Importing movies to iMovie 4

Is there any way to import a .wmv movie into a video I am making from my digital video camera?

Thanks for the info on Flip4Mac. I bought it, and it worked -- I couldn't make the freebies work.
I was able to convert/import the movie that had been made by someone else -- it takes a long time on my computer, but I just went and did other stuff while it chugged away .
Again, thanks for the tip -- of course, when I get my new iMac, I understand Flip4Mac doesn't work, but I guess they'll upgrade it, right :)?

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    How to import movies from imovies to a memory card.

    Well, if you mean transfer movies from the iMovie events folder, go to that folder as in Finder-movies-imovie events, and drag a copy to your card.
    Or, you could finish making the movie, and drag the .mov file from your desktop or wherever you have it.

  • Importing movies from iMovie 6

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    I export the movie project from iMovie 6 in QuickTime, however when it appears on the desktop it is in the .mov format, not Quicktime.
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    If you have any intention of creating DVDs from those projects, according to what I've been reading, don't do it. Use iMovie HD 06 and iDVD 09 to create your DVDs.
    I've read that iMovie 09 is fine for posting videos online because of how it treats the export but 06 is the way to go to create content to be viewed on a TV.
    I've read about this on these Apple boards and these boards:

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    thanks very much

    apparently Lacie doesn't sell such a cable anymore... ... in any case, as far as I know, these cables do not allow the transfer of video from a camcorder to a computer...
    The Macbook doesn't have any expansion card slot unfortunately...

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    I've tried using camera connected as well as card reader. The card is a 16gb SD card.
    iPhone movies import ok with sound as well as video.

    in your iPhoto preferences is look up location set to "automaticaly"?

  • Importing movies to imovie

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    I've imported many movies from my MS Sony HDV camcorder.... right up until recently when now it seems only half my videos import.
    The importing process always goes through as normal to the end, but instead of it generating the thumbnails, it just drops back to the importing window.
    When I check the drive on Finder I can see the directory structure is all there, and sometimes the actual dot MOV file is there too, but not always. Even if it is though, the movie is not playable in iMovie 09. When I click on the directory it finds no movies.

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    2) copying the content of the memory card to my hard drive and from there I import it to iMovie
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    AndersD_Vasa wrote:
    … I mean, is there any quality issues?
    The copy of the card is a 'bit-identical clone' - no difference to the 'original'.
    Plus a superb method to back-up originals....
    I copy all my original recordings first onto some hard-drive - SDcards are much to 'fragile' in my experience....

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    AppleMan1958 wrote:
    Now, it still works that way, with a wrinkle. It moves all the files from your camera to the place you specify, but now it places them in a package. The package looks like the archive is a single file, but in reality, it contains all the files and folders as before. To see what is in the package, right click on the package name and select Show Package Contents. You should now see all the folders and files.
    Good point AppleMan. I had forgotten about that wrinkle, even though I've previously mentioned it in other posts. Probably because I generally don't import from Archives, but straight from the camera.
    I use a ShedWorx app called RevolverHD rather than iMovie's built-in Archive feature as it provides for selective archiving of clips. With iMovie the only option is to archive the full contents of the camera (Archive All). As my camera is a 60GB hard drive model (allowing about 8 hours at the highest setting), I tend to keep clips on the drive until I need space for new recordings. Using iMovie for the archive results in duplication, as all the older clips are archived again. It then gets a bit messy keeping track of things if, in the meantime, I've deleted any clips from the camera.
    The only downside to using RevolverHD is that, whilst the archive shows the correct recording date and time, when imported to iMovie the clips show the date and time imported, not the recorded date and time. For this reason, I prefer to import directly from the camera. I understand (from my reading of your posts), that you import from the iMovie archive. Once you are happy with the import you then erase your camera card. So, when next using iMovie's Archive All feature, the new archive will comprise just your new clips. That's probably the ideal process, as it keeps things tidy, imports the correct date and time, and guarantees that the archive is reliable.
    Sorry to move a bit beyond the OP's question, but thought this might be of interest to others here.

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    Did you try the
    Menu Bar -> File -> Import -> Movies
    command in iMovie?  From the dialog box, locate and select the movie (or movies) you want to import.

  • How do you import movies into iMovie?

    i have imovie'11 version 9.0.8
    want to upload about 40 vidio clips to make a short film
    I click on file > import > movies
    then when i have found the folder I save to mactintosh hd and add to existing event which is new event
    I have tried checking the box to optimise video to Large - 960 x 540 and also tried unchecking this box
    and I select copy files
    after doing this I have left for at least 5 hours (both times, optimising and not) but nothing has happended and I have had to force quit imovie
    the clips I am using are MPEG movie, dimentions 720 x 576

    I have the following situation:
    Source Computer:
    MacBook Pro
          Snow Leopard
          iMovie 11
    Destination Computer:
         Mountain Lion
         iMovie 11
    Our soccer coach took another job, but had created all kinds of iMovie projects on his MBP.  This was his own personal laptop, and we wanted the information transferred onto a school-owned Mac.  Tech copied the Movies folder under his user account to an external drive.  This folder contains all of the projects and events for the soccer season.
    Copied the Movies folder to the Public folder of the local administrator's account on the destination computer.  Tech adjusted the permissions for everyone to read-write, and applied permissions to all contents within.
    The problem is that from Finder, you can see all of the files - the .MOV files in the events folder, and you can see the projects thumbnails.  Double clicking on a project file opens iMovie, but nothing happens - iMovie opens with a blank project.
    When clicking on File --> import movies...  you can see the project names, but they are all greyed out.  The events will import fine, but the projects will not.
    I need help with this - i'm a novice at iMovie, and would like to get this situaion resolved.

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    I'm wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this before. I know the fan is working fine before I was just watching some online videos and the fan is already up at 3100 when the CPU sitting at 80C.

    Can you open the file in QuickTime Player?
    If so, click Window/Inspector, and tell us what video and audio codecs are listed by "format:".
    If the audio and video formats look ok, then I would check for chapter tracks, closed captioning tracks, etc. Extra tracks would make the movie uneditable in iMovie.

  • No video upon importing movies into iMovie?

    I have had my MacBook less than a month and am still getting familiar with it. I took several video clips of my son on his skateboard this weekend with a Casio digital camera. It has an SD card. I imported the video using a USB adapter with the SD card. When I try to play back, I can hear the audio, but am seeing a blank white screen.
    Any pointers?

    I imported the video using a USB adapter with the SD card. When I try to play back, I can hear the audio, but am seeing a blank white screen.
    A white screen usually means no video codec is available for playback. Most Casio cameras use an AVI file container with M-JPEG video and either DVI ADPCM or Unsigned Integer audio. If you imported these into iPhoto, then I would expect both the m-JPEG/DVI ADPCM and M-JPEG/Unsigned Integer content to play back in the QT Player but only the M-JPEG/Unsigned Integer files to import into iMovie '08. The only question in my mind is whether you are saying your imported via USB directly to iPhoto or that an SD Card reader allowed you to import directly to iMovie '08. If the former, do you have Perian installed? If the latter, you need to check the imported file to see if iMovie attempted to perform some sort of a conversion during the camcorder import process in which case the regular QT components may or may not have been accessed.

  • Cannot edit chapter names in iDVD after importing movie from iMovie

    I have no trouble customizing iDVD (version 5.0.1) menu page after importing iMovie directly (instead of going to QT as interim step). But the names of the chapter markers are file names for video clips, title pages and transitions. The iMovie help says to change the names in the space next to the 'thumbnails' of chapters found in iDVD. THERE ARE NO THUMBNAILS. And there is no way I could find, using menu options or clicking on the chapter frames shown in 'map' mode to type in anything.
    There are other problems, like getting rid of the default "Travel Cards' I can drop a still photo in for a custom background, but the default 'celluloid design' banner still rolls up in previw mode. If you can also help with that, great. But the main thing right now is getting these chapter names change.

    You are the third person who has taken a crack at this. I don't know if you read my last reply which detailed the situation. But if you did and the 'menu' you refer to is the main menu page, that is not the problem; I can change text there. I am talking about the submenu for 'Scene Selections', which I have only been able to access via map mode.
    In map mode I cannot highlight the names. Period. Can't do it no matter where I place the cursor or carefully click.
    In preview mode, when the Scene Selection sub-menu page appears whenever you drag the cursor over a chapter name it automatically highlights so any clicking will either do nothing (if a real careful click, trying to highlight text and not trigger off play of the movie chapter) or just start play for the movie chapter. does this newbie get to the 'menu' you mention where I can click on a chapter name in order to type new text?
    You will be able to change the names in the menu, but
    depending upon your mouse, etc, it can be a little
    Place the cursor at the very beginning of the word
    you want to change. Click once .. this should hi-lite
    the word. Click again, it should make the word go
    blue (or in a blue box) then you can delete and
    Be sure to save the proj
    I have found that even after saving and successfully
    burning the project, if I return to it later the
    changes seem to have gone away ... so if you go back
    to it later, just double check that everything is

  • Location of IMPORTED Movies in iMovie

    So, I use an elgato game capture to make videos and once edited on the elgato program i have to export the video over to iMovie. However this has not been working lately, but this is an issue on the elgato program. This program offers other export formats such as just a normal .m4v file into my movies folder, i exported to that and it was successful, then i checked the file and it was correct. So i go on to iMovie and export the file successfully, as in it takes 10 minuets to export and then it completes. Now here is the issue: Once i had exported it, i could find anywhere on iMovie where this file was! It was not in "Last Import" or any of the little folders. So is it hidden somewhere or should i try and find yet another alternative way of getting the file to iMovie?
    Note: i have tried rebooting the app

    When you import a file into iMovie, it goes into an Event folder. It goes in the Event that you specify on the import screen. If you did not specify a folder, it might go into a default event or to the last event that you used.
    Look along the left side of imovie to see the Events. It should be in one of those.

  • Import .mov for iMovie 2 project

    Hi all-
    I have some .MOV movies that I want to use in an iMovie 2 project, but I noticed that it won't import them. Is there any way to do this? Thanks

    Thanks for the reply and sorry it took me so long to get back. QT Pro is $30, and iMovie 6 comes with iLife '06, which is $80. Any way that you know of to get version 4 of iMovie? TY

  • Importing movies into iMovie

    why can't i import 3gp movie clips into iMovie? I have tried several times to import from the desktop with no success, can anyone help?

    3GP is a phone format. It's not supported in iMovie, or any other video editing application that I know of. It's a delivery format. You need to convert the media. You can probably use MPEG Streamclip to do this. What you convert it depends on the exact specs of the original media.

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