Importing data from form to excel (beginner)

I need assistance with a pretty lengthy survey I'm creating. I am finding it difficult to find answers on the question/help and in the forums largely because I don't know what the right questions to ask are.
I would like to create a survey where the end-uese fills it in and emails it to me. I would like to take the xml file received via email and import the results into an excel spreadsheet, one line per each survey result.
The biggest problem is that I know enough to get myself into trouble but not enough to get myself out of it and any and all assistance would be appreciated.

Similar to the original posting, I have also created a form for individuals to complete and email back to me. I will not be receiving a one time response, however, these individuals will email me a newly completed copy of the form at various times throughout the year for multiple years.  I need to get the data into a designated excel spreadsheet each time I receive a newly completed form. What is the simplest way to achieve this?
Thank you

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    FILENAME := GET_FILE_NAME(File_Filter=> 'XLS Files (*.xls)|*.xls|',dialog_type=>SAVE_FILE);
    The problem is if i select an existing file the get_file_name itself raises one message ".....file already exists Replace an existing file?"
    Similarly the excel also also raises the same message "".....file already exists Replace an existing file?".I want to suppress atleast one of them? Could anyone help for this problem?
    appreciate ur help

    Looks like...
    ole2.set_property( ex_app, 'DisplayAlerts', false );
    where "ex_app" variable Excel Application -
         ex_app:=     ole2.create_obj('Excel.Application');
    and more Question:
    When i close excel app - in process viewer i see "excel.exe"
    ole2.release_obj don't work :(

  • Exporting Data from Forms to Excel

    How can I export the data from Forms to Excel like which Export function in the Oracle Applications.
    Thank you,

    By using dde package you can export the data from Form to Excel. Here is the sample code which i have used. you can write this code in the when_button_pressed trigger.
    appl_name varchar2(255);
    channel_id pls_integer;
    application_id pls_integer;
    x number;
    y number;
    V_TIME VARCHAR2(30);
    if :global.application_id is not null then
    message('Application already open');
    appl_name := 'c:\program files\microsoft office\office\excel.exe';
    :global.application_id := dde.app_begin(appl_name,dde.app_mode_normal);
    end if;
    if :global.channel_id is not null then
    message('Communication channel already established.');
    elsif :global.application_id is null then
    message('Application must be launched first.');
    :global.channel_id := dde.initiate('excel','book1');
    end if;
    DDE.POKE(:global.channel_id,'R1C1','Col1 Heading',DDE.CF_TEXT,1000);
    DDE.POKE(:global.channel_id,'R1C2','Col2 Heading',DDE.CF_TEXT,1000);
    DDE.POKE(:global.channel_id,'R1C3','Col3 Heading',DDE.CF_TEXT,1000);
    X := No of Records;
    for y in 2..x
    launch_excel is a program unit--
    end loop;
    MESSAGE('Could not launch application for DDE operations.');
    MESSAGE('Could not initialize DDE communication channel.');
    MESSAGE('Could not establish DDE communication channel.');
    MESSAGE('Error: '| |TO_CHAR(SQLCODE)| |' '| |SQLERRM);
    y in number,
    channel_id pls_integer,
    param1 varchar2,
    param2 VARCHAR2,
    param3 varchar2) IS
    v_rowno varchar2(20) := 'R'| |y;
    dde.poke(channel_id,v_rowno| |'C1',col1,dde.cf_text,2000);
    dde.poke(channel_id,v_rowno| |'C2',col2,dde.cf_text,2000);
    dde.poke(channel_id,v_rowno| |'C3',col3,dde.cf_text,2000);
    when others then
    message('Error --'| |sqlcode| |sqlerrm);
    message('Error --'| |sqlcode| |sqlerrm);
    raise form_trigger_failure;

  • Transfer of Data from Form to Excel

    I would like the data shown on the forms to be transferred to excel sheet. This is because the users would like to do certain manipultaion on the data. How is this possible. Kindly let me know
    Thanks in advance

    We transfered it generating a text archive *.txt.
    "field 1","field 2",...
    And the user could open it from excel
    We tried to create as *.xls, but we had problems because when they open directly.
    You can try it too. And can try distinct separators like char(9) (tab)

  • Importing data from Essbase to Excel

    Hi All,
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    Here is a link to the documentation.  There is a SmartView users guide on the Foundation Services tab.
    There is a lot of free documentation available on the Oracle download site covering all of the Oracle EPM products so if you are on a different version then go to this page and select your version of the software:
    Hope this helps

  • Problem while transfering data from form to excel

    Hi all.
    I have a little problem. I have a procedure that fires on when-button-pressed trigger that goes to current block and download the data into an excel file.
    The block has 2200 records.
    The problem is that if I make the application visible all is ok; if I make the application not visible it remains "append" and nothing happens.
    I'm on developer suite 10g.
    Here is the code:
    PROCEDURE pr_Forms_to_Excel(p_block_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NAME_IN('system.current_block')) IS
    -- Declare the OLE objects
    application OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    workbooks OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    workbook OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    worksheets OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    worksheet OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    cell OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    range OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    range_col OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    -- Declare handles to OLE argument lists
    args OLE2.LIST_TYPE;
    -- Declare form and block items
    form_name VARCHAR2(100);
    f_block VARCHAR2(100);
    l_block VARCHAR2(100);
    f_item VARCHAR2(100);
    l_item VARCHAR2(100);
    cur_block VARCHAR2(100) := NAME_IN('system.current_block');
    cur_item VARCHAR2(100) := NAME_IN('system.current_item');
    cur_record VARCHAR2(100) := NAME_IN('system.cursor_record');
    item_name VARCHAR2(100);
    baslik VARCHAR2(100);
    row_n NUMBER;
    col_n NUMBER;
    filename VARCHAR2(100);
    -- Start Excel
    OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(application, 'Visible', 'TRUE');
    -- Return object handle to the Workbooks collection
    workbooks:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(application, 'Workbooks');
    -- Add a new Workbook object to the Workbooks collection
    -- Return object handle to the Worksheets collection for the Workbook
    worksheets:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(workbook, 'Worksheets');
    -- Get the first Worksheet in the Worksheets collection
    -- worksheet:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(worksheets,'Add');
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 1);
    -- Return object handle to cell A1 on the new Worksheet
    baslik := get_block_property(p_block_name,FIRST_ITEM);
    f_item := p_block_name||'.'||get_block_property(p_block_name,FIRST_ITEM);
    l_item := p_block_name||'.'||get_block_property(p_block_name,LAST_ITEM);
    item_name := f_item;
    col_n := 1;
    IF get_item_property(item_name,ITEM_TYPE)<>'BUTTON' AND
    -- Set first row with the item names
    IF row_n=1 THEN
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, row_n);
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, col_n);
    cell:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
    OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(cell, 'Value', baslik);
    END IF;
    -- Set other rows with the item values
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, row_n+1);
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, col_n);
    cell:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
    IF get_item_property(item_name,DATATYPE)<>'NUMBER' THEN
    OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(cell, 'NumberFormat', '@');
    END IF;
    OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(cell, 'Value', name_in(item_name));
    END IF;
    IF item_name = l_item THEN
    END IF;
    baslik := get_item_property(item_name,NEXTITEM);
    item_name := p_block_name||'.'||get_item_property(item_name,NEXTITEM);
    col_n := col_n + 1;
    EXIT WHEN NAME_IN('system.last_record') = 'TRUE';
    -- Autofit columns
    range := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY( worksheet,'UsedRange');
    range_col := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY( range,'Columns');
    OLE2.INVOKE( range_col,'AutoFit' );
    OLE2.RELEASE_OBJ( range );
    OLE2.RELEASE_OBJ( range_col );
    -- Get filename and path
    args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG( args, p_block_name );
    OLE2.ADD_ARG( args,'Excel Workbooks (*.xls, *.xls');
    filename := OLE2.INVOKE_CHAR( application,'GetSaveAsFilename',args );
    -- Save as worksheet
    IF NVL(filename,'0')<>'0' THEN
    args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG( args,filename );
    OLE2.INVOKE( worksheet,'SaveAs',args );
    END IF;
    -- Close workbook
    OLE2.INVOKE( workbook ,'Close');
    -- Release the OLE objects
    OLE2.INVOKE(application, 'Quit');
    -- Focus to the original location
    Is there anyone that can help me????

    Hi all.
    I have a little problem. I have a procedure that fires on when-button-pressed trigger that goes to current block and download the data into an excel file.
    The block has 2200 records.
    The problem is that if I make the application visible all is ok; if I make the application not visible it remains "append" and nothing happens.
    I'm on developer suite 10g.
    Here is the code:
    PROCEDURE pr_Forms_to_Excel(p_block_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NAME_IN('system.current_block')) IS
    -- Declare the OLE objects
    application OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    workbooks OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    workbook OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    worksheets OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    worksheet OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    cell OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    range OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    range_col OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    -- Declare handles to OLE argument lists
    args OLE2.LIST_TYPE;
    -- Declare form and block items
    form_name VARCHAR2(100);
    f_block VARCHAR2(100);
    l_block VARCHAR2(100);
    f_item VARCHAR2(100);
    l_item VARCHAR2(100);
    cur_block VARCHAR2(100) := NAME_IN('system.current_block');
    cur_item VARCHAR2(100) := NAME_IN('system.current_item');
    cur_record VARCHAR2(100) := NAME_IN('system.cursor_record');
    item_name VARCHAR2(100);
    baslik VARCHAR2(100);
    row_n NUMBER;
    col_n NUMBER;
    filename VARCHAR2(100);
    -- Start Excel
    OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(application, 'Visible', 'TRUE');
    -- Return object handle to the Workbooks collection
    workbooks:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(application, 'Workbooks');
    -- Add a new Workbook object to the Workbooks collection
    -- Return object handle to the Worksheets collection for the Workbook
    worksheets:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(workbook, 'Worksheets');
    -- Get the first Worksheet in the Worksheets collection
    -- worksheet:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(worksheets,'Add');
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 1);
    -- Return object handle to cell A1 on the new Worksheet
    baslik := get_block_property(p_block_name,FIRST_ITEM);
    f_item := p_block_name||'.'||get_block_property(p_block_name,FIRST_ITEM);
    l_item := p_block_name||'.'||get_block_property(p_block_name,LAST_ITEM);
    item_name := f_item;
    col_n := 1;
    IF get_item_property(item_name,ITEM_TYPE)<>'BUTTON' AND
    -- Set first row with the item names
    IF row_n=1 THEN
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, row_n);
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, col_n);
    cell:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
    OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(cell, 'Value', baslik);
    END IF;
    -- Set other rows with the item values
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, row_n+1);
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, col_n);
    cell:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
    IF get_item_property(item_name,DATATYPE)<>'NUMBER' THEN
    OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(cell, 'NumberFormat', '@');
    END IF;
    OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(cell, 'Value', name_in(item_name));
    END IF;
    IF item_name = l_item THEN
    END IF;
    baslik := get_item_property(item_name,NEXTITEM);
    item_name := p_block_name||'.'||get_item_property(item_name,NEXTITEM);
    col_n := col_n + 1;
    EXIT WHEN NAME_IN('system.last_record') = 'TRUE';
    -- Autofit columns
    range := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY( worksheet,'UsedRange');
    range_col := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY( range,'Columns');
    OLE2.INVOKE( range_col,'AutoFit' );
    OLE2.RELEASE_OBJ( range );
    OLE2.RELEASE_OBJ( range_col );
    -- Get filename and path
    args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG( args, p_block_name );
    OLE2.ADD_ARG( args,'Excel Workbooks (*.xls, *.xls');
    filename := OLE2.INVOKE_CHAR( application,'GetSaveAsFilename',args );
    -- Save as worksheet
    IF NVL(filename,'0')<>'0' THEN
    args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG( args,filename );
    OLE2.INVOKE( worksheet,'SaveAs',args );
    END IF;
    -- Close workbook
    OLE2.INVOKE( workbook ,'Close');
    -- Release the OLE objects
    OLE2.INVOKE(application, 'Quit');
    -- Focus to the original location
    Is there anyone that can help me????

  • Error while importing data from excel to forms

    I am working on Oracle forms 10g, and I'm supposed to import data from excel sheet to forms.
    While the user enters the data,sometimes after entering a particular word he/she hits the alt+enter button.
    As a result the data appears in two lines in a single row
    So,when I try to import the data it's not importing the data in a right manner.
    S0,I want to replace this linefeed and carry with five spaces.
    Eg:The user instead of entering Geekpedia enters Geek
    in the excel sheet.
    Now when I import this in the forms I want it to be imported as Geek Pedia.(5 spaces between Geek and pedia).

    Maybe you can consider save excel as .csv files and then you can load them as flatfiles to external table in OWB.

  • Import data from excel file

    Is anybody can help how to import data from excel file to the form created with designer 7.0. Originally there is a script inside the form to populate drop down list and depending from data selected in the ID number drop down list, there will be filled out the description and the prices text fields. But now I have to modify this form with data from excel file, which has more than 30000 lines and put all this data to script is too much.
    So, can somebody know how can I after filling the ID number field , populate the description and price text fields with data from excel file corresponding to this ID number ?
    This form is used in Adobe reader.
    Any comments are welcome.

    That's what i said in my prev. Post to clear cache... :)
    disable your cache from nqsconfig.ini
    In cache section of NQSConfig file,
    you find
    ENABLE     =     YES;
    set to NO
    if you are using data ware house as the source for OBIEE,
    you know that when ETL is done, so just create iBot to purge cache automatically at that particular intervals,
    So that report runs freshly at that time
    And what happened to your View Selector question?
    Edited by: Kishore Guggilla on Jul 3, 2009 3:52 PM

  • Import Data From Excel Into PDF

    I have made a PDF in Acrobat 9 that has form fields in it, such as Last Name, First Name, Social Security Number, Address, Birth Date, Email, etc.  I want to import data from an Excel Spreadsheet into these form fields.  I have Excel 2010 and created an .XML file that includes this information.  I went back to my PDF file and clicked on Forms, Manage Form Data, Import Data, browsed and selected my .XML file and nothing happens.  I am at a loss and not sure what or where to go from here.  Any input would be very helpful at this point.
    Thank you in advance.

    The XML structure used by Acrobat is not the same as used by Excel.
    You can try exporting your spreadsheet as a CSV file and then import it
    that file in Acrobat. If the field names match the column names, it should

  • Importing data from Excel using SDK!

    Hi All,
    Can we do a Goods Receipt and Goods Issue via SDK.
    IF so any code available for the same!Secondly can we
    Import data from Excel using SDK!
    Thnx in advance

    Hi Vinayak
    4 your 2nd issue: you can easily use Excel.Application COM-object. In C# exporting from Excel can be:
    Excel.Application     oXL;
    Excel._Workbook     oWB;
    Excel._Worksheet     oSheet;
    string          strTemplatePath;
    strTemplatePath = Application.StartupPath + "WHRequestList.xlt";
         oXL = new Excel.Application();
         oWB     = (Excel._Workbook)(oXL.Workbooks.Add(strTemplatePath));
         oSheet     = (Excel._Worksheet)oWB.ActiveSheet;
         SAPbouiCOM.Item     edDocNum;
         SAPbouiCOM.IEditText specEdDocNum;
         edDocNum = SBOApp.Forms.Item(FormUID).Items.Item("8");
         specEdDocNum = (SAPbouiCOM.IEditText)edDocNum.Specific;
         SAPbouiCOM.Item     edDocDate;
         SAPbouiCOM.IEditText specEdDocDate;
         edDocDate = SBOApp.Forms.Item(FormUID).Items.Item("10");
         specEdDocDate = (SAPbouiCOM.IEditText)edDocDate.Specific;
         oSheet.Cells[2, "F"] = "¹ " + specEdDocNum.String + " îò " + specEdDocDate.String;
         oXL.Visible = true;
         oXL.UserControl = true;
    BTW, don't forget to add Excel object in ProjectReferences
    For sure, importing  (reading) from Excel is the same

  • Import data from table,export to excel----URGENT

    Dear all ,
    I have a requirement of importing data from database table and then export those data to excel. that means irrespective of column number and row number present in the table,i have to export that table's records to excel. In my from i have text field, by which user will enter table name, it will validate whether DB have that table....if that table present in DB , i have to export it's data to excel..............
    any kind of help and suggestion is welcome

    Welcome to the Oracle Forums. Please take a few minutes to review the following:
    <li>Before posting on this forum please read
    <li>10 Commandments for the OTN Forums Member
    <li>Announcement: Forums Etiquette / Reward Points
    Please provide us with your Forms version, Java version and Client OS version. This information is needed in order to offer you potential solutions. Performing this task in Forms 6i (Client/Server) is completly different than in Forms 9i/10g/11g.
    With respects to your "Urgent!" request. You have to understand that forum contributers are all volunteers - this is not our full-time job. If your issue is truely urgent, it is always best to open a Service Request (SR) with Oracle Support than to rely on the forum for an urgent reply! ;-)
    Craig B-)
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

  • Import data from excel/csv file in web dynpro

    Hi All,
    I need to populate a WD table by first importing a excel/CSV file thru web dynpro screen and then reading thru the file.Am using FileUpload element from NW04s.
    How can I read/import data from excel / csv file in web dynpro table context?
    Any help is appreciated.
    Thanks a lot

    Here are the basic steps needed to read data from excel spreadsheet using the Java Excel API(jExcel API).
    jExcel API can read a spreadsheet from a file stored on the local file system or from some input stream, ideally the following should be the steps while reading:
    Create a workbook from a file on the local file system, as illustrated in the following code fragment:
              import java.util.Date;
              import jxl.*;
             Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("test.xls"));
    On getting access to the worksheet, once can use the following code piece to access  individual sheets. These are zero indexed - the first sheet being 0, the  second sheet being 1, and so on. (You can also use the API to retrieve a sheet by name).
              Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(0);
    After getting the sheet, you can retrieve the cell's contents as a string by using the convenience method getContents(). In the example code below, A1 is a text cell, B2 is numerical value and C2 is a date. The contents of these cells may be accessed as follows
    Cell a1 = sheet.getCell(0,0);
    Cell b2 = sheet.getCell(1,1);
    Cell c2 = sheet.getCell(2,1);
    String a1 = a1.getContents();
    String b2 = b2.getContents();
    String c2 = c2.getContents();
    // perform operations on strings
    However in case we need to access the cell's contents as the exact data type ie. as a numerical value or as a date, then the retrieved Cell must be cast to the correct type and the appropriate methods called. The code piece given below illustrates how JExcelApi may be used to retrieve a genuine java double and java.util.Date object from an Excel spreadsheet. For completeness the label is also cast to it's correct type. The code snippet also illustrates how to verify that cell is of the expected type - this can be useful when performing validations on the spreadsheet for presence of correct datatypes in the spreadsheet.
      String a1 = null;
      Double b2 = 0;
      Date c2 = null;
                        Cell a1 = sheet.getCell(0,0);
                        Cell b2 = sheet.getCell(1,1);
                        Cell c2 = sheet.getCell(2,1);
                        if (a1.getType() == CellType.LABEL)
                           LabelCell lc = (LabelCell) a1;
                           stringa1 = lc.getString();
                         if (b2.getType() == CellType.NUMBER)
                           NumberCell nc = (NumberCell) b2;
                           numberb2 = nc.getValue();
                          if (c2.getType() == CellType.DATE)
                            DateCell dc = (DateCell) c2;
                            datec2 = dc.getDate();
                           // operate on dates and doubles
    It is recommended to, use the close()  method (as in the code piece below)   when you are done with processing all the cells.This frees up any allocated memory used when reading spreadsheets and is particularly important when reading large spreadsheets.              
              // Finished - close the workbook and free up memory
    The API class files are availble in the 'jxl.jar', which is available for download.

  • Using Oracle Forms Importing Data From SQL Server into Oracle Tables.

    Dear All,
    We are using Oracle Forms 10g in windows XP and having OAS 10g and Oracle database 9i.
    How can we import data from SQL Server 2005 into Oracle tables using Oracle Forms?
    Thanks & Regards

    I have no idea what "Oracle Hetrogenius Services" is, so I can't help you with that, sorry.
    SQL Developer might also assist you. SQL Developer can connect to SQL Server as well as Oracle and has some tools for migration. See the documentation for details:
    For additional help on using SQL Developer for this task, please consult Support or the SQL Developer forum: SQL Developer
    Hope this helps,

  • Is there a way to import data from excel -when one of the columns in excel is hyperlink column?

     Is there a way to import data from excel  - so if a column is hyperlink - the whole data will move to the list (text + link of the hyperlink column)?
    keren tsur

    According to your description, you want to export excel which contains a hyperlink column to SharePoint list.
    Refer to the following steps:
    Open the Excel, insert/create the table. 
    Now click on any cell of table and go to the ‘Design Tools’.
    Click on the Export and then ‘Export table to SharePoint List’.
    You will see a popup where you need to provide the URL of SharePoint site, list name and description.
    Then click on next, On the next screen you will see columns with data types which are going to create in SharePoint list.
    Now click finish and wait until the operation gets finished. You will see that list gets created in SharePoint site with the records.
    Here are two links, you can use as a reference:
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen
    Lisa Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Import data from excel explanation

    Running SAP B1 2007 A PL49.
    In the import data from excel functionality, using items.  There are 2 checkboxes that appear:
    update existing records
    update accounts in existing items
    can anyone explain what each checkbox means?

    hi Rich,
    Update Existing Records
    The system overwrites the data in the corresponding fields of the existing master records.
    The numbers of the master records for business partners or items cannot be overwritten.
    The type of a business partner cannot be changed once business transactions have been entered for that partner.
    Update Accts in Existing Items
    When importing item data, you can also update the information for the expense and revenue accounts.
    To overwrite the respective item master data record

Maybe you are looking for