Importing mp3 to garageband

I am trying to import a MP3 into GB. This is from a CD. It shows it importing, but then there is nothing in the timeline. Where is it? Thanks! Kelly

That's really a glitch in iTunes - you don't see what kind of a file you have there and easily confuse an MP3 with an AIFF, for example. One thing you can do is to add a column with the file size to your iTunes view (by ctrl-clicking on the top row) and sort by it. I just did it and discovered a lot of huge files that I thought were small MP3s ...
(You can also add a column with the sample rate - but not with the file type.)

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    I'm having the same issue. The .mp3 tag is correct (verified it in iTunes/Info). But I don't even have Garageband giving me an error message saying that anything's wrong. It just won't allow me to drag it either from my desktop nor from the media section of Garageband. It refuses it and bounces it back to the original location. I tested the file in Garageband to see if the Media/iTunes file would play and it did, so nothing is wrong with the file (it also works in iTunes). Please advise. Thank you! I've also done the new OS X software updates today and that did not fix the issue and my Garageband is updated as well.

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    Save the file from Gmail onto your computer and add it to iTunes.  How you save from Gmail is a Gmail question (their own support pages), not an iTunes question.

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    Susie Alverson wrote:
    GarageBand 11 is not allowing me to [change pitch and tempo]
    This FAQ entry also offers a Minute GarageBand video tutorial
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

  • Garageband Not importing mp3's

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    first things to try for “oddball” probs:

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    That's really a glitch in iTunes - you don't see what kind of a file you have there and easily confuse an MP3 with an AIFF, for example. One thing you can do is to add a column with the file size to your iTunes view (by ctrl-clicking on the top row) and sort by it. I just did it and discovered a lot of huge files that I thought were small MP3s ...
    (You can also add a column with the sample rate - but not with the file type.)

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    Macbook Pro 2008, Garage Band 4.1.2 all updated.

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    2. I re encoded it as a WAV file using Itunes. Then it would import ok.
    3. I re encoded the WAV file back to MP3 using Itunes. It would then import again ok.
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    Hope this helps some confused soul out in cyberspace.

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    can you break the song up and create your own homeade loops?
    Yes, once you make it a purple region

  • Can we import audio into GarageBand?

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    Can it be done?

    I know this thread was last posted some time ago, but since this still comes up on the google results when asking this question, I thought I'd post the solution here as well:
    You CAN import audio into GarageBand on the iPad, though you need a computer to do it. Open iTunes on your Mac or Windows machine, connect the iPad. Open the iPad up, at the top of the screen should be a tab for "Apps". Go there, then scroll down. You should see a list of apps that can share information with a computer (on mine I only have three, GarageBand, Kindle, and Clean Writer). Click on GarageBand and you'll have a chance to add files to the list. Once you've selected the files from your hard drive (i've only tried mp3 files so far), click apply.
    When you go into garageband on the iPad, you can create a new track in the multi-track view, tap on the "loops" icon, tap "Audio Files" and you should see all the files you copied over from your PC or Mac. You can then drag them into the timeline. Now you can play along with your own audio.
    Here's a video someone else made of the process:
    I just wish the iPad version of garageband had some more effects. I like to practice with my iPad and my electric bass, and on the PC I can use EQ to "remove" the bass from the original song and playback with my recordings. No EQ on the iPad makes this a bit more difficult. Still a gret product, though.

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    (I've tried a complete removal and re-install, but that didn't help)
    Anyone know why I'm getting this error message and how to correct things?
    Thanks in advance for any help !!!

    those are the files that are sent as an error report... i dont know what the problem is! this is starting to get me mad! I need my music! some1 help plz.
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    Woolsey5 wrote:
    I am trying to change the tempo of an imported track in GarageBand [...] version 10.0.1.
    This FAQ entry offers a Minute GarageBand video tutorial
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

  • Imported mp3 file of 6 Mb  increased FLA by 47 Mb

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    FLA, imported
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    create a new empty fla (say soundAssets.fla) and add all the sounds to its library. in (advanced) properties, tick "export for actionscript" and "export in frame 1" and set class name.
    in publish settings, tick "export SWC" in "flash" tab and then publish swf. this will produce a soundAssets.swf and soundAssets.swc file - you just need the swc
    finally, in your main fla, goto actionscript settings and in "library path" tab, add the swc by clicking on the + sign and then the flash symbol (f).
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    Use the pre installed Mac app Image Capture located in your Applications folder instead.

  • Unable to Import Mp3

    I've tried many things.
    I've changed the Mp3 ID, I've tried many different mp3s. I've
    tried importing them into new documents as well as existing
    documents. I have even changed the bitrate. I have gone through 16
    to 128 but mp3s simply will not import. I have tried dragging mp3s
    onto the stage. It just will not work.
    WAVs will import, but sometimes they play at double the
    One or two mp3s will import on a rare occasion.
    I used to be able to import mp3s before.
    I have not recently changed any hardware.
    The message is : "One or more files were not imported because
    there were problems reading them"

    Two possibilities:
    1. If the file name is longer than 31 characters, import will fail. Try shortening the name if this is the case.
    2. Sometimes Logic seems to have trouble converting the MP3 to AIFF successfully on import. When it does, I use a different program to convert first (Peak in my case, though iTunes would probably do the job too), then import the AIFF into Logic.

  • Import MP3 files to N97

    I have tried to import MP3 files to N97 device. I am using Nokia Music. After I copy required MP3 file into Nokia Muisc I can right click and see an option "Tranfer to" menu option. But this is disabled. Can you let me know what is wrong.
    I am able to copy directly to mass stores device using file manager and I can play required files by browing to sepcif folder. Any how this is not a neat way of doing it. Appreciate any help on this.
    Go to Solution.

    once you have transfered music to your mass memory using file manager go to the music player>options>refresh library. once finished you will find all your music through the player
    all those kudos you've got don't make you god

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