Importing .mov files to iMovie

I just got my Mac, and I have realized that I can not import my old .mts footage to iMovie. I have tryied converting it to .m4v with ReWrap2m4v, and than open it in MPEG stramclip, export to quick time player. After this, if I open my resulting .mov movie, audio is fine, but picture is like slow-moted, and very poor quality.
I am playing with this for three days, but nothing worked. Could anyone help me please what to do?

in MPEG stramclip I do either Export as
- AIC or
- DVstream clip
Yours Bengt W

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    If you don't get an answer here, you might want to post your question in the iMovie discussion here.

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    Hi Appleman - thanks for your guidance.
    OK RealTime Inspector: Dimensions of my clips - as I don't know which bit this is I will list everything under Inspector, including Format:
    Format:MPEG-4 Video, 1280 x 720 millions
    AAC, 2channels, 44100Hz
    Data Size2.57GB
    Data Rate 10.20 Mbits/s
    Current size 1280 x 720 pixels (Actual)
    And re the types of tracks you mention that iMovie '08 can't import, I don't much about film clips so haven't yet made sense of this, tho I do see that the clips are organised into chapters, so presumably this is 'chapter tracks'?
    Thanks - I'll await your further instructions :-)

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    Can you maybe try converting them? Download the free program called Miro Video Converter from the Mac App Store. Drag the video into the window and set the output format as mp4. iMovie should import that properly.
    Sorry I couldnt be more of a help.
    Let us know!

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    is this also the case for imovie '09?
    i've taken some video with my digital camera that's been imported into iphoto along with pics. i've been trying to get them into imovie for editing purposes, but have had 0 luck...the files aren't selectable when attempting to import.
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    Len in NC

    Yes you should expect that imported movies will be much larger than the original on the camera. That's because the camera's AVCHD format records a full movie frame only about once a second. In between it stores only differences from the previous frame. That saves a lot of space, but requires a lot more processing power to display the movie during editing. It would also require reprocessing of multiple frames each time you split a clip somewhere that happens not to be a fully-recorded frame.
    That's why all of Apple's video software (even Final Cut Studio) converts AVCHD at import time to a format that makes each frame independent, but that uses several times as much space. Actually the pro software uses an even bulkier format than iMovie, to provide more bits per pixel, so that you can do more extensive post processing without loss of quality.
    You may want to get one or more big external drives (preferably firewire 800 for speed) to hold your imported movie files.

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    Also, I've tried MPEG streamclip and all that did was either freeze on me or make the video size smaller, as in, the sides were pushed in and it ruined the video.
    Camera: Canon HD Legria HFR38

    What codec are the files? .mov is a container that can house many different video codecs.
    Is your camera supported?
    iMovie 11 - cameras supported:
    iMovie 9 - cameras supported:

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    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    Hi Solace,
    welcome to this forum
    to give you some background info for better understanding in the future:
    the file extension".mov" is a bit irritating, should NOT be translated with "movie"! a .mov is just a socalled container, it can contain (sic) many kind of media: stills, music, VR...- and for sure video.
    just to impress you, have a look in this list:
    Apple's list of formats supported by QT
    iMovie is an edit-app meant to work with firewire-connected miniDV camcorders..... you can import "other" files&formats, but then it gets a bit tricky....
    so, my usual guess, you're trying to import some mpegs (contained in a .mov file, you don't read .mpg as suffix.....)
    some very good advices here, in plain english:
    have fun with your Mac!

  • Import .MOV files into iMovie 09

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    While an irritation I have discovered a two work a rounds. (Please note that I am using a PPC Mac)
    I have iMovie 06, 08, and 09.
    I bought a new AVCHD camcorder and my PPC Mac will not do anything with them. Fortunately I wisely bought a camcorder that self converts the AVCHD into .MOV files. At least I thought it was wise.
    I found out that neither iMovie 08, or iMovie 09 will import these .MOV files. I tried Quicktime Pro and Perian and had no luck.
    Now for the irritating part.
    iMovie 06 has absolutely no problem importing these .MOV files at all. 06 happily converts them and imports without any fuss at all.
    Problem is, you must install iMovie 06.
    The installer is the irritation.
    The installer replaces ALL your iLife apps when you do an install. While this is not a major problem if you wish to use iMovie 06/iLife 06, it is a problem if you wish to use iMovie 08 or 09 because iMovie 06 is then replaced by the installer.
    Here's what you do. Make a folder in your Applications folder and place iMovie 06 app into the folder then do an install of iLife 08, or 09. The installer does not see iMovie 06 and does not replace it during install.
    You will then have iMovie 06 AND iMovie 08, or 09. (all other iLife apps will be overwritten and that's just fine)
    iMovie 08, and iMovie 09 WILL import iMovie 06 files. Poof, you now have access to .MOV files.
    The other methods are to convert the .MOV files to .DV files with Quicktime Pro or.... most effectively, Toast 9 with HD/BD plugin or Toast 10 Titanium Pro.
    Toast is very effective and makes the need for iMovie 06 or Quicktime Pro a non requirement AND best of all converts AVCHD to .DV directly. (also makes other handy conversions AND works with Intel Macs)
    This takes some time and space, so be patient. (for example, an AVCHD file triples in size when converted to .DV or .MOV)
    iMovie 08, and 09 imports these .DV conversions without any trouble at all.
    Bottom line is that the best option is to convert .MOV to .DV
    If you an Intel Mac and an AVCHD camcorder then you likely don't have any of these troubles.
    Problem solved albeit irritating since the obsolete iMovie 06 program actually performs more video file compatibility tasks than than the new iMovie program.
    It's a mystery to me as to WHY?

  • Can't import movie files into iMovie

    OK so I used MPEG Streamclip to convert my Costco .vop files to .dv files and iMovie still gives me the msg: This file could not be copied:
    ShoreWedding8:67 1.1.dv 001
    ( Error code: -37 )
    What kind of files does iMovie want? The posts I've read here all indicated .dv Frustration abounds

    Apparently this thread talks a little bit about DV including a workaround of some kind.
    Also I believe the reference to AIC is the Apple Intermediate Codec.
    One thing to remember is that the eventual viewing of the material may never need the full HD quality (not to say you shouldn't care about keeping the best quality up to the end) if for instance you make a DVD video you will be limited to that mediums quality limitations and not get HD quality out of the output result. If you are viewing on a standard def tv you are even below the DVD threshold. That being said maybe it is better to go with one of the working DV formats for iM08 if that makes sense for you.

  • Why can't I import .MOV files or Imovie project?

    I converted a Power point presentation to a .mov and FCPX wouldn't recognize it. I got an alert that there were no importable files.
    I did import it into IMovie, and could work on it there, but Imovie audio implementation is so bad that I didn't want to even mess with it, so I tried to import the project into FCPX form an IMovie project but it came up blank.

    I merely saved the PPT with its timings as a .mov from PowerPoint for Mac.
    FCPX wasn't able to  recognize it, but IMovie was. I merely did a straight import
    It was about 30 minutes long.  The audio didn't transfer however, so I was going to use Final Cut to add it.
    The information I got from the quicktime inspector was:
    640 x 480 pixels (Actual)
    218.65 kbit/s
    33.8 MB0.03
    Apple Animation, 640 x 480,Millions+

  • Imovie not importing .mov file

    I have a video camera (an Oregon Scientific ATC9K).  Normally I take the ssd card out and plug it into my iMac.  I then let iPhoto import everything, then I copy all the files to either my iMacs secondary drive or a network storage device (a GoFlexHome).  I then import .mov files into iMovie, and have, until now, not experienced any issues with this... However, this time round, after my import into iMovie, I noticed some video missing, so I assumed I neglected to import it into the project event.  Note, I have already reformatted the ssd card but have the .mov file both imported into iPhoto and copied onto the external.  Each time I attempt to re-import, iMovie tells me it will take about 4 hours, and when I return, the video clip is still missing.  No error message, just not there.  So I start again... same result... so I create a new project, and import the .mov file... another 4 hours pass... and I'm left with an empty event folder for the new project... I thought it failed at first because I may have ran out of space... so I cleared a bunch of space and tried again... another four hours pass... nada.  iMovie thinks it has imported the movie, but there is nothing there.  I can watch the movie in iPhoto, but if I try to import it from iPhoto, iMovie claims it is in a format it cannot handle.  ***. Pardon the french, but this is getting extremly frustrating.

    QuickTime Pro is available for about $30 US from Apple online.
    There is a free package called MPEG Streamclip. You could export from MPEG Streamclip with no audio track. However, it may be that MPEG Streamclip will not edit copy protected material either, I have not tried it.

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    Hi Steven Groothuis,
    If you are having issues importing video files into iMovie, you may want to double check the following article just to make sure the process is the same:
    iMovie (2013): Import media on your computer
    - Brenden

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    I purchased this Mac two days ago. For a work application I purchased this camera 1 week ago. When I bought the camera I asked the vendor if software came with the camera that would allow me to load the videos onto the computer but when I received the camera no software was included and no one from Canon or the camera vendor would help. I had a Canon DC 330 that came with the software last year but someone from my company made off with it. Another story another day.
    I've used PC's for years but I've been wanting to try a Mac anyway so I went into the Apple store with a VOB file that the PC would not read. It took a little fussing but the tech loaded the VOB file directly from the 3" DVD (took a few minutes to find a machine that read the DVD) into iMovie. Worked real slick so I walked out with a new Mac. I knew there would be a significant learning curve but nothing ventured nothing gained.
    The Apple Store is over an hours drive one way but I suppose I'll have to go back and see if I can figure this out. Not an issue, just time consuming.
    Anyway suggestions would be most appreciated. I will try the tip found on this post but any steps I can save would be great.

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