Insert porb

Hi Experts,
I am getting one error when inseting data into table.i am pasting my code
here.please give me the solution.
(SELECT A.customer customer,
                     A.customer_number customer_number,
                 A.customer_id customer_id,
                 A.transaction_number transaction_number,
                 A.transaction_date transaction_date,
                     A.due_date due_date,
                     A.CLASS classes,
                     A.invoice_currency_code invoice_currency_code,
                     A.exchange_rate exchange_rate,
                     A.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining,
                     A.invoices_inv invoices_inv,
                     A.debit_memo debit_memo,
                     A.out_standing_amt out_standing_amt,
                     A.unapplied_credits unapplied_credits,
                     A.TYPE TYPE,
                     A.STATUS STATUS,
                     A.BATCH_NAME BATCH_NAME,
                     A.AMT_TYPE AMT_TYPE,
                     A.DAYS_LATE DAYS_LATE,
                 A.customer_trx_type_id customer_trx_type_id,
                 A.customer_trx_line_id customer_trx_line_id,
                     A.org_id org_id,
                     A.receipt_date receipt_date,
                 A.attribute1 attribute1,
            FROM (SELECT ra.customer_name customer,
                         ra.customer_number customer_number,
                         ra.customer_id customer_id,                              
                         ap.trx_number transaction_number,
                         ap.trx_date transaction_date,
                               ap.due_date due_date,
                               ap.CLASS CLASS,
                         ap.invoice_currency_code invoice_currency_code,
                               ap.exchange_rate exchange_rate,
                         ap.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining,
                         NVL((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'INV',ap.amount_due_remaining * NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1))),0) invoices_inv,
                         NVL ((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'DM', ap.amount_due_remaining* NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1))),0) debit_memo,
                         NVL((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'INV', ap.amount_due_remaining* NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1))),0) +
                                      NVL ((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'DM', ap.amount_due_remaining * NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1))),0) out_standing_amt,
                         NVL((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'CM', ap.amount_due_remaining * NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1) )),0) unapplied_credits,
                         ratt.TYPE TYPE,
                               ap.STATUS STATUS,
                               rat.ct_reference TRX_REFERENCE,
                               'OPEN_BAL' AMT_TYPE,
                               rat.cust_trx_type_id customer_trx_type_id,TO_CHAR(0) RECEIPT_NUMBER,ratl.customer_trx_line_id customer_trx_line_id,
                         ap.org_id org_id,NULL receipt_date, NULL attribute1,
                         0 amount_applied
                    FROM ar_payment_schedules_all ap,
                         apps.ra_customer_trx_all rat,
                         apps.ra_cust_trx_types_all ratt,
                         hz_cust_site_uses_all hzc,
                         hz_cust_acct_sites_all hzca,
                         ra_customers ra,
                         ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all rag,
                         ra_customer_trx_lines_all ratl,
                               RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL RBS
                   WHERE ap.status = 'OP'
                     AND ap.amount_due_remaining <> 0
                     AND ratl.line_type = 'LINE'
                     AND ap.customer_site_use_id = hzc.site_use_id
                          AND rat.batch_source_id = rbs.batch_source_id
                     AND ra.customer_id = ap.customer_id
                     AND rat.cust_trx_type_id = ratt.cust_trx_type_id
                     AND ap.customer_trx_id = rat.customer_trx_id
                     AND rag.customer_trx_id = ap.customer_trx_id
                     AND ap.customer_trx_id = ratl.customer_trx_id
                     AND rag.customer_trx_line_id = ratl.customer_trx_line_id
                     AND hzc.cust_acct_site_id = hzca.cust_acct_site_id
                     AND TRUNC (ap.trx_date) <= '02-sep-2007'
                     AND ap.org_id = :P_org_id
                     GROUP BY ra.customer_name ,
                         ra.customer_number ,
                         ra.customer_id ,                              
                         ap.trx_number ,
                         ap.trx_date ,
                               ap.due_date ,
                               ap.CLASS ,
                         ap.invoice_currency_code ,
                               ap.exchange_rate ,
                         ratt.TYPE ,
                               ap.STATUS ,
                               rat.ct_reference ,
                               rat.cust_trx_type_id ,
                               ratl.customer_trx_line_id ,
                  UNION ALL
                  SELECT ra.customer_name customer,
                         ra.customer_number customer_number,
                         ra.customer_id customer_id,                              
                         ap.trx_number transaction_number,
                         ap.trx_date transaction_date,
                               ap.due_date due_date,
                         ap.CLASS clas,
                         ap.invoice_currency_code invoice_currency_code,
                         ap.exchange_rate exchange_rate,
                         ap.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining,
                         NVL((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'INV',ap.amount_due_remaining * NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1))),0) invoices_inv,
                         NVL ((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'DM', ap.amount_due_remaining* NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1))),0) debit_memo,
                         NVL((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'INV', ap.amount_due_remaining* NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1))),0) +
                                      NVL ((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'DM', ap.amount_due_remaining * NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1))),0) out_standing_amt,
                         NVL((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'CM', ap.amount_due_remaining * NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1) )),0) unapplied_credits,
                         ratt.TYPE TYPE,
                               ap.STATUS STATUS,
                               rat.ct_reference TRX_REFERENCE,
                               'OPEN_BAL' AMT_TYPE,
                               rat.cust_trx_type_id customer_trx_type_id,
                               TO_CHAR(0) RECEIPT_NUMBER,
                         ratl.customer_trx_line_id customer_trx_line_id,
                         ap.org_id org_id,
                         NULL receipt_date, 
                               NULL attribute1,
                         0 amount_applied
                    FROM apps.ra_customer_trx_all rat,
                         ar_payment_schedules_all ap,
                         ra_customers ra,
                         apps.ra_cust_trx_types_all ratt,
                               ra_customer_trx_lines_all ratl,
                               RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL RBS
                   WHERE ap.status = 'OP'
                          AND rat.batch_source_id = rbs.batch_source_id                      
                     AND ap.amount_due_remaining <> 0
                     AND ap.customer_trx_id = rat.customer_trx_id
                           AND rat.batch_source_id = rbs.batch_source_id
                     AND rat.cust_trx_type_id = ratt.cust_trx_type_id
                      AND ap.customer_trx_id = ratl.customer_trx_id
                     AND ra.customer_id = ap.customer_id
                     AND ap.trx_date > '02-sep-2007'
                     AND ap.org_id = :P_org_id
                    GROUP BY
                              ra.customer_name ,
                         ra.customer_number ,
                         ra.customer_id ,                              
                         ap.trx_number ,
                         ap.trx_date ,
                               ap.due_date ,
                         ap.CLASS ,
                         ap.invoice_currency_code ,
                         ap.exchange_rate ,
                         ap.amount_due_remaining ,
                               ap.STATUS ,
                               RBS.NAME ,
                               rat.ct_reference ,
                               rat.cust_trx_type_id ,
                  UNION ALL
                  SELECT ra.customer_name customer,
                         ra.customer_number customer_number,
                         ra.customer_id customer_id,                              
                         ap.trx_number transaction_number,
                         ap.trx_date transaction_date,
                               ap.due_date due_date,
                         ap.CLASS clas,
                         ap.invoice_currency_code invoice_currency_code,
                         ap.exchange_rate exchange_rate,
                         ap.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining,
                         NVL((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'INV',ap.amount_due_remaining * NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1))),0) invoices_inv,
                         NVL ((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'DM', ap.amount_due_remaining* NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1))),0) debit_memo,
                         NVL((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'INV', ap.amount_due_remaining* NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1))),0) +
                                      NVL ((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'DM', ap.amount_due_remaining * NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1))),0) out_standing_amt,
                         NVL((DECODE (ap.CLASS,'CM', ap.amount_due_remaining * NVL (ap.exchange_rate, 1) )),0) unapplied_credits,
                         TO_CHAR(0) TYPE,
                               ap.STATUS STATUS,
                               TO_CHAR(0) BATCH_NAME,
                               TO_CHAR(0) TRX_REFERENCE,
                               'OPEN_BAL' AMT_TYPE,
                               0 DAYS_LATE,
                               0 customer_trx_type_id,
                               CR.RECEIPT_NUMBER RECEIPT_NUMBER,
                         0 customer_trx_line_id,
                         ap.org_id org_id,
                         NULL receipt_date, 
                               NULL attribute1,
                         ARA.amount_applied AMOUNT_APPLIED
                    FROM ar_cash_receipts_all cr,
                         ar_receivable_applications_all ara,
                         ar_payment_schedules_all ap,
                         ra_customers ra,
                         hz_cust_site_uses_all hzc,
                         hz_cust_acct_sites_all hzca   
                  WHERE  ap.status = 'OP'
                     AND ara.status = 'UNAPP'
                     AND ap.customer_site_use_id = hzc.site_use_id
                     AND ra.customer_id = ap.customer_id
                     AND ap.payment_schedule_id = ara.payment_schedule_id
                     AND cr.cash_receipt_id = ap.cash_receipt_id
                     AND hzc.cust_acct_site_id = hzca.cust_acct_site_id
                     AND ap.org_id = :P_org_id
                           GROUP BY ra.customer_name ,
                         ra.customer_number ,
                         ra.customer_id ,                              
                         ap.trx_number ,
                         ap.trx_date ,
                               ap.due_date ,
                         ap.CLASS ,
                         ap.invoice_currency_code ,
                         ap.exchange_rate ,
                         ap.amount_due_remaining ,
                         ap.STATUS ,
                               CR.RECEIPT_NUMBER ,
                         ap.org_id ,
                         ARA.amount_applied ) A)
[/pre]I am Getting Error Like Invalid Number

1) Specifying the Oracle error number in addition to the error message is generally helpful because we can more easily look up error numbers.
2) I'll wager that the problem is that somewhere in this statement, Oracle is implicitly casting a VARCHAR2 column to a number in order to do a comparison and that conversion is failing on one or more rows. The fixes for that sort of thing are, in order
- Fix your data model so that you don't store numeric data in varchar2 columns
- Fix your data model so that columns that are compared with each other have the same data type
- Ensure that literals and bind variables are of the same type as the columns they're being compared against.
- If you need to compare a string to a number, do the conversion explicitly (i.e. using TO_NUMBER or TO_CHAR) and ensure that every row of the source can actually be converted to the destination data type
3) Putting TO_DATE calls on columns whose names indicate they are dates to begin with is a bad idea. That forces Oracle to do an implicit conversion of the date to a string using the session's NLS_DATE_FORMAT, then converts it back to a date, which is extra work and extra opportunities for error with no benefit.
4) Comparing date columns to string literals is a similarly bad idea. You would want to put an explicit TO_DATE around the string literal if you are really comparing the result to a date column.

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    Hi Rick,
    There is no built-in way with the Report Generation VIs to append something to your report anywhere other than the very bottom.  I have attached a VI that shows the best way I can think of to accomplish involves using an internal Report Generation VI called "Generate Report Get" that gets the actual string that contains all your HTML from the internal data structure of the Report Generation VIs...once you have this string, you can manipulate it with the normal String functions in LabVIEW...then once you've got it manipulated the way you want, you can stick it back into your report.
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    Attachments: ‏31 KB

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    While performing the transaction for u2018Assigning Ad inserts Contracts from Ad Insert ordersu2019, Iu2019m getting the following error.
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    Hi Helios,
    I hav egone through the document.However i have resolved the error ar: illegal option -- F by following the doc id Doc ID 785828.1
    Now i am facing error while relinking
    Relinking module 'FNDCORE.dll' in product fnd ...
    Removing any existing temp directory
    rm -rf temp
    creating the temp directory
    mkdir temp
    changing permissions for the temp directory
    chmod 777 temp
    Getting the object file names for this FNDCORE.dll
    gnumake -f E:/oracle/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/out/ fndcore.LIST
    E:/oracle/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/out/ *** target pattern contains no `%'. Stop.
    Unable to get the objects for module "FNDCORE.dll".
    See error messages above (also recorded in log file)
    for possible reasons for the failure.
    adrelink is exiting with status 1
    Please advice

  • Error while insert data using execute immediate in dynamic table in oracle

    Error while insert data using execute immediate in dynamic table created in oracle 11g .
    first the dynamic nested table (op_sample) was created using the executed immediate...
    object is
    mark1 number,
    mark2 number
    t_sub_mark is a class of type sub_mark
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE ASI.t_sub_mark is table of sub_mark;
    create table sam1(id number,name varchar2(30));
    nested table is created below:
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' create table '||op_sample||'
    (id number,name varchar2(30),subject_obj t_sub_mark) nested table subject_obj store as nest_tab return as value';
    now data from sam1 table and object (subject_obj) are inserted into the dynamic table
    subject_obj t_sub_mark;
    subject_obj:= t_sub_mark();
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into op_sample (select id,name,subject_obj from sam1) ';
    and got the below error:
    ORA-00904: "SUBJECT_OBJ": invalid identifier
    ORA-06512: at line 7
    then when we tried to insert the data into the dynam_table with the subject_marks object as null,we received the following error..
    execute immediate 'insert into '||dynam_table ||'

    887684 wrote:
    ORA-00904: "SUBJECT_OBJ": invalid identifier
    ORA-06512: at line 7The problem is that your variable subject_obj is not in scope inside the dynamic SQL you are building. The SQL engine does not know your PL/SQL variable, so it tries to find a column named SUBJECT_OBJ in your SAM1 table.
    If you need to use dynamic SQL for this, then you must bind the variable. Something like this:
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into op_sample (select id,name,:bind_subject_obj from sam1) ' USING subject_obj;Alternatively you might figure out to use static SQL rather than dynamic SQL (if possible for your project.) In static SQL the PL/SQL engine binds the variables for you automatically.

  • Error while insert A/R Invoice

    Good night,
    I have a problem when I insert an A/R invoice, the B1 gives the following error:
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    All 'G/L account' are set on all tabs of G/L Account Determination.
    The product is configured with the warehouse that is also configured with the accounts.

    Please take a look at this .May be this will help .
    When attempting to add a marketing document with rounding, the following error message appears: "No matching record found 'G/L Accounts' (OACT)[ODBC 2028]"
    Other terms
    Rounding, G/L account, error message, marketing documents, matching record, account, missing, SAP Business One
    Reason and Prerequisites
    There is no rounding account defined.
    Define a rounding account under:
    'Administration' > 'System Initialization' ->'G/L Account Determination' -> 'General' tab page under "Rounding Account" field.
    Thank you

  • Can no longer see my I-photo photos, when trying to insert photo into Word Document.

    I had some computer problems and did upgrade to Snow Leopard from Leopard. Using older MacBook Pro. 
    Now, when I try to insert a picture into a Word Document, I cannot see my photos!
    I am working in a word document, I choose "Insert Photo from my files" and when the window comes up so I can choose the photo to insert... when I select the "photos" choice under the Media section on the Left side of the box that comes up, the box to the right is BLANK, both on the top and bottom!  None of my photos come up for selection. 
    This method to choose photos to insert into documents used to work before... now it is not.  After selecting "photos" all my photos would appear in the right box, and I would move through my I-photo events to choose my saved photo and insert it.  Yes, photos are showing and present in I-photo.  They just won't appear for importing.
    This is so frustrating, not to mention time comsuming trying to figure out what is going on and how to fix it.
    Can anyone help? Please?

    I do not see a way to disable the Picture Frame icon.  I looked at Settings-Picture Frame, but none of the options turns it off.  The only way I can thinik of, would be if all of your photos had been deleted.  If there were no photos, you couldn't have a slide show!
    One thing to try is to reset (reboot) your iPad.  Hold both the Home and Sleep buttons for several seconds until the Apple logo appears.  Ignore the "Slide to power off" arrow.  The iPad will restart after a couple of minutes.  Resetting this way will not hurt anything, and sometimes clears up mysterious problems.

  • Creation of new button on same page after insert command

    Hello All,
    I have an application running on where my workspace name is shruti_work,username is [email protected] and password is buwigi. The application name inside this is "app2"
    I am trying to achieve one functionality there but unable to get it so felt like seeking an help from experts here. I have two forms there one page1 form which is simplly made on an html region with go button which is navigating the page 1 items value to page 2 but simply passing their address witout updting the database table.
    In Page 2 i created page on a table or view, which made some extra buttons which i dont want like applychanges ,delete button, cancel button. I created a create button even which is updating my database with insert sql command. What i am seeing is after my create button is pressed i got navigated to same page 2 which i want to but the applychange button, cancel and delete button got appeared. I dont get the idea why it is so. i have checked the buttons even i didnt found anything there.
    All i want is when i press create button in page 2, my database get update and at the same page (2) a new button get appears which i have to use for other things. Approaching to this solution i created a button with giving databse action update and condition to this button "value of item in expression 1 is not null" and in expression 1 i passed p2_id...... but my new button is not getting created.
    Any help on this?

    Hi Jeff,
    I dont want applychanges button and delete button in my page 2. But when i created form on a table or view this but got created and i cannot delete it even. When i am navigating my page from page 1 to page 2 and filling the fields in page 2 and clicking create button, at that time i want after updating my table and running my plsql process which i have created which you can see in page processing, my button at same page get generate which i will use to navigate to other form. This button which i want to generate after clicking my create button will be meaningful only if my record get inserted in table. so that is why i want it at that time.
    I dont want any report so i am not creating form on a table or view

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