Include an in-memory jar file for JSR-199 compilation

I want to compile a source file in memory, which requires a jar file that is also represented in memory. I used the JavaSourceFromString class recommended in the documentation for the class JavaCompiler and in a demo I found online that shows how to compile sources represented as String in memory. To represent the jar file, I used a similar trick to JavaSourceFromString:
public class JarJavaFileObjectFromByteArray extends SimpleJavaFileObject {
   * The contents of this jar file.
  private final byte[] contents;
   * Constructs a new JarJavaFileObjectFromByteArray given the name and binary
   * contents of a jar file.
   * @param name the name of this jar file
   * @param contents the contents of this jar file
  public JarJavaFileObjectFromByteArray(String name, byte[] contents) {
    super(newURI(name), Kind.OTHER);
    this.contents = contents;
  ... // code not shown ensures that the URI returned from newURI is of the form,
      // for instance, bytes:///MathConstants.jar, if the name of the jar file is MathConstants.jar
  public InputStream openInputStream() throws IOException {
    return new ByteArrayInputStream(contents);
}However, I do not know how to alert the compiler that this jar file should be on the classpath. I tried this:
List<String> options = Arrays.asList(" -classpath bytes:///MathConstants.jar ");
CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask(null, fileManager, null, options, null, compilationUnits);but I get the following error when calling getTask:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid flag: -classpath bytes:///MathConstants.jarI assume there is some way to tell the compiler, "look at the MathConstants.jar file that I am storing in memory when searching the classpath", but I do not know how to do this. I assumed that the options parameter for getTask represents command-line flags that would be passed to the compiler if this were happening on the command line (such as "-cp .", which also does not work), but perhaps this assumption is wrong.

Hi Bruce,
I have a question regarding loading a jar file by the compiler to dynamically compile with a source file. I hope you can probably offer me an idea on what has been missing or wrong with the source codes I have written for my application.
I am using Eclipse compiler to dynamically compile a class. In the class, I want it to make a reference to a jar file for compilation dynamically.
Here is the source of a test class I wrote:
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
}The import statement refers to the class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet from the jar file C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 6.0\\lib\\servlet-api.jar placed in the file system.
In the method called compileClass (shown below), I used the path of the jar file to add to the option -classpath as you suggested.
     private static CompileClassResult compileClass(Writer out, String className, String classSource) {
          try {
               JavaCompiler javac = new EclipseCompiler();
               StandardJavaFileManager sjfm = javac.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
               SpecialClassLoader scl = new SpecialClassLoader();
               SpecialJavaFileManager fileManager = new SpecialJavaFileManager(sjfm, scl);
               List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>();
               options.addAll(Arrays.asList("-classpath", "C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 6.0\\lib\\servlet-api.jar"));
               List<MemorySource> compilationUnits = Arrays.asList(new MemorySource(className, classSource));
               DiagnosticListener<JavaFileObject> diagnosticListener = null;
               Iterable<String> classes = null;
               if (out == null) {
                    out = new PrintWriter(System.err);
               JavaCompiler.CompilationTask compile = javac.getTask(out, fileManager, diagnosticListener, options, classes, compilationUnits);
               boolean res =;
               if (res) {
                    //Need to modify the api to return an array of two elements - one classes and other bytecodes for all classes in the same class file.
                    return CompileClassResult.newInstance(scl.findClasses(), scl.findByteCodes());
          } catch (Exception e) {
          return null;
     }I also extended the class ForwardingJavaFileManager as you suggested and have it delegated to the StandardJavaFileManager sent to the compiler mentioned in the method compileClass above. The extended class (called SpecialJavaFileManager) is as follows:
public class SpecialJavaFileManager extends ForwardingJavaFileManager<StandardJavaFileManager> {
     private SpecialClassLoader xcl;
     public SpecialJavaFileManager(StandardJavaFileManager sjfm, SpecialClassLoader xcl) {
          this.xcl = xcl;
     public JavaFileObject getJavaFileForOutput(Location location, String name, JavaFileObject.Kind kind, FileObject sibling) throws IOException {
          MemoryByteCode mbc = new MemoryByteCode(name);
          xcl.addClass(name, mbc);
          return mbc;
     public Iterable<JavaFileObject> list(JavaFileManager.Location loc, String pkg, Set kinds, boolean recurse) throws IOException {
          System.out.println("list ");
        List<JavaFileObject> result = new ArrayList<JavaFileObject>();
        for (JavaFileObject f : super.list(loc, pkg, kinds, recurse)) {
          return result;
}I run the application and the result shows that it didn't load the jar file into the memory as expected. From the output (below) I got, it doesn't seem to invoke the method list(...) in the class SpecialJavaFileManager.
1. ERROR in \ (at line 1)
     import javax.servlet.http.*;
The import javax.servlet cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in \ (at line 3)
     class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
HttpServlet cannot be resolved to a typeWould you please let me know what has possibly be missing or wrong?
Edited by: jonathanlam on Aug 10, 2009 6:47 PM

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    There is another option. Native libraries need to reside within the java.library.path location. As it turns out, if you, at runtime, grab this property and ADD your own location to it, then set it back in to the System.setProperty() call, it will NOT work. The only way to do it is the -Djava.library.path value that tjmaven suggested.
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    Hi Ramesh,
    Try out the following
    1) Copy mediator.jar from SOA_HOME>/soa/modules/oracle.soa.mediator_11.1.1 to <MW_HOME>//soa/modules/oracle.soa.ext_11.1.1/classes
    2) Goto <MW_HOME>//soa/modules/oracle.soa.ext_11.1.1/classes and run the following command:
    a. jar -xvf mediator.jar
    3) Now remove the jar file, i.e., mediator.jar from classes folder.
    4) Restart the server.

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    Call the Jar from the commandline to see the exceptions thrown.
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    I tried to read this tutorials before I come here but I couldn't understand it
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    2014-10-28 03:16:41 CDT: Virus Scan started
    2014-10-28 03:16:49 CDT: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    2014-10-28 03:16:49 CDT: File Scanned: "Application7.ear".
    2014-10-28 03:16:49 CDT: File Size: "106698122".
    2014-10-28 03:16:49 CDT: File Status: "INFECTED".
    2014-10-28 03:16:49 CDT: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    2014-10-28 03:16:49 CDT: Virus scan failed.
    2014-10-28 03:16:49 CDT: "Virus Scan" complete: status FAILED
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    I don't see applets mentioned in the supported features nor in the unsupported features so not sure if they are supported you would likely need to contact the operations team to confirm.
    Jani Rautiainen
    Fusion Applications Developer Relations

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    Hi Adam,
    I have created a New EJB Project for my proxy development. This is the usual way I develop proxies for any given service interface created in ESR. Now i am not sure how to create  a dependency with the BRMS facade. If i find the jars i can add it as an external library when compiling.
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    # WARNING: This file is created by the Configuration Wizard.
    # Any changes to this script may be lost when adding extensions to this configuration.
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    Edited by: user8652010 on Feb 10, 2011 1:08 PM

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    Add the Xbootclasspath variable in the java-options field. It will somewhat look like the following in your opmn.xml file
    <process-type id="<OC4J Instance Name>" module-id="OC4J">
    <category id="start-parameters">
    <data id="java-options value="........... -Xbootclasspath^/a:<location of your jar files>" />
    Ensure to use th ^/a (append) signature

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    I have a requirement where I need to Access to Keystore for Digital signing an XML payload. I am using the example in the SAP help link - Link: [Using Digital Signatures|] 
    I have already imported the following jar files (aii_af_cci.jar,aii_af_cpa.jar,aii_af_mp.jar, aii_af_ms_api.jar, aii_af_ms_spi.jar, aii_af_svc.jar, aii_af_trace.jar, aii_security_lib.jar, aii_security_interface.jar, iaik_jce.jar, tc_sec_ssf.jar).
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    What are import statements or jar files I am missing? and where can i find those jar files for making the example work?
    Thanks and Regards,
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    Hi All,
    Im working on code which has
    But i couldn't find the jar file for that. I think the the package is "".
    Please help me out, where can i get that jar file...?
    Warm Regards,
    DNK Siddhardha.

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    Where can i find the jar file for <b>com.sapportals.wcm.service.propertyconfig</b>.
    If anyone can send that to my mail id(<b>[email protected]</b>) it would be very useful.
    Points will be rewarded for helpful answers.

    Hi Rajeev,
    the files should be under /usr/sap/<SID>/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/apps/
    or you can find it in the par file

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