Increase levels for navigation

We have 2 levels in Top Level Navigation (TLN) and another one in Detailed Navigation.
I wanted to know how can we increase the number of levels in Top Level Navigation to 3. For example, in the first level of TLN can I add a button to choose from a list of roles, and then in the second level of TLN will appear the options from the role chosen from the list.

Hi Luisa,
The only way to have this functionality is to do some custom implementation. For more information you can also check the code of TopLevelNavigation component at:
Application "" and class name "TopLevelNavigationiView.class"
Also some interesting blogs here:
EFP: Working with the New Taglibs - Part 2
EFP: Working with the new Taglibs - Part 3
Praveen Gudapati

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    Thanks for the reply Thorsten. The logs I included in the original post are actually from /var/opt/SUNWscor/oracle_listener/messages_log.$RESOURCE. I'd like to bump up the verbosity on the oracle_listener logs like I can with the oracle_server logs, but for whatever reason there is no debug_level parameter for the oracle_listener resource type. Sounds like I may be SOL, but thought I'd check with the forum and verify.

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    Yes, you can absolutely have more than 2 levels of navigation. You will need to update your master page through to allow for more dynamic levels of navigation.
    You might find the following thread helpful.
    Also be aware that there was a bug in SP2013 where only two levels of navigation would ever show. This was fixed last year.
    Eric Overfield - PixelMill - -

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    Check the note # SAP Note 1121978
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    Check for the following...
    ChangeThreadCountStep =50
    InitialThreadCount= 100
    MaxThreadCount =200
    MinThreadCount =50

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    Here is what I have so far (simplified of course).  Looking for suggestions on how to improve this.  TIA!
    Home navigation tiles (these tiles appear on the application Home Screen)
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    Lookup Navigation Tiles
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    (didn't create an image/icon for this yet)
    >>> ItemTap leads to a browse screen for "Test Records".
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    MenuGroup choicelist
    ImageFileName (contains the name of the static image file for the tile)
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    The Home screen has the following js.  The other screens have similar methods.
    myapp.Home.ImageFileName_render = function (element, contentItem) {
    contentItem.dataBind("value", function (newValue) {
    var newFileName = newValue;
    if (newFileName !== null && newFileName !== undefined) {
    element.innerHTML = "<image src='Content/Images/Tiles/" + newFileName + ".png'>";
    myapp.Home.MenuTilesHomeGroup_ItemTap_execute = function (screen) {
    var entity = screen.MenuTilesHomeGroup.selectedItem;
    var modelItem =["ScreenId"].value;
    if (modelItem !== null && modelItem !== undefined) {
    myapp.showScreen('Browse' + modelItem);
    This all seems to work well.  The databind on the ImageFileName keeps the images updated on the screen if they are added or changed.  The ItemTap_execute function correctly navigates to a lower level navigation screen or a browse screen for the
    appropriate entity collection.
    The problem I have with it is it seems to rely on magic strings and that sort of thing.  For example, if the ScreenId does not match the name of a screen it will error.  If the ImageFileName does not match an image in the folder, it shows the default
    placeholder.  Is there a better way to do this?

    Nice Job Hessc!  I also like Dales tile menu that Dave mentioned.
    For a look at another example, albeit not multi-level, see how
    syncfusion does tiles in this demo:
    myapp.Home.ScreenContent_render = function (element, contentItem) {
    TileCreation(element, contentItem);
    $(".tile-li").on("click", function (args) {
    var screen = args.currentTarget ? $(args.currentTarget).attr('data') : "";
    function TileCreation(element, contentItem) {
    var SampleList = [
    { imgClass: "Editor", sampleName: "Editors", screenName: "BrowseEmployeeInfo" },
    { imgClass: "DatePicker", sampleName: "DatePicker", screenName: "DatePicker" },
    { imgClass: "DateTimePicker", sampleName: "DateTimePicker", screenName: "DateTimePicker" },
    { imgClass: "TimePicker", sampleName: "TimePicker", screenName: "TimePicker" },
    { imgClass: "Editor", sampleName: "TextBoxes", screenName: "TextBoxes" },
    { imgClass: "RichTextBox", sampleName: "RichTextEditor", screenName: "RichTextEditor" },
    { imgClass: "AutoComplete", sampleName: "AutoComplete", screenName: "AutoComplete" },
    { imgClass: "DropDownList", sampleName: "DropDownList", screenName: "DropDownList" },
    { imgClass: "Slider", sampleName: "Slider", screenName: "Slider" },
    { imgClass: "ProgressBar", sampleName: "ProgressBar", screenName: "ProgressBar" },
    { imgClass: "grid", sampleName: "Grid", screenName: "Grid" },
    { imgClass: "Chart", sampleName: "Chart", screenName: "Chart" },
    { imgClass: "CircularGauge", sampleName: "CircularGauge", screenName: "CircularGauge" },
    { imgClass: "LinearGauge", sampleName: "LinearGauge", screenName: "LinearGauge" },
    { imgClass: "DigitalGauge", sampleName: "DigitalGauge", screenName: "DigitalGauge" },
    { imgClass: "TreeMap", sampleName: "TreeMap", screenName: "TreeMapFlatCollection" },
    { imgClass: "Maps", sampleName: "Maps", screenName: "Maps" },
    { imgClass: "RangeNavigator", sampleName: "RangeNavigator", screenName: "RangeNavigator" },
    { imgClass: "BulletGraph", sampleName: "BulletGraph", screenName: "BulletGraph" },
    { imgClass: "ReportViewer", sampleName: "ReportViewer", screenName: "ReportViewer" }
    var root = $('<ul class="tile-ul"></ul>'), content = "";
    $(SampleList).each(function (i, val) {
    content = "<li class='tile-li' data='" + val.screenName + "'> " +
    "<div><span class= 'innerList tile-img " + val.imgClass + "'>" + "</span>"
    + "<span class= 'innerList tile-txt'>" + val.sampleName + "</span></div>"
    + "</li>"
    // to remove screen display name in layout
    /*Sample Layout design CSS*/
    ul.tile-ul {
    list-style-type: none;
    margin: 30px 0;
    padding: 0;
    li.tile-li {
    float: left;
    font-size: 16px;
    height: 157px;
    width: 157px;
    li.charttile-li {
    float: left;
    font-size: 16px;
    height: 157px;
    width: 157px;
    li.charttile-li span.tile-img {
    border: 1px solid #606161;
    display: block;
    height: 100px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 100px;
    background- center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-color: #282827;
    .charttile-li > div {
    text-align: center;
    li.charttile-li span.tile-img:hover {
    border: 1px solid #606161;
    background-color: #474747;
    li.charttile-li span.tile-img:active {
    border: 1px solid #606161;
    background-color: #191818;
    li.charttile-li span.tile-img.Chart {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/Chart.png");
    li.gridtile-li {
    float: left;
    font-size: 16px;
    height: 157px;
    width: 157px;
    li.gridtile-li span.tile-img {
    border: 1px solid #606161;
    display: block;
    height: 100px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 100px;
    background- center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-color: #282827;
    .gridtile-li > div {
    text-align: center;
    li.gridtile-li span.tile-img:hover {
    border: 1px solid #606161;
    background-color: #474747;
    li.gridtile-li span.tile-img:active {
    border: 1px solid #606161;
    background-color: #191818;
    li.gridtile-li span.tile-img.grid {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/grid.png");
    .tile-li > div {
    text-align: center;
    li.tile-li span.tile-img {
    border: 1px solid #606161;
    display: block;
    height: 100px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 100px;
    background- center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-color: #282827;
    li.tile-li span.tile-img:hover {
    border: 1px solid #606161;
    background-color: #474747;
    li.tile-li span.tile-img:active {
    border: 1px solid #606161;
    background-color: #191818;
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.Editor {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/Editor.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.grid {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/grid.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.Employee {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/EmpManage.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.CircularGauge {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/Radial Gauge.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.DigitalGauge {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/Digital Gauge.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.LinearGauge {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/Linear Gauge.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.Chart {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/Chart.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.RangeNavigator {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/RangeNavigator.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.BulletGraph {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/BulletGraph.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.TreeMap {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/TreeMap.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.Maps {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/Maps.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.ReportViewer {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/ReportViewer.png");
    li.charttile-li span.tile-img.MultipleAxes {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/MultipleAxes.png");
    li.charttile-li span.tile-img.Chart3D {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/Chart3D.png");
    li.charttile-li span.tile-img.LiveChart{
    background-image: url("SampleImg/LiveChart.png");
    li.charttile-li span.tile-img.CombinationChart {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/CombinationChart.png");
    li.charttile-li span.tile-img.DrillDown {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/DrillDown.png");
    li.gridtile-li span.tile-img.FlatGrid {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/FlatGrid.png");
    li.gridtile-li span.tile-img.Exporting {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/Exporting.png");
    li.gridtile-li span.tile-img.Summary {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/Summary.png");
    li.gridtile-li span.tile-img.ColumnTemplate{
    background-image: url("SampleImg/ColumnTemplate.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.DatePicker {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/DatePicker.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.DateTimePicker {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/DateTimePicker.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.TimePicker {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/TimePicker.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.RichTextBox {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/RichTextBox.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.AutoComplete {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/AutoComplete.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.DropDownList {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/DropDownList.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.Slider {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/Slider.png");
    li.tile-li span.tile-img.ProgressBar {
    background-image: url("SampleImg/ProgressBar.png");
    .e-handle.e-select.ui-link {
    margin: 0 0 0 -16px !important;
    width: 28px !important;
    height:17px !important;
    .msls-label {
    margin-bottom: 8px;
    .innerList.tile-txt {
    display: block;
    word-wrap: break-word;
    font-family: 'Segoe UI';
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #cececd;
    .innerList.tile-txt:hover {
    color: #bababa;
    .innerList.tile-txt:active {
    color: #eaeaea;
    .msls-header .msls-header-area {
    padding: 2px 25px;
    .msls-title-container .msls-title{
    h1.msls-title .msls-text-container, .msls-control-header .msls-text-container {
    letter-spacing: 1px;
    white-space: pre-line;
    .ui-body-a, .ui-overlay-a {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #111111 !important;
    .msls-dialog-inner-frame.ui-body-a.msls-rows-layout {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #111111 !important;
    .msls-footer.ui-footer.ui-bar-a {
    background-color: black !important;
    .msls-dialog-inner-frame {
    border-color:#484848 !important ;
    .ui-header-fixed, .ui-footer-fixed {
    .msls-content {
    #msls-id-app-loading {
    .msls-label.msls-label-align-left {
    .msls-tabs-container.ui-corner-all.ui-controlgroup.ui-controlgroup-horizontal {
    padding-top: 12px;
    @media (min-width: 320px) and (max-width:470px) {
    li.tile-li, li.gridtile-li, li.charttile-li{
    height: 150px;
    width: 140px;
    .msls-header .ui-title {
    color: #eee;
    font-family: "Segoe UI";
    font-size: 13px;
    @media (min-width: 480px) {
    li.tile-li, li.gridtile-li, li.charttile-li{
    height: 150px;
    width: 147px;
    Some things to notice are CSS classes are used to assign images and since it renders straight <UL> in a custom control, it prevents rendering all the extra DOM elements that LS tile list has - might make some customizations of look & feel

  • Conceptual problem: AJAX Memory tree for navigation

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    I have to implement a AJAX memory tree for navigation purposes, which should be on page 0, so this tree is on the left side of every page.
    Therefore I searches some examples and found this:
    So I try to rebuild this example with my custom tables and recognised that this example is very slow. I have round about 100 nodes in the tree and my database and network connection is extremly fast(I`m sitting in a proffesional data center).
    So first of all I am wondering why the tree is so slow when I try to expand it and if it is possible to use this tree on the page 0.
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    Every custom APEX-tree is not dynamic(AJAX) and the dynamic APEX-lists can not base on a select-statement.
    So at this moment I don`t know how to build a AJAX memory tree for navigation which is fast, looks good and works as expected.
    Does anybody have an idea why the tree is so slow?
    Are there alternatives which I can try to use?
    Thank you,

    Hi Tim
    100 nodes is not a lot of data for a tree, so why bother with AJAX at all.
    Just render the entire tree, and let the user expand and collapse nodes as they like.
    APEX has a dhtml tree in the standard themes which is enough to get you started.
    The issue I had with it is that it isn't stateful, so doesn't remember which nodes are open between page refreshes.
    That's what got me into ExtJS originally.
    If you look at my demo, I have a couple of examples worth looking at:
    - [tree using APEX lists|] uses APEX built in hierarchical lists, which allows conditional logic on nodes
    - [AJAX editable tree|] which is fully AJAX enabled.
    The other point worth mentioning is if you are using hierarchical queries for your tree you should consider restructuring your data set.
    Typically trees are fairly static, in that the data changes very little over time.
    This makes a very strong case for maintaining the node sequence and level in a denormalised way.
    Data updates become more expensive, but read operations, which will be the bulk of your operations will be very fast.
    Many choices on how to implement, e.g. materialized views with refresh on demand.
    [Random Insights into Oracle|] | [Marks Playpen|]

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    Hi All,
    for all java projects and java applications in eclipse i am giving -Xms and -Xmx to increase heap memory.
    But the same failed when i run ant. it says Out of Memory Error.eventhough i had 1GB ram in system.
    How to increase memory for Building through ANT.

    even if this is not a eclipse forum
    In the package explorer view or navigator view right click on the build file select "Run as / Ant Build ...". On the JRE Tab you can enter the VM Aguments like -Xmx512m
    Consult the java dokumentation how to set the memory of the jvm.

  • Data for navigational attributes # Not Assigned

    Hello friends,
    Our report is based on Multiprovider which is based on 5 cubes.
    These five cubes has one particular Characteristics which hasnavigational Attribute .
    We are using the navigational attribute directly under free characteristics Tab in Query.
    We are also using Characteristic in Query - for characateristic data is shown in report.
    In report we are able to see data as # Not Assigned for navigational attributes.
    When we checked data at info object level for that characateristic, correct data is shown for that navigation attributes.
    We have checked following settings
    At characteristic level - Uncheck Attributes only
    At cube level all navigational attributes are checked
    In Multi provider identification table - This navigational attribute is checked for all five cubes
    In Multi provider Navigational Attributes Tab - This naviagtional attributes is checked
    Activation of Master data was done once again
    we are not getting any other ideas, can any one please suggest us where the problem is?

    Hi Tony
    I have  the exact same problem. Did you find out what the problem was?
    KR Nete
    Edited by: Nete Grøn Jacobsen on Jul 14, 2008 1:51 PM
    I solved my problem
    1. Activate the navigation attribute(s) on the underlying basiscube, from which the query displays data
    2. Choose the navigation attribute(s) for all relevant basiscubes (multicube -> Change -> Button Identification)
    See also:
    KR Nete

  • Is there settng source system level for master data delta loading perfo

    Hi Viwers,
    Good Morning,
    I am loading data from the source to target level for Master data it is taking too much time,I would like to know the how to increase the master data delta loading performance.
    I would like to know the source system level is there any setting requited & target system level also.
    Please give your inputs..........
    Thanks & Regards,
    Venkat Vanarasi.

    Venkat -
            Are u deleting the indexes of data target before delta loading ? If not,delete the indexes of data target before delta loading  and recreate them after delta loading is done.This procedure increase load performance.You can perform whole procedure in process chain.
    Anesh B

  • Any option availabe to increase attempt for specific learn

    We are facing issue regarding increase number of attempt, Although there is option available at Test level but it will apply to all learner.
    Is r12 have any option to increase attempt for specific learner.

    Rules related to how many times a user can attempt a particular Test are set at the Test level and can't be updated for a single Learner that needs additional attempts.  You may want to copy this Test as a separate Learning Object and map it to a new Offering for the Course so that the Learner can attempt it again until they are able to successfully pass it.  You could also create a new Test for the Course that does not have the rule related to the number of attempts allowed.  Alternately, you could also track their understanding of the material using another Offering that indicates they received additional training and have been signed off on the subject matter. 
    Anne Saulnier | Synergy Codeworks
    [email protected]
    877-487-9637 ext 87

  • Levels of navigation...

    I have a scenario wherein we have "XYZ" as the top level navigation.
    Under "XYZ" we have "ABC" and "DEF" as the second level of navigation.
    When I click on "DEF" I should see a third level of TLN.
    But when I click on "ABC" I should not see the third level of navigation.I should just see the detailed navigation.
    Is this possible?
    Could someone please help me with this?
    Thanks in advance,
    Sudha. will be added to the default framework page and thus be used on all other pages.  That's why I don't recommend doing this.
    One possible workaround
    If you need a 3rd top level navigation (especially without the detailed navigation panel being displayed), you could create a custom iView that displays only the 3rd level of navigation using the Navigation Tag library.  Add that iView (without the tray) to all pages within this section of the portal above the other content on the page.  It will give the appearance of being a 3rd level navigation menu without actually being part of the framework.  This would be a lot harder if you still want to use the detailed navigation since you would need to find a way to get that to start displaying at the 4th level for that section instead of the 3rd (no ideas there).

  • Getting error while opening a saved for later notification: The selected action is not available. The cause may be related to security. Contact your system administrator to verify your permission level for this action.

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    HI All,
    Please help on this issue.

  • Logical level for logical fact table sources

    it is clear that for fact aggregates, we should use the Content tab of the Logical Table Source dialog to assign the correct logical level to each dimension.
    question is : is it mandatory to assign even for non-aggregates fact tables the logical level for each dimension (which normally should be set to the most detailed level of each dimension) ? is it any known issue if "logical levels"in content tab are not set ?
    the reason I'm asking this is a strange bug I have (I'm not going to discuss it here) and then only workaround seems to be NOT setting the logical levels (on content tab) for logical fact table sources.
    thank you !

    If levels are not set: By default levels are considered as lowest level
    It should not matter if you set or not
    Generally we set for facts explicitly when we are using Aggregate tables.
    Your current issue might be a case by case; I would suggest to check implicit fact, any table mapped to the source to force a join etc
    Mark if helps
    Let me know how it helps
    Edited by: Srini VEERAVALLI on Feb 5, 2013 8:33 AM
    Any updates on this?+_
    Edited by: Srini VEERAVALLI on Feb 14, 2013 9:09 AM

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  • Recovery from crashed drive - PSe3 files with tag info?

    Hi, I've had a crashed hard drive which I cannot now boot from. So without being able to reboot, I can't start PSE3 and view the photos and the tags in the organiser. I do have one back up but it was done some time ago and, since then, I've added qui

  • Any tools are there in data upload for other than BDC.

    Any tools are there in data upload for other than BDC.

  • Ironport C160 Firmware upgrade issue

    Hi All , i have C160 appliance when i tried to upgrade the OS with available it was failed . you can see the below captures .  Upgrades available. 1. AsyncOS 7.1.5 build 101 upgrade For Email, 2012-02-03 [1]> 1 Performing an upgrade may require a reb

  • Why did you go into IT?

    Why did you go into IT? The reasons I went into IT are as follows: 1.  I already knew programming before going to College, and thought it would be easy learning computers in College! 2.  I liked programing and working with computer applications. 3. 

  • How do I turn the Dock off and on as I want?

    How do I turn the Dock off and on as I want? I don't mean Hide.... I mean off. It's using to much Free RAM and I need to occasionally turn it off to test RAM usage.