Importing photos in elements 12

I just downloaded photoshop elements 12 and imported photos from my picture library. The photos imported but lacked the image numbers that were set by the camera. Can these #s be imported also? I was using the #s to mark the photos I wanted to put in a special folder so with out them I would have to start over in elements

The numbers are there, assuming you mean the file names assigned by the camera. Just go to View>File Names.

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    A lot more information about your hardware and software is needed.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand,
    such as your platform (Mac or Win),
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    a screen shot of your settings or of the image could be very helpful too,
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    A possible workaround: You could use Windows Live Photo Gallery to download into your folders; the WLPG downloader is pretty good (WLPG is the version you download from Microsoft, not the one built in to Vista).  Then you could use the Organizer's File > Watch Folder feature to automatically import new photos that get added to your folders by the downloader.
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    You must export from Photos:
    How to use an external editor with Photos for OS X | iMore

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    You don't import one library to another.  Just copy the library from the iBook to the Pictures folder on shout new MacBook Pro. If you have another library already on the MBP rename it so you don't overwrite it with the old library.
    Launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and select the newly copied library and let iPhoto convert it to the new version.
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    In the documents screen - sorry, new to this so not sure if that's the right terminology... Basically the screen showing all documents, if you drag down, there should be two options at the of of the page: Date and Name. Select Name and your list should now be in alphabetic order.
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    Are you sure that:
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