Index.html Showing in Address Bar

Hi everyone,
This is the first time that this happens to me, either I forgot how to fix it or it is a new Markup that is doing it.
In my website, each main page is called index.html and located inside its own folder ... For example:
Folder: about
Folder: products
Now everything uploads and works perfect, except that once I click back to home page, the URL shows:  and if I click on About us it shows:
Normally it should just have
Is there anything that I'm supposed to do to fix this?
I was probably thinking maybe my links should be linking to the folder only (../about/) instead of linking to the page itself.
As we speak, my site just finished uploading with this method mentioned and it works perfectly.
But Now the question is.... is that the right thing to do?
Thank you.

Ok, here we go, now my sites are live and everything works perfect.
Just so I'm clear here: I have the about us page called index inside a
folder called about.
So instead of linking to the index.html, my link was "as Mark said"
../about/   so my URL becomes something like:
As for Subdomains, Murray is right, you never never never ever  break your
pages that way. You won't have any SEO working accordingly. Subdomains are
used for something that is totaly away from the concept of you main domain.
So if you have a website where you sell DVDs called
and then you want to create a website that sells poster of your dvds but you
don't want people to get confused at the same time you want them to know
that it is one company - one concept but 2 different products - then you use
subdomains.  With this case SEO reads 2 different area the posters and the
dvds each one in its own.
So imagine if you have subdomains of and you will definitely loose ranking and everything
that helps on SEO.
Thank you guys for all the input.
Summary and Conclusion:
Your website URL is
if you want your other main pages' URLs showing in a clean manner in the
address bar, just create a folder in you Root folder and call it whatever
you want (for example: products or about or contact)
Then inside of this folder, create a new html page and call it index.html
Now in the other pages, if you want to link to that new page, the link will
be ../about/ (DON'T LINK DIRECTLY TO THE index.html)
so in the address bar, you will see
If you link directly to the index.html the URL will show
And you really don't want your savvy visitors to see that do you?
Now in you other pages, you definitely have a link to the home page, of
course your home page is seating in the Root folder and it's called
index.html.  YES, when you click the URL will show:
Try 2 methods, if you site is still in your local drive, replace the link
"that is linking to the home page index.html" as       ../          yes 2
dots and a forward slash (this works for me on CS4.
or just type in your site's URL (in this example

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    Sounds like your are in Full Screen Mode. Tap the F11 key to turn Full Screen Mode on or off. See
    The Firefox button has replaced the Menu Bar (''File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools, Help''). You can display the Menu Bar in place of the Firefox button '''''OR''''' you can '''''temporarily''''' display the Menu Bar and make selections from it while the Firefox button is on:
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    *Menu Bar un-checked: Menu Bar off; Firefox button on
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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    It sounds as though you may have exceeded some of the limits of Address Book in iCloud.
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    Card photos: 100 MB
    Supported file types for a contact photo: JPEG, JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF

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         Re: I have lost my Safari url bar ,tried view/customise toolbar but when box opens there is no address bar to drag back can anyone      help please 
         Aug 15, 2012 10:09 PM (in response to jame5allen)
         Go to: Safari>View Menu>Select 'Show Toolbar'.

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    The HTML code 404 means page not found. Do you really have a index.html file under address / ?

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    You're fine; don't worry about how you sound!
    I did not get two different pages when I went for your address vs. your address. Were you looking at the pages locally (preview in a browser) or looking at them on your website?
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    <script type="text/javascript">
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});
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    Try some basic troubleshooting.
    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode|Firefox Safe Mode]] is a troubleshooting mode that turns off some settings, disables most add-ons (extensions and themes).
    If Firefox is open, you can restart in Firefox Safe Mode from the Help menu:
    *In Firefox 29.0 and above, click the menu button [[Image:New Fx Menu]], click Help [[Image:Help-29]] and select ''Restart with Add-ons Disabled''.
    *In previous Firefox versions, click on the Firefox button at the top left of the Firefox window and click on ''Help'' (or click on ''Help'' in the Menu bar, if you don't have a Firefox button) then click on ''Restart with Add-ons Disabled''.
    If Firefox is not running, you can start Firefox in Safe Mode as follows:
    * On Windows: Hold the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * On Mac: Hold the '''option''' key while starting Firefox.
    * On Linux: Quit Firefox, go to your Terminal and run ''firefox -safe-mode'' <br>(you may need to specify the Firefox installation path e.g. /usr/lib/firefox)
    When the Firefox Safe Mode window appears, select "Start in Safe Mode".<br>
    [[Image:Safe Mode Fx 15 - Win]]
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]] article to find the cause.
    ''To exit Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help others with the same problem.

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    Take a look at the following:
    [Using iView Parameters to Open Applications in Separate Window|]

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    If you are trying to change the favicon for your site,
    You can do it from Site Manager-> Page template -> Default Template
    Look for the code   <link type="image/x-icon" href="/Path for your image" rel="icon" />, and Click save.
    Now where you will use this template, it will display your favicon for that webpage instead of BC favicon. You can define it on Page directly if you are not going to use template.
    Please let me know if you have any doubt.

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