Include jre when deploying

Hi, I don't know whether this is the right forum for such a question nor if it is possible at all. We are facing the suitation where we have to deploy an application running on java5 to workstations (win98,win2000,winXP) who only have jre1.4 installed. We are not allowed to install java5 and would like to package the jre5 with our application. Is this possible at all? How would one do that? Any pointers would be very appreciated. Thanks Tom

Deploying the JRE with your application is simple. The JRE on windows is usually saved on the hard drive in:
C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.5.xx or something similar.
All you need to do is include that entire directory with your app and access the javaw command via a relative path from a .bat file or small .exe to start your app.
You should check the following link as it will show you how to oragnise your directory structure and you can download a free program which will give you a small .exe that will invoke the VM and start your app.
The whole directory containing your .jar/.class files and the JRE can then be zipped up and put onto to target machines or you could use any standard installer if it's going to be installed by non tech people.
Using this method you won't disturb the 1.4 java installation on the target machines. I deploy my apps this way. If you have any problems let me know

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    Thanks, Mark

    OC4J 10.1.2 is a J2EE 1.3 server, so it is not JSP 2.0 - it's JSP 1.2. You don't deploy jsp-api-2.0 JARs into a J2EE server - it already has its own version of JSP.
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    Hi all,
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    JnlpDownloadServlet(4): JnlpResource: JnlpResource[WAR Path: /lib/SampleApplet__V1.1.jar versionId=1.1 name=SampleApplet.jar lastModified=Thu Jan 01 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 1970] returnVersionId=1.1]
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         at com.sun.javaws.servlet.DownloadResponse$FileDownloadResponse.sendRespond(
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    I don't want to change code in jnlp-servlet.jar, and it's the best case. Your inputs on this are appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Below is our reuirment.
    1. We will route the request based on urlprefix, these url prefix can be added and removed at runtime. We want to handle this situation automatically(not by obj conf changes). Also we will chnage the destination of request.
    2. We want insert string in the url for our internal purpose.
    So we opted for plugin.
    BTW: I built the plugin for 32-bit environment.
    $ file ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped
    Below is my cc options.
    CC_CMD=/usr/bin/gcc -m32 -fpic -DNET_SSL -DLinux -DLINUX -D_REENTRANT
    LD_SHAREDCMD=/usr/bin/gcc -m32 -shared

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    There is a workaround to move from 1.5 version to the older 1.4 version. But this could be specific to the browser setting the JRE version.
    Excerpts from sun docs:
    However, a user can still run older versions. To do so, launch the Java Plug-in Control Panel for the older version, then (re)select the browser in the Browser tab.
    Assume you are running on Microsoft Windows with Microsoft Internet Explorer, have first installed version 1.4.2, then version 5.0, and you want to run 1.4.2.
    Go to the j2re1.4.2\bin directory where JRE 1.4.2 was installed. On a Windows default installation, this would be here: C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\bin
    Double-click the jpicpl32.exe file located there. It will launch the control panel for 1.4.2.
    Select the Browser tab. Microsoft Internet Explorer might still appear to be set (checked). However, when 5.0 was installed, the registration of the 1.4.2 JRE with Internet Explorer was overwritten by the 5.0 JRE.
    If Microsoft Internet Explorer is shown as checked, uncheck it and click Apply. You will see a confirmation dialog stating that browser settings have changed.
    Check Microsoft Internet Explorer and click Apply. You should see a confirmation dialog.
    Restart the browser. It should now use the 1.4.2 JRE for conventional APPLET tags.
    Details are here
    My system (Windows XP) has the version 1.5_09 set as the default. However i just installed JRE 1.5_06 and would like to revert back to _06 as the default JRE..
    Will update if i find more information

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    The same ear was deployed on weblogic 6.1.
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 8.1//EN"
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    or ejb-local-ref 'ejb/Service2' in the application module 'cmbrick.war' could
    not be resolved. The target EJB for the ejb ref could not be found.
    The ear is composed of two sub-modules:
    The same ear was deployed on weblogic 6.1.
    Every reference in the ear seems in the right place so i am really clueless.
    Hereafter i include the relevant portions of the deployment descriptors.
    the web.xml for cmbrick.war contains the following data:
    its weblogic.xml file is the following:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 8.1//EN"
    while the weblogic-ejb-jar for CustomMessaging bricks contains the following:

  • Infinite loop/afrLoop when deploying ADF application to standalone weblogic

    Working with Oracle ADF / JDeveloper
    I have enabled ADF security in my application and am using JAAS combined with Oracle EBS users and roles to provide security to the application. Testing on my local integrated weblogic server works fine.
    When deploying my Oracle ADF application to a standalone Weblogic server through an EAR file, requesting a JSF page causes the server to go into an infinite loop on both IE and firefox.
    GET /test-app/faces/login.jsf HTTP/1.1     200
    GET /test-app/faces/login.jsf?_afrLoop=346001033248597&_afrWindowMode=0&Adf-Window-Id=w0 HTTP/1.1     302
    GET /test-app/adfAuthentication HTTP/1.1     302
    GET /test-app/faces/login.jsf HTTP/1.1     200
    GET /test-app/faces/login.jsf?_afrLoop=346001340281597&_afrWindowMode=0&Adf-Window-Id=w0 HTTP/1.1     302
    GET /test-app/adfAuthentication HTTP/1.1     302
    GET /test-app/faces/login.jsf;jsessionid=syWvP1nMY1L87BySh2JbTd1tb4SY0HzDw6T3LvLctvkbMWKmqqJv!1800986117 HTTP/1.1     200
    GET /test-app/adfAuthentication HTTP/1.1
    Reviewing some of the suggestions from the forum and from the link below, I have tried fixing the issue through updates to my web.xml - but am still having the same issue.
    Updated web.xml:
    <web-resource-name>Allowed ADF Resources</web-resource-name>
    I know other users have experienced similar issues - but I am having trouble debugging or troubleshooting why this is happening.
    Any suggestions on how to further troubleshoot or resolve this issue would be appreciated!

    I was able to resolve the login page looping issue.
    The issue is related to the login page being a JSF page based on a page template.
    When I created the JSF login page as a page template - the template contains a binding:
    <af:pageTemplate viewId="/test-template.jsf" value="#{bindings.ptb1}" id="pt1">
    When I deploy my application to the test weblogic server, the anonymous-role grants are not being respected. So even though I grant view access to the login JSF page to anonymous-role -- it appears that weblogic is trying to request a login for any page with a pageDef (including the login page). By re-creating the login page with no pageDef (a JSF page that does not use a page template) -- the login page is displayed (rather than entering into a loop).
    There is still a seperate issue with the anonymous-role grant not working as I would expect it to work that I will need to troubleshoot further.

  • Error when deploying a map

    hello i have the following error when deploying a map in a local database, the mapping is a simple transfert of data between two table,
    ORA-06550: line 0, column 0:
    ORA-04052: erreurs lors de la consultation de l'objet distant [email protected]@KCDBDEV
    ORA-00604: une erreur s'est produite au niveau SQL récursif 1
    ORA-01882: région de fuseau horaire introuvable
    ORA-02063: pré
    any help please

    Hello thank u for helping, i have exactly the same problème in Error executing a query using a DB-Link
    but i am not inderstanding the solution, i found the same probleme in metalink, and the solution posted is:
    1. Create an errorstack of the ORA-1882 to see the ALTER SESSION SET TIME_ZONE statement that is causing the ORA-1882 during deployment. To create this errorstack, follow step 1 to 4 below:
    1. Just before you reproduce the error, open a SQL*Plus session with user SYSTEM.
    SQL> alter system set events '1882 trace name ERRORSTACK level 3'
    2. Deploy the mapping to reproduce the ORA-1882
    3. Disable the system event
    SQL> alter system set events '1882 trace name errorstack off';
    4. Take a look at the errorstack (located in the udump directory). Suppose the following statement is in there:
    2. Modify the file as follow:
    * For UNIX:
    Modify owb_server_home/owb/bin/unix/ as follows:
    Add the parameter -Duser.timezone="+02:00" to the line where java is started (last line of
    $JAVAPATH/bin/java -Xmx768M -Djava.awt.headless=true -DORACLE_HOME.....
    $JAVAPATH/bin/java -Xmx768M -Duser.timezone="+02:00" -Djava.awt.headless=true -DORACLE_HOME
    * For Windows:`
    Modify owb_server_home\owb\bin\win32\run_service.bat as follows:
    Add the parameter -Duser.timezone="+02:00" to the line where java is started
    %JAVAPATH%\jre\bin\javaw.exe %JVM_OPTIONS%
    %JAVAPATH%\jre\bin\javaw.exe -Duser.timezone="+02:00" %JVM_OPTIONS%
    3. Save the file and re-start the Runtime Service using stop_service.sql/start_service.sql.
    but in creating the errorstack of the ORA-1882 i not found the ALTER SESSION SET TIME_ZONE
    and i Modify the run_service i fixed -Duser.timezone="+01:00" cause the time zone here is Europe/Paris but there is no changes.
    the db link is from Oracle to and owb 10g R2
    other solution?

  • Why aren't some of my SJProfile0 classes included in the deployment?

    Hey all,
    I've seen variations of this question being asked before in this
    discussion forum but none that has helped me.
    I'm developing some stored procedures using SQLJ in JDeveloper
    3.2.3 and I want to deploy them on an Oracle 8.1.7 EE DB.
    However when I preview which classes the Deployment Wizard
    includes (the window entitled Dependencies) based on which .java
    and .sqlj files I check, the xxx_SJProfile0.class files are
    missing for four of the .sqlj files.
    My first guess was that it had to do with the dependencies that
    exist within the package; maybe those four files weren't needed.
    But having gotten a truck load of error messages saying that the
    file xxx_SJProfile0.class is missing has changed my mind.
    Does it have anything to do with circular references between the
    classes? Do you have to specify every dependency manually? Or is
    the cause of my trouble something completely different?
    Is it possible to specify manually which files that will be
    included in the deployment?
    Thank's in advance,
    Johan Behrenfeldt
    Decerno AB

    Hey again,
    I've traced the problem to be that one of the classes causes a
    ORA-29509 error (incorrectly formed Java binary class definition)
    although no errors appear during the compilation.
    That in turn leads to an ORA-04043 error (object does not exist)
    for the class.
    The three other files' not being included in the deployment may
    very well be tha cause of the one which is incorrectly formed.
    Hope this might help in determining the root of all my hassle.
    Johan Behrenfeldt
    Decerno AB

  • In your experience what are the most common errors in binding files when deploying?

    As the title suggest I'm interested in discussing the most common errors in binding files when deploying.
    Reason for this is that I'm currently working on a Powershell script that can parse a binding file and create a reader friendly report (rtf format) with various information.
    But the main purpose for this script is to find common errors in the binding file used. And so far these are the ones I've thought of:
    - Tracking enabled for either services or the pipelines they are using (if it's a binding meant for Prod).
    - Orchestrations logical ports not having any ports bound to them.
    - URI containing certain words that's not ok. For example if a binding meant for Prod contains the word "test" anywhere in the URI then that should be reported in the created rtf report. This also applies vice versa.
    So now I need your help with coming up with more ideas on common errors that need to be looked after and reported on if found! 
    Additional features the report should contain:
    - Listing the details of each orchestration, send port, receive port along with their associated receive location(s). To better understand and get a quick overview on exactly what settings are planned to be deployed. Especially the "TransportTypeData"
    section which otherwise can be quite tedious to read.
    - List each unique host instance, so that I can easier see directly which ones might need a restart after an import.
    I'd appreciate if you can come up with any more features that should be included in this script.
    /Christian @

    Filter on send port not on the same line as the Filter tag.
    This one is a nice one, I ran into it several times. Mostly after copy/paste of a port definition for a binding file, because Visual Studio is formatting after paste the XML in a way the filter will get invalid. This leads to a cryptic error
    during importing the binding.
    Jean-Paul Smit | Didago IT Consultancy
    Blog |
    Twitter | LinkedIn
    MCTS BizTalk 2006/2010 + Certified SOA Architect
    Please indicate "Mark as Answer" if this post has answered the question.

  • Desktop deployment does not show all localized strings when deployed to windows 8.1

    We created a desktop application using the .Net 4.0 framework that contain localized strings.  When deploying the app to Windows 7 and Windows 8 vm, all of the strings appear.  It even works on Win XP.  My issue is when deploying the same
    application to the win 8.1 vm, several of the localized strings do not appear.  It is as if the OS picks and chooses which string to appear.  Has there been any changes to the Resource Manager that we should be aware of?  Was there an update
    in windows 8.1 that is causing the issue?  Is it the Oracle VM that is the culprit?  Not sure, so if you have any insite to this issue we are having, by all means respond to the post
    David Moss

    I think that the problem is related to .Net Framework 4.0
    Windows 8.1 include .Net Fra 4.5 that may be not supported by your desktop application. that why serveral of the localized string don't appear.
    I think that you can downgrad the .Net framework to 4.0 version, from Windows 8.1, launch appwiz.cpl (from Metro Interface) => display installed updates, locate .Net Framework 4.0 and remove /uninstall it)
    Reboot the W8.1 machine and retry to launch the desktop app and let me know if the problem is resolved.
    Hicham KADIRI | Just Another IT Guy

  • CDI Fails when deployed twice from OEPE 12c to WebLogic 12c

    First when I use CDI on WebLogic 12c it works the first time without any problems , First I had to do this ( From Steve Button ) else I get some inject problems
    Just as an out there kind of thought, OEPE does use the split-directory model for deployment by default -- perhaps try adjusting it to use the exploded archive model instead, just as a test to see if it removes the error?
    Right click the server config and select Properties > WebLogic > Publishing > Publish as exploded archive
    then it works once , when I deploy it twice then the Named beans are not found. ( I use a empty beans.xml in the web-inf )
    I need to restart the wls 12c then it works. Same project with OEPE 12c and glassfish works fine.

    Do you see the application status active in the Admin console?
    Are you testing the web application by typing the complete URL in the browser that includes the name of the webpage including the context root , ipaddress/hostname and port number of Server..?
    404 indicates application doesn't exist.
    Please share the URL you are testing.
    Please check the server log if you found any deployment issues when deploying your application?

  • Application does not load correctly when deploying to standalone server

    I have created simple application implementing fusion theme. Applicaiton works fine when I run on integrated server but when deployed on standalone server it does not load any images or the theme itself. afrloop keep incrementing in status bar and ends up with java script error while later.
    I deployed another test application on standalone server and that works fine i.e. theme gets loaded correctly. Also, how should I include images on the page? I have a images folder in web content folder but they dont get loaded.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    LabVIEW now uses the Microsoft installer. It's possible that you need to upgrade the version that's on the Win2K box. I think the latest service packs from Microsoft include it.

  • How to Include JRE with our Setup Package

    please help me,
    i have created one swing application.i successfully created setup.exe using installsheild 11.It is working in my machine.when i run this in another machine .it is not working.iam using some external jar also in the appln.i put that jars into the jre/lib/ext in destination machine's directory then it works.
    i want to include JRE with my setup package(first the setup should find whether the jre is installed or not ,if not it must insall JRE and put my external jar files into jre/lib/ext directory in destination machine then only my appln should insall).please give me a solution for this

    What?!! It isn't considered legal to access a
    root-level class from a higher level package?Well it's not now because your code won't compile, but
    prior to 1.4 you could. I think the JLS has been
    updated to say you can't import from the unnamed
    namespace.Hmm! I must have missed that bit (not that I read it in any great detail, anyway!). I suppose it forces you to use packages, which is a good thing, IMHO.
    What I was wondering about was, is the directory structure of classes strictly necessary, given that a class contains information on its package anyway? I know some IDEs don't require the source files to be in the right directory - they will check on the package statement, and locate the class file accordingly - but is it absolutely necessary for class files to be located according to their directory structure? I know the JLS says they have to be, but could the JLS be relaxed on this point, without breaking anything?

  • Java script in jsff page is not working when deployed as adf lib jar

    We have a ViewController Project with a several jsff pages that has javascript references to a .js fiile in the same project.
    When run in the same app, the javascript functions are invoked correctly.
    but, when deployed as an ADF-library and consumed in a diff application, not several components' javascript is invoked.
    Input Text Components javascript is almost always invoked. But, javascript on radio buttons or table are not invoked.

    How to include javascript resources in  Facelet tag library

  • Ejb-ref errore when deploying a previously working ear on weblogic 8.1

    when deploying an ear module on weblogic 8.1 i get the following error:
    The ejb-link 'CustomessagingBrick.jar/CustomMessaginBrick' declared in ejb-ref
    or ejb-local-ref 'ejb/Service2' in the application module 'cmbrick.war' could
    not be resolved. The target EJB for the ejb ref could not be found.
    The ear is composed of two sub-modules:
    The same ear was deployed on weblogic 6.1.
    Every reference in the ear seems in the right place so i am really clueless.
    Hereafter i include the relevant portions of the deployment descriptors.
    Thanks in advance!
    the web.xml for cmbrick.war contains the following data:
    its weblogic.xml file is the following:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 8.1//EN"
    while the weblogic-ejb-jar for CustomMessaging bricks contains the following:

    The issue is that WLS 6.1 didn't really support ejb-links properly. An
    ejb-link should allow you to link a webapp or an ejb to another EJB
    without requiring additional information or a global JNDI name on the
    target EJB.
    WLS 8.1 is following your ejb-link and telling you there's not enough
    You have 2 options:
    1) Remove the <ejb-link>...</ejb-link> from your web.xml. You'll be
    using just an ejb-reference at that point, but you've already included
    the necessary information in the weblogic.xml that we can locate the EJB
    via its global jndi-name
    2) Change the ejb-link to be
    If you wanted to, you could then remove the reference info from the
    -- Rob
    luca wrote:
    when deploying an ear module on weblogic 8.1 i get the following error:
    The ejb-link 'CustomessagingBrick.jar/CustomMessaginBrick' declared in ejb-ref
    or ejb-local-ref 'ejb/Service2' in the application module 'cmbrick.war' could
    not be resolved. The target EJB for the ejb ref could not be found.
    The ear is composed of two sub-modules:
    The same ear was deployed on weblogic 6.1.
    Every reference in the ear seems in the right place so i am really clueless.
    Hereafter i include the relevant portions of the deployment descriptors.
    Thanks in advance!
    the web.xml for cmbrick.war contains the following data:
    its weblogic.xml file is the following:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 8.1//EN"
    while the weblogic-ejb-jar for CustomMessaging bricks contains the following:

Maybe you are looking for