Importing Stamped Video

1. Can you import the stamped video (video showing the date and time) through the USB/DV/Firewire connectors.
I have Sony's DCR-HC30, DCR-HC32 and DCR-HC42 (that use mini dv tapes)
2. If I were to go to a hard drive camera, can I upload/transfer the stamped video at faster than realtime rate..?

MiniDV tapes are imported to iMovie via Firewire. The USB connection is for still photos.
I have not been able to find any camera MiniDV or Harddrive camcorder that can output the timestamp on the video that is imported on to the computer (even on PCs). We have a bunch of harddrive Sonys at work and are still looking for a solution.
The only way to preserve the timecode that we have found is to turn the timecode display on and to export the video via the analog A/V jack, which is not compatible with the computer unless you have an analog to digital converter or you burn your video directly to a stand alone DVD recorder.
Message was edited by: kasa

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    I've run out of ideas. Help!

    Have a read of this thread
    iphoto won’t import mov video
    and note the solution offered by chrismartinphd about half way down.

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    Hey, Clinton,
         Thanks for your help!  I was able to go to iMovie 9.0.9 and import video.  I was still curious as to why it didn't work in version 10.0.2, so I contacted Apple tech support.  They were't sure at first as to why it wouldn't work, so they had me delete iMovie 10.0.2 and then re-install it just to see if something had gone wrong when it upgraded.  That didn't change anything.  In the end, they determined that 10.0.2 doesn't support the Hollywood Dazzle DV bridge.  But I have a workaround path from them that I will share so that it's possible to import to 9.0.9, then move it to 10.0.2. 
         1.  Open iMovie 9 (finder/applications/iMovie 9.0.9
         2.  Import from Dazzle Bridge to iMovie 9, note which event you are importing the clips into
         3.  Close iMovie 9
         4.  Open iMovie 10 (probably in the dock)
         5.  File/Import Media...navigate to home(this was my name, on the left side of iMovie, under Favorites)/Movies/iMovie events.  Find the event folder that contains your Dazzle clips (tip-try sorting by date modified to look at recent events.) 
         6.  Select the clips and import.  Click the blue "Import Selected" button on the bottom right.
    You may get a message that some files cannot be imported.  Click continue import.  It's a little glitchy.  It imports your clip, and also makes a copy of it, too.  On the copy, the audio is normal, but the video is choppy.  In any case, you would delete the copy, anyway.
    Hope this additional information helps somebody else.  Thanks again, Clinton for helping me!

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    The mystery remains....
    Thanks for the pointers. The file type is .mts (a proprietry sony one).
    I have now found some video converter software (Wondershare and iSkysoft) at a cost. Either will convert this file for me into .mp4. This I can then import into iMovie without any problems. I've checked this on the trial versions and it worked well but without paying am left with a giant watermark in the video
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    If you could point me in the direction of some free .mts converter software that would be the cherry on the cake.

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    This might be worth a shot - basically seeing if Vista permissions could be the culprit.
    Give yourself FULL control and ownership of the exHD, let's call it M:
    How to Take Ownership and Grant Permissions in Windows Vista
    Take control of the top level folder and ALL subfolders.
    Try creating a new blank ITL file on M: by pressing *and holding* the shift key while itunes starts. See if you can add everything again.

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    Please describe exactly what you did. In moving to a new machine no importing is involved. The best way is to simply connect the two computers together and drag the iPhoto library from the old one to the pictures folder go the new one and launch iPhoto

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    To import the videos must follow a very strict naming convention.
    All file names must have 8 characters for a name and be located in a folder named DCIM
    for example
    You can't watch the videos off the cart, they must be imported into the iPad. They'll go into the camera roll, when you tap on them it'll open the video app and you can watch from there.

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    [personal information removed... Mod -]
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    [If you are posting using email, please turn your 'sig file' function OFF for posting]

    I would be glad for the opportunity to customize a Premiere Elements 12 answer to your Premiere Elements 12 issue.
    But, I want to make sure that we are together on the details. This is my understanding of what you have written. Please review and let me
    know if I am misinterpreting anything that you have written.
    You have a video created in Windows Movie Maker.
    How did you output the video from Windows Movie Maker...wmv or mp4, what was the frame size and frame rate of that export?
    Next you import that video into Premiere Elements 12 (can we assume that this is on Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit?)
    From what you wrote, you have applied a pan and zoom effect to your video in Premiere Elements.
    Now you go to export the Premiere Elements 12 Timeline content with your video with the pan and zoom applied.
    But, the pan and zoom effect is not seen in playback of the export.
    Is all of the above correct so far?
    If so....we are going to need some more details from you...
    a. What is the project preset that you or the project are setting to match the properties of the video coming from Movie maker? See Edit Menu/Project Settings/General and the readings for Editing Mode, Timebase, Frame Rate, and Pixel Aspect Ratio even if the fields look grayed out.
    b. Are you applying the pan and zoom effect with the Pan and Zoom Tool, fx Effects Presets, or keyframing the Scale (for Zoom) and
    Position (for Pan) in the Motion Panel expanded?
    c. What are you selecting as your export in Publish+Share/. Please give details...are you using default settings or customizing the export
    setting under the Advanced Button/Video Tab and Audio Tab of the preset selected?
    I am suspecting some sort of mismatch of your project settings or some problems with working with the Pan and Zoom tool. I need
    your answers to help me help you. If I have written anything that you do not understand, please let me know. I will re-write if necessary
    so that we are in sync to resolve the issue.

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    Nano 5th GenerationWindows xp. 
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    There was a short version expressly for people who weren't bothered to read a myriad of text.
    Meh, not that it matters anymore. I ended up redownloading 70-odd albums, so I have the bulk of my music back. And I still have no idea what iTunes did with my files, but I'll make sure it never does it again.
    I would thank you for the help but you were utterly useless. Oh well, carry on.

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    When i Import video's I enter the SD card in the MAc and choose "import".
    I create a new event and import part of the video to that event. No problem here.
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    When the card is put back in te MAC the images re-appear.
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    ANyone know what to do about this?
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    I have tried this and came to something strange:
    - created a new library with the name imovie library 2
    - imported the video to this new library -> succesfull - video stored locally
    - drag and drop to the original library: a copy of the event is created in the original library HOWEVER this copy ahs the same issue, it refers to media on the camera and I can not see the video if I remove the SD card.
    What can I do?

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    thanks everyone for any help.

    I'm not sure of your question.
    Are you asking how to use Photoshop?
    Or are you asking for the dimensions of video iMovie uses?
    It edits in 720P HD, which is 1280x720.
    You can make it a bit bigger so you can zoom in.
    Much bigger then this is a waste of time.

  • Download and import YouTube videos to iMovie for  editing

    Download and import YouTube videos to iMovie for editing
    YouTube always provides people with raw video materials on all sorts of things happened worldwide in real time. Video lovers are fond of downloading these files as private collection, even using video editors like iMovie to do further editing of their favorite ones, so as to import them to portable devices like iPod, iPhone, PSP, Blackberry, etc. for playback, or upload to their own websites to share with others, or do something else as they like.
    However, not all the people have found a proper way to download YouTube videos, not to mention how to add these files to iMovie for editing. YouTube videos are in the format of FLV, which is not a workable format in iMovie, so if you want to import YouTube videos to it without trouble, you should convert FLV files to iMovie compatible formats such as MPEG-4 and MOV in advance. With the special intention of solving these two problems, this guide will show you how to download YouTube videos and import them to iMovie for editing step by step. If you are in need, just feel free to go along with it.
    Step 1: Download, install and run Pavtube YouTube Converter for Mac
    This converter can process downloading and conversion simultaneously. Once you launch it, the interface below well pop up.
    Step 2: Add URL, select output format and set save path
    Press tag “Add URL” in the above interface, and then the following window will appear. Just copy and paste the URL of the YouTube video file which you want to download and convert to the text box after “URL”. Then select a supportable format for iMovie by clicking the drop-down list of “Convert To”. Here I choose MOV for example.
    Afterwards, you can insert the storage file name in the text box of “Save As”, if not, the program will generate one automatically. Here I save my file as “mycollection”. Meanwhile, you are allowed to hit “Browse” in the opposite side of “Save To” to specify the destination folder. By the way, if you want to save the original FLV files, you are allowed to tick the checkbox “Save FLV File” to achieve this goal.
    Step 3: Custom
    This program enables you to adjust video and audio parameters like codec, bit rate, aspect ratio, frame rate, sample rate, and channels, so that you can change them randomly according to your own demands. Generally speaking, the options which refer to values are always in condition of the larger values, the larger file size, but better quality. Do remember click “OK” to save your custom settings.
    Step 4: Download and convert
    Once all the settings are done, you can click “OK” button to start. The following window will show you the progress of downloading and conversion.
    Step 5: Import the output MOV files to iMovie
    As soon as the YouTube video files have been downloaded and converted to MOV or other iMovie workable format, you can click “Open” at lower right corner of the above interface to find out the output files. Afterwards, launch iMovie, and click File > Import to add the output files to iMovie for editing.
    1. This program supports batch tasks so that you can download multiple YouTube video files in batches at a time.
    2. Pavtube YouTube Converter for Mac adopts multi-threading technology, which makes its download speed is faster than any other similar YouTube downloader.
    3. Besides, it can also automatically detect and download online videos in the format of .flv, and f4v from many other video-sharing websites, like Yahoo Video, Myspace, Google Video, Fox and more.
    4. It also provides users with conversion function, with which you can convert any YouTube FLV/F4V files to other formats like MP4, MKA, WAV, AC3, MKV, FLV, MP3, M4A, 3GP, AVI, MOV, MPG, etc. at will.
    5. If you only use it as a YouTube downloader without format conversion, you can take it as a piece of freeware.
    All right, this guide is ending up now; hope it will do you a favor while downloading video files from YouTube as well as importing them to iMovie for further editing.

    It's a clip from CNN (with all credits etc. added). When one refers to it as a clip posted on "YouTube", then people understand the quality will be poor.
    I've watched television go from everything shot on a tripod with clean, meticulous editing rules, to almost anything goes. It has to do with cultural reference.

  • Having trouble importing mpeg videos from an external hard drive to iMovie or iPhoto. Keeps saying unrecognizable format. How do I get it to work?????

    I have always had a dell computer. But after the 3rd crash, we decided to throw it out and get a mac. We bought this computer a week ago. I was able to save all our family pics and videos from the dell to an external hard drive. So when I got the new Mac set up, I plugged the hard drive in and had no problem importing all our pictures. But when I tried to import our videos, I ran into some problems. We have had 3 different cameras with each having a different video format. All our videos are either avi, mpeg, or mov. All the avi videos imported successfully but the others will not. I tried importing them into imovie and iphoto and neither one will recognize the format. iphoto says unrecognizable format and imovie just completely freezes and I have to force quit.  Here is what is funny. I took the hard drive to my local store and when they hooked it up to their computer, they imported beautifully. Why won't it do the same for my brand new computer? Thanks!

    I have always had a dell computer. But after the 3rd crash, we decided to throw it out and get a mac. We bought this computer a week ago. I was able to save all our family pics and videos from the dell to an external hard drive. So when I got the new Mac set up, I plugged the hard drive in and had no problem importing all our pictures. But when I tried to import our videos, I ran into some problems. We have had 3 different cameras with each having a different video format. All our videos are either avi, mpeg, or mov. All the avi videos imported successfully but the others will not. I tried importing them into imovie and iphoto and neither one will recognize the format. iphoto says unrecognizable format and imovie just completely freezes and I have to force quit.  Here is what is funny. I took the hard drive to my local store and when they hooked it up to their computer, they imported beautifully. Why won't it do the same for my brand new computer? Thanks!

  • ITunes 11 previously imported a video file, which I loaded on to my iPod Nano, but I removed the file from the iTunes library and now it won't (re-)import the same video. Any thoughts on why not?

    iTunes 11 previously imported a video file, which I loaded on to my iPod Nano, but I removed the file from the iTunes library and now it won't (re-)import the same video.
    I'm using 2 PCs, each with video files (.MP4) on their respective hard drives, and also one external drive with other video files on that I move between the two devices.
    iTunes on one PC will (sometimes!) let me add video content from the external hard drive, which is clearly iTunes-compatible, because I can then copy it over to my iPod Nano. On the other PC, I couldn't load that same video from the external hard drive. But if I copied that same video on to the PC's internal hard drive first, then iTunes would let me import it. That was yesterday - now iTunes is refusing to load any files from the internal or external hard drive(s).
    Any thoughts or suggestions, please?

    So I tried copying the files from the external hard drive to a USB drive. I could import the video files from the USB drive!
    So then I tried importing the same files on to my PC's internal hard drive again. I could import the video files from the internal hard drive!
    So then I tried to import the very same files that failed to load on the very same PC previously. I could now import them!
    I still can't import from the external hard drive directly, though.
    I really don't think I like the process of importing things into iTunes very much... any suggestions on what's causing any of this behaviour would be very interesting.

Maybe you are looking for