Insert header into xml generated by castor

I have several classes generated by Castor based on a schema, the xml file should look something like
      <content>what is the price of this item?</content>
</request>now, I want to generate an other xml file based on this one, the only difference would be a header would be inserted such that
       <requestor>jane smith</requestor>
      <content>what is the price of this item?</content>
</request>how can I make user of the existing objects and simply "insert" this header? Thanks!

ms.arora wrote:
I'm using castor- to generate XML from Java POJO. The resulting XML, however, is not well formed with the entire XML being outputted to the single line.What's wrong with that? As long as it contains all the information from the POJO, why do you care if it isn't pretty-printed? It's not meant for people to read anyway.
Apart from this, currency symbols in the POJO are not rendered incorrectly in the XML.I expect you mean they are rendered incorrectly. My crystal ball also tells me that the XML is encoded in UTF-8 and you are looking at it with a text editor that doesn't understand that. But it could be wrong, it doesn't work very well.

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    info xml NULL
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    id int NOT NULL,
    role_name varchar(20) NOT NULL,
    /* insert test values */
    INSERT INTO @person (id, info)
    VALUES (1, '<person><name><first_name>Joe</first_name><last_name>Smith</last_name></name></person>'),
    (2, '<person><name><first_name>Tim</first_name><last_name>Jones</last_name></name></person>');
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    /* make sure that xml comes back correctly*/
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    FROM @roles AS role
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    PipedInputStream inpipe = new PipedInputStream();
    PipedOutputStream outpipe = new PipedOutputStream( inpipe );
    // Redirecting XML encoding to pipe
    new XMLEncoder( outpipe );
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    Make sure this parameter is set false:
    Also follow along this guideline:
    There you can even find an example
    ps. If this answers your question then please grant the points and close the thread

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- edited with XMLSpy v2007 sp2 ( by Constantin Ilea (EMERGIS INC) -->
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
         <!-- ************** PART I: BEGIN SIMPLE OBJECT TYPE DEFINITIONS ********************************** -->
         <xs:simpleType name="RoutingType">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:enumeration value="Synch"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="Asynch"/>
         <xs:simpleType name="StatusType">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:enumeration value="ACTIVE"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="VOID"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="PENDING"/>
         <xs:simpleType name="SenderApplicationType">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:enumeration value="PR"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="CR"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="POS"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="CPP"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="Other"/>
         <xs:simpleType name="ServiceTypeType">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:enumeration value="IS"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="WS"/>
         <xs:simpleType name="RouteDirect">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:enumeration value="Request"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="Reply"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="None"/>
         <xs:simpleType name="Indicator">
                   <xs:documentation>can we also change the value to "ON" and "OFF" instead? in this way this cn be shared by all type of switch indicator</xs:documentation>
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:enumeration value="YES"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="NO"/>
         <xs:simpleType name="RuleType">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:enumeration value="ControlAct"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="WSPolicy"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="AccessControl"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="Certification"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="MessageConformance"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="Variant"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="Routing"/>
         <xs:simpleType name="HL7Result">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:enumeration value="ACCEPT"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="REFUSE"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="REJECT"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="ACK"/>
         <xs:simpleType name="IIPType">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:enumeration value="PUT"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="GET/LIST"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="NOTIF"/>
         <xs:simpleType name="ProfileTypeType">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:enumeration value="IIPProfile"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="BizOperationProfile"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="OrchestrationProfile"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="DomainObjectProfile"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="ServiceProfile"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="ExceptionProfile"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="CustomizedProfile"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="SystemProfile"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="HL7XMLSchemaProfile"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="EnricherParametersProfile"/>
         <xs:simpleType name="ParameterType">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                   <xs:enumeration value="String"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="Object"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="Number"/>
                   <xs:enumeration value="Document"/>
         <!-- ************** PART I: END SIMPLE OBJECT TYPE DEFINITIONS ********************************** -->
         <!-- ************** PART II: BEGIN COMPLEX OBJECT TYPE DEFINITIONS ********************************** -->
         <!-- *********************** begin new added objects, by rshan *************************************** -->
         <xs:complexType name="ProfileType">
              2.ProfileID used to uniquely identify the current profile
              3.ProfileData used to hold all the necessary profile related data
                   <xs:element name="ProfileID" type="ProfileIDType">
                             <xs:documentation>this will hold all the common attributes, espically the global unique identifier to the profile, no matter what type of profile is</xs:documentation>
                   <xs:element name="ProfileData" type="ProfileDataType">
                             <xs:documentation>all the non-common profile meta data that attached to each specific profile type such as IIPProfile, OrchestrationProfile, and BizOperationProfile will be placed here</xs:documentation>
         <xs:complexType name="ProfileIDType">
                   <xs:documentation>global unique identifier and all the common attributes across all different profiles, the @ID and @Type together will be used as the primary key to identify the profile data</xs:documentation>
              <xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:ID" use="required">
                        <xs:documentation>ID is the global unique identifier to the profile, no matter what type of profile it is</xs:documentation>
              <xs:attribute name="Name"/>
              <xs:attribute name="Description"/>
              <xs:attribute name="Version">
                        <xs:documentation>version of the profile data</xs:documentation>
              <xs:attribute name="Type" type="ProfileTypeType" use="required">
                        <xs:documentation>value to identify the ProfileType type within
              <xs:attribute name="Status" type="StatusType" default="ACTIVE">
                        <xs:documentation>used to show the related profile data status like "ACTIVE","PENDING","VOID"...</xs:documentation>
                   <xs:element name="ProfileReference" type="ProfileIDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                             <xs:documentation>this will be the place to hold the integrity relationship with other profiles like foreign key if existed and necessary to show up</xs:documentation>
         <xs:complexType name="ProfileDataType">
                   <xs:documentation>meta data associated tightly to each specific type of profile</xs:documentation>
                   <xs:element name="EnricherParametersProfileData" type="EnricherParametersDataType">
                             <xs:documentation>Enricher Parameters related profile data
                   1. one instance of this type may contains all the related System metadata.
                   2. idType part may use to identify different version/release/status
                   <xs:element name="ExtendProfileData" type="ExtendProfileDataType">
                             <xs:documentation>If needed, any profile data not defined within the current release scope can be added here </xs:documentation>
         <xs:complexType name="ExtendProfileDataType">
                   <xs:element name="ExtendProfile" type="xs:anyType" minOccurs="0"/>
         <xs:complexType name="EnricherParametersDataType">
                   <xs:element name="EnricherParameter" type="EnricherParameter" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
         <xs:complexType name="EnricherParameter">
                   <xs:element ref="Enricher"/>
              <xs:attribute name="serviceName" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
              <xs:attribute name="interactionID" type="xs:string"/>
         <xs:element name="Enricher">
                   <xs:documentation>Comment describing your root element</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:element name="Parameters" type="Parameters"/>
                        <xs:element ref="Section" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
         <xs:complexType name="ValueType">
              <xs:attribute name="field" use="required"/>
              <xs:attribute name="value"/>
              <xs:attribute name="action"/>
         <xs:element name="Section">
                        <xs:element name="Value" type="ValueType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                        <xs:element ref="Section" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                   <xs:attribute name="path" use="required"/>
         <xs:complexType name="Parameters">
                   <xs:element name="Parameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                             <xs:attribute name="name" use="required"/>
                             <xs:attribute name="reference"/>
         <xs:complexType name="RuleList">
                   <xs:documentation>an array of rules</xs:documentation>
                   <xs:element name="Rule" type="RuleProfile" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
         <xs:complexType name="RuleProfile">
              <xs:attribute name="RName" use="required"/>
              <xs:attribute name="RType" type="RuleType" use="required"/>
              <xs:attribute name="Status" default="ON">
                        <xs:documentation>By default is ON (or if is missing)</xs:documentation>
              <xs:attribute name="Order"/>
              <xs:attribute name="Direction" type="RouteDirect">
                        <xs:documentation>Request / Reply</xs:documentation>
         <!-- ************** PART II: END COMPLEX OBJECT TYPE DEFINITIONS *********************************** -->
         <!-- ************** PART III: BEGIN ROOT ELEMENTS DEFINITIONS ********************************* -->
         <!-- 0) Profile wrapper root element
         <xs:element name="Profile" type="ProfileType">
                   <xs:documentation>Profile IS USED TO BE AN WRAPPER ELEMENT FOR ALL KIND OF PROFILES NO MATTER WHAT KIND OF PROFILE IT IS</xs:documentation>
    2)register xml schema:
    SQL> begin
    2 dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema
    3 (
    4 schemaurl=>'http://rac3-1-vip:8080/home/'||USER||'/xsd/EHIPProfile_v00.xsd',
    5 schemadoc=>xdbURIType('/home/'||USER||'/xsd/EHIPProfile_v00.xsd').getClob(),
    6 local=>True,
    7 gentypes=>True,
    8 genbean=>False,
    9 gentables=>False
    10 );
    11 End;
    12 /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    3) xml data:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!--Sample XML file generated by XMLSpy v2007 sp2 (>
    <Profile xmlns="">
         <ProfileID Type="EnricherParametersProfile" Status="ACTIVE" ID="EnricherPP.ID.0001" Name="EnricherPP.ID.0001" Description="EnricherPP.ID.0001" Version="01"/>
                   <EnricherParameter serviceName="LRS_BusinessDomainObject.lrs.businessDomainObject.domainObjectBuilder.concrete.ExceptionCreators:createExceptionV50CategoryCanonicalPart" interactionID="">
                             <Parameter name="MESSAGE_ID" reference="test"/>
                        <Section path="HEADER">
                             <Section path="RESPONSE_TYPE">
                                  <Value field="value" value="I"/>
                             <Section path="HL7_STANDARD_VERSION">
                                  <Value field="value" value="HL7V3"/>
                             <Section path="DESIRED_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_TYPE">
                                  <Value field="value" value="NE"/>
                             <Section path="SENDING_NETWORK_ADDRESS">
                                  <Value field="value" value=""/>
                             <Section path="SENDING_APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER">
                                  <Value field="root" value="2.16.840.1.113883."/>
                                  <Value field="extension" value=""/>
                             <Section path="SENDING_APPLICATION_NAME">
                                  <Value field="value" value="NL HIAL"/>
              <EnricherParameter serviceName="LRS_BusinessDomainObject.lrs.businessDomainObject.domainObjectBuilder.concrete.DomainObjectCreators:createFindClientsAssociatedIdentifersRequestObject" interactionID="PRPA_IN101105CA">
                             <Parameter name="MESSAGE_ID" reference="test"/>
                        <Section path="HEADER">
                             <Section path="RESPONSE_TYPE">
                                  <Value field="value" value="I"/>
                             <Section path="HL7_STANDARD_VERSION">
                                  <Value field="value" value="HL7V3"/>
                             <Section path="PROCESSING_CODE">
                                  <Value field="value" value="T"/>
                             <Section path="PROCESSING_MODE_CODE">
                                  <Value field="value" value="T"/>
                             <Section path="DESIRED_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_TYPE">
                                  <Value field="value" value="NE"/>
                             <Section path="RECEIVER_NETWORK_ADDRESS">
                                  <Value field="value" value=""/>
                             <Section path="RECEIVER_APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER">
                                  <Value field="root" value="2.16.840.1.113883."/>
                                  <Value field="extension" value=""/>
                             <Section path="SENDING_NETWORK_ADDRESS">
                                  <Value field="value" value=""/>
                             <Section path="SENDING_APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER">
                                  <Value field="root" value="2.16.840.1.113883."/>
                                  <Value field="extension" value=""/>
                             <Section path="SENDING_APPLICATION_NAME">
                                  <Value field="value" value="NL HIAL"/>
              <EnricherParameter serviceName="LRS_BusinessDomainObject.lrs.businessDomainObject.domainObjectBuilder.concrete.DomainObjectContentEnrichers:enrichPRRequest" interactionID="">
    <!--Sample XML file generated by XMLSpy v2007 sp2 (>
              <Parameter name="MESSAGE_IDENTIFIER" reference="test"/>
         <Section path="HEADER">
              <Section path="HL7_STANDARD_VERSION">
                   <Value field="value" value="V3PR2"/>
              <!--POS/CPP populated ?-->
              <!--Not sure if this should be set as a variance within EHIP or if we expect the POS/CPP to provide this value-->
              <Section path="PROCESSING_CODE">
                   <Value field="value" value="T"/>
              <!--POS/CPP populated ?-->
              <Section path="PROCESSING_MODE_CODE">
                   <Value field="value" value="T"/>
              <!--POS/CPP populated ?-->
              <Section path="DESIRED_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_TYPE">
                   <Value field="value" value="NE"/>
              <!-- note:We Expect PRS to give us a web service address -->                    
              <!--<Section path="RECEIVER_NETWORK_ADDRESS">
                   <Value field="value" value="_http://PRSServer/svcName"/>
              <Section path="RECEIVER_APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER[0]">
                   <Value field="root" value="2.16.840.1.113883."/>
                   <Value field="extension" value="SIT1"/>
              <!-- note: values of the fields to be provided by PRS -->
              <Section path="RECEIVER_APPLICATION_NAME[0]">
                   <Value field="value" value="receiverAppName"/>
              <!-- note: RECEIVER_ORGANIZATION has an extra trailing space, as in the Excel mapping spreadsheet -->
              <!-- note: values of the fields to be specified by PRS later -->
                   <Value field="root" value="2.16.840.1.113883."/>
                   <Value field="extension" value="receiverOrgId"/>
              <Section path="SENDING_APPLICATION_NAME[0]">
                   <Value field="value" value="NLPRSCLNT"/>
              <!-- note: SENDING_ORGANIZATION has an extra trailing space, as in the Excel mapping spreadsheet -->
              <!-- note: values of the fields to be specified by PRS later -->
                   <Value field="root" value="2.16.840.1.113883.4.3.57"/>
                   <Value field="extension" value="3001"/>
              <Section path="PERFORMER/HEALTHCARE_WORKER_IDENTIFIER[0]">
                   <Value field="root" value="2.16.840.1.113883.4.3.57"/>
                   <Value field="extension" value="HIAL_USR"/>
         <Section path="PAYLOAD">
              <!--<Section path="QUERY_STATUS_CODE">
                   <Value field="value" value="New"/>
              <!-- note: AUDIT has an extra trailing space, as in the Excel mapping spreadsheet -->
              <Section path="AUDIT[0]/AUDIT_INFORMATION">
                   <Value field="code" value="LATEST"/>
                   <Value field="codeSystem" value="PRSAuditParameters"/>
              <!-- note: CONFIDENCE has an extra trailing space, as in the Excel mapping spreadsheet -->
              <Section path="CONFIDENCE/CONFIDENCE_VALUE">
                   <Value field="value" value="100"/>
              <!-- note: HISTORY has an extra trailing space, as in the Excel mapping spreadsheet -->
              <Section path="HISTORY/INCLUDE_HISTORY_INDICATOR">
                   <Value field="value" value="false"/>
              <!-- note: JURISDICTION has an extra trailing space, as in the Excel mapping spreadsheet -->
              <Section path="JURISDICTION/JURISDICTION_TYPE">
                   <Value field="value" value="NL"/>
              <!-- note: RESPONSE_OBJECT has an extra trailing space, as in the Excel mapping spreadsheet -->
                   <Value field="code" value="GRS_ADDRESS"/>
                   <Value field="code" value="GRS_ELECTRONIC_ADDRESS"/>
                   <Value field="code" value="GRS_IDENTIFIER"/>
                   <Value field="code" value="GRS_ORGANIZATION_NAME"/>
                   <Value field="code" value="GRS_PERSONAL_NAME"/>
                   <Value field="code" value="GRS_REGISTRY_IDENTIFIER"/>
                   <Value field="code" value="GRS_TELEPHONE"/>
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_CONDITION"/>
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_CONFIDENTIALITY_INDICATOR"/>
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_DEMOGRAPHIC_DETAIL"/>
              <Section path="RESPONSE_OBJECT[0]/PROVIDER_QUERY_RESPONSE_OBJECT[10]">
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_DISCIPLINARY_ACTION"/>
              <Section path="RESPONSE_OBJECT[0]/PROVIDER_QUERY_RESPONSE_OBJECT[11]">
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_INFORMATION_ROUTE"/>
              <Section path="RESPONSE_OBJECT[0]/PROVIDER_QUERY_RESPONSE_OBJECT[12]">
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_NOTE"/>
              <Section path="RESPONSE_OBJECT[0]/PROVIDER_QUERY_RESPONSE_OBJECT[13]">
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL"/>
              <Section path="RESPONSE_OBJECT[0]/PROVIDER_QUERY_RESPONSE_OBJECT[14]">
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_PROVIDER_EXPERTISE"/>
              <Section path="RESPONSE_OBJECT[0]/PROVIDER_QUERY_RESPONSE_OBJECT[15]">
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_PROVIDER_RELATIONSHIP"/>
              <Section path="RESPONSE_OBJECT[0]/PROVIDER_QUERY_RESPONSE_OBJECT[16]">
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_STATUS"/>
              <Section path="RESPONSE_OBJECT[0]/PROVIDER_QUERY_RESPONSE_OBJECT[17]">
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_WORK_LOCATION"/>
              <Section path="RESPONSE_OBJECT[0]/PROVIDER_QUERY_RESPONSE_OBJECT[18]">
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_WORK_LOCATION_ADDRESS"/>
              <Section path="RESPONSE_OBJECT[0]/PROVIDER_QUERY_RESPONSE_OBJECT[19]">
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_WORK_LOCATION_DETAIL"/>
              <Section path="RESPONSE_OBJECT[0]/PROVIDER_QUERY_RESPONSE_OBJECT[20]">
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_WORK_LOCATION_ELECTRONIC_ADDRESS"/>
              <Section path="RESPONSE_OBJECT[0]/PROVIDER_QUERY_RESPONSE_OBJECT[21]">
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_WORK_LOCATION_INFORMATION_ROUTE"/>
              <Section path="RESPONSE_OBJECT[0]/PROVIDER_QUERY_RESPONSE_OBJECT[22]">
                   <Value field="code" value="PRS_WORK_LOCATION_TELEPHONE"/>
              <!-- note: ROLE_CLASS has an extra trailing space, as in the Excel mapping spreadsheet -->
              <Section path="ROLE_CLASS /ROLE_CLASS_VALUE">
                   <Value field="value" value="LIC"/>
              <Section path="SORT_CONTROL[0]/SORT_CONTROL_ELEMENT_NAME">
                   <Value field="code" value=""/>
              <Section path="SORT_CONTROL[0]/SORT_CONTROL_DIRECTION_CODE">
                   <Value field="value" value="A"/>
    the data is valid against the schema through XML Spy tool... and loaded into the XDB repository...
    4) create table and insert data:
    2 XMLSCHEMA "http://rac3-1-vip:8080/home/EHIPSBUSER1/xsd/EHIPProfile_v00.xsd" ELEMENT "Profile"
    3 ;
    Table created.
    SQL> alter table EHIP_PROFILE
    Table altered.
    SQL> select xdbURIType('/home/'||USER||'/ProfileData/EnricherPP.ID.0001.xml').getClob() from dual;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!--Sample XML file generated by XMLSpy
    SQL> insert into ehip_profile values(xmltype.createXML(xdbURIType('/home/'||USER||'/ProfileData/EnricherPP.ID.0001.xml').getClob()));
    insert into ehip_profile values(xmltype.createXML(xdbURIType('/home/'||USER||'/ProfileData/EnricherPP.ID.0001.xml').getClob()))
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-21700: object does not exist or is marked for delete
    what's the problem caused the "ORA-21700: object does not exist or is marked for delete" error?
    Thanks in advance for your help?

    Thanks Marco,
    Here're my environment:
    2 rac32 RAC3-2
    I followed your suggested in the above, and always purge recyclebin, but still got the same problem. because in 10gr2, there's no dbms_xmlschema.purge_schema available,
    and I did checked the recyclebin after force the delete of schema, nothing inside. any other recommendation?

  • Insert Encoding tag into xml file. ?xml version="1.0"?

    I am using oracle 10g.
    I am using dbms_xmlgen.getxml function to generate xml data for oracle tables. I use utl_file to write data back into xml file.
    Oracle is generating the file in the following manner...
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    I want to change the following xml header to have encoding information in it as follows...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding = "AL32UTF8"?>
    How do I achieve that?
    Any suggestions?

    I want to change the following xml header to have encoding informationIn 10g I think you could use a xmlroot hack:
    SQL> select xmlroot(xmlelement(e, dummy), version '1.0" encoding="AL32UTF8') xml from dual
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="AL32UTF8"?>              
    1 row selected.

  • After generating a table into xml how can i save the result in a XML table?

    Hello everyone,
    I’ve used this function to generate a table into XML schema :
    example :
    SELECT xmlelement("State", xmlattributes( '' as "xmlns:gml"),
    xmlforest(name as "Name", population as "Population")) from state;
    Now I need to insert the result into a XML table, because i need to save the result to use it latter ,I hope that someone can help and if there's other solution to do this it would be great.
    Thanks a ot and best regards,

    Just insert into a table....
    insert into t
    SELECT xmlelement("State", xmlattributes( '' as "xmlns:gml"),
    xmlforest(name as "Name", population as "Population")) from state; and a complete example:
    SQL> create table t (test xmltype)
      2  /
    Table created.
    SQL> create table state
      2  (name varchar2(10)
      3  ,population number
      4  )
      5  /
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into state values ('WI', 35000)
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> SELECT xmlelement("State", xmlattributes( '' as "xmlns:gml"),
      2  xmlforest(name as "Name", population as "Population")) from state;
    <State xmlns:gml=""><Name>WI</Name><Population>35000</
    SQL> insert into t
      2  SELECT xmlelement("State", xmlattributes( '' as "xmlns:gml"),
      3  xmlforest(name as "Name", population as "Population")) from state;
    1 row created.
    SQL> select *
      2    from t
      3  /
    <State xmlns:gml=""><Name>WI</Name><Population>35000</

  • Issue in Store XML into Schema generated tables and Validation XML against registered schema.

    Hello friends,
    I am facing some problem when store xml into generated tables from registered schema.
    This is my Schema
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:ds="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
    <xs:include schemaLocation="abc.xsd"/>
      <xs:element name="project" type="student">
      <xs:documentation> This is a Documentation</xs:documentation>
    -- This is my xml document
    <project versao="2.00" xmlns="">
      <test xmlns="">
      <intest version="2.00" Id="testabc" xmlns:xsi=""  >
      <natOp>this is post</natOp>
    Not giving full because it's too long.
    1. I Successfully registered Schema into database
    2. Then i generate table from registered Schema
    2. In my java code i validated XML document against Schema and it's successfully validate.
    3. But when i stored this XML into this generated table it's give me error
       Like :
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-31061: XDB error: XML event error
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LSX-00333: literal "94032000" is not valid with respect to the pattern
    And i have to store this xml into this tables so what i have to do ?

    Thanks for your reply odie_63.
    I got this my error solution. My XML document is not well structured based on my registered XML Schema.
    Means In My XML Document there are some invalid value and that not match my schema pattern so it's gives this error
    SQL Error: ORA-31061: XDB error: XML event error
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LSX-00333: literal "94032000" is not valid with respect to the pattern
    For Solution we have two ways
    1. I have changed this literal "94032000" value in my xml file then save it.
    - We have to delete this schema then
    - we have to change Schema pattern for particular element
    like :--
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
      <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{3}"/>
    - then store xml into database it works..

  • Data from table in xml Format and Inserting it into  Table

    Hi All
    I have table where xml data is stored in long format with xml tag know i have read the entire xml xoulmn which is xml tag and insert it into diffrent table can any suggest me the code
    Thanks & Regards

    I believe you are on the wrong forum. You want the XML DB forum.
    XML DB

  • Need to insert values into a table from a XML file

    I'm an Oracle 9i/10g DBA with quite a few years experience, but I'm new to XML and dealing with it in database terms. I've been given a project that entails pulling XML values out of a file (or 100's of them) and storing them in the database so that they are searchable by end-users. The project is classified as secret so I'm unable to upload the specific XML or any info relating to the structire of the XML or the table I will use to insert the values into - sorry!! So, I've created an XML file with a similar structure to help people understand my predicament.
    The end-users only need to search on a subset of the total amount of columns from the table I'll insert data into, although the XML file has a lot more, so I dont need to store the other values - but I will need to store the name of the XML file (or a pointer to it so I know what XML file a particular set of values belong to) in another column of the table along with its associated values.
    I've been using the XMLTABLE function with some degree of success, although I had better succes using the XMLSEQUENCE function. However, I found out this is deprecated in 10g and replaced with XMLTABLE, so I guess it's better if I use this in case we ever need to upgrade to 11g.
    The main problem I've been having is that some elements in the XML files have multiple values for the one record when all the other records are the same. In terms of storing this in the database, I guess it would mean inserting multiple rows in the table for each element where the value differs. Here is a dumbed down XML file similar to what I've got along with the other SQL I've used:
    +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>+
    +<DockType>Rear load</DockType>+
    +<County>West Midlands</State>+
    +<DockType>Rear load</DockType>+
    +<DockType>Side load</DockType>+
    INSERT INTO xmltest
    VALUES(xmltype(bfilename('XML_DIR', 'test.xml'), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')));
    Consequently, I need to...
    1) Retrieve the results from the XML file for all 3 warehouses where multiple values for the same sub-element are shown as 2 rowsthe result set. (I am guessing there will be 4 rows returned as warehouse sub-2 has 2 different elements for <WarehouseName>.
    2) Build a case statement into the query so that regardless of the sub-element name (i.e State or County), it is returned into the 1 column, for instance County.
    So, if I run a query similar to the following...
    select y.WarehouseId, y.Town, y.County, y.Area
    from xmltest x, xmltable('/House/Warehouse' .......
    I would like to get results back like this...
    ID Town County Area
    1 Southlake Texas 25000
    2 Poole Dorset 40000
    2 Solihull West Midlands 40000
    3 Fleet hampshire 10000
    Sorry for the non-formatting but I hope this all makessense to someone out there with what I'm trying to do.
    I appreciate any help whatsoever because, as i said before, I'm totally new to XML and trying to read the vast amount of information there is out there on XML is all a bit daunting.
    Many thanks in advance,

    Hi again,
    Thanks for keeping the post open for me. I've had a look at the post illustrating the XFileHandler package, and tried to alter it to make it fit with my XML files. To help explain things, my XML file looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE  CMF_Doc SYSTEM "CMF_Doc.dtd">
        <DockType>Rear load</DockType>
           <County>West Midlands</County>
        <DockType>Rear load</DockType>
        <DockType>Side load</DockType>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <DockType>Rear load</DockType>
           <County>West Midlands</County>
        <DockType>Rear load</DockType>
        <DockType>Side load</DockType>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <DockType>Rear load</DockType>
           <County>West Midlands</County>
        <DockType>Rear load</DockType>
        <DockType>Side load</DockType>
    </House>And the XFilehandler package looks like this (I'm just trying to do a simple select only on WarehouseId & WaterAccess for the time being to keep things simple):
    create or replace package XFileHandler as
        WID     NUMBER(2)
      type TRecordTable is table of TRecord;
      function getRows (p_directory in varchar2, p_filename in varchar2) return TRecordTable pipelined;
    create or replace package body XFileHandler is
      function getRows (p_directory in varchar2, p_filename in varchar2)
       return TRecordTable pipelined
        nb_rec          number := 1;
        tmp_xml        clob;
        tmp_file         clob;
        rec               TRecord;
        tmp_file := dbms_xslprocessor.read2clob(p_directory, p_filename);
          tmp_xml := regexp_substr(tmp_file, '<\?xml[^?]+\?>\s*<([^>]+)>.*?</\1>', 1, nb_rec, 'n');
          exit when length(tmp_xml) = 0;
          nb_rec := nb_rec + 1;
        select y.WID, y.WACCESS
        into rec.WID, rec.WACCESS
        from xmltable('/House' passing xmltype(tmp_xml)
                      columns WID NUMBER(2) PATH 'Warehouse/WarehouseId',
                                  WACCESS VARCHAR2(5) PATH 'WaterAccess') y;
          pipe row ( rec );
        end loop;
    end;Now, when I run the query:
    select * from table(XFileHandler.getRows('XML_DIR', 'XFileHandler_test.xml'));I get the error: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17285], [0x5CFE8DC8], [4], [0x45ABE1C8], [], [], [], []
    I had a look in the dump file for anything obvious, but nothing really stands out. Is there anything obvious in my code that I'm missing or something else which you may think could be causing this error, e.g in the regular expression regexp_substr?
    Many thanks,

  • How to insert data into a table from an xml document

    using the XmlSql Utility, how do I insert data into a table from an xml document, using the sqlplus prompt.
    if i use the xmlgen.insertXML(....)
    requires a CLOB file, which i dont have, only the xml doc.
    Cant i insert directly from the doc to the table?
    the xmlgen examples I have seen first convert a table to a CLOB xmlString and then insert it into another table.
    Isnt there any other way?

    Your question is little perplexing.
    If you're using XML SQL Utility from
    the commandline, just use putXML.
    java OracleXML putXML

  • I want to cut out a head from a photo and insert it into another photo again. In the head hair flying in the wind and the blue sky can be seen between the hairs. This blue sky I want to remove, so I can only use the head with hair flying in another photo.

    I want to cut out a head from a photo and insert it into another photo again. In the head hair flying in the wind and the blue sky can be seen between the hairs. This blue sky I want to remove, so I can only use the head with hair flying in another photo. Is it possible to simply delete this blue color of the sky?

    Make your selection and then use Refine Edge.
    See this video tutorial from Bob Gager.

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