In search of older nvidia package.

In bit of a clutch atm.   Cant do the glibc update as I still have all the kernel modules in /lib.  I assume upgrading to > 3.4 moves these out of there.   I haven't upgraded from kernel 3.3 as the nvidia 302 package breaks suspend, and the 295-1 package requires 3.3 or less.  Seems to me the 295.53-2 package can be used with 3.4, however, seeing how the mirror with old cached package is gone (and I don't have this on my own pacman cache).  Is there anywhere else to get this package, or can someone who may have help me out.

DSpider wrote:
# pacman -U
# pacman -U
But sticking to an older kernel is bad practice, IMO. Exploits and security wholes would pile up over time, leaving you more vulnerable.
Um, that's the whole point of this, upgrading the kernel.  Thanks for the link.

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    However, I recently discovered that version 285.05.09 supports my card, according to the supported products tab on: … er-uk.html
    So, firstly, should I ditch nvidia-173xx and revert to the main Nvidia package?
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    Once Nvidia produce a driver suitable for xorg 1.11, I'll be able to un-ignore these, and install Nvidia instead of 173xx (or even 173xx-all).  Correct?

    Cotton wrote:What is nvidia-173xx for then?
    For older cards, like my fx 5500.

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      In the search link I gave above: b43-firmware-latest is for kernel 3.2+ and b43-firmware is for <3.2.  That is the, ahem, AUR search link good sir.   If someone is using b43-firmware however, they may not catch that they need to remove that and migrate to b43-firmware-latest when kernel 3.2 hits.
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    With that said, I'm having trouble finding archive repositories, or even archived packages for that matter, that contain versions of packages that I need to revert back to.  In this particular instance, I need to revert my nvidia driver back to 100.14.x because the newer drivers completely hose UT2004. 
    What's the proper way to do this, and can pacman handle it?

    brebs wrote:
    bgc1954 wrote:every time there is a kernel upgrade you have to reinstall the drivers.. To me, it's a pain.
    Er, you should do that *anyway*. (Edit:) Just because binary distros can usually get away with not doing so, doesn't mean it's a good idea to assume that it's not necessary.
    The point is, you should reinstall the nvidia drivers using a pkgbuild.
    So far as I can remember, the nvidia packages (nvidia and nvidia-utils for me, i686) are upgraded coinciding with each kernel upgrade. Though, I have been zonked by a kernel upgrade which preceded an nvidia upgrade that followed a day later- In which case I simply built against the new kernel with a PKGBUILD, as you suggest.
    Basically, whenever I have an nvidia issue that I can't solve, I check the forums and Brebs usually has already posted the answer.

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    In the meantime, I created a custom 2.6.10 kernel with the required patches as described in the wiki.  It works! Thanks!
    Now, I want to also create a custom Nvidia package that compiled for this kernel, so if I every re-install etc.  I just need to have these 2 packages handy to be up and running quickly. 
    Has this been done?  Is there a how-to?

    Doesn't the genuine arch package work? Just run pacman -S nvidia in runlevel 3 and it should work. You just have to have sources of your kernel. Well, at least this works with my non-stock nitro kernel. Here's some more reference. I guess it gets a bit more tricky with multiple kernels, but it's not your case, is it [didn't get it clearly enough]?

  • NVidia packages - let's not use nvidia-installer [RFC]

    Hi. After messing around with Xgl I (for some reason) decided that I hated the way the nvidia driver package doesn't account for all the files the nvidia-installer spits out/modifies. I wanted all the files involved to be properly managed by pacman. So I made some PKGBUILDs, looking at Fedora and Gentoo stuff for inspiration, and getting annoyed trying to work out what needs to be where based on NV's unmaintained install makefile..:shock:
    The PKGBUILDs that follow separate the kernel module from the rest of the nvidia package, but this is by no means necessary - I just wanted to be able to reinstall one without the other (to do with installing gl parts without restarting X - see below for more).
    (If there is to be a separation, it may be more logical to put the driver module with the kernel module, with just the GL parts separate.)
    pkgdesc="NVidia driver kernel module"
    depends=('bash' 'gcc' 'binutils' 'glibc' 'make' 'nvidia-glx')
    source=($ nvidia.rc
    nvidia.patch nv2.diff)
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/
    chmod +x $
    ./$ --extract-only
    cd $_pkgbinary-pkg0
    #strip stuff that's in nvidia-glx to make download lighter
    rm -rf usr/bin
    rm -rf usr/include
    rm -rf usr/lib
    rm -rf usr/share
    rm -rf usr/X11R6
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/nvidia
    cp -p LICENSE $startdir/pkg/usr/share/nvidia
    # adding patches from nvidia forum and now provided by zander
    patch -Np0 -i $startdir/src/nvidia.patch || return 1
    patch -Np0 -i $startdir/src/nv2.diff || return 1
    #clean src
    install -D -m 755 $startdir/src/nvidia.rc $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/nvidia
    cd $startdir/src
    rm *
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/nvidia
    mv * $startdir/pkg/opt/nvidia
    md5sums=('6c8081bfde4a806a487efc2a9a1ff016' '08f4f614066c08bd0774c7e557953fbe'
    (the file nv2.diff patches the kernel code for 2.6.16 kernels..)
    Here's the .install
    post_install() {
    cat << EOF
    ==> In order to use the software, you have to agree to NVIDIA's license located in
    ==> /usr/share/nvidia/LICENSE
    ==> If you don't, please remove this package (pacman -R nvidia-kernel)
    Installation starts now ...
    cd /opt/nvidia/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8178-pkg0/usr/src/nv
    make install > /dev/null 2>&1 || (echo "INSTALLATION FAILED!" ; echo "==> You have to shutdown Xserver to finish installation! You have to rerun 'pacman -S nvidia-kernel'" ; echo "==> If you're running a custom kernel, make sure the source tree is available." ; echo "==> Other common solutions can be found on the wiki:" )
    modprobe nvidia
    rm -r /opt/nvidia
    cat << EOF
    To use this driver you need the nvidia-glx package too.
    If you need more information about setting up nvidia drivers have a look at:
    post_upgrade() {
    rmmod nvidia > /dev/null 2>&1
    post_install $1
    pre_remove() {
    cat << EOF
    ==> Deinstallation starts now!
    rmmod nvidia
    _KERNELNAME=$(uname -r)
    rm /lib/modules/$_KERNELNAME/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko > /dev/null 2>&1
    cat << EOF
    ==> Don't forget to update your /etc/X11/XF86Config or /etc/X11/xorg.conf!
    You may want to remove nvidia-glx as well.
    $op $*
    Now for the other bit..
    pkgdesc="The NVidia driver and utilities (without the kernel module)"
    depends=('bash' 'gcc' 'binutils' 'glibc' 'make' 'nvidia-kernel')
    conflicts=('libgl' 'nvidia')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/
    chmod +x $
    ./$ --extract-only
    cd $_pkgbinary-pkg0
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/bin
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/man/man1
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/xorg/modules/{extensions,drivers}
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/nvidia
    #Point .desktop to correct location
    chmod +w ./usr/share/applications/nvidia-settings.desktop
    sed 's:__UTILS_PATH__:/usr/bin:' ./usr/share/applications/nvidia-settings.desktop > ./nv.desktop
    sed 's:__DOCS_PATH__:/usr/share/nvidia:' ./nv.desktop > ./usr/share/applications/nvidia-settings.desktop
    chmod -w ./usr/share/applications/nvidia-settings.desktop
    #Grab what we need and put it where we want
    install -m 755 usr/bin/ ${startdir}/pkg/usr/bin
    install -m 755 usr/bin/nvidia-settings ${startdir}/pkg/usr/bin
    install -m 755 usr/bin/nvidia-xconfig ${startdir}/pkg/usr/bin
    install usr/lib/${pkgver} ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib
    install usr/lib/${pkgver} ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib
    install usr/lib/${pkgver} ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib
    install usr/lib/${pkgver} ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib
    install usr/X11R6/lib/libXvMCNVIDIA.a ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib
    install usr/X11R6/lib/${pkgver} ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib
    install usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers
    install usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/ ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers
    install usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/${pkgver} ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions
    cp -pr usr/include ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/nvidia
    cp -pr usr/share/doc/* ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/nvidia
    cp -pr usr/share/applications/* ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/applications
    cp -pr usr/share/man/man1 ${startdir}/pkg/usr/man
    cd ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib/
    ln -fs${pkgver}
    ln -fs${pkgver}
    ln -fs${pkgver}
    ln -fs${pkgver}
    ln -fs${pkgver}
    ln -fs${pkgver}
    ln -fs${pkgver}
    cd ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions
    ln -fs${pkgver}
    ..and here's the .install
    post_install() {
    #switch in nvidia GL headers
    ln -sf /usr/share/nvidia/include/GL/gl.h /usr/include/GL/gl.h
    ln -sf /usr/share/nvidia/include/GL/glext.h /usr/include/GL/glext.h
    ln -sf /usr/share/nvidia/include/GL/glx.h /usr/include/GL/glx.h
    ln -sf /usr/share/nvidia/include/GL/glxext.h /usr/include/GL/glxext.h
    cat << EOF
    ==> In order to use the software, you have to agree to NVIDIA's license located in
    ==> /usr/share/nvidia/LICENSE (installed with nvidia-kernel - required)
    ==> If you don't, please remove this package (pacman -R nvidia-glx)
    To use this driver you need the nvidia-kernel package too.
    If you need more information about setting up nvidia drivers have a look at:
    Note: OpenGL headers have been replaced (if applicable) by symlinks to the NVidia headers.
    To switch to the mesa headers, reinstall mesa.
    (You may want to do this if compiling a GL app for another system.)
    post_upgrade() {
    post_install $1
    pre_remove() {
    cat << EOF
    ==> Don't forget to update your /etc/X11/XF86Config or /etc/X11/xorg.conf!
    You may want to remove nvidia-kernel as well.
    $op $*
    ..As you can see, the nvidia-glx .install instates the NVidia gl headers to aid compiling against them. If mesa is installed it's versions of these files will be overwritten. Making sure to install the package for the desired headers last seemed like the simplest way to select them. Gentoo has some script to select the gl libs.
    PS: This is designed alongside the current mesa-6.4.2-1 package in testing.
    So. Any comments? Any good? Or shall I just keep them to myself?

    tpowa wrote:well, problem is not that it's not possible, problem is if it is allowed.
    i'm not a license expert but as far as i can remember no big distro provides the packages other then nvidia-installer.
    gentoo is a special case.
    Yeah, I thought that might be a problem. The LICENSE seems to have a clause to do with splitting up the package...
    No Separation of Components.  The SOFTWARE is licensed as a
    single product.  Its component parts may not be separated for use
    on more than one computer, nor otherwise used separately from the
    other parts.
    But this refers to *use* of the seperate parts, which I suppose is a bit vague. Anyhoo, as I say, this modified install method can still work with a combined package. It could even not bother with the kernel module compile if it's already present.
    The only other part that seems relevant is...
    2.1.2  Linux/FreeBSD Exception.  Notwithstanding the foregoing terms
    of Section 2.1.1, SOFTWARE designed exclusively for use on the Linux or
    FreeBSD operating systems, or other operating systems derived from the
    source code to these operating systems, may be copied and redistributed,
    provided that the binary files thereof are not modified in any way
    (except for unzipping of compressed files).
    But since no binary files are modified this doesn't seem to apply. Of course, IANAL..

  • Search dbxml, owains, htp packages

    I am searching to download these package :
    owains.sql, htp*.sql
    because i try to use The dbxml package who need the previous package. We work under
    Oracle 8.0.4 release.
    Thanks, DP

    They are included in the .\xsql\demo\owa\ that come with the XSQL Servlet.

  • How to search in a pdf package via command line

    How can I search a specific PDF file within a PDF package via the command line? Previously I have used the following code in VB6 to search a single PDF file successfully.
    acroPath = String(128, " ")        'initialise this string
    resultStatus = FindExecutable(pdfPath, vbNullString, acroPath)
    acroPath = Replace(acroPath, vbNullChar, "")        'Get rid of the null character
    acroPath = """" & Trim$(acroPath) & """"
    cmdLineString = acroPath & " /n /A ""search=" & searchString & """ " & pdfPath
    Call Shell(cmdLineString, vbNormalFocus)
    I now receive this file as part of a PDF package, so how can I amend the command line to search the specific file within the package?
    I only have Reader, not the full blown Acrobat version.

    Sorry forgot to say that I am using Acrobat Reader 8.1 on Win XP SP2

  • How to get older nvidia driver

    I just installed archlinux again and the nvidia driver.
    Now when I run 3d games I get a stutter every 13-15 seconds, as if the graphics freeze for 1 second.
    I remember having this problem with the nvidia version 169, and then I downgraded the driver which fixed the problem.
    But this was in Gentoo.
    How do I get an older driver in Archlinux?
    I think I need the 100.   something driver.

    I haven't tried using ABS yet. The question is for me if it will be easier for me to install Gentoo again where I can just choose the driver version freely, or llearn to use ABS.
    I was just hoping that I could use Arch since it is faster to install..
    Last edited by Kabi (2008-07-14 09:08:14)

  • Saving Search Help - Problem assigning package

    I have developed a ALV report, Where I have used only one 'Z' table. I want to create search help for a particular input field  in the selection screen.
    I tried to create search help in se11.
    After giving all the required information, I am not able to save it under any package at all.
    It gives an information saying, Search help cannot be assigned under this package.
    I have tried it under many packages and also tried to save it as a local object, But no go.
    How can I save and activate this ?
    Please help !
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: Matt on Sep 5, 2011 6:40 AM

    I think you created search help name not starting with Y or Z, but with SAP reserved names. Because of this you are not able to save by assigning a package and TR.
    Please change the same to starting with Y or Z.
    Custom Search Help

  • Unable to search for older elements than X months

    Lately we have had an issue where some users cannot search for elements older than X days.
    The reason I use "X" is because this is totaly random between the users who are experiencing this (usually 3 weeks, 3 months or 1 year).
    They are not on the same mailbox database, there is nothing (seemingly) wrong with the search service as 99% of our users have no problems and the test goes OK.
    The same search problem goes for the few users in OWA and Outlook 2010 and 2013 (cached and non-cached mode).
    Also tried rebuilding index in Outlook without any luck.
    We run two cas, and two mbx servers with SP1 and CU6 and windows updates was ran just before Christmas.
    Server OS is 2012 R2 datacenter.
    Anyone out there who might be able to help me out?
    I have been searching and trying things for the past 4 hours.
    Edit: Forgot to mention that all statuses look healthy, as well as contentindexstate

    Hi Patrick,
    Base on my knowledge, it seems that there are some different retention policies apply to these mailboxes.
    I recommend you use the following command to check if there is any retention policy has been applied to the mailbox:
    Get-mailbox UserName | FL Alias, RetentionPolicy
    In addition, I also recommend you refer to the following article to understand retention policy:
    Retention tags and retention policies
    Best regards,
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Canned searches in package, but not in sidebar or preferences

    I would like to add the canned searches from the Finder App package to te sidebar, but they do not appear in the preferences.
    I found no ducumentation on this.
    Would you please help me?

    There is an alternate way to get basically the same searches into the proper place in the Finder sidebar. The "canned searches" in are very similar to "smart folders" that you can create yourself, setting them up to search "This Mac" and using a single "Kind is ...." search criterion. If you save such a "smart folder" it becomes a "saved search", and there is a checkbox for adding its icon to the sidebar. That sidebar icon will appear under "Search For", not under "Places.' Name the search appropriately and save it to the default Saved Searches folder.
    For further details see
    *Mac OS X 10.6 Help - Creating a Smart Folder*

  • PRE9 No longer supports older nvidia card GPU's (?)

    I've started this new discussion rather than continuing GPU Effects in PRE7 but not in PRE9 as this focuses more on the cards rather than the effects. In this discussion I hope that users with nvidia cards could report what their card is, and whether or not GPU Effects/Transitions show.
    My nvidia 8800GT performs exceptionally well with PRE7.
    Scrubbing along the timeline, or changing timeline scaling results in almost instantaneous redrawing of thumbnails.
    All GPU effects and transitions are available and work well.
    But with PRE9:
    Scrubbing along the timeline, or changing timeline scaling, results in an agonisingly slow redrawing of thumbnails.
    GPU effects and transitions are not available.
    It seems to me that PRE9 is either no longer supporting older cards, or is identifying cards incorrectly. My gut feel is the first - that PRE9 is only working with *specific* video cards.
    I think this because:
    Adobe PRE9 Help shows:
    About GPU effects
    If your computer has an AGP‑ or a PCI‑based
    video card, it probably has a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). If
    your GPU supports DirectX 9.x, Pixel Shader (PS) 1.3 or later, and
    Vertex Shader (VS) 1.1 or later, you can use GPU‑accelerated effects. These
    effects take advantage of the added video processing capabilities
    of GPU cards, adding three‑dimensional realism to images.
    You can find these effects in the GPU Effects menu in the Effects
    view only if your computer has a supported GPU. (Some effect options
    are available only if your graphics card supports Pixel Shader 2.0
    or later and Vertex Shader 2.0 or later.) For details, see the system
    requirements on the Adobe Premiere Elements product page
    on the Adobe website.
    I could not find graphics cards listed in Adobe Premiere Elements 9: System requirements. But I did find this on the Premiere Pro CS5 System Requirements:
    Supported NVIDIA graphics cards for GPU acceleration
    GeForce GTX 285 (Windows and Mac OS)
    GeForce GTX 470 (Windows)
    Quadro 4000 (Windows)
    Quadro 5000 (Windows)
    Quadro FX 3800 (Windows)
    Quadro FX 4800 (Windows and Mac OS)
    Quadro FX 5800 (Windows)
    Quadro CX
    It does make me wonder if PRE9 follows this restricted list of cards.
    Another clue(?) is that the Adobe Knowledge Base 51526, Troubleshoot digital video playback, shows:
    3. Switch the GPU playback option.
    Note: This option is not present in Adobe Premiere Elements 9.0.
    Adobe Premiere Elements  is designed to take advantage of display
    cards with accelerated GPUs. If you are having playback issues, make
    sure you use the correct GPU playback mode that corresponds with your
    display card.
    Enable GPU Playback: The setting if you have a GPU-accelerated display card.
    Disable GPU Playback:The setting offers the lowest performance but
    is appropriate for display cards that do not fully support Direct 3D
    So the feature to manually describe your card to PRE9 *HAS* been deliberately removed, by inference leaving it totally to the application to decide whether or not your card is supported.
    I'll be posting this information at the Adobe Bug/Feature report.
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children

    No, and it doesn't support some new cards in particular configurations either.
    The main ones affected are the laptop hybrids in Sony Vaio.  I have a Sony Vaio Z11, and the Z12 and Z13 are affected by exactly the same problem.
    The nVidia video card is GT330M, which should support all sorts of things.  But the most recent driver that works in this hybrid configuration (the way it is set up by Sony) is 190.xx, which presumably doesn't support this.
    So PRE9 loads with an error message, but I can't see anything in the video preview, which makes editing a little difficult.  It works fine in Sony Vegas though.
    Sony Vaio with the auto-switching hybrid configurations are fairly common (they've sold well), and the Z11, Z12 and Z13 are a current and very powerful model (mine is Core-i7, 8GB RAM, SSD).  It is a laptop that looks good, so appeals to graphic artists and video editors.
    Adobe possibly needs to fix this rather quickly, because there are complaints all over the forums and I can see a lot of people dropping Adobe Premiere Elements in favour of the Sony Vegas product simply because they can't make it work.  All it takes is the ability to switch OFF GPU processing!  Alternatively support for this card.

  • Searching subfolders under Driver Packages

    I am trying to do a search on my Dell Specific driver packages in the 2012 console, each model is in a separate folder. When I go to "Driver Packages" under Search the "All Subfolders" option is not available. Is this intended by design?
    I can seach subfolders under regular packages.
    I want to create prestaged media for all my dell driver packages but cant do a search of all of them since each is in a separate folder. Is there another way to do this?

    It seems to be "by design". You could create your own PowerShell script to find in which folder a package is located (see:
    My Blog:
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

  • [SOLVED] Older NVIDIAs - (quite poor) performance when watching movies

    I'd like to ask what packages and configuration you use to achieve the best performance for NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200, mainly for watching movies. I've come to this observation:
    Global parameters
    NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (AGP 4x, 128 MB)
    1680x1050, 60 Hz
    Pentium 4 2.4 GHz, 1 GB RAM
    SMPlayer 0.6.9 (SVN r3447)
    Used video: 1280 x 720, 23.976 FPS, fullscreen
    Windows XP (SP2):
    Driver: 16. 5. 2008 (version
    MPlayer SVN r30369
    Output method: directx(fast)
    Video: fluent
    Ubuntu 11.04:
    Driver: nvidia-173 (probably, Ubuntu is so confusing)
    MPlayer 1.0rc4-4.5.2
    Output method: xv
    Video: fluent but often with a diagonal break
    Arch Linux:
    Driver: nouveau
    MPlayer SVN r34426
    Output method: xv
    Video: goes to few FPS after a minute
    Last edited by nemamradfazole (2011-12-26 00:02:23)

    I'm not an A/v guy, but I think you can encode stuff in different ways and that might make a difference, so just because I haven't had any problems with 720p doesn't mean you're doing something wrong, maybe you're viewing higher-quality material.
    I don't get choppy video even when I'm maxing-out the cpu.
    mplayer --framedrop -vfm ffmpeg -lavdopts lowres=1:fast:skiploopfilter=all
    is the magic incantation I use to view some 720p stuff on my other PC which has just and old, unsupported integrated Intel card. I get "almost-fluent but often with a diagonal break" video.
    Yes, this not 30fps 720p anymore, so I'm cheating ;P
    nemamradfazole wrote:I am curious, can you watch 1080p as well?
    Not really.

Maybe you are looking for

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