Insert String to JTextPane as hyperlink

I have a JTabbedPane with 2 tabs, on each tab is one panel.
On first pannel I add JTextPane and I would like to insert in this JTextPane some hyperlinks.
I found some examples in forum, but doesn't work for me.
Could somebody help me ?
Here is my code :
JTextPane textPane = new JTextPane();
textPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,300));
HTMLEditorKit m_kit = new HTMLEditorKit();
StyledDocument m_doc = textPane.getStyledDocument();
textPane.setEditable(false); // only then hyperlinks will work
panel1.add( textPane,BorderLayout.CENTER); //add textPane to panel of
String s = new String("");
SimpleAttributeSet attr2 = new SimpleAttributeSet();
attr2.addAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute, HTML.Tag.A);
attr2.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF, s);
m_doc.insertString(m_doc.getLength(), s, attr2);
}catch(Exception excp){};
The String s is displayed like text not like hyperlink..

Hi , You can take a look at this code , this code inserts a string into a StyledDocument in a JTextPane as a hyperlink and on clicking fires the URL on the browser.
/* Demonstrating creation of a hyperlink inside a StyledDocument in a JTextPane */
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.text.*;
public class Hyperlink extends JFrame {
    private Container container = getContentPane();
    private int toolXPosition;
    private int toolYPosition;
    private JPanel headingPanel = new JPanel();
    private JPanel closingPanel = new JPanel();
    private final static String LINK_ATTRIBUTE = "linkact";
    private JTextPane textPane;
    private StyledDocument doc;
    Hyperlink() {
          try {
               Dimension screenDimension = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
               setSize(300, 200);
               Rectangle containerDimension = getBounds();
               toolXPosition = (screenDimension.width - containerDimension.width) / 10;
                        toolYPosition = (screenDimension.height - containerDimension.height) / 15;
                        setTitle("HYPERLINK TESTER");
                     setLocation(toolXPosition, toolYPosition);
                     container.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, headingPanel);
                     container.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, closingPanel);
               JScrollPane scrollableTextPane;
               textPane = new JTextPane();
               //for detecting clicks
               textPane.addMouseListener(new TextClickListener());
               //for detecting motion
               textPane.addMouseMotionListener(new TextMotionListener());
               scrollableTextPane = new JScrollPane(textPane);
               container.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, scrollableTextPane);
               doc = textPane.getStyledDocument();
               Style def = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext().getStyle(StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE);
               String url = "";
               //create the style for the hyperlink
               Style regularBlue = doc.addStyle("regularBlue", def);
               StyleConstants.setForeground(regularBlue, Color.BLUE);
               regularBlue.addAttribute(LINK_ATTRIBUTE,new URLLinkAction(url));
               Style bold = doc.addStyle("bold", def);
               StyleConstants.setBold(bold, true);
               StyleConstants.setForeground(bold, Color.GRAY);
               doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\nStarting HyperLink Creation in a document\n\n", bold);
               doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\n",bold);
               doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\n\n\n", bold);
          catch (Exception e) {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          Hyperlink hp = new Hyperlink();
     private class TextClickListener extends MouseAdapter {
             public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) {
                  Element elem = doc.getCharacterElement(textPane.viewToModel(e.getPoint()));
                   AttributeSet as = elem.getAttributes();
                   URLLinkAction fla = (URLLinkAction)as.getAttribute(LINK_ATTRIBUTE);
                  if(fla != null)
              catch(Exception x) {
     private class TextMotionListener extends MouseInputAdapter {
          public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
               Element elem = doc.getCharacterElement( textPane.viewToModel(e.getPoint()));
               AttributeSet as = elem.getAttributes();
                    textPane.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR));
                    textPane.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));
     private class URLLinkAction extends AbstractAction{
          private String url;
          URLLinkAction(String bac)
             protected void execute() {
                      try {
                           String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
                          Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
                    if (osName.indexOf( "win" ) >= 0) {
                               rt.exec( "rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + url);
                                else if (osName.indexOf("mac") >= 0) {
                                  rt.exec( "open " + url);
                          else if (osName.indexOf("ix") >=0 || osName.indexOf("ux") >=0 || osName.indexOf("sun") >=0) {
                               String[] browsers = {"epiphany", "firefox", "mozilla", "konqueror",
                               // Build a command string which looks like "browser1 "url" || browser2 "url" ||..."
                               StringBuffer cmd = new StringBuffer();
                               for (int i = 0 ; i < browsers.length ; i++)
                                    cmd.append((i == 0  ? "" : " || " ) + browsers[i] +" \"" + url + "\" ");
                               rt.exec(new String[] { "sh", "-c", cmd.toString() });
               catch (Exception ex)
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
}Here , what I have done is associated a mouseListener and a mouseMotionListener with the JTextPane and I have created the hyperlink look with a Style of blue color and underline and have added the LINK_ATTRIBUTE to that Style which takes care of listening to mouse clicks and mouse motion.
The browser can be started in windows using the default FileProtocolHandler using rundll32 and in Unix/Sun we have to take a wild guess at which browser could be installed , the first browser encountered is started , in Mac open command takes care of starting the browser.
Hope this is useful.

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    HTMLDocument doc =(HTMLDocument)kit.createDefaultDocument();
    String str="hello world";
    SimpleAttributeSet attr =new MutableAttributeSet();
    StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attr, "Times New Roman");
    StyleConstants.setFontSize(attr, 12);
    StyleConstants.setBold(attr, true);
    StyleConstants.setBackground(attr, UIManager.getColor("control"));
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    hello user457523
    I have found the reason to that error.It's because there's a trigger and ext_src_file_nm is populated by the trigger from another column ext_src_file_loc when inserting and I didn't give any value to ext_src_file_loc so ext_src_file_nm is null.
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    Thank you very much.

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    look I have got the answer ... I guess this would be the root cause of the problem of new line.
    when ever you want the text to be inserted
    -at new line provide the last argument  of HTMLDocument.insertHTML as null
    - at same line provide the last argument as the HTML tag you are inserting into the JtextPane's document.thats it !!!
    ENJOY :-)

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     I could somehow link to the table name, but that can be changed...  Any ideas?
    Not sure if this will help or not but maybe a little from several areas might point you in the right direction.
    If you are concerned about users changing the table name then you can define a name to reference the table and then if the user changes the table name then the Refers to automatically changes to the new table reference but your defined name remains the same.
    However, if users want to break a system even when you think you have it bullet proof the users come along with armour piercing bullets.
    Insert a table (say Table1)
    Go to Define a name and insert a name of choice (eg.  ForMyTab1)
    Then click the icon at the right of the Refers to field and select the entire table including the column headers and it will automatically insert something like the following in the Refers to field.
    Now if a user changes the table name then Table1 will also automatically change.
    Example code to to reference the table in VBA.
    Sub Test()
        Dim wsSht1 As Worksheet
        Dim lstObj1 As ListObject
        Set wsSht1 = Worksheets("Sheet1")
        Set lstObj1 = wsSht1.ListObjects(Range("ForMyTab1").ListObject.Name)
        MsgBox lstObj1.Name
    End Sub
    Regards, OssieMac

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        Window() {
        }// Window
        public void appendText(String s,Color col) throws BadLocationException {
            StyledDocument sd = getStyledDocument();
            SimpleAttributeSet attr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
          *     THE POINT - what should I write here, please consult description followed by the class.
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    Stay happy,

    Dear Fadee,
    here is a small programe for inserting images into JTextPane;
    find this comment and start
    /*All Code In this Button Action*/if you need any thing feel free to tell me,
    i'm with you brother, i'll do my best :O)
    -Best regards
    * Created on June 7, 2002, 1:13 AM
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.color.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    * @author  Brother Mohammad, Cairo, Egypt.
    * @version
    public class Fadee extends javax.swing.JFrame {
        JTextPane   tp;
        JButton     b;
        StyledDocument sd;
        SimpleAttributeSet attr;
        public Fadee() throws BadLocationException {
            b = new JButton("Press");
            tp = new JTextPane();
            b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                    /*All Code In this Button Action*/
                    try {
                        sd = tp.getStyledDocument();
                        attr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
                        /*get default style*/
                        Style def = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext().
                        /*add style for text default style*/
                        Style regular = tp.addStyle("regular", def);
                        StyleConstants.setFontFamily(def, "SansSerif");
                        StyleConstants.setAlignment(def, StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER);
                        StyleConstants.setForeground(def, Color.RED);
                        /*add style for icon create as many as icons you have
                         and don't forget to resize the photo at small size
                         to fit with font size*/
                        Style s = tp.addStyle("icon", regular);
                        StyleConstants.setAlignment(s, StyleConstants.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED);
                        StyleConstants.setIcon(s, new ImageIcon("d:\\My Photo.GIF"));
                        /*here is what user will see*/
                        sd.insertString(sd.getLength(), "Allah Akbar ", tp.getStyle("regular"));
                        sd.insertString(sd.getLength(), " ", tp.getStyle("icon"));
                    } catch (BadLocationException x) {
            getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            getContentPane().add(b, BorderLayout.NORTH);
            getContentPane().add(tp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            setSize(500, 500);
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            try {
                Fadee f = new Fadee();
            } catch (BadLocationException x) {

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    I am trying to insert string values in a database with this metode.
        public void insertData(){
    String url = "jdbc:odbc":"+database;
    Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
    Statement status = connection.createStatement();
    status.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO radiograhy (Title, Red, Green, Blue,"
    + "Hue,Saturation,Value,Color,Path,IdRadiography,Description) VALUES "
    +"("+Title+","+Red+","+ Green+","+ Blue +","
    + Hue+","+Saturation+","+Value+","+Color+","+Path+","
    }catch(SQLException e){
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    This has actually nothing to do with JDBC, but with basic SQL knowledge.
    Print the complete query using System.out.println and try to find out what's wrong with it. Play with it, execute it right on the DB, etcetera. If you don't understand it, then don't bother to read some SQL tutorials how to write clean SQL.
    Once you understand SQL, I would also recommend you to use PreparedStatement instead.

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    ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long
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    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Hi Ralf,
    If you read the documentation on you will
    find a statement saying that the JdbcOdbcDriver is
    only for test and experimental use.Yes, but my and other's experiences with the JDBC-ODBC bridge itself are very well.
    Since it is only a bridge over the specific vendor's ODBC driver, you are limited to the capabilities of that.
    But the bridge is not to blame for this.
    For MS products you may reach efforts by updating to an actual MDAC version.
    Nethertheless, with MS ODBC there are some problems.
    Search the driver database (a link is on the above web
    page) for another (commercial) driver. I recommend the
    type 4 driver from i-net.Ok.
    Have you tried out that error David reported with the i-net driver?
    I use JDBC-ODBC with MS SQLServer 2000, actual MDAC, and I get that error with PreparedStatement.
    But it's all ok with a normal statement.
    So if you could test them both with the i-net driver, we would see if it's again the MS ODBC driver.
    Ralf SchumacherI think, I'm not the first you asks this:
    you are not the quick one we saw in Suzuka on Sunday, are you?

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    anybody can help?
    Albin Issac

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    I am trying to insert string in mysql using java query.As I have taken field varchar,that should be in single quotes,whereas string is having double as I am trying to insert data that gives null value all the time.
    I did like:
    String name=jTextFieldname.getText();
    String sql="insert into record_master values (name,orderno,email,dob,address,mobile)";Any pointers are appreciable.

    Oh I got the sollution...Tat was something like:
    String sql = "INSERT INTO record_master (name, orderno,email,dob,address,mobile,imeino) " +
    "VALUES('" + name + "', '" + orderno + "','" + email + "','" + dob +"','" + address +"','" + mobile + "','" + imei + "')";

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    i work on:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    Oracle Developer ver.

    i try this, but still same problem :(
    my Settings:
    NLS_CURRENCY     $

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    please help me out.
    my mail id is [email protected]

    JTextPane extends JTextComponent
    a Document is a set of Element, see Document.getRootElements(). Each Element has attributes, stored within an AttributSet object see Element.getAttributes()
    a Document can also be rendered as a String, see Document.getText( offest, length ), use it with 0 and Document.getLength() as parameters.

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    The components are being added before the text
    can someone tell me a solution by which the components appear in the order they
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    Thanking you in anticipation

    u r inserting the component at the 0 caret position, so as ur need set the caret position where u want to insert the component like..
    textPane.insertComponent(new JLabel("World"));

  • Insert string containing '&'

    How to insert string containing '&' into a table

    if you're in sqlplus:
    put set define offprior to running your insert.
    if you're in Toad, either:
    put set define offbefore your insert statement, and run both in as a script
    right mouseclick on the editor and untick the "Prompt for substitution variables", and you need never worry about the & again!

  • Inserting components to JTextPane

    I need to insert components to JTextPane. I know JTextPane provides a method insertComponent() for this purpose.
    But this does not work when you set the content type to "text/html".
    For example if I do the following:
    JTextPane textPane = new JTextPane();
    textPane.setContentType("text/html");and then try to insert a component it does not work.
    My question is, can I insert a JLabel/JButton to JTextPane once I set the content type to "text/html"?

    My question is, can I insert a JLabel/JButton to JTextPane once I set
    the content type to "text/html"? You don't really know what you did, do you?
    No, you can not add other widgets into a JTextPane since it's not a container. That is completely irrelevant from the fact that you can specify a MIME type for what's written inside the text pane.

  • JTextPane with hyperlinks

    I?m building a little IRC client. I?m using a swing JtextPane but my problem is that I can?t insert hyperlinks into it.
    The JtextPane is based on a DefaultStyledDocument, I have created a Style called Hyperlink.
    Style style4 = myStylePane.addStyle("Hyperlink", defstyle);
    The problem is that I can?t find a proper method how I can make the text a click-able hyperlink.
    I have tried already the following:
    Style style4 = myStylePane.addStyle("Hyperlink-Jlabel", defstyle);
    StyleConstants.setComponent(style4, new Jurl(""))
    doc.insertString(doc.getLength(),"Ignore text",style4);
    The class Jurl extends of Jlabel, plus I have implemented the event mouseclicked that opens the url in a blank browser window.
    But the problem here is that Jlabel breaks out of the visible rectangle of my JtextPane (right side break). So it is possible that I see for example here ends my JtextPane. The JtextPane does no take a new line to display the JLabel.
    Thanks in advance and,
    Have a nice day.
    Pieter Pareit

    Here, you should be able to adapt this;-import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class linkIt extends Applet {
       Panel  back = new Panel();
       public linkIt(){
          setLayout(new BorderLayout());
          Olink link1 = new Olink(this,"Go to google and search ","");
          Olink link2 = new Olink(this,"Answer for programmers ","");
       public void init(){
       public class Olink extends Label implements MouseListener {
          Applet  applet;
          Color   fcolor =;
          Color   lcolor = Color.magenta;
          String  text;
          String  wadd;
       public Olink(Applet ap, String s, String s1){
             this.applet = ap;
             this.text   = s;
             this.wadd   = s1;
       public void paint(Graphics g){
          if (getForeground() == lcolor){
             Dimension d = getSize();
       public void update(Graphics g){paint(g);}
       public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){
             URL url = new URL(wadd);
          catch(MalformedURLException er){ }
       public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){
       public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){}
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e){}
       public static void main (String[] args){
          new linkIt(); 

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