Inner Joi Issue

Hi Gurus,
iam using an inner joiN ON vbak,vabp,vbkd.
the selection screen is
select-options: s_erdat for vbak-erdat, "SO CREATION DATE
s_vbeln for g_vbeln, " SALES ORDER
s_bstkd for vbkd-bstkd_e. " CLIENT PURCHASE ORDER NO
THE sample records:
SO soline PO poline
86333 1 - -
87000 1 49000 1
my inner join:
select vbakvbeln vbapposnr vbaproute vbkdbstkd_e vbkd~posex_e
into table t_vbap
from vbak
inner join vbap
on vbakvbeln = vbapvbeln
inner join vbkd
on vbapvbeln = vbkdvbeln
and vbapposnr = vbkdposnr
where vbak~erdat in s_erdat
and vbap~vbeln in s_vbeln
and vbkd~bstkd_e in s_bstkd.
selection screen:
DATE: - TO -
SO : 86333 TO -
PO : - TO -
INPUT IS ONLY sales order no.
and in V BKD NO po - blank .
In VBKD table if the PO is blank am not getting any record.
mean the first one should be retrived but not happening.
at least it should show me like this below.
86333 1 - -
pls clera me asap.

Hello Sridhar,
I have checked ur program :
REPORT zxyz.
tables : vbak,
       vbeln LIKE vbak-vbeln,
       posnr LIKE vbap-posnr,
       route LIKE vbap-route,
       bstkd_e LIKE vbkd-bstkd_e,
       posex-e LIKE vbkd-posex_e,
       END OF i_data.
                s_vbeln FOR vbak-vbeln, " SALES ORDER
s_bstkd FOR vbkd-bstkd_e. " CLIENT PURCHASE ORDER NO
  SELECT avbeln bposnr broute cbstkd_e c~posex_e
  INTO TABLE i_data
  FROM vbak as a
  INNER JOIN  vbap AS b
  ON avbeln = bvbeln
  INNER JOIN vbkd as c
  ON avbeln = cvbeln
  AND bposnr = cposnr
  WHERE a~erdat IN s_erdat
  AND a~vbeln IN s_vbeln
  AND c~bstkd_e IN s_bstkd.
  loop at i_data.
  write:/ i_data-vbeln,i_data-posnr,i_data-bstkd_e.
I think problem might be vbkd-posnr,you are comparing with vbap-posnr = vbkd-posnr,so data is not available.
first check the data in vbak,vbap,vbkd,if the record is available then what i written the code should work.

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  • Inner Subquery Issue....

    Hi All,
    I have a query as under:
    Select calendar_date, man_days_demand
    from (
            select calendar_date,
            ( --Man_days_demand calculation
              select count(fsr)
           from t1,t2,t3,(select region_id from t4
                             select region_id from t3  ) TAB1
              where tab1.region_id = '&region_id'
            ) Man_days_demand
    from calendar_fiscal_viewI am facing the problem with TAB1 inner subquery. the region that i am getting from TAB1 is compared to input of region_id but it is not working. It may be because inner subquery is executed first and hence any region i am inputting is not getting compared to region_id extracted from TAB1..
    can anybody suggest alternate query or resolution to thsi issue as i need to compare the region coming from TAB1 to my input region.

    I am posting my actual query:
    SELECT calendar_date timeperiod,
           man_days_demand demand
        FROM (
               SELECT  cal.calendar_date calendar_date,
                       (-- in line column qry to count the service reqs falling on that specific day
                       -- DEMAND
                         SELECT decode(nvl(sum(count(ssrj.field_service_rep)),0),0,0,1)
                         FROM   sop_service_request_job ssrj, sop_service_request ssr,
                                sop_service_user ssu, sop_user_map smp1 /*(\*select distinct region_id, ssu.sso_id sso_id
                                                      from sop_user_map smp,sop_service_user ssu
                                                      where smp.sso_id = ssu.sso_id and role_id = 1 *\
                                                      select region_id, sso_id
                                                        from sop_user_map smp
                                                       where role_id = 1
                                                         and upper(nvl(smp.region_id, 'test')) like
                                                             upper(nvl('%&region_id%', 'test'))
                                                      select region_id, to_number(field_service_rep)
                                                        from sop_service_request_job ssrj, sop_service_request ssr
                                                       where ssr.service_request_id = ssrj.service_request_id
                                                         and field_service_rep is not null
                                                         and region_id is not null
                                                         and region_id != '~'
                                                         and upper(nvl(ssr.region_id, 'test')) like
                                                             upper(nvl('%&region_id%', 'test'))
                                                         \*and ssrj.job_status = 'ASSIGNED'*\
                                                         and ssr.workflow_status in ('SUBMITTED','APPROVED','PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT','ASSIGNED','PENDING REVIEW','CLOSED')
                                                      ) tab1*/
                           WHERE  (((cal.calendar_date between ssrj.scheduled_start_date AND
                           (cal.calendar_date < ssrj.scheduled_start_date and
                           cal.calendar_date > get_end_date(ssrj.scheduled_start_date,
                            and ssrj.service_request_id = ssr.service_request_id
                            and smp1.sso_id = ssu.sso_id
                            and smp1.sso_id = ssrj.field_service_rep
                            and ssrj.field_service_rep is not null
                            /*and ssrj.job_status = 'ASSIGNED'*/
                            and ssr.workflow_status in ('SUBMITTED','APPROVED','PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT','ASSIGNED','PENDING REVIEW','CLOSED')
                                       and ssu.sso_id = ssrj.field_service_rep
                                       and nvl(ssu.sso_id,0) like nvl('%&ssoid%',0)
                                       --and ssu.sso_id = tab1.sso_id
                             and smp1.region_id in (
                                                      select region_id
                                                      from sop_user_map smp
                                                      where role_id = 1
                                                      and upper(nvl(smp.region_id, 'test')) like
                                                           upper(nvl('%&region_id%', 'test'))
                                                      select region_id
                                                      from sop_service_request_job ssrj, sop_service_request ssr
                                                      where ssr.service_request_id = ssrj.service_request_id
                                                      and field_service_rep is not null
                                                      and region_id is not null
                                                      and region_id != '~'
                                                      and upper(nvl(ssr.region_id, 'test')) like
                                                           upper(nvl('%&region_id%', 'test'))
                                                       --and ssrj.job_status = 'ASSIGNED'
                                                      and ssr.workflow_status in ('SUBMITTED','APPROVED','PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT','ASSIGNED','PENDING REVIEW','CLOSED')
                                                   and upper(nvl(ssu.qualification,'test')) like upper(nvl('%&qualification%','test'))
                                                   and upper(nvl(ssr.platform_type,'test')) like upper(nvl('%&platform_name%','test'))
                                                   and upper(nvl(,'test')) like upper(nvl('%&country%','test'))
                                                   --and upper(nvl(tab1.region_id,'test')) like upper(nvl('%&region_id%','test'))                                              
                                                --   and upper(nvl(tab1.region_id,'test')) like upper(nvl('%&region_id%','test'))                                              
                                                   and upper(nvl(ssrj.weekend,'test')) like upper(nvl('%&weekend%','test'))
                                                   and upper(nvl(ssu.state,'test')) like upper(nvl('%&state%','test'))
                  GROUP BY calendar_date   
                 )  Man_Days_demand
    from sop_fiscal_calendar_v cal
           calendar_date BETWEEN trunc(to_date('&date_range_start_date','mm/dd/yyyy'))
                              AND trunc(to_date('&date_range_end_date','mm/dd/yyyy'))
                 )This is also not working.. I need to filter by region...

  • ActionListener and Inner Class Issue

    When I add ".addActionListener()" to buttons and create an inner class to listen/handle the action, my main class does not display the GUI. If I remove the ".addActionListener()" from the buttons and the inner class, the GUI displays. Below is my code. Anyone know what is wrong with my code?
    package projects.web;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    public class AppletGUI{
         // JButtons
         JButton addButton = new JButton("Add");
         JButton removeButton = new JButton("Remove");
         JButton saveButton = new JButton("Save");
         JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel");
         // JPanels
         JPanel containerPanel = new JPanel();
         JPanel optionsPanel = new JPanel();
         JPanel thumbnailPanel = new JPanel();
         JPanel selectionPanel = new JPanel();
         // JScrollPane
         JScrollPane thumbnailScroll;
         public AppletGUI(JRootPane topContainer){
              // Add actionListener
              addButton.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler());
              removeButton.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler());
              saveButton.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler());
              cancelButton.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler());
              // Set border layout
              containerPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              // Add buttons to target panels
              // Set size and color of thumbnail panel
              thumbnailPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension (600,500));
              thumbnailPanel.setBorder(new LineBorder(;
              // Add thumbnail panel to scrollpane
              thumbnailScroll = new JScrollPane(thumbnailPanel);
              // Set background color of scrollPane
              // Add subpanels to containerPanel
              containerPanel.add(optionsPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              containerPanel.add(thumbnailScroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              containerPanel.add(selectionPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              // Add containerPanel to rootPane's contentPane
         } // end constructor
         class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener{
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
                   new FileBrowser();
              } // end actionPerformed method
         } // end inner class ActionHandler
    } // end AppletGUI class package projects.web;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.filechooser.*;
    public class FileBrowser{
         JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
         public FileBrowser(){
              int fileChooserOption = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(null);
         } // end constructor
    } // end class fileBrowser

    Encephalopathic wrote:
    Dan: When it doesn't display, what happens? Do you see any error messages? Also, please take a look at your other thread in this same forum as it has relevance to our conversations in the about whether to add GUIs to root containers or the other way around. /PeteI fiddled with the code some more and it seems that the problem is the inner code. When I changed from the inner class to the main class implementing ActionListener and had the main class implement the actionPerformed method, the GUI displayed and JFileChooser worked as well. I've add this version of the code at the bottom of this message.
    To answer your question: When it doesn't display, what happens? -- The web page loads and is blank. And there are no error messages.
    I took a look at the other thread is this forum (the one relates to our conversation in the other forum); the problem may be the way I've add the GUI. I'll try it the other way and see what happens.
    package projects.web;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    public class AppletGUI implements ActionListener{
         // JButtons
         JButton addButton = new JButton("Add");
         JButton removeButton = new JButton("Remove");
         JButton saveButton = new JButton("Save");
         JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel");
         // JPanels
         JPanel containerPanel = new JPanel();
         JPanel optionsPanel = new JPanel();
         JPanel thumbnailPanel = new JPanel();
         JPanel selectionPanel = new JPanel();
         // JScrollPane
         JScrollPane thumbnailScroll;
         public AppletGUI(JRootPane topContainer){
              // Add actionListener
              removeButton.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler());
              saveButton.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler());
              cancelButton.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler());
              // Set border layout
              containerPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              // Add buttons to target panels
              // Set size and color of thumbnail panel
              thumbnailPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension (600,500));
              thumbnailPanel.setBorder(new LineBorder(;
              // Add thumbnail panel to scrollpane
              thumbnailScroll = new JScrollPane(thumbnailPanel);
              // Set background color of scrollPane
              // Add subpanels to containerPanel
              containerPanel.add(optionsPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              containerPanel.add(thumbnailScroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              containerPanel.add(selectionPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              // Add containerPanel to rootPane's contentPane
         } // end constructor
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
                   new FileBrowser();
              } // end actionPerformed method
         class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener{
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
                   new FileBrowser();
              } // end actionPerformed method
         } // end inner class ActionHandler
    } // end AppletGUI class

  • Inner join issue

    i was microsft sql 2000 user.
    where is use join like this
    select max(Date) from Table1 , table2
    where table1.field = abc
    and table2.field = table1.field.
    but in abap it says santax error like comma with select???

    here i am giving inner join sample code for if we join 3 tables please check and correct for you question
    Select single VbrkBukrs VbrkKunrg    Vbrk~Vbeln 
                       VbrkFkdat VbrkBstnk_Vf Vbrk~Zterm 
                       VbakVbeln VbakBstdk 
                       LikpVbeln Likplfdat    Likp~Lfuhr 
           into w_vbrk 
           from vbrk 
          inner join       Tvzbt on TvzbtZterm        = VbrkZterm      and 
                                    Tvzbt~Spras        = sy-langu 
          Inner join       Vbfa  as SalesLnk 
                                 on SalesLnk~vbeln     = pu_vbeln        and 
                                    SalesLnk~vbtyp_v   = c_order 
                inner join Vbak  on VbakVbeln           = SalesLnkVbelv
          Inner join       Vbfa  as DeliveryLnk 
                                 on DeliveryLnk~vbeln   = pu_vbeln       and 
                                    DeliveryLnk~vbtyp_v = c_Delivery 
                inner join Likp  on LikpVbeln          = DeliveryLnkVbelv 
          where vbrk~vbeln = pu_Vbeln.
    Thanks and regards

  • Update statement with inner join issues

    I have searched for the answer on this and not really figured I would nice :)
    what have I done wrong? Or am I just going about this the wrong way? I have looked at the oracle docs and I can't find an example showing me this. I do see where you SET values based on the select query results. I want to update the result of a query based on the join with static values....
    UPDATE table.a
    SET table.a_STATUS=9,table.a.INDEX = 'N'
    WHERE (SELECT table.a INNER JOIN table.b ON (table.a.COMPANY = table.b.COMPANY) AND (table.a.PO_NUMBER =table.b.PO_NUMBER) AND (table.a.PO_RELEASE =table.b.PO_RELEASE) AND (table.a.PO_CODE =table.b.PO_CODE) AND (table.a_STATUS=1) AND (table.b.CLOSED_FL = 'Y'));

    Welcome to the forum!
    user11360811 wrote:
    I have searched for the answer on this and not really figured I would nice :)
    what have I done wrong? Or am I just going about this the wrong way? I have looked at the oracle docs and I can't find an example showing me this. I do see where you SET values based on the select query results. I want to update the result of a query based on the join with static values....
    UPDATE table.aThat's updating a table called A in a schema called TABLE (which is not a good name for any user-named object). Are those really your table and schema names? Perhaps you meant to have an underscore instead of a dot:
    UPDATE  table_ais much, much more reasonable. It means the table name is TABLE_A (a perfectly good name) in the current schema.
    SET table.a_STATUS=9,table.a.INDEX = 'N'
    WHERE ( ...There's a syntax error. You can't just say
    "WHERE (sub-query)"; it has to be
    "WHERE EXISTS (sub-suery)" or
    "WHERE (sub-query) = some_value" or
    "WHERE some_value IN (sub_query)", or something similar. WHERE can never be used without some kind of comparison operator, such as EXISTS, = or IN.
    SELECT table.a INNER JOIN table.b ON ...Here are some more syntax errors. The correct syntax for any query is
    SELECT  column_list
    FROM    table_name ...If table.a is your (first) table name, then you're missing the list of columns to SELECT, and the mandatory keyword FROM.
    (table.a.COMPANY = table.b.COMPANY) AND (table.a.PO_NUMBER =table.b.PO_NUMBER) AND (table.a.PO_RELEASE =table.b.PO_RELEASE) AND (table.a.PO_CODE =table.b.PO_CODE) AND (table.a_STATUS=1) AND (table.b.CLOSED_FL = 'Y'));Some general advice about UPDATE:
    If it's not obvious how to use UPDATE to do what you want, then there's a good chance that UPDATE is the wrong tool for the job. MERGE might be much simpler, and more efficient as well. This is especially likely if you need to join the table that's being updated to some other table.
    Whenever you have a problem, please post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) from all tables involved. That way, the people who want to help you can re-create the problem and test their ideas.
    Also post the results you want from that data, and an explanation of how you get those results from that data, with specific examples.
    Simplify the problem as much as possible. Remove all tables and columns that play no role in this problem.
    If you're asking about a DML statement, such as UPDATE, the CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements should re-create the tables as they are before the DML, and the results will be the contents of the changed table(s) when everything is finished.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using (for example,
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jan 17, 2013 4:58 PM

  • JDev 10G OSX Issues

    I am starting this thread as a discussion area for bugs and issues with JDev 10G on Apple OSX 10.3. JDev is not officially supported on OSX, however, I am hoping that by providing well defined issue lists we can move that process along. Please add to this list if you are running JDev on OSX and find other issues!
    Thanks Gerard for encouraging me to post these (and sorry for my slow response).
    Eric Everman
    ___Problems in the 10G release that were present in preview release___
    -The Apple LnF has some missing icons and general painting issues in the file browser. has been depreciated message on startup (noted other places)
    -(MAJOR) JDev cannot correctly resolve paths using symbolic links. I haven't tried this, but I would suspect this is a problem on Linux as well. If I open a project that uses a symbolic link within its path, JDev seems to think there are two copies each file - one on the linked path and one on the fully resolved path. Somehow out of this, Jdev ends up placing all files into a Miscellaneous package under Web Content and Application Sources.
    -Import... The dialog seems to have a hardcoded background color. When running under OSX with the Apple LnF, the background color is the dark color of the Oracle LnF in portions of the dialog.
    -The sort order for files in the file dialogs is case sensative is a unfriendly way: A-Z sorts as a group before a-z. Preferable would be Aa, Bb, etc, as OSX applications (and windows applications) do. Is this also a problem in Linux?
    -Quiting JDev results in the following error (terminal text from JDev start to JDev Quit):
    Exception in thread "Thread-0" java.lang.SecurityException
    at oracle.ide.IdeCore$1.checkExit(
    at java.lang.Runtime.exit(
    at java.lang.System.exit(
    JavaAWT: Assertion failure: Java exception thrown
    JavaAWT: File src/macosx/native/apple/awt/util/AWTException.m; Line 40
    JavaAWT: Assertion failure: _javaException
    JavaAWT: File src/macosx/native/apple/awt/util/AWTException.m; Line 48
    2004-04-30 10:54:36.344 java[2230] See Java exception object
    -Dual monitors Issue: (partially fixed) Works great under Apple LnF as long as is 'false'. When set to 'true' and working in the non-main window (the window w/o the menubar), context menus pop-up at the edge of the main window instead of at the mouse location.
    -Command-Q will quit JDev, but will not always kill the associated Embedded OC4J instance. I can't always reproduce this - perhaps it happens after I've switched projects, recompiled somethings, etc..
    -Quiting JDev using any method other File|Quit results in the open file list not being saved. (Other methods are Command-Q or the JDev menu item Quit option)
    ___Problems in the preview release that were fixed in the 10G release___
    -Fixed: The close/minimize buttons on tabs and panes now display properly in the Apple LnF.
    -Fixed: Save As... removes the original file from the project list. So it looks as if the file has been renamed - in reality the original file is still on the disc, just no longer part of the project.
    -Fixed: The state of open files is not restored when JDev is resarted. Somewhere along the line I ended up with the JDev Welcome page and a class file as being the open files each time I start JDev, regardless of what files were open when I closed JDev. Tried with OSX LnF and Oracle LnF.
    -Fixed: When running under OSX LnF, editing code will result in the addition of a 'Code' menu to the menu bar, however, all of the other menu items are de-activated (greyed out). When the context changes to something other then code editing, the 'Code' menu item disappears, but all of the other menu items remain de-activated. Also, the Code item is added after the Help item, which is non standard. Under the Oracle LnF, the behaviour is as expected.
    -(Have not replicated in 10G release) After switching from MS Windows to OSX using JDev 10G for both, leading square bracket characters ([) seem to be stripted from JavaScript in JSP pages. Additionally, an extra space is sometimes inserted after a litteral in square braces.  If you see something similar, please submit more details.  I have a more detailed writeup in the Technologies|Apple section - search for 'square bracket characters'.
    -Fixed: Structure pane incorrectly displayed multi-line JSP comments that started with carriage returns.
    ___New Issues in the 10G release (or not before found)___
    -On startup, several errors are listed in the JDev message pane:
    Error: <Line 4, Column 22>: XSD-2034: (Error) Element 'feature' not expected.
    Error: <Line 24, Column 14>: XSD-2021: (Error) Element not completed: 'extensions'
    Error: <Line 4, Column 22>: XSD-2034: (Error) Element 'feature' not expected.
    Error: <Line 17, Column 14>: XSD-2021: (Error) Element not completed: 'extensions'
    After adding the JUnit extension, I also get these messages at startup:
    /Applications/jdev/jdev/lib/ext/jdev905_JUnit Folder/bc4j_junit_addin.jar!/meta-inf/jdev-ext.xml
    Error: <Line 4, Column 22>: XSD-2034: (Error) Element 'feature' not expected.
    Error: <Line 39, Column 14>: XSD-2021: (Error) Element not completed: 'extensions'
    /Applications/jdev/jdev/lib/ext/jdev905_JUnit Folder/junit_addin.jar!/meta-inf/jdev-ext.xml
    Error: <Line 4, Column 22>: XSD-2034: (Error) Element 'feature' not expected.
    Error: <Line 98, Column 14>: XSD-2021: (Error) Element not completed: 'extensions'
    -The window location and/or size is not restored on startup. I typically run dual monitors with jdev full-screen on the larger of the two. jdev often starts less then full screen size or not in the full screen location.
    -Inner Classes are not properly used by JDev. This chunk of code:
    import java.util.Map;
    //code in a method
    Map.Entry entry;
    Results in JDev underlining Map.entry with a mouseover note that says 'Access not allowed for class 'java.util.Map.Entry'.
    -Find and Replace with 'prompt' option locks the editor (hard to replicate)
    -JDev will sometimes 'swallow' a keystroke while it is poping up a Code Insight box (hard to replicate)
    ___General Feature Requests___
    -Several of the common File menu options could be added to the context menu in the Application Navigator tab. For instance, Save As, Remove From Project, Delete, and Refactor-> are all common functions that are nice to have 'right there'.
    -When typing import statements, is there some way to have jdev continue showing context lists after a selection is made? For instance, when entering:
    import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils;
    I type "org." which allows me to choose apache from the list. Then... nothing - I have to backspace to delete the '.' and retype it in order to get the next code completion popup. In JBuilder there was the option to select an item from the list by pressing the '.' (dot), which would immediately continue with another context selection box.

    Okay, lets see how many of these we can already deal with:
    ** General Look And Feel Issues:
    * Missing icons and redrawing issues in the file browser
    Loged as new bug 3609752
    * ...useScreenMenuBar has been depreciated message
    Can find this, are you sure this is not being confused with the antialiasing messages?
    * Dialog background colors
    Logged as bug 2610818
    * Open dialog sorting
    Logged as new bug 3609768
    * AWT exception on exiting:
    Logged as bug 3525259
    * Multi monitor bug
    Unfortunately we only have a few macs and non of them have more than one monitor at the moment. But from your description this problem seem to lie with Apple rather than us. I will keep an eye on it for you though.
    ** Error messages on startup
    I belive this is a common problem accross all platform.
    ** Inner classs issue
    Again this is a problem with all versions of JDeveloper. Logged as bug 3546309, not currently scheduled to be fixed until the next release. Note that this only seems to affect the highligthing in the editor and nothing else.
    ** Items not being saved, position not being restored.
    If you press Apple-Q the Java virtual machine will kill jdeveloper and not allow it to close down properly. This can be resolve by addin hooks provided by apple. For the 903 preview release we had an addin for this. I will look at providing a drop in for
    ** Symbolic links, and other enhancements
    In will invetigate symbolic links and get back to you. I will also look at tracing down ER or log bugs for the other enhancemnts you mention
    Thanks for the details,

  • Duplicate value in Inner join

    hi all,
    i m using inner join for 3 tables but problem is that i m getting repeated values while table contains only
    2 record but inner joi shows me 4.
    codes : SELECT m1pernr m2lgart m2endda m2betrg m2zuord m3lga01 m3bet01 m3begda INTO TABLE itab
                            FROM pa0000 AS m1 INNER JOIN pa0015 AS m2 ON m1pernr = m2pernr
                            INNER JOIN pa0589 AS m3 ON m1pernr = m3pernr
                           WHERE m1pernr IN pernr AND m1endda = '99991231' AND m1~stat2 = '3'
                           AND m2~lgart = '4004'
                           AND m3~lga01 = '4004'.
    getting values in itab like :
    PERNR               LGART           BETRG          BET01
    8430                  4004               5834.00          5004.00
    8430                  4004               8748.00          5004.00
    8430                  4004               5834.00          1000.00
    8430                  4004               8748.00          1000.00
    while it must be like this :
    PERNR               LGART           BETRG          BET01
    8430                  4004               5834.00          5004.00
    8430                  4004               8748.00          1000.00
    can anyone please help me.
    regards saurabh.

    Hello Saurabh,
    Include all the primary key fields in the where clause for PA0015 and PA0589, while comparing with those in PA0000. Since the key fields for all these '3' tables are same this should not be a problem.
    If you have any reservations about changing the select query, then, sort your final internal table with a defined sort key (based on your requirement) and use "Delete adjacent duplicates" with the same sort key.
    Please let me know if this helps.

  • Having problem with images imported from photoshop

    I am totally new to Fireworks, I am redoing a site that was done using CS2, that is GoLive, Photoshop and Image Ready. I wanted to begin familiarizing myself with Fireworks by starting with using it to make all the web images for the site (jpgs, pngs, etc). It started well but after a while I started getting strange results from FW when I imported PSD files. The PSD imports fine into FW but when I want to "preview" or do a "2-UP" and see what it looks like as a jpg or png I just get a blank image where the jpg or png is supposed to be. However if I "export" the jpg it does get exported, but I would like to preview it to see what the quality is. This doesn't happen every time but at least 50% of the time in the last 2 days, and there seems to be no rhyme or reason behind why it works with some images but not others.
    Another thing is that if I add a layer effect to the image such as "inner glow" to the PS image, and then flatten the image to make sure it gets exported to FW, it doesn't get exported. It is as if I never added the layer effect in PS.
    Any help on these two issues would be greatly appreciated and help me to continue in perservering with FW.
    VL Branko

    I don't think I've cracked open Bridge since upgrading to CS5/CS6, and I'm hesitant to start today! I'm therefore kind of assuming that you're starting with PSDs and opening them up in Fireworks. (If you're not doing this, give it a try.)
    Regarding the 50% failure of Preview and 2-Up modes, I was thinking that saving the PSDs as native Fireworks PNGs—within Fireworks—might eliminate that problem. It's hard to imagine Fireworks not previewing its own file format, but easier to imagine it failing to properly preview a PSD file. And again, perhaps File > Image Preview might work better for you.
    As far as the "inner glow" issue: 1) Be sure to add it into the PSD before importing into Fireworks, and 2) If it doesn't show up, have a look at Filters within the Properties panel for the selected object; you could try selecting Inner Glow within ‘Photoshop Live Effects’ or try out Fireworks' own native Inner Glow filter effect.
    Other than for the purpose of familiarizing yourself with Fireworks, you may want to consider why you'd use Fireworks for these graphics, if they were originally created in Photoshop. Small changes in graphic appearance are always possible when moving between applications. For example, Photoshop is color managed whereas Fireworks is not; you therefore might notice a small shift in saturation or tonality between the two applications. Whether this is a concern depends on your final output goals.

  • Converter help for all those people that need it

    i just bought xilisoft ipod video converter after i tried the free version from the other post and i want to put on the keygen because i want to share it and plus its mine so i can do what ever i want with it so here it is
    (name) TEAM ViRiLiTY
    (serial) MXILKYAMEYIRRMISMTE-0FE2-7E8A-98A7-405B
    there it is folks xilisoft is only for Window users one for mac would be so there it is folks this is only a one time thing

    Go through the below link, here i gave a answer on inner joins issue, you will understand.
    Re: Improve performance of a SQL request
    <b>Reward points if it helps,</b>

  • Need help for all entries

    hi to all experts,
    I'm a beginner in ABAP please help me out with following questions
    1.what is the purpose of for all entries please please help with an example(joining 3 tables)
    2. how it is different when compared with joins
    3. how too use for all entries
    4.performance issues
                               thanks in advance
    helpful answers will rewarded

    Go through the below link, here i gave a answer on inner joins issue, you will understand.
    Re: Improve performance of a SQL request
    <b>Reward points if it helps,</b>

  • Enclosing instance references....

    Ok, I turned to the holy scripture (JLS), and have turned away baffled.....
    Im confused on an Inner class issue.
    If inner classes are to reference fields of their inclosing instance, they have to be able to reference it some way.
    Im assuming that this is implemented as a field of the inner class (is that a correct assumption?) synthesised at compile time.
    Now, what I want to know is when does this reference (if it exists) become 'valid' when the inner class is a derived class?
    Intuition tells me that it would be null until after the base class constructor had completed. However, in practise this is not always the case....
    Heres an example:
    We have some class:
    class Something {
      public Something() {
        // NOTE: Call non-final method from constructor!!!
      public Object createSomething() {
        return new Whatever();
    }We then have a class which creates an annonymous inner class which overides the 'createSomething' method:
    class UserClass {
      public void example() {
        final Object toReturn = new Object();
        Something mySomething = new Something() {
          public Object createSomething() {
            // THE ALL IMPORTANT LINE:
            System.out.println("Ref: " + UserClass.this);
            return toReturn;
    }Now, when the mySomething is constructed, the 'createSomething' method is called from the base constructor. At this point, I would expect (incorrectly?) that the enclosing reference (UserClass.this) would be null.
    However, on two compilers, I get two different results. Null on one, non-null on the other.
    Can anyone please explain to me the way this should work - or is it undefined?

    What Im confused about is this:
    The instance of the annonymous inner class has to be able to reference its enclosing instance somehow (I.e, UserClass.this).
    So, Im guessing (perhaps incorrectly...) that the instance of the annonymous inner class will have a field that is a reference to the enclosing class.
    Im fully aware that the enclosing class can never really be null... However, constructors are called bottom up, and a non-final method is called from the base class constructor.
    This is then overidden in the inner class to print out the reference to the enclosing class (UserClass.this).
    My confusion is about when it becomes 'valid' for the inner class to reference its enclosing class (using UserClass.this) - and my intuition says not before the base constructors have been called (I.e, I would expect it to be null in my example).
    Why do I think that?
    Well, if we have this:
    class MyBaseClass {
      public MyBaseClass() {
      public void dodgyMethod() {
    class MyDerivedClass extends MyBaseClass {
      Integer someInteger = new Integer(4);
      public void dodgyMethod() {
        // Will be NULL when called from base constructor
        System.out.println("val: " + someInteger);
    }We see that if a new 'MyDerivedClass' is created, then someInteger is null (because someInteger hasn't been initialised yet, coz we are still in the base class constructor).
    My question is just an extension of the above.....
    If the enclosing instance reference is implemented as a normal ref in the anonymous inner class, I would not expect it to get initialised until the base class constructor had completed (in the same way that I wouldn't expect someInteger to be initialise until its base constructor had completed).
    So its all about calling non-final methods from a base class, where the derrived class is an inner class, and whether or not the enclosing reference should be non-null at that point in time.

  • Dizzy using Lion

    In the Lion interface with a focus on switching between screens and applications I get extremely nauseous.  Does anybody else have this problem and any suggestions for making it less bothersome?
    I do get easliy motion sick and also was never able to play "Doom" type games for the same reason, but I never thought it would limit me from using an operating system.  I feel fairly confident this is an inner ear issue, but would appreciate any input, thanks!

    johnpc wrote:
    In the Lion interface with a focus on switching between screens and applications I get extremely nauseous.  Does anybody else have this problem and any suggestions for making it less bothersome?
    I do get easliy motion sick and also was never able to play "Doom" type games for the same reason, but I never thought it would limit me from using an operating system.  I feel fairly confident this is an inner ear issue, but would appreciate any input, thanks!
    This really boils down to not using certain features. Snow Leopard must have been even worse for you with Spaces and expose. With so many interactive funtions in recent OS's, other than using one at a time, and maybe in full screen mode may help, but this really is touching on a medical diagnosis and I cannot see future OS's being any more helpful to your condition, just changing old work habits. Someone else might be able to elaborate and give advice.
    Good Luck

  • Configure OAS 10g R3 as a browser MS Project reader

    Looking for instructions how to configure OAS 10g Release 3 diplay MS Projects (.mpp) files.
    Our desire is provide this capability through OAS and not install the MS-Projects reader on multiple pc's.
    Any assistance or references would be greatly appreciated.

    Okay, lets see how many of these we can already deal with:
    ** General Look And Feel Issues:
    * Missing icons and redrawing issues in the file browser
    Loged as new bug 3609752
    * ...useScreenMenuBar has been depreciated message
    Can find this, are you sure this is not being confused with the antialiasing messages?
    * Dialog background colors
    Logged as bug 2610818
    * Open dialog sorting
    Logged as new bug 3609768
    * AWT exception on exiting:
    Logged as bug 3525259
    * Multi monitor bug
    Unfortunately we only have a few macs and non of them have more than one monitor at the moment. But from your description this problem seem to lie with Apple rather than us. I will keep an eye on it for you though.
    ** Error messages on startup
    I belive this is a common problem accross all platform.
    ** Inner classs issue
    Again this is a problem with all versions of JDeveloper. Logged as bug 3546309, not currently scheduled to be fixed until the next release. Note that this only seems to affect the highligthing in the editor and nothing else.
    ** Items not being saved, position not being restored.
    If you press Apple-Q the Java virtual machine will kill jdeveloper and not allow it to close down properly. This can be resolve by addin hooks provided by apple. For the 903 preview release we had an addin for this. I will look at providing a drop in for
    ** Symbolic links, and other enhancements
    In will invetigate symbolic links and get back to you. I will also look at tracing down ER or log bugs for the other enhancemnts you mention
    Thanks for the details,

  • View n Join

    hello all..
    can any one tell me what is the <b>diff</b> betwn a <b>view n a Join</b>.. I do know the functionality of both the concepts, i want to know the difference..
                             thank u...

    Hi Shalu,
    What is a View ?</b>
    When you want to fetch data from one or more than one tables from the database, Views can be used. But once a view is created it resides permanently in the database memory for future usage. Also with a view creation it can be used to maintain data in the SM30 transaction when a table maintainence is created for a table. Before creating a view we need to be definite if it is of definite usage in the future.
    What is a Inner join ?</b>
    When you want to fetch data from one or more than one tables from the database, only in a ABAP program Inner joins can be used. The inner join does the same thing as the view but it is available only in the run time of ABAP code execution.
    <b>Difference between View and Inner Join</b>
    Inner Join: Run time entity enable to join only Transparent Tables. As the no. of tables fopr the join increases the performace decreases as it occupies more meory and runtime. Also the code becomes complex.
    <b>View:</b> A view is a permanent database entity. There is no restriction on the no. of tables. Any type of join can be written in the conditions tab. At run time in a ABAP code a view can be used with select statements as we do with tables.
    Types of Views:</b>
    Database View: This is a view that can be used on to fetch data in the ABAP code to. Data about an application object is often distributed on several database tables. A database view provides an application-specific view on such distributed data. Database views are defined in the ABAP Dictionary. A database view is automatically created in the underlying database when it is activated. Application programs can access the data of a database view using the database interface. You can access the data in ABAP programs with both OPEN SQL and NATIVE SQL. However, the data is actually selected in the database. Since the join operation is executed in the database in this case, you can minimize the number of database accesses in this way. Database views implement an inner join
    Projection View: Projection views are used to hide fields of a table. This can minimize interfaces; for example when you access the database, you only read and write the field contents actually needed. A projection view contains exactly one table. You cannot define selection conditions for projection views. There is no corresponding object in the database for a projection view. The R/3 System maps the access to a projection view to the corresponding access to its base table. You can also access pooled tables and cluster tables with a projection view.
    Maintenance View: These views are created for the table maintainance for tables. Maintenance views offer easy ways to maintain complex application objects. Data distributed on several tables often forms a logical unit, for example an application object, for the user. You want to be able to display, modify and create the data of such an application object together. Normally the user is not interested in the technical implementation of the application object, that is in the distribution of the data on several tables. A maintenance view permits you to maintain the data of an application object together. The data is automatically distributed in the underlying database tables.
    Search Help View: It is used for producing search helps. You have to create a help view if a view with outer join is needed as selection method of a search help. The selection method of a search help is either a table or a view. If you have to select data from several tables for the search help, you should generally use a database view as selection method. However, a database view always implements an inner join. If you need a view with outer join for the data selection, you have to use a help view as selection method.
    If a Database View already exist, use it instead of the inner joi statements.
    If it doesn't, do not create the Database View. It makes no sesne to create a database view just because you need it in a program or 2.
    And, if you have the same inner join being repeated for 8 times, for different where condition, I would rather sugget to select the data in only one inner-join select(With a where condition that would get al the records). Then you can read the internal table using READ or LOOP statements.
    Re: View Vs Join
    Hope it will solve ur problem..
    <b>Reward Points if it is helpful.</b>
    Thanks & Regards
    ilesh 24x7

  • Issue with JSPs with inner classes (bug)

    Turning on Versioning in the registry (Disable=0) JSPs with inner classes causes the following IllegalAccessException...
    This has been confirmed with SP3 and SP4 with our testing...
    14/Jan/2002 13:26:24:4] error: Exception: SERVLET-run_failed: Failed in running template: /NASApp/fortune/foo.jsp, java
    lang.IllegalAccessError: try to access class$foobar from class
    xception Stack Trace:
    ava.lang.IllegalAccessError: try to access class$foobar from class
    at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(Unknown Source)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.netscape.server.servlet.servletrunner.ServletInfo.service(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.server.servlet.servletrunner.ServletRunner.callJSP(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.server.servlet.platformhttp.PlatformHttpServletResponse.callJspCompiler(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.server.servlet.platformhttp.PlatformHttpServletResponse.callUri(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.server.servlet.platformhttp.PlatformHttpServletResponse.callUriRestrictOutput(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.server.servlet.platformhttp.PlatformRequestDispatcher.forward(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.server.servlet.jsp.JSPRunner.service(Unknown Source)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.netscape.server.servlet.servletrunner.ServletInfo.service(Unknown Source)
    at com.netscape.server.servlet.servletrunner.ServletRunner.execute(Unknown Source)
    at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    at Method)
    Looking for work around....
    Martin Gee

    I do not see why you would use two sorts.
    And what is the issue exactly by the way? Errors?
    So, the records before the Merge Join need to come sorted, to achieve this simply tick:
    Arthur My Blog

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