Incrementing folder name script? help...

Here is the thing, im into tethering mode in my nikon camera (Picture talk/transfer protocol) in which it automatically saves every shot into a "hot folder" (~desktop/images) i've got my action to automate 4 pictures to be posted into a 4R size contact sheet, saved as jpeg, and closes the window. though the hard part is, i can't figure out how to automatically script it so that after saving and closing the contact sheet, all of the four raw jpg  shots + the newly saved contact_sheet.jpg file would be foldered into a subfolder (inside ~desktop/images) which generates a unique/incrementing folder names everytime. And so, i could continue shooting, and every after 4 shots, i could use my action+ the given script so it automatically does the foldering for me. Below are some examples of what's inside the "image folder" looks like.
above is the ïmage folder before the script should work
above is how the script should work, then after, if another 4 shot has been taken, i could execute the action to make and save the contact sheet and hopefully, if i would use the script again, it would put these five new *.jpg files to a incremented folder name like "Contact (1)" then for the next batch "Contact (2)"... and so on...
Can anyone help me please? Tnx!

I think creating that folder comes close to this, with a few adjustments. I really understand a few in scripting and so I hope someone could help out..
function createFolder(file) {
  var parentFolder = file.parent;
  var saveFolder = new Folder( parentFolder + '/' + 0, 8 ) );
  if( !saveFolder.exists ) saveFolder.create();
  var saveFile = new File( saveFolder + '/' +;
  if( file.copy( saveFile ) ) file.remove();
function main() {
   var folder = new Folder("~/Desktop/images");
   var files = folder.getFiles();
   for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
     var f = files[i];
     if (f instanceof File) {

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  • Add to Folder Name script

    I am missing the script Add to Folder Names. I still have the alias, but the script is missing. Any sources for this script?

    Hi Lannis, here it is...
    Add Prefix-Suffix to Fldr Names
    Copyright © 2001 Apple Computer, Inc.
    You may incorporate this Apple sample code into your program(s) without
    restriction.  This Apple sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
    responsibility for its operation is yours.  You are not permitted to
    redistribute this Apple sample code as "Apple sample code" after having
    made changes.  If you're going to redistribute the code, we require
    that you make it clear that the code was descended from Apple sample
    code, but that you've made changes.
    --set the source_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Pick the folder containing the folders to rename:")
      tell application "Finder" to set the source_folder to (folder of the front window) as alias
    on error -- no open folder windows
      set the source_folder to path to desktop folder as alias
    end try
    set the prefix_or_suffix to ""
              display dialog "Enter the prefix or suffix to use:" default answer the prefix_or_suffix buttons {"Cancel", "Prefix", "Suffix"}
      copy the result as list to {the prefix_or_suffix, the button_pressed}
      if the prefix_or_suffix is not "" then exit repeat
    end repeat
    set the item_list to list folder source_folder without invisibles
    set source_folder to source_folder as string
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the item_list
      set this_item to item i of the item_list
      set this_item to (source_folder & this_item) as alias
      set this_info to info for this_item
      set the current_name to the name of this_info
      if folder of this_info is true then
                        if the button_pressed is "Prefix" then
      set the new_file_name to the (the prefix_or_suffix & the current_name) as string
      set the new_file_name to the (the current_name & the prefix_or_suffix) as string
      end if
      my set_item_name(this_item, the new_file_name)
      end if
    end repeat
    beep 2
    on set_item_name(this_item, new_item_name)
              tell application "Finder"
      set the parent_container_path to (the container of this_item) as text
      if not (exists item (the parent_container_path & new_item_name)) then
      set the name of this_item to new_item_name
      on error the error_message number the error_number
                                            if the error_number is -59 then
                                                      set the error_message to "This name contains improper characters, such as a colon (:)."
      else --the suggested name is too long
      set the error_message to error_message -- "The name is more than 31 characters long."
                                            end if
      tell me to display dialog the error_message default answer new_item_name buttons {"Cancel", "Skip", "OK"} default button 3
      copy the result as list to {new_item_name, button_pressed}
                                            if the button_pressed is "Skip" then return 0
      my set_item_name(this_item, new_item_name)
      end try
      else --the name already exists
                                  tell me to display dialog "This name is already taken, please rename." default answer new_item_name buttons {"Cancel", "Skip", "OK"} default button 3
      copy the result as list to {new_item_name, button_pressed}
                                  if the button_pressed is "Skip" then return 0
      my set_item_name(this_item, new_item_name)
      end if
      end tell
    end set_item_name

  • Need a script to do the following... rename files based on folder name...

    Hi. Macophile just starting to tread the waters of Applescript, trying to use Automator but don't think it will do what I need.
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    Any advice, help or guidance would be really helpful! Thanks in advance.

    Awesome, you're quite welcome, glad to hear it worked for ya!! Here's another version of the script that will rename the thumb files as jpg...
    <pre style="width:630px;height:auto;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:hidden;"
    title="Copy this code and paste it into your Script Editor application.">on run
    set theItems to choose folder with multiple selections allowed
    open (theItems)
    end run
    on open (itemList)
    repeat with anItem in itemList
    set theInfo to info for anItem
    if folder of theInfo and not package folder of theInfo then
    set theFolder to POSIX path of anItem
    set folderNameStart to do shell script "echo " & ¬
    quoted form of (name of theInfo) & "|awk -F'_' '{print $1}'"
    set fileList to list folder anItem without invisibles
    if fileList is not {} then
    set thumbFolder to theFolder & "_thumbs/"
    do shell script "mkdir " & quoted form of thumbFolder
    end try
    repeat with fileName in fileList
    set oldFile to theFolder & fileName
    set oldFileInfo to info for POSIX file oldFile
    if not folder of oldFileInfo then
    set newFileName to folderNameStart & "_" & fileName
    set newFile to theFolder & newFileName
    set theExt to name extension of oldFileInfo
    set thumbName to text 1 through -((length of theExt) + 1) of newFileName & "jpg"
    set thumbFile to thumbFolder & "thumb_" & thumbName
    do shell script "mv " & quoted form of oldFile & space & ¬
    quoted form of newFile
    do shell script "sips -s format jpeg -s dpiHeight 72 -s dpiWidth 72 -Z 128 " & ¬
    quoted form of newFile & " --out " & quoted form of thumbFile
    end try
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    end if
    end repeat
    end open</pre>

  • Apple script to replace content in specific folders with folder names in csv

    Can anyone please help me with this scenario... It would greatly be appreciated!
    1. I have a list in csv containing 3 columns: Column 1 = Folder name • Column 2 = Entry A • Column 3 = Entry B
    2. I have 100 folders named the same as Column 1.  in each folder there is different files.
    This is what I need.
    I need the script to to find the folder based upon column 1.
    Then the script should search for place holder named "Entry A" and replace it's contents with data from Column 2.  There are several files with in the folder that contain place holder "Entry A" so it should replace it all but must remain with in that folder.
    Then same for column 3 find place holder named Entry B and replace.
    Then it should save all files.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

    Can anyone please help me with this scenario... It would greatly be appreciated!
    1. I have a list in csv containing 3 columns: Column 1 = Folder name • Column 2 = Entry A • Column 3 = Entry B
    2. I have 100 folders named the same as Column 1.  in each folder there is different files.
    This is what I need.
    I need the script to to find the folder based upon column 1.
    Then the script should search for place holder named "Entry A" and replace it's contents with data from Column 2.  There are several files with in the folder that contain place holder "Entry A" so it should replace it all but must remain with in that folder.
    Then same for column 3 find place holder named Entry B and replace.
    Then it should save all files.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

  • Script Help: Folder Actions - Move files

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    Thank you for any help.

    What is your script doing now (note that a name extension does not include the period delimiter)? You can move entire folders, but your folder action script would only pass the items added to the attached folder, not any folder contents. Your folder action script would need to look into any passed folders if you wanted to move them based on their contents.

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    You should be able to get it directly as dCollectionName, but might have to execute a query to fill in the result set first: select dCollectionName from COLLECTIONS where DCOLLECTIONID = ?

  • Active Content: cannot change Scripts folder name?

    Using DW 8.0.2.
    After I accept the Active Content workaround to be applied to
    my pages, I'd like to change Scripts folder name to "scripts" or
    even move the scripts to my "jscript" folder, which already exists.
    When I do this DW correctly asks to update the page links, but even
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    It seems to be caused by some JS code included in the
    scripts, which points to "Scripts" folder in site root. But I don't
    know enough JS to identify and modify this. Any help will be very

    Shouldn't happen. I have moved the AC .....js file many times
    to different
    folders and if the path is correct, everything works
    properly. Can you
    please post a link.
    You cannot lose until you give up !!!
    "Freiberger" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:eou61k$enn$[email protected]..
    > Using DW 8.0.2.
    > After I accept the Active Content workaround to be
    applied to my pages,
    > I'd
    > like to change Scripts folder name to "scripts" or even
    move the scripts
    > to my
    > "jscript" folder, which already exists. When I do this
    DW correctly asks
    > to
    > update the page links, but even with the correct links
    the scripts does
    > not run
    > anymore.
    > It seems to be caused by some JS code included in the
    scripts, which
    > points to
    > "Scripts" folder in site root. But I don't know enough
    JS to identify and
    > modify this. Any help will be very welcome.

  • Applescript Help - Add folder name to contents

    Hi everyone
    I am an Applescript newbie, and I need help!
    I have a several folders with 2 jpegs inside them.
    All the jpegs are titled "image1.jpg" & "image2.jpg"
    I am looking for a quick way to add the folder name as a prefix to each jpeg.
    Folder name - Wellington Boots
    Images inside - image1.jpg
    The outcome I am looking for is:
    Folder name - Wellington Boots
    Images inside - Wellington Boots-image1.jpg
    This might be really easy to do, but I am struggling to find info on how to do it. Can anyone help?

    Actually, to make it a bit more robust you can change the script to
    tell application "Finder"
      repeat with anItem in the input
        set prefix to (name of container of anItem) & "-"
        set theName to name of anItem
        if theName does not start with prefix then -- already prefixed
          set name of anItem to prefix & theName
        end if
      end repeat
    end tell
    That way it won't add a prefix if there already is one.

  • Script or Automator to reorder text in file/folder name

    Similar to this discussion:, I would like to reorder a large number of folder names. Currently, they are set up as follows:
    "Name - Year" and would like to change them all to "Year - Name". I have over 200 folders named in this format so I need to find either a way to do this via the automator or via a script. So far I can't find what I need in the Automator. Any ideas? Thank you

    try this:
    set folderList to choose folder with multiple selections allowed
    tell application "System Events"
              repeat with thisFolder in folderList
                        set folderName to name of thisFolder
      -- assumes none of the folders have extensions, or anything aside from "Name - Year", and that there are no spaces inside the name or year
      -- it can be generalized to deal with that, if needed
                        set {oldTID, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, {" ", "-"}}
                        tell folderName
                                  set {n, d} to {first text item, last text item}
                        end tell
                        set my text item delimiters to oldTID
                        set name of thisFolder to d & " - " & n
              end repeat
    end tell

  • Change Document Library Folder Name from client (JavaScript (JSOM) or Rest)

    According to :
    Renaming a folder with Rest is not possible.
    and based on:
    name property doesn't have any set.
    Is it means that renaming a folder is not possible by JSOM or REST?!

    The following JavaScript Client Object Model code for your reference:
    <script type="text/ecmascript">
    ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(UpdateListItem, "sp.js");
    function UpdateListItem(){
    var clientContext;
    var oWebsite;
    var oList;
    clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    oWebsite = clientContext.get_web();
    oList = oWebsite.get_lists().getByTitle("DocumentLibrary");
    oListItem = oList.getItemById(1);
    this.oListItem.set_item("FileLeafRef", "Folder Name");
    clientContext.executeQueryAsync(onSuccess, onFailure);
    function onSuccess() {
    alert('Update succeeded.');
    function onFailure(sender, args) {
    alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
    More information:
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Set Folder Name From File Name Inclosed.

    Hello scripters,
    There has been quite a few topics about setting file names from parent folders. I believe it's possible but not sure how to reverse this process. That is to say set the folder name from a file in the folder. This is what I'm imagining.
    I've got a folder. In the folder are 100 folders with the names "untitled folder xxx" In side I've got files that are all named and numbered.
    For example,
    untitled folder/B-day 001~050.jpg
    untitled folder 50/At The Park 001~020.jpg
    I would like a script to change the name of the parent folder of the files that it houses.
    So untitled folder becomes
    untitled folder 50 becomes
    At The Park
    I think getting the name of the first file (minus the index number) would be easiest.
    Any help or futher questions are greatly appreciated.

    Working backwards...
    Assuming all the files have the same name structure (e.g. end in the format "xxx~xxx.jpg" you can get the base name using:
    <pre class=command>set baseName to characters 1 through -13 of filename as text</pre>
    This cuts off the last 12 characters of the file name.
    Once you have a folder, you can get the names of files in the folder via the Finder. for sanity's sake I'd ask the Finder for the first item, just in case there's more than one file:
    <pre class=command>set filname to name of first item of (files of folder theFolder)</pre>
    And if all the folders are in one top folder, you can iterate through them like:
    <pre class=command>repeat with eachFolder in (every folder of folder topFolder)</pre>
    So now, string it all together:
    <pre class=command>tell application "Finder" -- we'll use the Finder to do the legwork
    set topFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the top level folder" ) -- get the top folder
    repeat with eachFolder in (every folder of folder topFolder)
    set fileName to name of first file of (files of folder topFolder)
    set baseName to characters 1 through -13 of fileName as text
    set name of folder eachFolder to baseName
    end repeat
    end tell</pre>
    Note there's no error checking - the script will fail if there are no files in any particular folder, but it should get you going.

  • Find the folder name based on the View Name

    Hi ,
    I need to find out a Folder name based on a View Name . Basically i know the view Name and want to find out the Folder that is created in Discovrer based out of that view.
    Does any one know of any EUL table that stores this relationship.
    Thanks in advance for your help

    Your requirement can be fulfilled using the following script:
    SELECT bas.ba_name,
    obj.obj_name folder,
    'Unknown') AS obj_type,
    decode(obj.obj_hidden,0,'Bare','Hidden') IS_HIDDEN,
    obj.sobj_ext_table folder_source_object
    FROM eul10g_us.eul5_ba_obj_links bol,
    eul10g_us.eul5_objs ; obj,
    eul10g_us.eul5_bas ; bas
    WHERE obj.obj_id = bol.bol_obj_id
    AND bas.ba_id = bol.bol_ba_id
    As you can see from the SQL, only simple folders are mapped to objects.
    This means that if the object is used inside a custom folder or complex folder you will not see it.

  • Get folder name for item

    Hi All,
    I need to retrieve the folder name for where the item is stored to generate a report in following format in csv
    File Name Full Path Parent Folder Created By Last Modified By Number of Versions Total Size
    My code which gets all other info.
    function Get-DocInventory() {
    $site=Get-SPSite -Identity "siteURL"
    foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) {
    foreach ($list in $web.Lists) {
    if ($list.BaseType -ne "DocumentLibrary") {continue}
    foreach ($item in $list.Items) {
    $data = @{
    # "Web Application" = $webApp.ToString();
    #"Web" = $web.Url
    "Site" = $site.Url
    "list" = $list.Title
    "Item ID" = $item.ID
    "Item URL" = $site.Url+"/"+$item.Url
    "Item Name"= $item.File.Name
    “Item Versions” = $item.Versions.Count
    "Item Created" = $item["Created"]
    "Extensions" = $".")[1]
    "Item Modified" = $item["Modified"]
    "Item Created By" = $item["Author"]
    "Last Updated by" = $item["Editor"]
    "File Size" = $item.File.Length/1KB
    New-Object PSObject -Property $data
    #Get-DocInventory | Out-GridView
    Get-DocInventory | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path D:\Scripts\Hemant\inventory.csv
    Coukld you please help me get folder name
    Thanks Basva

    To get the full Folder URL you could use:
    And just for the Folder Name use:

  • Automator/Applescript to Rename files when dropped in folder based on parent folder name

    When a file is dropped in a folder ( ParentFolder/Folder/File.pdf )
    I want to rename the file to ParentFolder_Folder_01.pdf
        --Get folder
        --Get ParentFolder
        --Check for next available number and use it.
        If ParentFolder_Folder_01.pdf exists, try _02
    I automator, I have chosen folder action
    Added 'Get selected finder items'
    I have attempted to modify another sript I found here to no avail.
    on run {input, parameters}
        tell application "Finder"
            set theFolder to input as string
            set theNameOfFolder to name of folder theFolder
            set theFiles to every file in folder theFolder
            set theFolders to every folder in folder theFolder
            my ProcessFiles(theNameOfFolder, theFiles)
            my ProcessFolders(theFolders)
        end tell
    end run
    to ProcessFolders(theFolders)
        tell application "Finder"
            repeat with thisFolder in theFolders
                set theNameOfFolder to name of thisFolder
                set theFiles to every file in thisFolder
                set theFolders to every folder in thisFolder
                my ProcessFiles(theNameOfFolder, theFiles)
                my ProcessFolders(thisFolder)
            end repeat
        end tell
    end ProcessFolders
    to ProcessFiles(NameOfOuterFolder, theFiles)
        tell application "Finder"
            repeat with thisFile in theFiles
                set theSuffix to my grabSuffixOfFile(name of thisFile)
                set name of thisFile to NameOfOuterFolder & "_" & theSuffix
            end repeat
        end tell
    end ProcessFiles
    to grabSuffixOfFile(theFile)
        set text item delimiters to "_"
        return (text item 2 of theFile)
        set text item delimiters to ""
    end grabSuffixOfFile

    Normally it is a bad idea to do things with items that are in the attached folder (earlier OS versions will retrigger folder actions when an item is renamed, for example), and you don't need to use a Get Selected Finder Items action since the dropped items are already passed to your workflow (also note that the input items will be a list).
    It looks like you are trying to use multiple passes to add on the folder names, but you will have less of a headache if you build the base name and just deal with the number suffix.  If I understood your naming scheme correctly, the following script should do the trick - it isn't very fast, but should be OK for a few items at a time.
    on run {input, parameters} -- rename input Finder items (aliases) to name of containing folders
      set divider to "_" -- the divider character between name pieces
      set output to {} -- the result to pass on to the next action
      set counter to "01" -- start suffix at one
      repeat with anItem in the input -- step through each item in the input
      set anItem to contents of anItem -- dereference
      tell application "Finder" to if class of item anItem is document file then -- don't mess with folders or applications
      set {itemParent, itemExtension} to {container, name extension} of anItem
      if itemExtension is not "" then set itemExtension to "." & itemExtension
      set grandParentName to name of container of itemParent
      set parentName to name of itemParent
      set newName to grandParentName & divider & parentName & divider & counter
      set documentNames to my getExistingNames(itemParent)
      repeat while newName is in documentNames -- increment counter suffix as needed
                                            set counter to text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & (counter + 1))
      set newName to grandParentName & divider & parentName & divider & counter
      end repeat
      set name of anItem to (newName & itemExtension)
      set end of output to anItem -- alias still refers to the same file even after renaming
      end if
      end repeat
      return the output
    end run
    to getExistingNames(someFolder) -- get base document names (no extensions) from a folder
      set nameList to {}
      tell application "Finder" to repeat with aFile in (get document files of someFolder)
      set {fileName, fileExtension} to {name, name extension} of aFile
      if fileExtension is not "" then set fileExtension to "." & fileExtension
      set fileName to text 1 thru -((count fileExtension) + 1) of fileName -- just the name part
      set end of nameList to fileName
      end repeat
      return nameList
    end getExistingNames

  • Relinking changed folder name

    I am in need of a script that will, when prompted to relink broken links, update the path of a changed folder name.
    So no matter where the "old file name (X)" is in the link path, it will be updated to "New folder name (Y)"
    Also I now very little about scripts so if anyone knows a simplified website that explains how to utilize them that would also be super helpful.

    Check out the Links section on this page. Probably you you will find something close to your needs.
    — Kas

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