Including jar files in the classpath while compiling

While I compile, I want my class to be able to find the two jar files that are in the same directory as the class that I'm trying to compile.

If you are compiling in c:\brandnew\src
you do
javac -cp lsw-services.jar;jdom.jar

Similar Messages

  • Including jars file to the classpath using javac

    I'd like to compile a file including a jar file to the classpath.
    In wich way is it possible?

    Click on the appropriate operating system for the item "Setting the Classpath"

  • How to include jar files in ant script for compiling

    i am trying to manually include j2ee.jar for compiling, here is the entire build.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!--PRIMARY build file for all of dev modual -->
    <project name="com" default="compile.all" basedir="../">
    <path id="project.class.path">
    <pathelement location="lib/"/>
    <pathelement path="${java.class.path}/"/>
    <pathelement path="${additional.path}"/>
    <pathelement path="${CLASSPATH}" />
    <pathelement path="${classpath}" />
    <property name="SRCDIR" value="${basedir}/java" />
    <property name="DSTDIR" value="${basedir}/classes" />
    <property name="LIBDIR" value="${basedir}/libs" />
    <property name="JARDIR" value="${basedir}/jars" />
    <property name="DOCDIR" value="${basedir}/docs" />
    <property name="ORACLE.JAR" value="${LIBDIR}/orcl/8.1.7/" />
    <property name="JUNIT.JAR" value="${LIBDIR}/junit/3.7/junit.jar" />
    <property name="CLASSPATH" value="z:/tools/java;${SRCDIR};${DSTDIR};${JUNIT.JAR};${ORACLE.JAR}" />
    <property name="POLICYFILE" value="${SRCDIR}/com/leader/cti/main/ctimain.policy" />
    <property name="DEBUG_FLAG" value="on" />
    <property name="OPTIMIZE_FLAG" value="off" />
    <property name="DEPRECATION_FLAG" value="off" />
    <property name="RMI_VERSION" value="1.2" />
    <!-- builds everything -->
    <target name="compile.all">
    <antcall target="compile.cti"/>
    <target name="compile.vbsf" description="Compiles files for vbsf.jar.">
    <mkdir dir="${DSTDIR}"/>
    <copy file="${SRCDIR}/VBSFELK5UD3SWQ2E.class" todir="${DSTDIR}"/>
    <javac srcdir="${SRCDIR}" destdir="${DSTDIR}" classpath="${CLASSPATH}" debug="${DEBUG_FLAG}" deprecation="${DEPRECATION_FLAG}" optimize="${OPTIMIZE_FLAG}" >
    <include name="com/objectmatter/**/*.java" />
    <target name="compile.persist" description="Compiles files for persist.jar." depends="compile.vbsf" >
    <javac srcdir="${SRCDIR}" destdir="${DSTDIR}" debug="${DEBUG_FLAG}" deprecation="${DEPRECATION_FLAG}" optimize="${OPTIMIZE_FLAG}" >
    <classpath refid="project.class.path"/>
    <include name="com/leader/persist/**/*.java" />
    <include name="testcom/leader/persist/**/*.java" />
    <target name="compile.cti" description="Compiles files for both cti jars." depends="compile.persist,compile.cti.only" />
    <target name="compile.cti.only" description="Compiles files for both cti jars." >
    <javac srcdir="${SRCDIR}" destdir="${DSTDIR}" debug="${DEBUG_FLAG}" deprecation="${DEPRECATION_FLAG}" optimize="${OPTIMIZE_FLAG}" >
    <classpath refid="project.class.path"/>
    <include name="com/leader/cti/**/*.java" />
    <include name="testcom/leader/cti/**/*.java" />
    <rmic classpath="${CLASSPATH}" base="${DSTDIR}" stubversion="${RMI_VERSION}" >
    <include name="com/leader/cti/main/RMICTIService.class" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/main/RMIConferenceCall.class" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/main/RMIConferenceCallReservation.class" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/main/FakeRmiCtiService.class" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/main/FakeRmiConferenceCall.class" />
    <!--include name="com/leader/cti/main/DerivedQueueReceiver.class"/-->
    <!-- build all dev jars -->
    <target name="jar.all"
    description="Create all jar files"
    depends="jar.vbsf, jar.persist, jar.jeti, jar.service"/>
    <!-- build vbsf.jar -->
    <target name="jar.vbsf"
    description="Create client distribution jar for vbsf code"
    depends="compile.vbsf" >
    <mkdir dir="${JARDIR}" />
    <jar jarfile="${JARDIR}/vbsf.jar"
    basedir="${DSTDIR}" >
    <include name="VBSFELK5UD3SWQ2E.class"/>
    <include name="com/objectmatter/**/*.class" />
    <!-- build persist.jar -->
    <target name="jar.persist"
    description="Create client distribution jar"
    depends="compile.vbsf,compile.persist" >
    <mkdir dir="${JARDIR}" />
    <jar jarfile="${JARDIR}/persist.jar"
    basedir="${DSTDIR}" >
    <include name="com/leader/persist/**/*.class" />
    <!-- build jeti.jar -->
    <target name="jar.jeti"
    description="Create client distribution jar"
    depends="compile.vbsf,compile.persist,compile.cti" >
    <mkdir dir="${JARDIR}" />
    <jar jarfile="${JARDIR}/jeti.jar"
    basedir="${DSTDIR}" >
    <include name="com/leader/cti/rmiint/*" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/main/*Stub*" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/util/**" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/vru/*" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/interfaces/*" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/history/*" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/autodial/*" />
    <!-- build jeti_service.jar -->
    <target name="jar.service"
    description="Create the jar file for the service"
    depends="compile.vbsf,compile.persist,compile.cti" >
    <mkdir dir="${JARDIR}" />
    <copy file="${basedir}/vbsf/cti.schema" tofile="${DSTDIR}/cti.schema" />
    <copy file="${basedir}/vbsf/cti.schema" tofile="/tools/java/com/leader/osapplication/persist/cti.schema" />
    <jar jarfile="${JARDIR}/jeti_service.jar"
    basedir="${DSTDIR}" >
    <include name="com/leader/cti/**" />
    <include name="cti.schema" />
    <!-- build jeti.jar, jeti_service.jar -->
    <target name="jar.cti"
    description ="Create client/server jars for cti"
    depends="jar.jeti,jar.service" />
    <!-- clean everything. -->
    <target name="clean">
    <delete dir="${DSTDIR}" />
    <delete dir="${JARDIR}" />
    <delete dir="${DOCDIR}" />
    <target name="clean.cti" description="clean cti class files (not jars)">
    <delete dir="${DSTDIR}/com/leader/cti" />
    <delete dir="${DSTDIR}/testcom/leader/cti" />
    <!-- Run the gui CTI tests -->
    <target name="test_cti_gui">
    <java classname="junit.swingui.TestRunner" classpath="${CLASSPATH}" fork="yes">
    <arg value="testcom.leader.cti.CTIPackageTest"/>
    <sysproperty key="leader.unique_number_generator.file" value="unique_number_generator_file_test" />
    <sysproperty key="vbsf.repository" value="/tools/java/dev/vbsf" />
    <sysproperty key="vbsf.enableGlobalCaching" value="false" />
    <target name="test.cti.gui"
    depends="test_cti_gui" />
    <!-- Run the text version of CTI tests -->
    <target name="test">
    <java classname="junit.textui.TestRunner" classpath="${CLASSPATH}" fork="yes">
    <arg value="testcom.leader.cti.CTIPackageTest"/>
    <sysproperty key="leader.unique_number_generator.file" value="unique_number_generator_file_test" />
    <!-- Run CTI service -->
    <target name="run.service"
    description="run the service normally"
    depends="compile.all" >
    <java classname="com.leader.cti.main.CTIMain"
    fork="yes" >
    <sysproperty key=""
    file="${POLICYFILE}" />
    <sysproperty key="config.dir"
    value="${SRCDIR}/com/leader/cti/main/" />
    <!-- Run fake CTI service -->
    <target name="run.service.fake"
    description="run the fake service"
    depends="compile.all" >
    <java classname="com.leader.cti.main.FakeCtiMain"
    fork="yes" >
    <sysproperty key=""
    file="${POLICYFILE}" />
    <sysproperty key="config.dir"
    value="${SRCDIR}/com/leader/cti/main/" />
    <!-- Run CTI service emulator -->
    <target name="run.service.emulator"
    description="run the service normally"
    depends="compile.all" >
    <java classname="com.leader.cti.main.CTIMain"
    fork="yes" >
    <sysproperty key=""
    file="${POLICYFILE}" />
    <sysproperty key="config.dir"
    value="${SRCDIR}/com/leader/cti/main/" />
    <sysproperty key="vru.propertyfile"
    value="" />
    <!-- Runs the CTI service and emulator -->
    <target name="run.emulator"
    description="run the service and the emulator"
    depends="compile.all" >
    <java classname="testcom.leader.cti.vru.emulator.VRUEmulator"
    fork="yes" />
    <!-- Runs the gui CONCALL testss -->
    <target name="run.gui"
    description="run the concall test gui"
    depends="compile.all" >
    <java classname="testcom.leader.cti.main.SwingClient"
    fork="yes" >
    <sysproperty key=""
    file="${POLICYFILE}" />
    <!-- Fires the maptool up. Defaults to CTI`s Schema file. -->
    <target name="maptool" >
    <java classname="com.objectmatter.bsf.mapping.toolgui.MapTool"
    classpath="${CLASSPATH}" >
    <sysproperty key="vbsf.repository" value="${basedir}/vbsf" />
    <target name="javadoc_cti">
    <mkdir dir="${basedir}/docs"/>
    <javadoc packagenames="com.leader.*" classpath="${CLASSPATH}" sourcepath="${SRCDIR}" destdir="${DOCDIR}\cti" author="true" version="true" use="true" windowtitle="Leader CTI API" doctitle="Leader Technologies, Inc" bottom="Copyright &#169; 2005 Leader Technologies Incorporated.<BR>All Rights Reserved." maxmemory="128m">
    <group title="Leader CTI Packages" packages="com.leader*"/>
    <target name="javadoc_vbsf">
    <mkdir dir="${basedir}/docs"/>
    <javadoc packagenames="com.objectmatter.* " classpath="${CLASSPATH}" sourcepath="${SRCDIR}" destdir="${DOCDIR}" author="true" version="true" use="true" windowtitle="VBSF by ObjectMatter API" doctitle="Leader Technologie, Inc" bottom="Copyright &#169; 2005 Leader Technologies Incorporated.<BR>All Rights Reserved." maxmemory="128m">
    <group title="Objectivity Packages" packages="com.objectmatter.*"/>
    i am getting this:
    Compiling 1 source file to C:\Projects\Leader\dev\classes
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ package javax.jms does not exist
    import javax.jms.*;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ package javax.jms does not exist
    import javax.jms.Queue;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ package javax.jms does not exist
    import javax.jms.JMSException;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ package javax.jms does not exist
    import javax.jms.Message;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol: class MessageListener
    public abstract class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR implements Runnable, MessageListener
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueConnectionFactory
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueConnection
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    QueueConnection queueConnection = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueSession
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    QueueSession queueSession = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueReceiver
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    QueueReceiver queueReceiver = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class TextMessage
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    TextMessage message = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueConnectionFactory
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    queueConnectionFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory)
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ package javax.jms does not exist
    queue = (javax.jms.Queue) jndiContext.lookup(QUEUE_NAME); //queue1 = (javax.jms.Queue)jndiContext.lookup("MyQueue1");
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable Session
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class JMSException
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    catch (JMSException e)
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class JMSException
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    catch (JMSException x)
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class BytesMessage
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    if (m instanceof BytesMessage)
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class BytesMessage
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    BytesMessage bytesMsg = (BytesMessage)m;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class BytesMessage
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    BytesMessage bytesMsg = (BytesMessage)m;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueSession
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    QueueSession queueSession2 = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueSender
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    QueueSender queueSender2 = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable Session
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class BytesMessage
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    BytesMessage bytesMessage = queueSession.createBytesMessage();
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable DeliveryMode
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable DEFAULT_PRIORITY
    location: class com.leader.cti.vru.Message
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE
    location: class com.leader.cti.vru.Message
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class JMSException
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    catch (JMSException x)
    26 errors
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\build.xml:34: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\build.xml:56: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 8 seconds)
    my class path is:
    as you can see j2ee.jar is in %J2EE_HOME%\lib, but still doesn't work. can someone help me?

    <property name="messaging.client.jar.path" value="Location in your local drive" />
    <property name="" value="nameOfYourFile.jar" />

  • How do I add my own JAR file to the classpath?

    When I put a JAR file containing several compiled Java classes in the '/opt/SUNWips/lib' directory they are not found while compiling a JSP-Provider. When I extract them from the JAR it is not a problem (I think because the '/opt/SUNWips/lib' directory is already in the classpath).
    Where can I add my JAR to the classpath?

    I have been successfully editing the jvm12.conf file to add jars. This is
    the web server config file in
    /opt/netscape/server4/ directory. Add to the
    jvm.classpath line with all the other jars. Yes, lib is in the path, but
    Java doesn't see inside the jars unless they are explicitly in the path.
    "Ulf Licht" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    When I put a JAR file containing several compiled Java classes in the
    '/opt/SUNWips/lib' directory they are not found while compiling a
    JSP-Provider. When I extract them from the JAR it is not a problem (I
    think because the '/opt/SUNWips/lib' directory is already in the
    Where can I add my JAR to the classpath?
    Try our New Web Based Forum at
    Includes Access to our Product Knowledge Base!

  • Which jar file for the classpath ?

    At my office on my machine i have weblogic 8.1 and tomcat installed.
    weblogic have 2.3 version of servlet and
    tomcat have 2.4 version of servlet
    weblogic is for production purpose (development of servlet, jsp and ejb)
    and tomcat is for my own practice. (just for servlet and jsp)
    i have weblogic.jar as well as servlet-api.jar in my class path.
    now when i compile my servlets which jar file the compiler will use to create the classes.
    if the compiler chooses servlet-api.jar will my servlet run in weblogic
    if the compiler chooses weblogic.jar will my servlet run in tomcat

    i have weblogic.jar as well as servlet-api.jar in my class path.What does this mean? Do you have a system CLASSPATH environment variable?
    Bad idea.
    now when i compile my servlets which jar file the
    compiler will use to create the classes.You should set CLASSPATH using the -classpath option on javac.exe.
    The compiler won't "choose" anything, because it has no idea how you'll deploy. It'll use the one that you tell it to. If you have just a system CLASSPATH it'll always use the first JAR that it finds with the packages it needs.
    You need to specify exactly what you want the compiler to use.
    In the case of servlet.jar it might not matter, because that's pretty standard. JSPs and EJBs are another story, however. If you change deployment, it's best to recompile and repackage the Web app.
    Learn Ant. It'll help you automate this.

  • How to include .jar file in our classpath

    I want to do serial communication.I have one demo program but in it they mention that set comm.jar file in your class path.Then how can I set comm.jar file in my class path?

    Javapedia: Classpath
    How Classes are Found
    Setting the class path (Windows)
    Setting the class path (Solaris/Linux)
    Understanding the Java ClassLoader
    java -cp .;<any other directories or jars> YourClassName
    javac -classpath .;<any additional jar files or directories>

  • How to include .jar files in coldfusion code 

    To Integrate our cfm code with paypal jar files we do the
    following steps with our local coldfusion server ,and to run and
    integrate the paypal Java SDK jar files, I think we need to do the
    same process on the server, can you suggest any thing to do the
    following setting for my domain on the server, without setting the
    class path in coldfusion administrator.
    The ColdFusion application server must be configured to know
    the location of the PayPal JAR
    files, and your ColdFusion Markup (CFM) pages must be
    configured with the absolute path to
    the PayPal API certificate for the PayPal API user on whose
    behalf the calls are made.
    1. Install the PayPal Java SDK “Installing the
    2. Copy a subset of the Java SDK JAR files to a location
    accessible by the ColdFusion
    application server. The JAR files are in SDK_root\lib and
    their exact names are as
    – bcmail-jdk14-128.jar
    – bcprov-jdk14-128.jar
    – paypal_base.jar
    – paypal_stubs.jar
    – xerces.jar
    – xpp3-
    – xstream.jar-1.1.3.jar
    3. With the ColdFusion Application Server Administrator, add
    the absolute path of the
    location you determined in Step 2 to the Java and JVM
    CLASSPATH environment variable.
    4. Restart the ColdFusion Application Server.
    Suggest me how to include .jar files without setting

    > Suggest me how to include .jar files without setting
    Copy them to {CF_HOME}\lib, where {CF_HOME} is, for example,
    C:\CFusionMX7. Restart Coldfusion.

  • How do I add a jar file into the build path of the compiler?

    I'm trying to import a jar file into the build path of the compilation process, but it does not find the packages or the classes that are in it.
    I think I don't add it right...
              ArrayList<String> options=new ArrayList<String>();
              for(String str:includeDirectory)
              if (!compiler.getTask(writer, fileManager, diagnostics, options, classes, compilationUnits).call());
                    ....and I've tried this way:
         public void setTargetDirectory(String targetDirectory) {
              this.targetDirectory = "-d " + targetDirectory;
         private void compile(Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits) throws Exception {
              ArrayList<String> options = new ArrayList<String>();
              String classPath="-cp ";// tried this also with "-classpath"
              for (String str : includeDirectory)
         if (!compiler.getTask(writer, fileManager, diagnostics, options, classes, compilationUnits).call())
              // throw new Exception("Compilation Error");
         }Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: Adam-Z. on Feb 24, 2010 5:41 AM
    Edited by: Adam-Z. on Feb 24, 2010 5:42 AM

    Thank you for your reply,
    Q: Are there .class files in that directory in that jar file? (the compiler doesn't ( can't )) look for directories, it can just look for specific files , and scan to get a list of all files matching certain criteria. So if there are no class files, it will say the package doesn't exist, even if there is a directory, possibly containing other files.yes there are class files in the jar, the tree structure:
    j2MeDataChunkGenerator_Plugin\(lots of class files)
    and thats it.
    , your code will only work on windows because other platforms use a different path separator. You should use not explicit ';" when building your classpath. (this is unrelated to your problem, but you should correct it)will do, thanks.
    Q: Is that error in your post formatted by your own diagnostics? (we could possibly help you better if we didn't have to guess!!)I would not post my own error code, this text is generated by the compiler diagnostic.
         System.err.println(" Error details: " + diagnostic.getMessage(null));
    Q: Is line 3 of (sic) an import statement? (we could possibly help you better if we didn't have to guess!!)it is an import error... didn't the error message stated that it is an import problem? wired, I'm sure before it did. anyway it is an import error.
    Also you don't show us what the variable includeDirectory is in terms of type, and contents, that might be helpful. (we could possibly help you better if we didn't have to guess!!)It has only one String object: "D:\%Important Documents\WorkSpaces\PacMan\ApplicationManager\Plug-in\Data Chunk Designer.jar"
    the last file on the classpath list.
    Q: Have you proven this? that i did post, in this long line of text.
    Q: Is the compiler finding other classes (in other packages) in that same jar file?No. all the class files are in the jar, they all have entries that start with "j2MeDataChunkGenerator_Plugin\*.class", and since I get 47 errors I guess it does not load any other class.
    thank you for you comments, the problem with having these errors, is that I can't even get a piece of information where this error is coming from, only that it is an import loading error package not found, what does that mean? that the jar was not loaded in compilation(no error about this), that the jar is corrupted(no error about this), that the path is incorrect(it is correct I made sure), that there is no such package in the jar(There is), that the compiler does not load the package(does it even do that?), really I can't even guess why this happens, I've been at this on and of all day today, really annoying.

  • How to add the mail.jar file to my CLASSPATH ?

    I wish to Instal JavaMail 1.2
    To use the JavaMail 1.2 API, i unbundle the file.....and now, i would like to add the mail.jar file to your CLASSPATH.
    My question is: how do you do this ?
    - ok i did that for CATALINA_HOME & JAVA_HOME but how to add the mail.jar file to my CLASSPATH ??
    1000 thanks.

    I think you're looking for "developer support", not packaged application support. different server, different batch of groups. . .
    Since I have very little contact with devopers, I don't truly know.

  • Not able to load jspx file from the classpath in Integrated OC4J

    I am using integrated OC4J from my jdeveloper to deploy my application as an ear file. It contains one jar file (with ejb deployment desscriptors) and a war file (including Model and Viewcontroller project contents).
    The war file contails a jspx file (say Test.jspx) which contails a link to another jspx file (say Remote.jspx) which resides in its WEB-INF/lib directory.
    When I load Test.jspx and click on the link, it fails to look for the Remote.jspx. It displays a message "OracleJSP error:" on the web browser.
    From the message written to log file, found that it is actually trying to search for Remote.jspx file in the current context.
    Also tried including the classpath to the jar file containing the Remote.jspx file in orion-web.xml of the web application. using the following:
    <classpath path="file:/xxx/yyy.jar" />
    The issue is still there even after this.
    Can anyone suggest me how to achieve this?

    this.getCodeBase(), would get RSPL / RLog or whatever you have in your codebase (html parameter of
    the OBJECT/APPLET(:hope not) tag.
    URL u = new URL(this.getCodeBase(), "../something.jpg");
    would get RSPL/something.jpg
    URL u = new URL(this.getCodeBase(), "../VIRA/JPG/00/1.jpg");
    would get RSPL / VIRA / JPG / 00 / 1.jpg
    If you are not sure what your codebase is your can print it out:

  • How to refer a .jar file in the code.

    How to refer a .jar file in the code.
    I want to use a library dnsjava.jar, which I download from the internet. I want to know how to refer it
         If I am compiling the code on Solaris
         If I compiling the code on windows using eclipse.
    I added the following line in my code to refer to this library. But it always complains of not found the class
    import org.xbill.DNS.*;
    I tried the following to add this library but did not work
    On eclipse/windows: Went to window-> preferences -> BuildPath _> class path Variable.
    On Solaris: Could not add this library /opt/java_reference/v1.6.0_04/jre/lib. Although I am logged in as root, but not able to add the library there. Complains of Permission denied.

    Set the classpath option when compiling.
    javac -classpath /path/to/lib/dnsjava.jar
    I don't use Eclipse, but it probably has a library list on your project preferences. Add it there.
    Henrique Abreu

  • Including jar file to Oracle-Java without unpacked

    Hi All,
    I am writting JAVA classes in Oracle, but I don't know how to include a jar to the Oracle.
    I had tried to use loadjava, and the classes inside the jar were unpacked and included successfully.
    However, I am doing some cryto things associated with RSA, and if the jar is unpacked, the signature will be broken and I can't use it anymore.
    Is there any way to include a jar file to the Oracle system without unpacking it?
    In details, I want to include a jar file which contains the signatures and information of the provider "BC" (org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider) to my code. It works perfectly on Java alone. In Oracle, the compilation error is "cannot resolve symbol "import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider".
    I am using Oracle 10g Enterprise Release 2.
    Please give advices. Thank you in advance.

    From the documentaton:
    "When you pass a JAR or ZIP file to loadjava, it opens the archive and loads the members of the archive individually. There is no JAR or ZIP schema object."
    This matters because "Unlike a conventional JVM, which compiles and loads from files, the Oracle JVM compiles and loads from database schema objects."
    Do you really need to load the jar? BounceyCastle does offer all the sources for all its stuff. I know it's a lot of pfaffing about but you could just download the SRC zips and the then loadjava each .java file you need. Should be too hard to automate that process.
    Cheers, APC

  • Do I need to add to add a new jar file to the WLS ?

    I am new to java development and would like to know if I were to use a new jar
    file developed by another party in my EJB development, do I need to have this
    jar file available in WLS when I deploy the EJB to it ?
    I think this is not required but just need a confirmation.

    I take this to mean you are using java classes from the 3rd party jar in your
    EJB bean class. If that is the case, then you need the jar file in your classpath
    when you compile the EJB classes.
    Also, you will need the jar file to be in the classpath when the EJB is used.
    You can do this in a variety of ways. If the 3rd party jar is going to change
    infrequently, then you can put it in the system CLASSPATH in your startWebLogic
    script. Or you can add all the classes of the jar file in the root level of the
    EJB (Yuck!!).
    Perhaps the best answer is to create an enterprise application (EAR). Then you
    place the jar file in the root level of the EAR. In the META-INF\MANIFEST.MF
    file of the EJB place
    Class-Path: filename.jar
    Then when you build the .ear file use:
    jar -cvfm ..\commuterLog.jar META-INF\MANIFEST.MF *
    hope this helps,
    "John" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I am new to java development and would like to know if I were to use
    a new jar
    file developed by another party in my EJB development, do I need to have
    jar file available in WLS when I deploy the EJB to it ?
    I think this is not required but just need a confirmation.

  • Setting the classpath to compile ejbs in weblogic 7.1

    How do i set the classpath to compile my java files on the weblogic 7.1 server am unable to locate the weblogicsux.jar.

    Copy the Ejb jar file to the applications dir.

  • JWS requests jar files at the wrong place

    Hi all,
    I created JWS project with netbeans, and by deafult, NB places all required jar files in the "lib" folder. NB also created jnlp file with correct paths to required files. It looks like this
    <update check="always" policy="always"/>
         <jar download="eager" href="main.jar" main="true"/>
         <jar download="eager" href="lib/required.jar" main="false"/>
    </resources> Now, when app is started, required.jar is correctly located at lib folder and application works, but from that moment on, JWS makes hundreds of request for "${codebase}/required.jar" (obviously wrong place) and gets 404 responses. It keeps making these requests as long as app is running and this slows down application significantly.
    My temp workaround was to move required.jar to codebase root and problem is gone, but i still find it weird. I guess this may explain some complaints about slow JWS.
    Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong? Is there anything I can check?

    dario wrote:
    ..Is there anything I can check?The JNLP file, using JaNeLA. Even the three lines shown appear to include mistakes (probably because Ntebeans wrote it).

Maybe you are looking for

  • Adding pages in Acrobat 9 Pro (secured document)

    I am about to switch to a new computer. The old one had Acrobat 8 Professional and the new one has Acrobat 9 Pro. I produce a certain kind of files where, after I have printed it to a pdf, I take a copy of the pdf. One of the files I leave as it is,

  • How can I compile all functions, procedures and packages with a script?

    I need to compile all functions, procedures and packages of 5 schemas (users) with a script. How can I do it? Thanks!

  • CS5 Crop area + export jpeg

    Hi everyone! Just got CS5 (very exciting). Upgraded from CS3. Now in CS3 you could just go Object>Crop Area>Make then when you export as jpeg only what is on the art board will show up on the jpeg. I've seen other people talking about the art board t

  • How to start over in lightroom?

    I really have never learned how to maximize this program and normally use Adobe Bridge and Photoshop for my workflow.  I have imported over 100,000 photos in lightroom over time.  I would like to know how to wipe the slate clean so I can start over. 

  • Cant change domain name

    I cant seem to get rid of my old domain name in iweb every time i try to visit my new site it always takes me to my old domain and also at the bottom of the iweb page it still lists my old domain in parentheses. I have tried over and over to change d