Initial picture taken during set up attaching to my outgoing email

Hi... I just bought a MacBook Pro (Mac OS X)( i'm not sure of the version as I'm not home right now... i just bought it 5 days ago so I assume the latest?) and during the initial set up I allowed it to take a picture (as part of the step by step set up process) and now that picture, along with all my personal information (home phone, home address), is attaching itself to my outgoing yahoo emails.   I found the Address Book in Preferences/Accounts and I saw that initial picture and my personal info that it was attaching and I changed the picture AND i deleted all the personal info.  However, the initial pic and my personal info was STILL attaching to my outgoing emails so I completely shut down yahoo email and i rebooted my computer... twice...  but the initial pic and my info is still attaching itself.   How do i make this stop?
Also, on my old Mac my 'home' directory was called my first and last name but on this new Mac my 'home' directory is named after my email address.   For example... if my name is Jane Smith and my email is [email protected], on my old Mac the 'home' directory name is 'Jane Smith' but on this new Mac the 'home' directory is called 'JS12345.   Can i change that?  
Thank you so much for your help,

When you deleted the Address Card that was the (Head and Shoulders icon) My Card did you create another card with your details and a new Pic and set that as the My Card  ?
(My Card is set from the Card Menu > Make this My Card)
In System Preferences > Accounts what is the name of your account there ?
In System Preferences > there is s new Pane to the left of MobileMe where you can add emails, Screen Names and other internet related names  (I forget the name of the Pane and don't have access to my son's Lion computer)
I have Mail version 3.6 on my Leopard computer and cannot see that it has anywhere to change the Pic.
(I also tested sending myself an email and cannot see the attached pic anyway)
I have also checked my Address Book (version 4.1.2) and cannot see that it has anything to say what Pic it chooses to send to the Mail App.
I tried changing the Pic and it seems the Adress Book remembers the last folder you got a Pic from to choose as the pic (Rather than it being the Recents Pics folder as I said in the iChat thread)
I do think it is something to do with the way the Mac USer Account has become "named" with the email address.
However this is a little out of my league but the questions I have asked may help others to help you
(Plus my response will put it near the top again.)
8:06 PM      Friday; August 5, 2011
Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
 G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
 MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
 Mac OS X (10.6.8),
"Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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