Input type "file" in flex2

I do not know how to "browse" hard drive to look for files to
be shown in a form. In other world the comparable to input
type="file" in HTML
Can you help me?

Be aware that the Flash Player security prevents access to
the local hard drive, except for uploading files to the server.
Here is an example of that:

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    I've had the <input type="file">  ... <cffile ...> thing going for a few years now. 
    There is a database where the uploaded file names are stored once the files are uploaded to the server.  It sees things in terms of problems and stores uploaded file name accordingly with the ProbID prepended onto the file name; e.g., MyPicture.jpg would end up in the designated directory and databawe as P416_MyPicture.jpg.  This allows user to store pictures with the same name in different problems without a conflict.  There has been an issue with certain characters (e.g., spaces, +, #, etc.) causing problems when they are in file names so we have come up with a way using the <cffile ... rename> to replace these chars with _.  This means that MyPic+.jpg would end up being P416_MyPic_.jpg. 
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         The logical solution would be to be able to test the new final file name (the name after making the substitutions mentioned above) against the existing files in the database before you went from the page where the <input type=file> control to the associated _action.cfm page where the <cffile> object is located.  Given that this seems to be the province of Ajax, this would seem like a natural use of the really interesting technology.  I have can determine the file name from the onChange action on the <input type=File> so that this would be the place for Ajax to come to the rescue by looking up the final file name and then letting the user know whether the resultant name is a unique within the database or not.  If so, I'll just enable the Add button which sets right next to the <input > control and let them upload it.  If not, I'll put up an error message telling them that this file already exists in the system.
         This would be the perfect solution.  It would let me do some Ajax stuff like I've wanted to do for the past year, but never have had the time to do because this is the project that won't go away.  This is, in fact, the last thing of any consequence that remains to do on this 2-1/2 year nightmare – be careful what you wish for.  If I can get this done this week, then maybe I can finally take a weekend off … maybe it will finally come to an end.
         Which finally leads to my question:  I'm looking for some tips on how to get this thing going since I can barely spell Ajax.  I've got a book and looked at some stuff online about CF and Ajax, but a good example or two or three would be worth a day's worth of poking around on the web and in my books.
         Thanks in advance for any suggestions, ideas, help, whatever.

         Thank you for your suggestion, but, after spending the night working with Ben Forta's CF8, vol 2, Chap 34, working with <cfajaxproxy>, I was able to do exactly what I wanted and it appears, after some testing, to work exactly as I had envisoned it should. 
         I am now calling a JavaScript function (testFileName) from the onChage event on the <input type="file"> or Browse button, which calls my proxy.cfc that contains the server side of the equation.  This funciton testFileName (I've run out of cleaver function/file names).  The query contained therein hits the database to see if the passed in parameters can pull up an existing file.  If they do, the particulars (file name, data attahced, etc.) are returned to the JavaScipt procedure that puts up the error notice.  The user can then chose to either overwrite the file or quit.  Quiting leaves the your on the Attachment PopUp where he/she started with nothing being uploaded. 
         Thanks again for your suggestion.  I appreciate your taking the time to do so.

  • Uploading a file using input type=file

    I'm not sure if I'm in the right place or not. If not can you please let me know where to find and answer for my question.
    I'm trying to upload a file in oracle self-service (online page) and I found that the input type=file will let me select the file so I place the input type inside my htp.formopen command.
    I used the following when opening the formopen
    htp.formOpen(my_link, 'post',null, 'multipart/form-data');
    then I created the <input type="file"> tag
    But when I send the link to my second page to see if the input type works I get the page not found error.
    I'm thinking that maybe is because my 2nd page doesnt have a parameter that will hold the file but right now I'm not sure how to declare the file variables.
    Do you have any idea what could be wrong?

    What does your form do when you submit it? Handling file uploads is a bit of a convoluted process. I'd recommend starting here for some guidance:

  • From browse button of input type=file, can I show the content of a file

    Hi all,
    I am using, input type=file, where browse button appears. I am having a text area. My requirement is after I select the browse button, I need to show the content of the file in the text area. As of now I 've handled by having another button 'show', which should be pressed after browse done. But, How to handle it in the browse button itself, how will I get that action event from browse button. Plz help.

    I think someone asked a very similar question here,
    check the thread, it may help you.

  • How to get the path of input type="file" tag

    -- im using <input type="file"> tag to get an input file from a local host, it returns only the filename but not the complete path of the filename,,,
    -- i need to know on how to get the compelete path /directory of the filename using <input type="file"> tag , or is there any other way to get an input file from a local host aside from <input type="file"> tag?
    When a file is uploaded, the file name is also submitted. The path of the file is available only to the machine within the Local Machine security zone. The value property returns only the file name to machines outside the Local Machine security zone. See About URL Security Zones for more information on security zones.
    i need to know on how to get the compelete path /directory of the filename
    using <input type="file"> tag You can't. Its a security thing.
    is there any other way to get an input file from a local host aside from <input type="file"> tag?No. Not using just html.
    You could always go into activex components, but thats different again.

  • How to get full path using HTP.PRINT(' "input type ="file") ....

    Hello everybody,
    I am working on uploading file from page to another one using HTP package, but whenever I submit the form, it only takes the filename without the full path.
    for example :
    if i sent 'c:\dir\a.txt' , the other page receives file parameter as 'a.txt'
    the code is here
    PROCEDURE upload(appno in varchar2,wsct in varchar2) AS
    l_real_name VARCHAR2(1000);
    HTP.title('Test Upload');
    HTP.header(1, 'Test Upload');
    HTP.print('<form action="" method="get">');
    HTP.print(' File to upload: <input type="file" name="file" >
    HTP.print(' <input type="submit" value="Upload">');
    END upload;
    the other page see it as
    file is 'Water lilies.jpg'
    Edited by: dtabed on Mar 30, 2011 1:02 AM

    Do not understand the problem.
    The code you've posted is a PL/SQL web enabled procedure that produces a dynamic HTML page. This page contains a form. And a full URL reference to the CGI that will process the form's data.
    This is unusual - as it seems to be that the form is submitted across domains and web servers.. You usually refer to a local CGI procedure to deal with a form - no need for a fully qualified URL that includes web server and domain name.
    If the CGI procedure that receives the form is also a PL/SQL web enabled procedure, that the uploaded file will be placed in the documents table (as defined in the DAD alias) by mod_plsql, prior to the web enabled procedure being called. The documents table will contain the Mime type, file name, file contents and other details.

  • HTML tag input type="file"

    i used the html tag <input type="file" name="fp"> to have a browse File in my html Page and succesfully gets the file,path and directory when i used fp.value on my windows but when i Load the Html file in Linux
    i only get the filename (excluding the Path)
    can someone tell how to get through this any solution ?
    nid yur help badly!
    Gud day!
    p.s. i used a javascript to get the pf.value.

    Here is a solution:
    Post your question on a relevant forum. These forums are for Java. Java is not Javascript. Javascript is not Java.

  • Try get value in input type="file". Not is full path. It's bug?

    In html:
    <input type="file" id="path_image">
    In javascript:
    path_image = document.getElementById("path_image").value;
    Select path: "/images/image.gif"
    This result:
    path_image = " image.gif"

    You cannot preset input values for input type="file" elements. It's prohibited by HTML specification. It's namely a security hole.
    Imagine that one developed a webpage with input type="file" pointing to c:/passwords.txt and added window.onload=form.submit(), what would happen if one opened such a webpage?
    That said, get rid of scriptlets and step over to taglibs/EL. This is 2009, not 1999.
    <input type="text" name="foo" value="${}" />

  • Changing the "Browse..." button label in input type file

    I am facing a problem. I have got an HTML page. On this page, I have got a file selector(input type = file) in which I want to change the label of the "Browse..." button. Does anybody have an idea, how can it be done?

    I dont think it is possible...

  • Use of input  type="file"

    How can I use the HTML tag <input type="file" > in jsp/servlets ?
    how can I got the file and saving it?

    Take a look at this page: - it is a search page and you can use it to find whether or not anyone has asked the question you have before. Often you will find that the question you have asked has been asked before, sometimes as much as 29000 times. It is quicker than asking a question for the first time because you don't have to wait for replies. - they are already there. I also believe that if you don't know understand search engines you are unlikely to understand Java.
    To help with your search you may want to know that the "file" input type creates a Multipart request and that the term "com.oreilly.servlets" may well be relevant too.

  • [SOLED] Firefox input type = file selects the wrong file

    When I have use a webpage in firefox that has an upload feature, Firefox often selects the wrong file. I can reproduce this problem by simply creating a form with an input tag like this:
    <input type="file" />
    When I enter the file selection screen and open fileA the input box contains fileA, fileB or fileC. It seems kind of random to me. I use KDE 4.5 btw, if that matters.
    Last edited by Wilco (2010-08-07 08:24:35)

    It seems to be some kind of kde problem. When I delete ~/.kde4/share/config/* it works fine. I tried deleting the all files in share/config starting with a-m and it still didn't work. Then I deleted every file from n-z and it didn't work so it's probably a combination of files that give these problems. I don't feel like setting up KDE all over again so damn, it's back to Icewm, again...

  • Handling FORM - input type="File"...

    How can I handle the <input type="FILE"...> in a servlet, if I'd like to save this file to the server.
    HELP !

    Take a quick look at They have a uploadservlet.

  • Input type=file

    dear all,
              anybody know how to transfer the the value from <input type="file"> when it
              posted to it self (like as modify form).
              <form action="self.jsp">
              <input type="file" name="files"
              <input type=submit name="go">

              First your form enctype must be "multipart/form-data" ..
              Second there should be a service (java class or something) running on the server
              that can read the servlet input stream and upload.
              My Question ..Could you ever display value in file object's text field ?? I couldn't!
              "" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >dear all,
              >anybody know how to transfer the the value from <input type="file"> when
              >posted to it self (like as modify form).
              ><form action="self.jsp">
              > <input type="file" name="files"
              > <input type=submit name="go">

  • HTML DON'T WORK!!!!!!!!    input type="file" /        !!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT??

    HTML DON'T WORK!!!!!!!! <input type="file" /> !!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT??
    Ipad, ipod touch, iPhone
    Safari, opera...
    I don't add photo to site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It doesn't work where?
    you don't add what photo to what site?

  • Getting access denied error while importing file using input type="file"

    Hi All,
    I am using struts application wherein I need to import file for some purpose.I have used input type="file" for the same which goes like:
    <input type="file" id="uploadFile" name="uploadFile" size="50">
    I have the import button on which I have used onClick event to call javascript function submitValues() used to validate all the fields from the page which goes like:
    <input type="button" name="select" value="Import" class="CSSButton" onClick="javascript:submitValues();">
    The JS function then in turn submits the form and calls the action.The problem is sometimes even when the correct path is specified for the file to be imported results in access denied error.This error comes sometimes and other times it works fine.But when this error comes,I need to relogin into the application and then it works fine.I am using IE7 for this.
    Any idea why I am getting access denied error while importing? Has it got something to do with IE7 version or with the input type="file" which is being used here?
    Thanks for any help if anyone can provide.
    Edited by: passionateforjava on Mar 4, 2009 2:18 AM

    vishnuS1984 wrote:
    Hi Friends,
    I have gone through scores of examples and i am failing to understand the right thing to be done to copy a file from one directory to another. Here is my class...So let's see... C:\GetMe1 is a directory on your machine, right? And this is what you are doing with that directory:
    public static void copyFiles(File src, File dest) throws IOException
    // dest is a 'File' object but represents the C:\GetMe1 directory, right?
    fout = new FileOutputStream (dest);If it's a directory, where in your code are you appending the source file name to the path, before trying to open an output stream on it? You're not.
    BTW, this is awful:
    catch (IOException e)
    IOException wrapper = new IOException("copyFiles: Unable to copy file: " +
    src.getAbsolutePath() + "to" + dest.getAbsolutePath()+".");
    throw wrapper;
    }1) You're hiding the original IOException and replacing it with your own? For what good purpose?
    2) Even if you had a good reason to do that, this would be simpler and better:
    throw new IOException("your custom message goes here", e);
    rather than explicitly invokign initCause and setStackTrace. Yuck!

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