"indexing NO NAME"

I inserted a USB flashdrive into my MacBook Pro and whenever i go to spotlight search it says "Indexing NO NAME" and i looks like its trying to estimate indexing time.
what should i do?

Wait for it to finish?
When it is done give the drive a name.

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    ls -l /var/run/lighttpd/
    And how are you spawning the php instances? I don't see that in the daemons array anywhere.
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    [1]: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?tit … oldid=8051 "change"

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    From the menu bar, select
     ▹ System Preferences ▹ Spotlight ▹ Privacy
    The list of items excluded from Spotlight indexing is shown (it may be empty.) Click the plus (“+”) icon to add an item to the list. Select your volume (under DEVICES) and add it to the list. Then remove it from the list by selecting it and clicking the minus (“-“) icon.
    Spotlight will rebuild the index. If you try to do a Spotlight search now from the magnifying-glass icon in the top right corner of the display, a pulsing dot will appear in the icon. When the dot disappears, the indexing is complete.

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    also, then what is the impact when we have both name and upper(name) indexed. Thanks,

    William -
    I always thought the use of the index, in this case, was more likely not to be used when transforming the column with an UPPER (or similar function).
    The example the OP gave was a typical example cited to the benefits of using a function based index.
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    OK, duh, I figured out a work-around. Create a folder for the new site, and plop the html inside. Again, duh. :-)

  • Index Proper names

    Hi, I´m reading how to create index.
    Let´s look at that explanation (InDesign help extracted):
    "Using an indexing shortcut, you can quickly index individual words, a phrase, or a list of words or phrases. Adobe InDesign recognizes two indexing shortcuts: one for standard index entries; the other for proper names. The proper name shortcut creates index entries by reversing the order of a name so it is alphabetized by the last name. In this way, you can list a name with the first name first, but have it appear in the index sorted by last name. For example, the name James Paul Carter would appear in the index as Carter, James Paul."
    "For proper names that you want indexed by the last name, press Shift+Alt+Ctrl+] (Windows) or Shift+Option+Command+] (Mac OS)"
    I did not get sucess. Do I need to put the cursor before the name? Should spacing between names be special White Space? How would InDesign understand which name is the last and the which is the first?
    Thank´s for any answer

    Is there a way to convert an index entry already made from regular to proper name? I haven't needed to do this, but I can't find anything in the documentation about it, and it might come up in class some day. :(

  • Maximum length allowed for column name, index name and table name?

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    Hi Raja,
    simply check the catalog:
    sqlcli bwt=> \dc domain.columns
    | Column Name      | Type         | Length | Nullable | KEYPOS |
    | ---------------- | ------------ | ------ | -------- | ------ |
    | SCHEMANAME       | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    | OWNER            | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    | TABLENAME        | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    | COLUMNNAME       | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    sqlcli bwt=> \dc domain.indexes
    | Column Name        | Type         | Length | Nullable | KEYPOS |
    | ------------------ | ------------ | ------ | -------- | ------ |
    | SCHEMANAME         | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    | OWNER              | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    | TABLENAME          | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |
    | INDEXNAME          | CHAR UNICODE | 32     | YES      |        |

  • Site name won't index on google

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    http://web.mac.com/maplesbydesign/iWeb/Maples%20By%20Design-%20Japanese%20Maple% 20Nursery%20and%20Arboretum/Welcome.html
    Not really sure.
    So I guess, how do I index the name of the site, not just the pages?
    Thank You.
    G4 Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    watch this:
    Message was edited by: MacPro.ButNOWebPro

  • Regarding Renaming INDEX Partitions

    Hi All,
    I have the following syntax for renaming table partitions/subpartitions :
    I want to do the same thing for renaming the index partitions/subpartitions :
    But I get the following error:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-14006: invalid partition name
    Is it possible to rename the partition in this way? Or can I set any parameter that will ensure that when the base table partition name changes, it will also change the index partition name?
    Thanks & Regards,

    yes its possible:
    SQL>ALTER INDEX index_name RENAME PARTITION index_partiton_name TO new_index_partition;
    You are getting error because :
    a partition name is expected but not present as you typed,
    enter an appropriate partition name, will solve the problem.
    Edited by: adnanKaysar on Mar 18, 2010 12:32 PM

  • Single column index vs composite index?

    I am just wondering that what are the differences between the following?
    create table test(
    person_id number
    name varchar2(50),
    surname varchar2(50)
    create index my_indx on test(name);
    create index my_indx2 on test(surname);
    create index my_indx3 on test(name, surname);
    create index my_indx4 on test(surname, name);
    What are the differences among these three indexes?
    When I create name and surname columns in same index (composite index) in order to index scan should I use both of them in the where clause?  
    My last question is, Is the order important for composite indexes?
    Thanks in advance.

    What are the differences among these three indexes?
    You should be able to answer that yourself by just trying some examples or by answering these questions:
    1. Will an index on NAME help you if you want to search on SURNAME?
    2. Will an index on SURNAME help you if you want to search on NAME?
    When I create name and surname columns in same index (composite index) in order to index scan should I use both of them in the where clause?  
    You have it backwards. You create indexes based on the predicates in the WHERE clause of your queries. How can you  use 'both of them' in the where clause if the query you want to execute doesn't have both of them available.
    My last question is, Is the order important for composite indexes?
    Not if you specify both columns. What is the difference between 'AB' and 'BA'? Or between 'ABCDE' and 'EDCBA'? If you only have one value available (e.g. SURNAME) then refer to my question #1 abov: will an index on NAME help you?
    See 'Choosing Composite Indexes' in the Performance Tuning Guide

  • Function-based index with OR in the wher-clause

    We have some problems with functin-based indexes and
    the or-condition in a where-clause.
    --We use Oracle 8i (8.1.7)
    create table TPERSON(ID number(10),NAME varchar2(20),...);
    The following two statements run very fast on a large table
    and the execution-plan asure the usage of the indexes
    (-while the session is appropriate configured and the table is analyzed):
    1)     select count(ID) FROM TPERSON where upper(NAME) like 'MIL%';
    2)     select count(ID) from TPERSON where NAME like 'Mil%' or (3=5);
    In particular we see that a normal index is used while the where-clause contains
    But if we try the similarly select-statement
    3)     select count(ID) FROM TPERSON where upper(NAME) like 'MIL%' or (3=5);
    the CBO will not use the function-index I_FUNCTION_TPERSON_NAME and we have a full table scan in the execution-plan.
    (This behavior we only expect with views but not with indexes.)
    We ask for an advice like a hint, which enable the CBO-usage
    of function-based indexes in connection with OR.
    This problem seems to be artificial because it contains this dummy logic:
         or (3=5).
    This steams from an prepared statement, where this kind of boolean
    flag reduce the amount of different select-statements needed for
    covering the hole business-logic, while using bind-variables for the
    concrete query-parameters.
    A more realistic (still boild down) version of our select-statement is:
    select * FROM TPERSON
    where (upper(NAME) like 'MIL%' or (NAME is null))
    and (upper(FIRSTNAME) like 'MICH% or (FIRSTNAME is null))
    and ...;
    thank you for time..
    email: [email protected]

    In the realistic statement you write :
    select * FROM TPERSON
    where (upper(NAME) like 'MIL%' or (NAME is null))
    and (upper(FIRSTNAME) like 'MICH% or (FIRSTNAME is null))
    and ...;
    as far as i know, NULL values are not indexed, "or (NAME is NULL)" have to generate a full table scan.
    We have some problems with functin-based indexes and
    the or-condition in a where-clause.
    --We use Oracle 8i (8.1.7)
    create table TPERSON(ID number(10),NAME varchar2(20),...);
    The following two statements run very fast on a large table
    and the execution-plan asure the usage of the indexes
    (-while the session is appropriate configured and the table is analyzed):
    1)     select count(ID) FROM TPERSON where upper(NAME) like 'MIL%';
    2)     select count(ID) from TPERSON where NAME like 'Mil%' or (3=5);
    In particular we see that a normal index is used while the where-clause contains
    But if we try the similarly select-statement
    3)     select count(ID) FROM TPERSON where upper(NAME) like 'MIL%' or (3=5);
    the CBO will not use the function-index I_FUNCTION_TPERSON_NAME and we have a full table scan in the execution-plan.
    (This behavior we only expect with views but not with indexes.)
    We ask for an advice like a hint, which enable the CBO-usage
    of function-based indexes in connection with OR.
    This problem seems to be artificial because it contains this dummy logic:
         or (3=5).
    This steams from an prepared statement, where this kind of boolean
    flag reduce the amount of different select-statements needed for
    covering the hole business-logic, while using bind-variables for the
    concrete query-parameters.
    A more realistic (still boild down) version of our select-statement is:
    select * FROM TPERSON
    where (upper(NAME) like 'MIL%' or (NAME is null))
    and (upper(FIRSTNAME) like 'MICH% or (FIRSTNAME is null))
    and ...;
    thank you for time..
    email: [email protected]

  • Script to find duplicate index and how can we tell if an index is REALLY a duplicate?

    Does any one have script to find duplicate index? and how can we tell if an index is REALLY a duplicate?

    One more written by Itzik Ben-Gan
    The first query finds exact matches. The indexes must have 
    the same key columns in the same order, and the same included columns but in any order. 
    These indexes are sure targets for elimination. The only caution would be to check for index hints. 
    -- exact duplicates
    with indexcols as
    select object_id as id, index_id as indid, name,
    (select case keyno when 0 then NULL else colid end as [data()]
    from sys.sysindexkeys as k
    where k.id = i.object_id
    and k.indid = i.index_id
    order by keyno, colid
    for xml path('')) as cols,
    (select case keyno when 0 then colid else NULL end as [data()]
    from sys.sysindexkeys as k
    where k.id = i.object_id
    and k.indid = i.index_id
    order by colid
    for xml path('')) as inc
    from sys.indexes as i
    object_schema_name(c1.id) + '.' + object_name(c1.id) as 'table',
    c1.name as 'index',
    c2.name as 'exactduplicate'
    from indexcols as c1
    join indexcols as c2
    on c1.id = c2.id
    and c1.indid < c2.indid
    and c1.cols = c2.cols
    and c1.inc = c2.inc;
    The second variation of this query finds partial, or duplicate, indexes 
    that share leading key columns, e.g. Ix1(col1, col2, col3) and Ix2(col1, col2) 
    would be considered duplicate indexes. This query only examines key columns and does not consider included columns. 
    These types of indexes are probable dead indexes walking. 
    -- Overlapping indxes
    with indexcols as
    select object_id as id, index_id as indid, name,
    (select case keyno when 0 then NULL else colid end as [data()]
    from sys.sysindexkeys as k
    where k.id = i.object_id
    and k.indid = i.index_id
    order by keyno, colid
    for xml path('')) as cols
    from sys.indexes as i
    object_schema_name(c1.id) + '.' + object_name(c1.id) as 'table',
    c1.name as 'index',
    c2.name as 'partialduplicate'
    from indexcols as c1
    join indexcols as c2
    on c1.id = c2.id
    and c1.indid < c2.indid
    and (c1.cols like c2.cols + '%' 
    or c2.cols like c1.cols + '%') ;
    Be careful when dropping a partial duplicate index if the two indexes differ greatly in width. 
    For example, if Ix1 is a very wide index with 12 columns, and Ix2 is a narrow two-column index 
    that shares the first two columns, you may want to leave Ix2 as a faster, tighter, narrower index.
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • Is there a way to do multiple indexes and ToCs?

    I have InDesign, CS2.  I am wondering, is it possible to do multiple indexes? For example, an index of names, a separate index for places. Similarly, is it possible to make multiple Tables of Contents? What I really want is a Table of Contents, a list of illustrations, a list of charts, and a list of maps.  What is the best way to go about this?  I realize I can make a table of contents, copy the text and use it, then change the toc settings to make a new one. So my main concern is the indexes, but I am curious if there is a better way for the tocs.

    The way you can do multiple indexes is by using the Symbol area of the 
    index topics and creating a separate index under different symbols. 
    You can set the alphabetic order manually. When you build the index, 
    you'll end up with separate sequences for each symbol and you then 
    just lay out each section where you need it.
    Not intuitive, but it works...

  • Best way of Using Index on a Table.

    I am trying to understand the phenomena of using INDEX on a Table
    need some guidance!!!
    Let us take this scenario
    I have a table "MYRECORD" which has 4 attributes(or coulombs)
    1. "STATE" (varchar) // this can have 49 different values like newyork, dehli etc
    2. "YEAR" //a year like 2007
    3. "MONTH" //a month like JAN,FEB etc
    4. "CAT" (int) // type(category) of data represented by values 0 to 40
    now i will create index
    1. INX_myrecord (STATE,YEAR,MONTH) on table MYRECORD
    so now my question is
    1. what is the effect on performance of DB it makes?
    2. when I use a query
    how will it get processed if index is created and not created.
    3. how can I refer a index by name in a query if so possible?
    Message was edited by:

    You have edited your post. Now you have a primary key consisting of state, year, month and cat which makes an index on state, year and month useless as the already existing primary key can provide for retrieval of rows by index. If you don't have other columns - or just few other not being large varchar2 columns - you should have created the table as an IOT (Index Organized Table - avoiding to have separate table and index containing - nearly - the same data) in the first place.
    As a primary key by definition can contain only unique non null values, a query like SELECT * FROM MYRECORD WHERE STATE='dehli' AND YEAR=2007 AND MONTH='JAN' cannot give you more than the number of distinct cat values (0 .. 40) + 1 (if cat can be null - presumed one/some of the corresponding state, year and month is not null)
    The information processing depends principally of the query, the mere presence of an index does not make sure it will be used. If an index is used it means the index will be searched first then the table rows will be accessed by rowids contained in the index (usually a single row or a range of rows - a rather small number of them - is retrieved this way, your select for example). Submitting something like SELECT * FROM MYRECORD WHERE YEAR=2007 AND cat=33 would most likely produce a full table scan of myrecord table ignoring the primary key.

  • Index of the row where the cursor is clicked

    Hi all,
       I need to set some values in table control for the fields where i clicked the cursor.  Actually i am using the below code but its not working... 
         lo_el_zdcapsc = wdevent->get_context_element( 'CONTEXT_ELEMENT'  ).
        lv_sel_index = lo_el_zdcapsc->get_index( ).
             index = lv_sel_index
             name =  `ZPLANTID`
             value = lv_plant ).
    For example I placed the cursor in 3 row at the plant column in my table control. So only 3 row plant value has to be set.
    Can anybody tell me how to read the index when a cursor is placed at a particular row.

    u can use get_index method to get the index of the particular row selected
    data: lr_element type ref to if_wd_context_element.
    DATA ls_cn_node TYPE wd_this->element_cn_node.
    lr_element = wdevent->get_context_element( 'CONTEXT_ELEMENT' ).
    * get all declared attributes
          static_attributes = ls_cn_node ).
    data lv type I.
    lv = lr_element->GET_INDEX( ).
    u have got the table row values in a strucure , now u can set it to new value

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