In need of a Powershell script to move students from an OU to another OU

Good Day Everyone,
I was tasked to move students from the Students OU to Full Time / Part Time OU. I can possibly get this done in a short time BUT since I am a newbie, I would like to know what would be the best approach for me to get this done. 
1. There are about 1700 students
2. Import Students from an CSV file to be moved [fulltimestudents.csv AND parttimestudents.csv]
3. After importing the students > move them to the fulltime or parttime OU
Any suggestions before I start this and thank you all for your help.
Adrian Mohamed

Good Morning JRV + All,
Here is a working code that I am now using for the move - any ideas on how to clean it up + maybe w/ comments would be much appreciated.
* -force
-Path C:\temp\out.txt
Time,OU=Undergraduate,OU=Students,OU=Users,OU=LIM Objects,DC=limcollege,DC=edu'
Time,OU=Undergraduate,OU=Students,OU=Users,OU=LIM Objects,DC=limcollege,DC=edu'
# Import users from Carolyn’s CSV file [separate files for Full Time + Part Time]
= ipcsv
-path C:\temp\test2.csv
# Get all students distinguished names > output them into a single file
# Output to a txt gives us a paper trail of the actual students being moved
foreach ($users
in $user)
| Out-File
C:\temp\out.txt -Append
# Wait until the above transactions are complete
-s 2
# Import the distinguished names > make the move to new OU
= Get-Content
-Path C:\temp\out.txt
# Reiterate through the student names and perform the move
foreach ($names
in $name)
Move-AdObject -Identity
$names -TargetPath
Adrian Mohamed

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    Have you checked here yet?
    There should at least be a starting point for you if you don't find exactly what you're after.
    Don't retire TechNet! -
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    This is what a good query will look like.  Note the extra bits in the version. (7601)
    dsquery * "dc=kahlnet,dc=local" -filter "&((objectclass=computer)(operatingSystemVersion=6.1 (7601)))"

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    I like a method like this...
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    get-aduser -filter {<What ever your search criteria is> } | %{move-ADObject $_.DistinguishedName -targetpath 'OU=NewOU,DC=Contoso,DC=Local'}
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    { Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter "Name -like '*$Name*'" |
    Out-GridView -OutputMode Single
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    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    get-aduser -filter {<What ever your search criteria is> } |
    %{ move-ADObject $_.DistinguishedName -targetpath (Get-OU Test).DistinguishedName }
    And I'll get a grid view of all of the Test OUs, and I just pick the one I want from the gridview.
    [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

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    Same answer to why I can't just slap the 2-page .pdf on the front of each. I need the text variable to still be active.
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    ok here we are
    I get a raw skeleton that you will have to adjust but it's functional.
    Use a PDF for placement as you can specify the page that you want to place.
    I don't know if you can do the same for indesign files.
    So basically, it starts adding 2 pages and placeing the pdf in the same time.
    After that, it creates the textVariable and the frame that will receive it.
    Here you are:
    //If a document is open
    var ad = app.activeDocument;
    //Pages placement
    for(i=0; i<2; i++)
    //Add 2 pages on top of the document;
    var tmpPg = ad.pages.add(LocationOptions.BEFORE, ad.pages[0]);
    //Here you place your pdf
    app.pdfPlacePreferences.pageNumber = i;, false)
    //You should specify page x and page y but ain't found yet the way to go.
    //Text variable creation
    //Check if the textVariable named "txtVar" does not already exist...
    //if not found, create the text variable named "txtVar"
    var txtVar = ad.textVariables.add();
    txtVar.variableType =VariableTypes.CUSTOM_TEXT_TYPE; = "txtVar";
    //Set the contents of the text variables to the string "test"
    ad.textVariables.item("txtVar").variableOptions.contents = "test";
    //these coordinates don't care aboutyour units but you may adjust them to your needs
    var y1 = ad.marginPreferences.left;
    var x1 =;
    var y2 = y1+5;
    var x2 = x1+25;
    var myFrame = ad.pages[0].textFrames.add({geometricBounds:[y1,x1,y2,x2]});
    //Set the contents of the frame to the text variables "txtVar"
    //You may want to stylize the txtVar
    //In this case, either you use a existing characterStyle or you create one in the script
    Bye Loic

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    3.    Bat file to move the files from processing folder to archive folder.
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    So make your MoveToArchive.jsx look something like this
       var BAT = new File(Folder.temp + "/MoveFilesToArchive.bat");"w");
       BAT.writeln('Copy /Y "c:\\Process\\*.jpg" "c:\\Archive\\*.*"');
       BAT.writeln('Del "c:\Process\\*.jpg"');
       BAT.execute();   // execute the temp bat file
    alert("Bat MoveFilesToArchive  failed to execute.");

  • How do I move pictures from one library to another?

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    For just a few export them out of Library A via the File ➙ Export ➙ File Export menu option with Kind = Original and import them into Library B.
    However, this will not include any edits or metadata (keywords, titles, etc.) that you've added.
    To get the original image, any edits and all metadata, keywords, titles, descriptions, places, etc., you'll need the paid version of  iPhoto Library Manager.  It can copy albums or events from one library to another and keep those items I mentioned earlier with the photos.

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    Hey, HawaiianHaole, as a multidecade Mac user, let me tell you, Aperture is about the worst example of Mac-iness one could imagine. Ironic, as it's (of course) made by Apple. But it is so inflexible, and insists so vociferously on making the user learn its peculiar interface conventions it reminds me most of something out of that famous company in Redmond.
    Want your Projects in an order you choose? Sorry! Want to arrange your windows so you can see your list of chat buddies while you're working in Aperture? Nope, can't do it! Aging eyes have trouble reading tiny grey type on a grey background? Hey buddy, it was your choice to grow old, don't blame us!
    But all is not lost. Aperture has gotten considerably better of late (versions up to 2.0 were fundamentally unusable in many ways) and will hopefully continue to improve. (ie Maybe they'll fix the printing thing...)
    Please don't make Aperture the basis for your judgement of the Mac OS. Many long time Mac users are having as much trouble with Aperture as you. Mac OSX has significantly reduced customizability but at the benefit of much improved stability and indeed usability. Old school Mac users had to learn to accept this, which most did. You'll hear people talk about the "Way of the Steve". As irksome as Aperture can be, you'll actually have a better time of it if you adopt the Way of the Steve, and accept that you can't do things the way you might want to. This is imho antithetical to the original Mac many of us knew and loved, but it's the way things are today, so we mostly shut up and take it. You can fight with your software all day, or just accept that there are ways you have to adopt and adapt to them.
    Welcome to the Bright Side, hope your Mac experience improves.

  • How do you move pictures from one album to another

    how do you move pictures from one album to another?

    Pictures can appear in any number of albums.
    To move from one album to another, add the picture to the new album and then right click on the picture, select Remove from album and then select the album you want to remove it from.
    If you need further help, please let us know which version of Photoshop Elements you are using and which operating system you are running on.

  • How to move cursor from one textfield to another textfield byusing enterkey

    hii all,
    I have a problem in java script.
    To move cursor from one textbox to another text box ,I have take the length of the textboxes of the first column.I used onkeyDown event .
    in the function ,firest i checked the condition like
    for(i=0;i<;i++) //box is the name of the textboxes
    return false;
    by using this the cursor is moving from first text box to secon textbox and stops.
    if i use event.returnValue=false; instead of return false ,then the cursor automatically going to the laxt textbox of the column.
    my problem is how i can focus the cursor from one textbox to another textbox one after the other till the end.
    if any one has solution please help me.
    also if we can do in another way also,please help me.

    try the following code :
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <TITLE> New Document </TITLE>
    <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus">
    <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="">
    <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="">
    <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="">
    <SCRIPT language="Javascript">
    function fnTest(str)     {     
              if(event.keyCode==13)          {
                   if(str == 4)     {
                   else     {
                   return false;
    <FORM name="formHeader">
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="box" value="" onKeyDown="javascript:fnTest('0');">
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="box" value="" onKeyDown="javascript:fnTest('1');">
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="box" value="" onKeyDown="javascript:fnTest('2');">
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="box" value="" onKeyDown="javascript:fnTest('3');">
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="box" value="" onKeyDown="javascript:fnTest('4');">

  • Move text from one artboard to another

    Hi I have 3 artboards open and am trying to move text from one artboard to another, each piece of text is on a different layer, but when I use the selection tool and just drag it across to the next artboard, nothing shows up.  How do I move text from one artboard to another?  Thanks

    Dont worry I now have it sussed.  I just needed to move the layers up in the stacking order.

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    Can someone please advise how I can move data from one member to another existing member?  For example, I have data in member ID MT_160 and I want to move this data over to an existing member MT_130 as per business requirement.  How can I accomplish this?  I tried using the NEWID field but system complained that the new ID must be Unique, which makes sense.  I'm stuck now.  Any Ideas?  I'm using BPC version 5.0 on Microsoft.

      one  of  the  ways  you  can  achieve  the  desired  result  is  Via  BPC  Excel
    1) from  menu Edata--> RUn  Package --> copy/Move .  OR
    2) You  an  write  Script  logic  to  Copy/Move  data.
    Hope this  helps..

  • Move Photos from one Library to another

    How can I move pictures from one library to another in Iphoto 11 ?

    1. Export from one, import to the other. Though you will not get all the versions if you do this. You also need to be sure to sue the options in the Expor dialogue to write all the metadata to the files or that won't come over. Note there is no way to export Faces data.
    2. Use iPhoto Library Manager to move the files and all versions and all metadata - including Faces - between libraries. However this hasn't been fully updated for iPhoto 11 so you'll need to wait a few days.

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