Infinity blade II won't work

After loading iso 6.0 infinity blade 2 won't work.

Mine does. New update to ib2 is ios6. I would delete the game and reinstall it. If you have icloud on you will not loose game progress. Ib2 data files are stored on icloud. You can double check that by going into icloud on iPad settings, storage and backup, manage storage. You will see ib2 saved game files.

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    Hello Michele,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities. IF you are experiencing issues with apps that we downloaded from the App Store, the following article will assist with troubleshooting issues with any apps.
    iOS: Troubleshooting applications purchased from the App Store
    -Norm G.

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    Contact the developer
    Restore to factory settings/new iPod
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Firstly your negotiating skills with BT are far better than mine....
    "....Total account and was persuaded to take Infinity on the grounds that it's a superior service for the same price"
    I was on BT Total BB and had to pay an extra £2 pm for Infinity and then an extra £4.75pm uplift of the calls package to give me the same anytime calls I had previously.... And had to re-start another 18month contract!!! Ohhh well.
    Right onto the problem... Webby's suggestion of making sure your on a clear or least used wireless channel is good advice.
    Here is the link to the free software
    Have a look at a demo,-
    To be honest I would move your HH3 from the Automatic setting to a fixed wireless channel as they seem to work better like that.
    If your Operating System won't work with Inssider I would then just try a different channel starting at 1 and work up... seeing how things go.
    Regarding setting your HH3 to wireless g, that is a very backward step as the most you'll get over that would be around 20Mbps depending on your distance from hub etc.
    Couple of pics comparing my speed test over wireless g and n in THIS POST.
    Another thing I would try is a wireless n USB adapter... just in case your m/c is only g 
    Links of how to identify what yours is and pictures of the difference in the "Network Sharing Centre".. 54Mbps being g and anything above is wireless n....
    Wireless n gives the best speed assuming your Infinity download IP is more than 20Mbps. Also wireless n signal is more robust penetrating walls etc.
    There are links to the type of wireless n adapters I use... Picture of one HERE, (Don't need the extender cable shown in that picture).
    wwwebber's post was very useful.-
    "I use Ubuntu on my laptop with BT Infinity & HH3 with no problems at all. BT is not at fault here - they do not support Ubuntu."
    Confirming Infinity and Unbunto do work... 
    You say ".....but my netbook won't allow me to apply the changed settings, or to change the router settings .... but that only worked temporarily for me......"
    As changing settings worked temporarily you must have been able to log into your HH3. 
    If you really can't log in can you borrow a friends netbook running windows to get logged in perhaps? 
    Log in,- http://bthomehub.home/html/home/home.html go to Advanced settings, wireless. and change Channel settings from Automatic to a channel number then click on Apply.
    I would place your laptop near to the HH3 and move the HH3 wireless channel to a clear channel or start at channel 1.
    Try to get a good wireless n speed..... example of mine 37Mbps  over
    Then when you have a reasonable speed move your laptop away... you will notice a drop over distance that's normal.
    I am 20' away from my HH3 and get 37Mbps through a plasterboard wall.
    Regarding other routers people have used
    And see Ady's msg #21 and #25 in THIS THREAD.
    "'ll try the netbook in different locations over the w/e and hope from a solution from Ubuntu before remonstrating further with BT".
    Please let us know how you get on.
    Please Click On any Text in Blue as that automatically links to information.
    PC (NDEGR)

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    Hello Adam,
    That's because your iPod is actually a 2G 8GB iPod Touch.  Some resellers mistakengly referred to some 8 GB iPod Touches as 3G models, but they actually have the same hardware as all the other 2G models (minus the storage space).
    There was never a 3G 8 GB iPod Touch.

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    bnjr86 wrote:  There have been times when I've walked in there, that I really don't want to deal with VZW anymore and just take my business elsewhere.
    I  wonder if another provider would really be much different?  Read some of the other carrier forums - seems to be the same story everywhere.
    I'm not disagreeing with you - I've found that I am usually more informed about Verizon policies and procedures than some of the reps in our local store.

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    Dan Perkins

    That's a shame... I often run into the issue when I'm at work and (being impatient) I really want to update and app now. Unfortunately, I've got the 16gb and it's almost ALL apps taking up the space, as opposed to videos. So I can't delete apps and reinstall because I'll lose their data. And I have very little music. I do have a fair bit of family pics but I'd have to go through and delete a bunch 1 by 1.
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    worked fine for me. Did you get any errors at all when it tried installing? One thing to do is restore the iPhone in case anything has become corrupt, make sure you backup via iCloud and iTunes first though.

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    ASk the app developer or look at their support site or reviews.

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    Best regard
    Karn S.

    ASk the app developer or look at their support site or reviews.

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    Try looking through this thread and make sure that you have not accidently locked your iPad in mute.

  • Infinity Blade crashes on launchscreen

    I bought Infinity Blade approximately a month ago, and I cannot make it work on my iPad 1.
    Each time I launch it, it crashes when the third launchscreen appears, the one with "Infinity Blade" and light effects.
    It worked two-three times fluently the first days I bought it, but nothing more. Now it crashes everytime.
    That's kind of annoying.
    Especially because I installed it on friend's devices (iPad and iPhones) and it works great. Frustrating.
    I didn't find any answer on the web. I hope to find one here, and if possible, not a "restore" advice.

    Nope but, I found out a beginning of answer on the support page of the game :
    Q: After I updated Infinity Blade, the game now shuts down when I try to load it. What can I do to fix this?
    A: It’s recommended that you shut down Infinity Blade in the background before downloading and installing any update – double click the home button, then press and hold on the IB icon until the “-“ sign appears, then press again to shut down IB. If your recently-updated game is not loading, try these recommended steps, in order, until your game starts functioning again. WARNING: Deleting the App and re-installing is last resort, and will delete your game’s save file unless you first back up your iDevice phone on your computer through iTunes.
    Double click the home button, then press and hold on the Infinity Blade icon until the “-“ sign appears, then press again to shut down Infinity Blade – then re-start Infinity Blade.
    Shut down all other Apps running in the background, including Infinity Blade, then re-start Infinity Blade.
    Shut down and re-start your iDevice, then re-start Infinity Blade.
    Press and hold the Infinity Blade icon on the main menu, until the “X” sign appears, then press it again to delete Infinity Blade, confirm, then re-install Infinity Blade from the App Store or from iTunes on your computer - WARNING: this will delete your game’s save file unless you first back up your iDevice.
    I can say that this quite worked for me some time. I deleted the game, downloaded it again, rebooted the iPad. And the game started once or twice. I was even able to play one multiplayer fight. And then the day after, it was crashing again. I retried every step. Without any result.
    Hope you'll be luckier than me !

  • I buy in-app purchase infinity blade on December 25,2012 ,But money was already deducted. But nothing happened.

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    Does the app have an IAP download option in that allows you to download them and/or does the developer's website have any info on it about what to do ? If not then try the 'report a problem' page to contact iTunes Support :
    If the 'report a problem' link doesn't work then you can try contacting iTunes support via this page : click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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