Indesign6 flowing in Kurdish text help

We are using indesign CS6 and flowing in Kurdish text from a word document using the font Unikurd Goran. But its not flowing in accurately. Any tips or help?

Are you using the Middle-East edition of CS6?
It's hard to handle right-to-left langauges without it. There are plugins like World Tools that will let you work on RTL text in normal English CS6, or you can find some free Javascript tools to change text or paragraph direction.

Similar Messages

  • How Do You Make an Image Flow with the Text?

    Hello all,
    I am using CS4 InDesign on Windows Vista. I am fairly new to Indesign but try to do my research and homework well before asking what I hope is not a really dumb question.
    I am writing a book of approx. 350 pages that is an illustrated encyclopedia of 156 plants and their oils.
    Each 2 page spread is a single entry for a plant. The graphics frames on each spread are identical in size, position and styles for a consistent look throughout the document.As you can see (hopefully) each page is a single column. See screenshot below
    In order to overcome my first problem of positioning and sizing the graphics frames uniformly, I created the master pages with the graphics placeholders sized, positioned and formatted to my liking. This worked wonderfully and I placed all of my 300+ graphics by simply over riding each frame.
    Then in my editing I decided to add another 2 page spread somewhere in the middle of this fairly large document.
    What a NIGHTMARE. The text predictably shifted but now ALL of my graphics were no longer associated with the corresponding text! Arrrgghhh.I had not anticipated this behavior (used MS Word for 15 years) or I would have done something different.
    3 hours later I finished re -"placing" the images associated with the correct text.
    I researched the help file and found out about the neccessity of anchoring graphics to text. I have read through the threads in this forum, followed links to "" and " Working with anchored objects by Anne Marie Concepcion"
    My concerns are this.
    An inline graphic places the graphic back onto your text layer for some reason ( Previously my graphics each had their own layer)
    Not wanting to start (again) from scratch with my graphics I converted them to inline/custom anchored objects.
    But to select then cut then paste every pre existing graphic to anchor it inline seems to be cumbersome and counter intuitive although the top smaller graphic did position well and the text seemed to wrap ok.
    When I placed the larger bottom graphic on the left facing page using custom positioning I was not able to get the text to wrap at all.( The in line anchoring did not seem to allow for positioning on anything but the 'Y' axis).
    It seems that there would be a simpler way to place text and graphics where you want them and have them associate and flow together (or not) when you want them to and have text wrap easily around an anchored object without keyboard gymnastics. It would seem that the concept of a certain graphic being associated or linked with certain text would not be an unusual concept in desktop publishing.
    Am I missing something?
    Can you place an anchored graphics frame on the master page with your desired options?
    How would this be done if possible?
    Is there any other way (i.e grouping) to keep graphics associated with the desired text so that it flows together if extra pages are added?
    Is the fact that my graphics frames are on my master pages responsible for my text wrap difficulty? (I have text wrap enabled on my master pages)
    Are there any settings, redundant or otherwise, I need to be aware of?
    Thank you in advance for any suggestions or directions

    Hello Again,
    Thank You Bob but I am still a little fuzzy on this. I have already created object styles for the graphics frames. For instance the small graphic underneath the heading (Its a drop of oil) has an object style applied. Now I checked and it has the anchored object options checked in the style dialog box. When I reapply the style to the next similar graphics nothing happens. It is still not anchored. Do I need to create a new style based on "nothing" add my effects plus the anchoring options? Basically start over. If thats what I need to do thats OK. As to your instruction that object styles could accomodate this anchoring thing...thats what I thought too but somehow I can't get it to work. See object style dialog box screenshot below:
    For the larger graphic on the bottom of the left facing page. I still cannot get any text to wrap. In the screenshot example the text describing this particular plant doesn't go to the bottom of the page so the wrapping issue on this page is moot. However I have some entries where the body of the description is more involved and does go to the bottom of the page and the text WOULD need to wrap around the plant (larger ) graphic.
    Hi there Harb, Yes I found out early on that object styles can't apply size (that would be on my wish list for sure) That is why I found that creating my graphics frames on the master page with the correct size, effects and positioning tickled me so much. Can you believe I originally went through and MANUALLY resized and repositioned each and every 300+ graphics in this book but it still wasn't right. I'm nothing if not persistent. (Now if I could just get my grown sons to pick up their socks!)
    Anyway the master page graphics frames idea would be perfect if I could get the images to anchor in their respective spots on the master page as well.
    For your second suggestion. I am not clear about why I would need to break the threads of each spread so that each spread is a seperate article. Is the threading issue the thing that is causing my text to move on leaving their associated graphics behind? If so how do I go about doing this?
    So to recap:
    1. I need to know if I can modify my object style or recreate from scratch with the anchoring option (as I said it didn't work)
    2. Can't get text to wrap around the Custom anchored graphic at bottom of page at all
    3. Im not clear on the breaking the threading on the spreads
    I am willing to go back through and start from scratch (new master pages, styles etc ) if neccesary. This book is the culmination of 7 years of research and artwork.Basically the project is DONE. Now if I can just format it correctly.
    I can't thank you both enough for your time, suggestions, expertise and patience.
    Thanks again

  • Import and flow the xml text in a indesign document

    pls,anyone give me a solution for import and flow the xml text in a document.

    Would you mind waiting a bit before asking again and again and again and then again? It's possible the person who can answer you question just didn't happen to read the forums this week.

  • I want to email some photos, after i click send, a warning window opens with no text. help?

    i want to email some photos, after i click send, a warning window opens with no text. help?

    No way to help without you actually sharing details
    does it involve iPhoto for the Mac in any way? If so how? What version of iPhoto and of the OS? What is the exact error message? What email client do you use with iPhoto?

  • {code} in Plain Text Help

    A lot of the answers are reminding people to use the {noformat}{noformat} tag. The use of that tag could be encouraged by adding {noformat}{noformat} to the "Plain Text Help" section that appears on the right during posting. Has that been tried?

    It was mentioned early on when the forum update was done a couple of years back, but for some reason it either wasn't done or couldn't be done. Not sure why.
    Of course there is always the FAQ page which I think details such things (it's a wiki I believe, so it can be updated by anyone as required).

  • Oracle Text Help

    Hello Gurus,
    I am new to Oracle Text so i need your valuable inputs in resolving an issue i am facing.
    Here is the table definition and sample data:
    create table test ( a varchar2(100));
    insert into test values('Hello How are you');
    insert into test values('Just to say you Hello');
    insert into test values('I know you');
    insert into test values('you know');
    insert into test values('you may not know me');
    insert into test values('do i know you');
    SQL> SELECT * FROM test;
    Hello How are you
    Just to say you Hello
    I know you
    you know
    you may not know me
    do i know you
    6 rows selected.
    If user enters search criteria ('you know', for example); i need to return all the records having 'you' AND 'know' anywhere. Hence for search criteria 'you know', i should get following records:
    I know you
    you know
    you may not know me
    do i know you
    Similarly, i need to return below records for criteria 'hello you':
    Hello How are you
    Just to say you Hello
    Can Oracle Text help me here?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    SQL>  create table test ( a varchar2(100))
    Table created.
    SQL>  insert into test values('Hello How are you')
    1 row created.
    SQL>  insert into test values('Just to say you Hello')
    1 row created.
    SQL>  insert into test values('I know you')
    1 row created.
    SQL>  insert into test values('you know')
    1 row created.
    SQL>  insert into test values('you may not know me')
    1 row created.
    SQL>  insert into test values('do i know you')
    1 row created.
    SQL>  create index test_idx on test (a) indextype is ctxsys.context
    Index created.
    SQL>  var str varchar2(100)
    SQL>  exec :str := 'you know'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL>  select * from test where contains(a,:str) > 0
    I know you                                                                     
    you know                                                                       
    you may not know me                                                            
    do i know you                                                                  
    4 rows selected.
    SQL>  exec :str := 'hello you'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL>  select * from test where contains(a,:str) > 0
    Hello How are you                                                              
    Just to say you Hello                                                          
    2 rows selected.

  • TEXT Help in posting messages

    How can I get Heading 1, which can be used for posting messages, please help me in this regard

    Hi Vamsi,
    If I have understood your question correctly, then it means how you are going to use the Heading in the Plain Text Help in while posting a question, replying to a thread, etc.
    If this is correct, then you can take the following approach in order to use the Heading. Just write h1,h2,h3,etc accordingly in front of the text which you want to mark in the beginning of the paragraph. For example,
    <Heading1> use h1 like
    Hope this solves your problem. You can also use the preview tab to have a preview of the text before posting.
    From next time, if you can provide more elaborate data then it will be easy for other to reply promptly and accurately.
    Hope this helps.

  • Question on "text flow" with two text fields:

    Hi Folks,
    I was hoping you could help me to see if this is possible with Livecycle Designer, any assistance would be much appreciated:
    I'm populating a dynamic pdf and have the need to have multiple lines of text composed of two text fields (name and description) where name is bold text followed by description in regular text for example:
    Item 1 Name Sample: This is the item one description, adding some lorem ipsum text to show how it would flow across multiple lines here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, defunctam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ingens ad te ad nomine Hesterna. Pentapoli naves non ait Cumque ego dum. Scelus patrem in rei.
    Item 2 Name Sample: This is the item two description, adding  some lorem ipsum text to show how it would flow across multiple lines  here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, defunctam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,  ingens ad te ad nomine Hesterna. Pentapoli naves non ait Cumque ego dum.  Scelus patrem in rei exultant deo apprehendit in fuerat construeret in  rei sensibilium acciperem qui enim est se vero diam ille. Agimus nolo me  testatur sed. Descendi eam ad.
    Item 3 Name Sample: This is the item three description, adding  some lorem ipsum text to show how it would flow across multiple lines  here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, defunctam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,  ingens ad te ad nomine Hesterna. Pentapoli naves non ait Cumque ego dum.  Scelus patrem in rei.
    I have a subform for each item that contains two fields [itemName] [itemDescription], is there any way to do this without combining them into one textfield with rich text on?

    Hi Phill,
    You could use floating fields, where the inputs are hidden and bound to your incoming XML. In the visible {} fields, you can set one of these to bold. The advantage would be that the two displayed floating fields will flow depending on the content.
    Have a look at the second example in this form:
    Hope that helps,

  • Scientific Notation conversion to text Help needed

    I have a column with datatype nvarchar. I need to remove this problem thats happenning often, This is how sometimes the values can be 13343E11466  in my column  but when I run a query it changes to " 1.40E+279".. Do i need to convert
    the data type into text? or
    Can someone help me out ??

    > 13343E11466 
    That is not a common number. How do you interpret the string?
    If you want to keep it in a specific display format, you have to keep it as a string. SSMS reformats to a standard scientific display format. The actually value does not change.
    DECLARE @Fl float = 13343E11;
    SELECT @Fl;
    -- 1.3343E+15
    Excel does the same thing. This behavior is similar to datetime with a single internal binary representation and many string formats.
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SELECT Video Tutorials 4 Hours
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

  • Getting information to flow as inline text

    How do I get the text inside of the part name or part description to wrap like inline text?  It doesn't work styling it as display: inline from the .master page.  Do I have to edit the file itself or pull the data out in a different fashion to get it to flow how I want?
    For example, I would like to have on my partdetails page, the picture image on the left, the pricing box on the right, and the description flowing between them and then expanding underneath the two.

    How do I get the text inside of the part name or part description to wrap like inline text?  It doesn't work styling it as display: inline from the .master page.  Do I have to edit the file itself or pull the data out in a different fashion to get it to flow how I want?
    For example, I would like to have on my partdetails page, the picture image on the left, the pricing box on the right, and the description flowing between them and then expanding underneath the two.

  • Pdf docs created in pages show only photos, graphics, NO text, Help

    I have tried exporting to pdf, best quality & also "Print" to pdf with same results. The resulting thumbnail on my desktop and the one in "get info". look fine but when the pdf doc is opened only the graphic elements including photos show up. NO words show up at all (on Mac or PC). I need to be able to create pdf so I can print on pc network. Any suggestions. It would appear that I am following the instructions correctly as a pdf is actually created but with the above results.

    Tried your suggestion to no avail. However found some new info that might help find the problem.
    1. When I open in preview rather than Adobe the document looks correct.
    2. When I click and drag across the missing text I can produce grayed blocks where the text should be..
    3. If I then "copy" and "past" into a blank word document the text appears in the word document.
    4. I was able to open the document with the problem with e-copy desk top a kind of reader/converter.
    5. My OS is up to date.
    5. Adobe reader is up to date as well (8.1 think).
    Thanks, for your help though. I really appreciate your trying.

  • Viewport Sized Text Help

    So I'm making my first responsive theme for a client through my school as a class project and I'm having some trouble. I have msot everything figured out except for the auto-resizing text and am kinda of stumped. I found this: an all CSS way to resize text versus the javascript alternative.
    Here is the testing environment that I'm working on:
    If you make the window smaller you'll notice the text in the header does scale in it's size, but the problem is as it scales down it starts to change it's position and I was wondering if anybody could help me fix that?
    The other problem I'm having is setting the vmax doesn't seem to be working.
    Here is my code for these header elements:
    .banner {
      width: 100%;
      max-width: 1600px;
      margin: 0 auto;
      position: relative;
    .banner-img {
      width: 100%;
      height: auto;
      max-width: 1600px;
    .banner-top {
      background-color: rgba(153,77,23,0.8);
      position: absolute;
      width: 100%;
      top: 0px;
      left: 0px;
      padding: 12px;
      color: #ffffff;
      font-size: 2.1vw;
      font-size: 2.1vmax;
      font-family: "Times New Roman";
      text-align: center;
      height: 10%;
    .banner-mid {
      position: absolute;
      width: 34%;
      max-width: 580px;
      color: #ffffff;
      left: 50%;
      margin-left: -265px;
      top: 25%;
      font-size: 3.4vw;
      font-size: 3.4vmax;
      text-shadow: 3px 5px 12px #000000;
    .banner-bot {
      background-color: rgba(138,80,15,0.9);
      position: absolute;
      width: 100%;
      bottom: 0px;
      left: 0px;
      height: 17%;

    Try this quick & dirty example by pasting code into a new, blank document.  Preview & resize in browsers.
    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Responsive Layout</title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=""></script><![endif]-->
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
        -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
        box-sizing: border-box;
    img {
        max-width: 100%;
        vertical-align: baseline
    body {
        font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Sans", "DejaVu Sans", Verdana, sans-serif;
        background: #C97417 url( d-banner-imready4change.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
        -moz-background-size: cover;
        -webkit-background-size: cover;
        background-size: cover;
    header {
        text-align: center;
        color: #FFF
    h1 {
        background: rgba(140,83,15,0.5);
        font-size: 20px; /* Some fallback that doesn't look awful */
        font-size: 3.6vw;
    h2 {
        font-size: 52px;
        font-size: 9vw;
        margin-top: 5%;
        text-shadow: -1px 3px 2px #333;
    h3 {
        font-size: 22px;
        font-size: 4vw;
    p {
        font-size: 16px;
        font-size: 2.9vw;
    section {
        background: rgba(142,94,40,0.7);
        width: 80%;
        margin: 0 auto;
        padding: 2%;
        overflow: hidden; /*to contain floats*/
    section.bottom {
        background: #C97417;
        text-align: center;
    button {
        width: 60%;
        line-height: 9vw;
        font-size: 22px;
        font-size: 6vw;
    article {
        background: rgba(209,187,155,0.5);
        float: left;
        width: 50%;
        padding: 2%
    .right {
        background: none;
        color: #FFF;
    /* Special Rules for mobiles */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 599px) {
    /**keep text readable in smaller devices**/
    p { font-size: 16px }
    section { width: 100% }
    article {
        float: none;
        display: block;
        width: 100%
    <h1>Heading 1 text</h1>
    <h2>Heading 2 text</h2>
    <article class="left">
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Mauris vitae libero lacus, vel hendrerit nisi!  Maecenas quis velit nisl, volutpat viverra felis. Vestibulum luctus mauris sed sem dapibus luctus.  Pellentesque aliquet aliquet ligula, et sagittis justo auctor varius. Quisque varius scelerisque nunc eget rhoncus.  Aenean tristique enim ut ante dignissim. </p>
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Mauris vitae libero lacus, vel hendrerit nisi!  Maecenas quis velit nisl, volutpat viverra felis. Vestibulum luctus mauris sed sem dapibus luctus.  Pellentesque aliquet aliquet ligula, et sagittis justo auctor varius. Quisque varius scelerisque nunc eget rhoncus.  Aenean tristique enim ut ante dignissim. </p>
    <article class="right">
    <img src=" g" alt="details">
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Mauris vitae libero lacus, vel hendrerit nisi!  Maecenas quis velit nisl, volutpat viverra felis. Vestibulum luctus mauris sed sem dapibus luctus.  Pellentesque aliquet aliquet ligula, et sagittis justo auctor varius. Quisque varius scelerisque nunc eget rhoncus.  Aenean tristique enim ut ante dignissim. </p>
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Mauris vitae libero lacus, vel hendrerit nisi!  Maecenas quis velit nisl, volutpat viverra felis. Vestibulum luctus mauris sed sem dapibus luctus.  Pellentesque aliquet aliquet ligula, et sagittis justo auctor varius. Quisque varius scelerisque nunc eget rhoncus.  Aenean tristique enim ut ante dignissim. </p>
    <section class="bottom">
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <p>Quisque varius scelerisque nunc eget rhoncus.  Aenean tristique enim ut ante dignissim. </p>
    <button>BUTTON TEXT</button>
    Nancy O.

  • Dynamic Text Help

    I'm having a small problem in my dynamic text box. For some
    reason numbers are not being displayed correctly. I am working with
    the Render Text as HTML box checked and am trying to get this
    result :
    01/15/09: No Meeting
    01/15/09: Camping Trip
    simple enough, however this is what i am ending up with:
    1/1/: No Meeting
    1/1/: Camping Trip
    Here is the code i am using which returns the above result:
    main_info.htmlText ="<p>01/15/09: No
    Meeting</p>01/15/09: Camping Trip";
    For whatever reason its not liking my numbers, is there
    something that i am supposed to put in front of a set of numbers so
    it displays it without thinking it is html code ?
    Thanks for any help you can offer.

    I use this piece of code:
    //Load Text
    Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
    articleData = new LoadVars();
    articleData.onLoad = function() {
    box.htmlText = this.job1;
    title.htmlText = this.title;
    And its works fine on my computer(local), but when i upload
    the files the text
    dont appear.
    I have tried to do another swf to test and the problem still
    and i try to use
    http://....same problem

  • When I click Buy Book this appears our book appears to have default text that has not been edited. Printed books will not include this text. Do you want to continue? will the text I have sellected still be ok or will the book have missing text help Pleas?

    I just spent 3 days creating a book [32 pages], with photos and text but when I click Buy Book In iPhoto this appears>
    Our book appears to have default text that has not been edited. Printed books will not include this text. Do you want to continue?
    My question is will the text I have sellected to use still be ok, am I safe to continue and buy or will the book have missing text ?
    The book is for special birtday in 2 weeks time  Please Help.G
    <Email Edited by Host>

    Yes, you're safe to continue.  That means that there are text boxes that you did not put any text into and they contain the holding text which will not be printed.  That text is shown in a light grayt and is in Latin.  Normally you can just put a space in the text box to replace the holding text so as not to get that warning message.
    Before ordering the book proof the book according to this Apple document: iPhoto, Aperture: Previewing an order in iPhoto or Aperture. Check the pdf file for any missing text or photos and any warning indicators in the text boxes indicating that some of the text has exceeded the space allotted in the text box.
    Keep the pdf file to compare with the printed copy when you reciive it.

  • Oracle Text  - Help needed

    I am using Oracle Text 9.2 on Oracle databas version 9.2. I want to search for two words, which should be next to each other. For ex.
    select col1, col2
    from tab1
    where contains (col2, 'personal computer') > 0;
    I don't want those rows, which have personal in one place and computer in another place. But above query giving all these rows. Please let me know.
    Thanks a lot for the help.

    I want to search for two words, which should be next to each otherhere we go:
    SQL> create table t as select 'my personal computer' col1 from dual union all
                      select 'personal' col1 from dual union all
                      select 'computer' col1 from dual union all
                      select 'personal pc computer' col1 from dual
    Table created.
    SQL> create index t_idx on t (col1) indextype is ctxsys.context
    Index created.
    SQL> select * from t where contains(col1, '{personal computer}') > 0
    my personal computer
    1 row selected.

Maybe you are looking for