned...i didn't take 45,000 pics...i've just taken about 4,500 over the last few years, and they are being duplicated in iphoto.  this was my attempt to clean it out entirely and start over.  it will basically be a lot of deleting.
    one problem, seems to lead me to more...which is just my luck.  :-) 
    thanks again, for your help.

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    Drag the PSE modified pictures from iPhoto to the Desktop. Open them in Preview then save as jpegs (File > Export - then choose Format JPEG). They may already be .jpg files, but are not readable by iMovie. Exporting them from Preview may fix this. Import the saved files to iPhoto - they should now work in iMovie.

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    What make of camera?
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. .

  • Importing pics into iPhoto

    Hi,  How do I import photos to iPhoto and keep the file names that I have assigned?  The program keeps reverting to the original file name assigned by the cameras.

    Actually you are not getting it - I understand exactly
    1 - file names are meaningless to iPhoto and you can not see them nor change them in iphoto (you still have not comprehended this)
    2 - for the simple case which you seem to have with some cameras you very simply amke a smart album for each camera, select teh photos for that camera and use the iPhoto adjust time and date command to correct the entire set at once by a constant amount (the amount of the erorr in the camera's settings) - this does not require that you have nor that you own the camera (you still have not comprehended this)
    3 - you claim to want to "keep the chronological order" and the best and easiest way to do that is to have the corect time and date on each photos - which is trivially easy to do) (you still have not comprehended this)
    4 - no one suggested that you are exporting - we know that you are importing - the reference to exporting is only to try to explain to you how iPhoto works - you simply can not see or change file names in iPhoto - you can only change file names when you do an export - at no other time can you do anything with or about file names  (you still have not comprehended this)

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    Anyone got any thoughts?.. Is it something to do with where the iPhoto data should be stored?..

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    The files are jpg or tiff that was emailed to me and I retrieved from the internet.
    Any advice would be appreciated.

    I have had a similar problem. I get the same message as you. it all began when I installed Canon Eos viewer Utility and Canon file utility for my digital shots. I could not import them to I-photo and soon afterwards I lost the ability to work with I-photo. I cannot download i-photo 6 because I-photo 5 is not recognised. Any similarities to your problem?

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    iPhoto will have created duplicates and hidden your originals. You need to find your masters from the iPhoto Library - Right-Click and select “Show Package Contents”
    Older versions of iPhoto uses an Originals folder and in later versions; Masters. It’s not a good idea to go messing with the structure as it could corrupt the iPhoto Library. Apple has made this structure for good reason; so that you can always use the revert command to go back to an original, even if you have edited in iPhoto using cropping or red eye removal, for example.
    However, if you have no further use for iPhoto, you could consider moving your originals/masters to a new folder structure (iPhoto automatically creates dated sub-folders) and then importing to Lightroom. Alternatively if you still need iPhoto, export duplicates to the desktop and bring those into Lightroom. That will keep iPhoto safe.
    I do actually use iPhoto for creating events which can then be used to make cool slideshows within iPhoto. However Lightroom is my main management and photo editing tool and I have created an export pre-set for sending jpegs into iPhoto. I have even dragged the iPhoto Library off the hard drive to an external hard drive – but that means keeping it connected when using iPhoto.
    This link has further information on folder locations for iPhoto:

  • Help please on importing pics and Iphoto version

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    Can I get a new version of Iphot without paying? and do these new versions let me select the epicures i want to download from my digital camera?
    Please help

    I currently have Iphoto 6 (version 6.0.6) and I realized that when I want to import pictures it wont let me select the pictures I want only. it has been inport all them at once.
    That is correct - however image capture in yoru applications folder supports selective photo loading to your computer - then you can import those photo into iPhoto
    Can I get a new version of Iphot without paying?
    No you have the latest version of iPhoto 6 - iPhoto '08 and iPhoto '09 are parts of iLife '08 and iLife '09 which are paid upgrades
    and do these new versions let me select the epicures i want to download from my digital camera?
    Yes - as does image capture which you already have

  • "Can't find original" error when importing pics to iPhoto.

    When I drag a folder of pictures to iPhoto to import, for every picture in the folder I get an error that says "The photo could not be opened, because the original item cannot be found. But once I hit cancel, the photo does end up getting imported. This is quite tedious when you have hundreds of pictures in a folder. Is there anything that can fix this?

    No, I have it set so that when I import all pictures stay put and no duplicate is made to the iPhoto library. I also use Adobe products and didn't want a library for iPhoto and a seperate library for Adobe.
    On a side note, now my pictures are importing fine with no pop-up. I didn't change anything, just all of a sudden there were no pop-ups anymore.

  • Imported pics to IPHOTO from a friends android and only thumbnail size are there, is there a way to re-format the thumbnails to a regular picture

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    Thanks for the input, in may get me back in the house tonight!

    No idea how an android works - or does not work - that is a question for Android support
    as to making a low quality photo a high quality one - no - it is not possible

  • Can't import photos to iPhoto

    I finished importing photos from my camera's compact flash drive (using a fuji card reader) but pulled the USB out before ejecting.  Now I can't import pics to iPhoto.  When I view pics in IPhoto they all now have a narrow black strip along each of the longer edges.  Error msg says file is in unrecognized format, though the file name still has .jpg suffix.
    I've tried using a different compact flash drive, I've tried plugging the camera in direct to my Mac instead of using the card reader, and I've tried reinstalling the camera software - all with no effect.
    My camera is a Canon EOS Digital Rebel (around 2003)
    Can anyone help ?

    I reformatted the card in my camera, then used the reader again and get the message "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer"
    Then I reformatted it one more time, took another photo, and tried reading it direct from the camera.  Now I can view the image using iPhoto, but with the black strips along the edges.  When I try importing it I get the mesage saying the file is in an unrecognized format.

  • Please help me! I imported my pics to iphoto but I can't open them now. I can't see them on full Screen/edit them like before. All I get is a exclamation mark when I double click on them. I don't have copies, can someone please help me?

    I imported all my pics to Iphoto and I can't open/edit them now. When I double click on them, I only get an exclamation mark. Please help me I don't have copies. I tried burning them to a cd but it didn't work. Can someone please help me?

    The ! turns up when iPhoto loses the connection between the thumbnail in the iPhoto Window and the file it represents.
    What version of iPhoto? Assuming 09 or later...
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. .

  • HT2488 I imported pictures into iPhoto from my iPhone, when trying to find my pictures by clicking on iPhoto Library it is always empty. I had to create a new folder and copy the same exact pics in the new folder just to be able to access them.. help plea

    I imported photos into iPhoto from my iPhone, however i cannot access them. When clicking on iPhoto Library where they should be stored the folder is blank but if i open up iphoto from the dock menu they appear. I had to create a new folder just to access them. help please, because making a new folder takes up unnecessary space.

    There are many, many ways to access your files in iPhoto:   You can use any Open / Attach / Browse dialogue. On the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Command-Click for selecting multiple pics.
    (Note the above illustration is not a Finder Window. It's the dialogue you get when you go File -> Open)
    You can access the Library from the New Message Window in Mail:
    There's a similar option in Outlook and many, many other apps.  If you use Apple's Mail, Entourage, AOL or Eudora you can email from within iPhoto.
    If you use a Cocoa-based Browser such as Safari, you can drag the pics from the iPhoto Window to the Attach window in the browser.
    If you want to access the files with iPhoto not running:
    For users of 10.6 and later:  You can download a free Services component from MacOSXAutomation  which will give you access to the iPhoto Library from your Services Menu.
    Using the Services Preference Pane you can even create a keyboard shortcut for it.
    For Users of 10.4 and 10.5 Create a Media Browser using Automator (takes about 10 seconds) or use this free utility Karelia iMedia Browser
    Other options include:
    Drag and Drop: Drag a photo from the iPhoto Window to the desktop, there iPhoto will make a full-sized copy of the pic.
    File -> Export: Select the files in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export. The dialogue will give you various options, including altering the format, naming the files and changing the size. Again, producing a copy.
    Show File:  a. On iPhoto 09 and earlier:  Right- (or Control-) Click on a pic and in the resulting dialogue choose 'Show File'. A Finder window will pop open with the file already selected.    3.b.
    b: On iPhoto 11 and later: Select one of the affected photos in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Reveal in Finder -> Original. A Finder window will pop open with the file already selected.

  • Importing pics from the internet into iphoto

    Hello, my 8 year old daughter has to do a presentation on Holland.. so I thought
    that I would help her with technology!! We are trying to make a slideshow of pictures from holland, I found a bunch of pics on a website that are perfect.. I dragged the pics into iphoto, put them in order.. but when I begin the slideshow, the pictures (which appear very clear when they are small) get very blurred when they fit the size of the screen. How Can I fix this? Is it possible?
    I do not mind leaving the pictures smaller so that they are clearer.. please advise

    If the pictures you imported were small photos to begin with, they will be blurry when they enlarge because there is not enough information to make them clear at such a size. These are called "thumbnails," they are low-resolution and only look good when condensed to a small size. Find larger photos and try again with them. You might try clicking on the small photos when you find them on a webpage, sometimes that will load a higher-resolution version of the photo, and you can drag this into iPhoto instead of the thumbnail. Good luck to you and your daughter.

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