Insert symbol from Junicode font?

I have a document in which I need Old English characters such as thorn, eth, ash and yogh. I have installed Junicode and it shows up in my font book, displaying all the characters I need under 'repertoire'. However, if in the word document, I go on INSERT/SYMBOL, the menu only displays a minimal number of characters and certainly not the ones I need. (This is where, on my PC, I had been able to choose the respective character and assign it a shortcut).
what do I need to do? Thanks so much in advance for your help!

Aside from the autocorrection feature, the main option would be a custom keyboard layout.  These are very easy to make using
On this page is a link to one already made up:
(Right click on the link to download, remove the .xml from the filename when you have it).

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  • Insert symbol from dropdown list that requires font change

    I am trying to script the following:
    I have a dropdown list set to GDT font which contains symbols. (GDT font creates symbols with various lower case letters are entered)
    When selecting a symbol from the dropdown list, I want that symbol to be inserted into the textfield where I stopped typing text and the cursor is currently positioned. The text I typed is using the Myriad Pro font, so to insert the symbol, the script needs to change the font to GDT without affecting the text font that is already typed in the textfield, insert the GDT font symbol and then change the GDT font back to Myriad Pro so I can continue to type more text in Myriad Pro.
    If the script would just copy the symbol and the font it was created in, paste it where the cursor is position and then change the font back to the default (Myriad Pro), that would be great!
    This is for Design Engineering work to allow engineers to insert GDT symbols into the same textfield as their description is in.
    Can anyone help me with this script?

    Troubleshooting plugins
    Check and tell if its working.

  • Can't seem to insert a copyright symbol from any font into a Photoshop document

    - NOT a meta data question --
    I merely want to insert a copyright symbol, in text. I am designing the reverse side of a postcard for printing, it is all text layers, and need to indicate a copyright.
    I can not seem to find this symbol in any of the character sets of the multitudinous fonts I own. Nor have I found any easy way to see the character sets of these fonts. Must I create this as an image and import? Surely there is a more simple solution?
    At this point, I will accept the symbol in any font whatsoever.
    Thank you!

    © Option G © Option G © Option G
    Also open International Pref Pane. Check "Show input menu in menu bar" at bottom of the Input Menu tab window. Among the keyboard layouts, input methods and palettes turn on the Character Palett and Keyboard Viewer. Now they will be available from a menu extra near the clock.

  • How to insert symbols in the latest version of Keynote

    I am a long time user of Keynote 09 and long time inserter of symbols using Edit>Special Characters. It used to be that you could insert a character/symbol from any font on your machine. However, I can no longer figure out how to get a character from something like Apple Symbols. Does anyone have any idea how to see the full list of every character available in a selected font and insert it into a Keynote presentation?

    Hi Tom, and everyone else.  I've just switched from keynote '09 to 6.5.2 (2119).  I'm slowing working things out, but I can use some help with this:
    I like the futura font, but the question mark is bizarre.  I used to be able to use edit/'special characters' to insert a question mark from a different font, but I'm now having trouble with that.   I expand out the pop-up menu and go to punctuation (or punctuation - all).   The first row, fourth column gives me a question mark.  Double-click selecting it gives me a '?' in the futura font, as expected.  I go to 'font variation' - that's what I want.  But all of these give me the same futura font!
    What am I doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance,
    (If I go to 'related characters', I can get 'double', 'small' or 'full width' marks.  "Full width" looks different from the futura font, but it includes a big blank area to the right of the character, so I stick with the original "question mark".)

  • Illustrator script to create symbols from images in folder

    Time to give back to the community...
    Here is a script I recently devised to bulk create symbols from images in a folder. Tested with Illustrator CC 2014.
    // Import Folder's Files as Symbols - Illustrator CC script
    // Description: Creates symbols from images in the designated folder into current document
    // Author     : Oscar Rines (oscarrines (at)
    // Version    : 1.0.0 on 2014-09-21
    // Reused code from "Import Folder's Files as Layers - Illustrator CS3 script"
    // by Nathaniel V. KELSO ([email protected])
    #target illustrator
    function getFolder() {
      return Folder.selectDialog('Please select the folder to be imported:', Folder('~'));
    function symbolExists(seekInDoc, seekSymbol) {
        for (var j=0; j < seekInDoc.symbols.length; j++) {
            if (seekInDoc.symbols[j].name == seekSymbol) {
                return true;
        return false;
    function importFolderContents(selectedFolder) {
        var activeDoc = app.activeDocument;     //Active object reference
      // if a folder was selected continue with action, otherwise quit
      if (selectedFolder) {
            var newsymbol;              //Symbol object reference
            var placedart;              //PlacedItem object reference
            var fname;                  //File name
            var sname;                  //Symbol name
            var symbolcount = 0;        //Number of symbols added
            var templayer = activeDoc.layers.add(); //Create a new temporary layer
   = "Temporary layer"
            var imageList = selectedFolder.getFiles(); //retrieve files in the folder
            // Create a palette-type window (a modeless or floating dialog),
            var win = new Window("palette", "SnpCreateProgressBar", {x:100, y:100, width:750, height:310});
            win.pnl = win.add("panel", [10, 10, 740, 255], "Progress"); //add a panel to contain the components
            win.pnl.currentTaskLabel = win.pnl.add("statictext", [10, 18, 620, 33], "Examining: -"); //label indicating current file being examined
            win.pnl.progBarLabel = win.pnl.add("statictext", [620, 18, 720, 33], "0/0"); //progress bar label
            win.pnl.progBarLabel.justify = 'right';
            win.pnl.progBar = win.pnl.add("progressbar", [10, 35, 720, 60], 0, imageList.length-1); //progress bar
            win.pnl.symbolCount = win.pnl.add("statictext", [10, 70, 710, 85], "Symbols added: 0"); //label indicating number of symbols created
            win.pnl.symbolLabel = win.pnl.add("statictext", [10, 85, 710, 100], "Last added symbol: -"); //label indicating name of the symbol created
            win.pnl.errorListLabel = win.pnl.add("statictext", [10, 110, 720, 125], "Error log:"); //progress bar label
            win.pnl.errorList = win.pnl.add ("edittext", [10, 125, 720, 225], "", {multiline: true, scrolling: true}); //errorlist
            // = ScriptUI.newFont ("Arial", "REGULAR", 7);
            // =, [1, 0, 0, 1], 1);
            win.doneButton = win.add("button", [640, 265, 740, 295], "OK"); //button to dispose the panel
            win.doneButton.onClick = function () //define behavior for the "Done" button
            //Iterate images
            for (var i = 0; i < imageList.length; i++) {
                win.pnl.currentTaskLabel.text = 'Examining: ' + imageList[i].name; //update current file indicator
                win.pnl.progBarLabel.text = i+1 + '/' + imageList.length; //update file count
                win.pnl.progBar.value = i+1; //update progress bar
                if (imageList[i] instanceof File) {         
                    fname = imageList[i].name.toLowerCase(); //convert file name to lowercase to check for supported formats
                    if( (fname.indexOf('.eps') == -1) &&
                        (fname.indexOf('.png') == -1)) {
                        win.pnl.errorList.text += 'Skipping ' + imageList[i].name + '. Not a supported type.\r'; //log error
                        continue; // skip unsupported formats
                    else {
                        sname = imageList[i].name.substring(0, imageList[i].name.lastIndexOf(".") ); //discard file extension
                        // Check for duplicate symbol name;
                        if (symbolExists(activeDoc, sname)) {
                            win.pnl.errorList.text += 'Skipping ' + imageList[i].name + '. Duplicate symbol for name: ' + sname + '\r'; //log error
                        else {
                            placedart = activeDoc.placedItems.add(); //get a reference to a new placedItem object
                            placedart.file = imageList[i]; //link the object to the image on disk
                   =  sname; //give the placed item a name
                            placedart.embed();   //make this a RasterItem
                            placedart = activeDoc.rasterItems.getByName(sname); //get a reference to the newly created raster item
                            newsymbol = activeDoc.symbols.add(placedart); //add the raster item to the symbols                 
                   = sname; //name the symbol
                            symbolcount++; //update the count of symbols created
                            placedart.remove(); //remove the raster item from the canvas
                            win.pnl.symbolCount.text = 'Symbols added: ' + symbolcount; //update created number of symbols indicator
                            win.pnl.symbolLabel.text = 'Last added symbol: ' + sname; //update created symbol indicator
                else {
                    win.pnl.errorList.text += 'Skipping ' + imageList[i].name + '. Not a regular file.\r'; //log error
                win.update(); //required so pop-up window content updates are shown
            win.pnl.currentTaskLabel.text = ''; //clear current file indicator
            // Final verdict
            if (symbolcount >0) {
                win.pnl.symbolLabel.text = 'Symbol library changed. Do not forget to save your work';
            else {
                win.pnl.symbolLabel.text = 'No new symbols added to the library';
            win.update(); //update window contents
            templayer.remove(); //remove the temporary layer
        else {
            alert("Action cancelled by user");
    if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
        importFolderContents( getFolder() );
        Window.alert("You must open at least one document.");

    Thank you, nice job & I am looking forward to trying it out!

  • Error Inserting Data from Procedure ODI 11g (No data)

    Hi everyone!
    I have a problem inserting data from a procedure, the procedure works "fine" (no errors), on the log counter shows the number of rows inserted, but, on the database rows does not exists, an easy sample is:
    insert into table_t
    select description from table_s
    I check (ODI), the conection (works fine), modules (works fine), "select from table" (works fine).
    I check (Database), inserting rows direct (works fine).
    What can i check?
    Thanks for your response.

    Try below 2 things
    In target:oracle
    insert into table_t
    In target:oracle
    insert into table_t
    Note: For alias name (*descpt* ) or Project variable (*Proc_Var*) with # symbol and single quotes

  • RUNTIME ERROR - Trying to INSERT dbtab FROM dynamic itab

    Hi guys,
    I'm trying to do this
    INSERT (l_nametab) FROM TABLE <dynamic_table>.
    DATA: l_nametab TYPE TABNAME VALUE 'PA0002'.
    DATA: dy_table2 type ref to data.
    CREATE DATA dy_table2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (l_nametab).
    ASSIGN dy_table2->* TO <dynamic_table>
    ... but I received this runtime error:
    Internal error when accessing a table.
    The current ABAP/4 program terminated due to
    an internal error in the database interface.
    An internal error in the database interface occurred during access to
    the data of table "PA0002 ".
    The situation points to an internal error in the SAP software
    or to an incorrect status of the respective work process.
    For further analysis the SAP system log should be examined
    (transaction SM21).
    For a precise analysis of the error, you should supply
    documents with as many details as possible.
    Does anybody know how can it be solved?
    I'll really apreciate it.
    Thanks and Regards.

    Hi Max,
    How can I upload this data if I'm reading the info from an Input File.
    The FM HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION is useless because the UNAME fild doesn't remain into the record. They really need these field.
    The main idea of these program is to read the Input File Line, wich can belong to any infotype.
    I'm already reading the Infotype data from the input file and I need to transfer it to the PAXXXX table.
    Next, a little explanation of it:
    This program is to INSERT DATA INTO HR TABLES...
    The FM HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION is useless in this process...
    Only with INSERT dbtab it has to be done!!!
    1.- Read HR data from an input file. The data type of the file lines is PRELP.
    2.- Get the input file data into an internal table (TYPE PRELP) using the ABAP Method CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GUI_UPLOAD.
    3.- Get the DDic. Table Name using CONCATENATE 'PA' wa_file-infty INTO l_nametab.
    4.- Get the DDic.Struct.Name using CONCATENATE 'P' wa_file-infty INTO l_nametype.
    5.- Assign values with the same code:
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <dyn_table> type standard table,
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <dyn_table2> type standard table,
      DATA: dy_table2 type ref to data,
            dy_line2  type ref to data.
      DATA: dy_table type ref to data,
            dy_line  type ref to data,
                CREATE DATA dy_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (l_nametype).
                ASSIGN dy_table->* TO <dyn_table>.
                " Create dynamic work area and assign to FS
                CREATE DATA dy_line LIKE LINE OF <dyn_table>.
                ASSIGN dy_line->* TO <dyn_wa>.
                CREATE DATA dy_table2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (l_nametab).
                ASSIGN dy_table2->* TO <dyn_table2>.
                " Create dynamic work area and assign to FS
                CREATE DATA dy_line2 LIKE LINE OF <dyn_table2>.
                ASSIGN dy_line2->* TO <dyn_wa2>.
    6.- Convert the Input File Line from PRELP type to PNNNN type with the ABAP method
          CL_HR_PNNNN_TYPE_CAST=>PRELP_TO_PNNNN            EXPORTING        PRELP  = wa_file
                                                                                    IMPORTING        PNNNN  = <dyn_wa>.
    7.- As <dyn_wa2> and <dyn_table2> are of PANNNN Data Type, there is an structure with the MANDT field to be assigned to it:
    " Type Definition
    TYPES: BEGIN OF type_mandt,
              mandt TYPE MANDT,
           END OF type_mandt.
    " Structure Definition
    DATA: wa_mandt TYPE type_mandt.
    " Structure value assignation
    wa_mandt-mandt = sy-mandt.
    8.- Assign corresponding values and INSERT INTO dbtab
              MOVE-CORRESPONDING <dyn_wa> TO <dyn_wa2>. "XXXX
              MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_mandt TO <dyn_wa2>.
              APPEND <dyn_wa2> TO <dyn_table2>.
             INSERT (l_nametab) FROM TABLE <dyn_table2> ACCEPTING DUPLICATE KEYS.
    9.- In these code line, the menctioned runtime error appears.
    I hope it can be solved...
    Thanks and regards...

  • Depmod error: failed to load symbols from ...

    I installed today arch and the installation went well except nvidia-340xx install gave me this error messsage; now, X wont start.
    depmod ERROR: failed to load symbols from /lib/modules/3.16.4-1-ARCH/kernel/drivers/usb/wusbcore/wusbcore.ko.gz invalide argument
    Any idea?

    Scimmia wrote:failed to load symbols doesn't sound good. It may need a reinstall of the kernel if something got corrupted on disk.
    This is exactly what i have done and the error message went away.
    But at boot still hangs.
    This is the Xorg.1.log file:
    [ 46.713]
    X.Org X Server 1.16.1
    Release Date: 2014-09-21
    [ 46.713] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
    [ 46.714] Build Operating System: Linux 3.16.1-1-ARCH x86_64
    [ 46.714] Current Operating System: Linux myhost 3.16.4-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Oct 6 08:22:27 CEST 2014 x86_64
    [ 46.714] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=33a28745-d878-4b98-a9ab-dee48b53a9b2 rw quiet
    [ 46.714] Build Date: 21 September 2014 10:53:13AM
    [ 46.714]
    [ 46.714] Current version of pixman: 0.32.6
    [ 46.715] Before reporting problems, check
    to make sure that you have the latest version.
    [ 46.715] Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
    (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
    (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
    [ 46.716] (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.1.log", Time: Thu Oct 16 15:26:17 2014
    [ 46.717] (==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"
    [ 46.717] (==) No Layout section. Using the first Screen section.
    [ 46.717] (==) No screen section available. Using defaults.
    [ 46.717] (**) |-->Screen "Default Screen Section" (0)
    [ 46.717] (**) | |-->Monitor "<default monitor>"
    [ 46.717] (==) No monitor specified for screen "Default Screen Section".
    Using a default monitor configuration.
    [ 46.717] (==) Automatically adding devices
    [ 46.717] (==) Automatically enabling devices
    [ 46.717] (==) Automatically adding GPU devices
    [ 46.717] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/OTF/" does not exist.
    [ 46.717] Entry deleted from font path.
    [ 46.718] (WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi/".
    [ 46.718] Entry deleted from font path.
    [ 46.718] (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi/").
    [ 46.718] (WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi/".
    [ 46.718] Entry deleted from font path.
    [ 46.718] (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi/").
    [ 46.718] (==) FontPath set to:
    [ 46.718] (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
    [ 46.718] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input devices.
    If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable AutoAddDevices.
    [ 46.718] (II) Loader magic: 0x818d80
    [ 46.718] (II) Module ABI versions:
    [ 46.718] X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
    [ 46.718] X.Org Video Driver: 18.0
    [ 46.718] X.Org XInput driver : 21.0
    [ 46.718] X.Org Server Extension : 8.0
    [ 46.725] (II) systemd-logind: took control of session /org/freedesktop/login1/session/c2
    [ 46.725] (II) xfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0)
    [ 46.726] (II) systemd-logind: got fd for /dev/dri/card0 226:0 fd 8 paused 1
    [ 46.726] (EE) Error systemd-logind returned paused fd for drm node
    [ 46.726] (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 226:0
    [ 46.729] (--) PCI:*(0:1:0:0) 10de:0404:0000:0000 rev 161, Mem @ 0xfa000000/16777216, 0xd0000000/268435456, 0xf8000000/33554432, I/O @ 0x0000df00/128, BIOS @ 0x????????/131072
    [ 46.729] (WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)
    [ 46.729] (II) LoadModule: "glx"
    [ 46.730] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
    [ 46.775] (II) Module glx: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
    [ 46.775] compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0
    [ 46.775] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
    [ 46.775] (II) NVIDIA GLX Module 340.46 Wed Sep 24 13:54:14 PDT 2014
    [ 46.775] (==) Matched nouveau as autoconfigured driver 0
    [ 46.775] (==) Matched nvidia as autoconfigured driver 1
    [ 46.775] (==) Matched nv as autoconfigured driver 2
    [ 46.775] (==) Matched modesetting as autoconfigured driver 3
    [ 46.775] (==) Matched fbdev as autoconfigured driver 4
    [ 46.775] (==) Matched vesa as autoconfigured driver 5
    [ 46.775] (==) Assigned the driver to the xf86ConfigLayout
    [ 46.775] (II) LoadModule: "nouveau"
    [ 46.775] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module nouveau
    [ 46.775] (II) UnloadModule: "nouveau"
    [ 46.775] (II) Unloading nouveau
    [ 46.775] (EE) Failed to load module "nouveau" (module does not exist, 0)
    [ 46.775] (II) LoadModule: "nvidia"
    [ 46.775] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
    [ 46.776] (II) Module nvidia: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
    [ 46.776] compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0
    [ 46.776] Module class: X.Org Video Driver
    [ 46.776] (II) LoadModule: "nv"
    [ 46.777] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module nv
    [ 46.777] (II) UnloadModule: "nv"
    [ 46.777] (II) Unloading nv
    [ 46.777] (EE) Failed to load module "nv" (module does not exist, 0)
    [ 46.777] (II) LoadModule: "modesetting"
    [ 46.777] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module modesetting
    [ 46.777] (II) UnloadModule: "modesetting"
    [ 46.777] (II) Unloading modesetting
    [ 46.777] (EE) Failed to load module "modesetting" (module does not exist, 0)
    [ 46.777] (II) LoadModule: "fbdev"
    [ 46.777] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module fbdev
    [ 46.777] (II) UnloadModule: "fbdev"
    [ 46.777] (II) Unloading fbdev
    [ 46.777] (EE) Failed to load module "fbdev" (module does not exist, 0)
    [ 46.777] (II) LoadModule: "vesa"
    [ 46.777] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module vesa
    [ 46.778] (II) UnloadModule: "vesa"
    [ 46.778] (II) Unloading vesa
    [ 46.778] (EE) Failed to load module "vesa" (module does not exist, 0)
    [ 46.778] (II) NVIDIA dlloader X Driver 340.46 Wed Sep 24 13:34:03 PDT 2014
    [ 46.778] (II) NVIDIA Unified Driver for all Supported NVIDIA GPUs
    [ 46.778] (++) using VT number 2
    [ 46.778] (--) controlling tty is VT number 2, auto-enabling KeepTty
    [ 46.778] (II) Loading sub module "fb"
    [ 46.778] (II) LoadModule: "fb"
    [ 46.778] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
    [ 46.778] (II) Module fb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 46.778] compiled for 1.16.1, module version = 1.0.0
    [ 46.778] ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
    [ 46.778] (WW) Unresolved symbol: fbGetGCPrivateKey
    [ 46.778] (II) Loading sub module "wfb"
    [ 46.778] (II) LoadModule: "wfb"
    [ 46.778] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
    [ 46.779] (II) Module wfb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 46.779] compiled for 1.16.1, module version = 1.0.0
    [ 46.779] ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
    [ 46.779] (II) Loading sub module "ramdac"
    [ 46.779] (II) LoadModule: "ramdac"
    [ 46.779] (II) Module "ramdac" already built-in
    [ 46.779] (II) NVIDIA(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section
    "Default Screen Section" for depth/fbbpp 24/32
    [ 46.779] (==) NVIDIA(0): Depth 24, (==) framebuffer bpp 32
    [ 46.779] (==) NVIDIA(0): RGB weight 888
    [ 46.779] (==) NVIDIA(0): Default visual is TrueColor
    [ 46.779] (==) NVIDIA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    [ 46.780] (**) NVIDIA(0): Enabling 2D acceleration
    [ 46.904] (II) NVIDIA(0): Display (Acer AL2016W (DFP-0)) does not support NVIDIA 3D
    [ 46.904] (II) NVIDIA(0): Vision stereo.
    [ 46.904] (II) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Found DRM driver nvidia-drm (20130102)
    [ 46.906] (II) NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA GPU GeForce 8400 GS (G84) at PCI:1:0:0 (GPU-0)
    [ 46.906] (--) NVIDIA(0): Memory: 524288 kBytes
    [ 46.906] (--) NVIDIA(0): VideoBIOS:
    [ 46.906] (II) NVIDIA(0): Detected PCI Express Link width: 16X
    [ 46.909] (--) NVIDIA(0): Valid display device(s) on GeForce 8400 GS at PCI:1:0:0
    [ 46.909] (--) NVIDIA(0): CRT-0
    [ 46.909] (--) NVIDIA(0): CRT-1
    [ 46.909] (--) NVIDIA(0): TV-0
    [ 46.909] (--) NVIDIA(0): Acer AL2016W (DFP-0) (boot, connected)
    [ 46.909] (--) NVIDIA(GPU-0): CRT-0: 400.0 MHz maximum pixel clock
    [ 46.909] (--) NVIDIA(GPU-0): CRT-1: 400.0 MHz maximum pixel clock
    [ 46.909] (--) NVIDIA(GPU-0): TV-0: 400.0 MHz maximum pixel clock
    [ 46.909] (--) NVIDIA(0): Acer AL2016W (DFP-0): Internal TMDS
    [ 46.909] (--) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Acer AL2016W (DFP-0): 330.0 MHz maximum pixel clock
    [ 46.909] (**) NVIDIA(0): Using HorizSync/VertRefresh ranges from the EDID for display
    [ 46.909] (**) NVIDIA(0): device Acer AL2016W (DFP-0) (Using EDID frequencies has
    [ 46.909] (**) NVIDIA(0): been enabled on all display devices.)
    [ 46.914] (==) NVIDIA(0):
    [ 46.914] (==) NVIDIA(0): No modes were requested; the default mode "nvidia-auto-select"
    [ 46.914] (==) NVIDIA(0): will be used as the requested mode.
    [ 46.914] (==) NVIDIA(0):
    [ 46.914] (II) NVIDIA(0): Validated MetaModes:
    [ 46.914] (II) NVIDIA(0): "DFP-0:nvidia-auto-select"
    [ 46.914] (II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 1680 x 1050
    [ 46.951] (--) NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (99, 98); computed from "UseEdidDpi" X config
    [ 46.951] (--) NVIDIA(0): option
    [ 46.951] (--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp
    [ 46.951] (II) NVIDIA: Using 768.00 MB of virtual memory for indirect memory access.
    [ 46.955] (II) NVIDIA(0): ACPI: failed to connect to the ACPI event daemon; the daemon
    [ 46.955] (II) NVIDIA(0): may not be running or the "AcpidSocketPath" X
    [ 46.955] (II) NVIDIA(0): configuration option may not be set correctly. When the
    [ 46.955] (II) NVIDIA(0): ACPI event daemon is available, the NVIDIA X driver will
    [ 46.955] (II) NVIDIA(0): try to use it to receive ACPI event notifications. For
    [ 46.955] (II) NVIDIA(0): details, please see the "ConnectToAcpid" and
    [ 46.955] (II) NVIDIA(0): "AcpidSocketPath" X configuration options in Appendix B: X
    [ 46.955] (II) NVIDIA(0): Config Options in the README.
    [ 46.958] (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "DFP-0:nvidia-auto-select"
    [ 47.037] (==) NVIDIA(0): Disabling shared memory pixmaps
    [ 47.037] (==) NVIDIA(0): Backing store enabled
    [ 47.037] (==) NVIDIA(0): Silken mouse enabled
    [ 47.038] (==) NVIDIA(0): DPMS enabled
    [ 47.038] (II) Loading sub module "dri2"
    [ 47.038] (II) LoadModule: "dri2"
    [ 47.038] (II) Module "dri2" already built-in
    [ 47.038] (II) NVIDIA(0): [DRI2] Setup complete
    [ 47.038] (II) NVIDIA(0): [DRI2] VDPAU driver: nvidia
    [ 47.038] (--) RandR disabled
    [ 47.045] (II) Initializing extension GLX
    [ 47.102] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Power Button (/dev/input/event3)
    [ 47.102] (**) Power Button: Applying InputClass "evdev keyboard catchall"
    [ 47.102] (II) LoadModule: "evdev"
    [ 47.102] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/
    [ 47.102] (II) Module evdev: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 47.102] compiled for 1.16.0, module version = 2.9.0
    [ 47.102] Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
    [ 47.102] ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 21.0
    [ 47.103] (II) systemd-logind: got fd for /dev/input/event3 13:67 fd 28 paused 0
    [ 47.103] (II) Using input driver 'evdev' for 'Power Button'
    [ 47.103] (**) Power Button: always reports core events
    [ 47.103] (**) evdev: Power Button: Device: "/dev/input/event3"
    [ 47.103] (--) evdev: Power Button: Vendor 0 Product 0x1
    [ 47.103] (--) evdev: Power Button: Found keys
    [ 47.103] (II) evdev: Power Button: Configuring as keyboard
    [ 47.103] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input3/event3"
    [ 47.103] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Power Button" (type: KEYBOARD, id 6)
    [ 47.103] (**) Option "xkb_rules" "evdev"
    [ 47.103] (**) Option "xkb_model" "pc104"
    [ 47.103] (**) Option "xkb_layout" "us"
    [ 47.141] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Power Button (/dev/input/event2)
    [ 47.141] (**) Power Button: Applying InputClass "evdev keyboard catchall"
    [ 47.142] (II) systemd-logind: got fd for /dev/input/event2 13:66 fd 29 paused 0
    [ 47.142] (II) Using input driver 'evdev' for 'Power Button'
    [ 47.142] (**) Power Button: always reports core events
    [ 47.142] (**) evdev: Power Button: Device: "/dev/input/event2"
    [ 47.142] (--) evdev: Power Button: Vendor 0 Product 0x1
    [ 47.142] (--) evdev: Power Button: Found keys
    [ 47.142] (II) evdev: Power Button: Configuring as keyboard
    [ 47.142] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0C:00/input/input2/event2"
    [ 47.142] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Power Button" (type: KEYBOARD, id 7)
    [ 47.142] (**) Option "xkb_rules" "evdev"
    [ 47.142] (**) Option "xkb_model" "pc104"
    [ 47.142] (**) Option "xkb_layout" "us"
    [ 47.142] (II) config/udev: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0)
    [ 47.142] (II) xfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0)
    [ 47.143] (II) systemd-logind: got fd for /dev/dri/card0 226:0 fd 30 paused 1
    [ 47.143] (EE) Error systemd-logind returned paused fd for drm node
    [ 47.143] (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 226:0
    [ 47.144] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM) (/dev/input/event1)
    [ 47.144] (**) Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): Applying InputClass "evdev pointer catchall"
    [ 47.144] (II) systemd-logind: got fd for /dev/input/event1 13:65 fd 31 paused 0
    [ 47.144] (II) Using input driver 'evdev' for 'Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM)'
    [ 47.144] (**) Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): always reports core events
    [ 47.144] (**) evdev: Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): Device: "/dev/input/event1"
    [ 47.144] (--) evdev: Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): Vendor 0x45e Product 0x40
    [ 47.144] (--) evdev: Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): Found 3 mouse buttons
    [ 47.144] (--) evdev: Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): Found scroll wheel(s)
    [ 47.144] (--) evdev: Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): Found relative axes
    [ 47.144] (--) evdev: Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): Found x and y relative axes
    [ 47.144] (II) evdev: Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): Configuring as mouse
    [ 47.144] (II) evdev: Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): Adding scrollwheel support
    [ 47.144] (**) evdev: Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): YAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5
    [ 47.144] (**) evdev: Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): EmulateWheelButton: 4, EmulateWheelInertia: 10, EmulateWheelTimeout: 200
    [ 47.144] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:13.0/usb1/1-2/1-2:1.0/0003:045E:0040.0001/input/input1/event1"
    [ 47.144] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM)" (type: MOUSE, id 8)
    [ 47.144] (II) evdev: Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): initialized for relative axes.
    [ 47.145] (**) Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): (accel) keeping acceleration scheme 1
    [ 47.145] (**) Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): (accel) acceleration profile 0
    [ 47.145] (**) Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
    [ 47.145] (**) Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
    [ 47.145] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM) (/dev/input/mouse0)
    [ 47.145] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
    [ 47.145] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
    [ 47.145] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA ATI SB Front Mic (/dev/input/event5)
    [ 47.145] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
    [ 47.145] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
    [ 47.146] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA ATI SB Rear Mic (/dev/input/event6)
    [ 47.146] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
    [ 47.146] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
    [ 47.146] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA ATI SB Line (/dev/input/event7)
    [ 47.146] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
    [ 47.146] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
    [ 47.146] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA ATI SB Line Out (/dev/input/event8)
    [ 47.146] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
    [ 47.146] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
    [ 47.147] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA ATI SB Front Headphone (/dev/input/event9)
    [ 47.147] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
    [ 47.147] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
    [ 47.147] (II) config/udev: Adding input device AT Translated Set 2 keyboard (/dev/input/event0)
    [ 47.147] (**) AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Applying InputClass "evdev keyboard catchall"
    [ 47.147] (II) systemd-logind: got fd for /dev/input/event0 13:64 fd 32 paused 0
    [ 47.147] (II) Using input driver 'evdev' for 'AT Translated Set 2 keyboard'
    [ 47.147] (**) AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: always reports core events
    [ 47.148] (**) evdev: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Device: "/dev/input/event0"
    [ 47.148] (--) evdev: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Vendor 0x1 Product 0x1
    [ 47.148] (--) evdev: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Found keys
    [ 47.148] (II) evdev: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Configuring as keyboard
    [ 47.148] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input0/event0"
    [ 47.148] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard" (type: KEYBOARD, id 9)
    [ 47.148] (**) Option "xkb_rules" "evdev"
    [ 47.148] (**) Option "xkb_model" "pc104"
    [ 47.148] (**) Option "xkb_layout" "us"
    [ 47.148] (II) config/udev: Adding input device PC Speaker (/dev/input/event4)
    [ 47.148] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
    [ 47.148] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
    [ 79.735] (II) evdev: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Close
    [ 79.735] (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
    [ 79.735] (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 13:64
    [ 79.763] (II) evdev: Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM): Close
    [ 79.763] (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
    [ 79.763] (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 13:65
    [ 79.826] (II) evdev: Power Button: Close
    [ 79.826] (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
    [ 79.826] (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 13:66
    [ 79.853] (II) evdev: Power Button: Close
    [ 79.853] (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
    [ 79.853] (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 13:67
    [ 80.240] (II) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Deleting GPU-0
    [ 80.242] (EE) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file.

  • Help, please! to stop animation of one symbol from anover or stage

    I'm not a great specialist in jquery, but I've had to deal with it. And have some expirience... But i can't do an elementary thing in edge animate, i guess. So, help me please!))
    I need to stop some child symbols from the timeline of parent symbol(or Stage). On the timeline of stage, i have trigger. At this moment all the child clips have to stop as one...
    I try to insert into trigger this code:
    (child clips names: 'stan', 'bizan', 'bak')
    var stantostop = sym.$("stan");
    var bizantostop = sym.$("bizan");
    var baktostop = sym.$("bak");
    and I'm sure, I'm doing something wrong(!!!), cause nothing changes.
    If you cant help, please advice me some source with a lot of examples of typical operations and commands like this! So thank you for reading!

    Thank you very much for your answer. I,ve started three topics before i,ve got an answer!)
    But I think I have some different problem
    It is in the organization of my clips:
    Stan(and overs) are the clips wich are looped, and thats why, I think they can,t stop.
    (They are the flags of ship. And the problem is in that fact that when ship stop i want to stop all animation including the loop animation of flags, then I want to deleete all clips, but I cant delete this clips in the same way Icant stop them)
    I can show the example of my clip for you(itis rather amusing)))) and i guess you shall understand what i'm talking about)))
    Can I send you the zip with clip?
    elainefinnell wrote:
    Hi, Strashevsky-
    You don't need to refer to the jQuery object if all you want to do is stop the timeline.  You can simply do this:
    var stantostop = sym.getSymbol("stan");
    Hope this helps get you pointed in the right direction!

  • Is it possible to have two fonts apply to one string? or use symbols amongst normal font?

    Is it possible to apply two different fonts to one string, or use symbols amongst normal font? My purpose is to display an Omega symbol after some number.
    ".99982 Ω" or "-180 φ"
    I am using version 6.0,
    Thanks in advance!
    Go to Solution.

    It's not possible to use differnt fonts in the same text control (string, text message, text box, listbox...) or in the label for any control.
    An alternative solution can be to use a font that natively includes the letters / symbols you need. Within CVI 6 native fonts you can use NISystemMetaFont which includes uppercase omega letter together with other commonly used greek letters (and uppercase / lowercase alphabet and numbers, of course  ).
    In charmap the font is seen as NISYSTEM: with that program you can see all characters included in the font file and select / copy each of them to paste in CVI controls if you need it.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • Is there a way of inserting symbols into JTextPane?

    Hi there folks. Is there a way of inserting symbols like greek letters in a standard way into JTextPane?

    use getDocument(). insertString(offs,str, attributes);
    str should contain proper unicode chars and attributes must contain proper font family to show the chars.
    use StyleConstants.setFontFamily()

  • Insert Symbol, finding Pages Help Menu and Set Default Print Size

    I'm having a hard time doing the following:
    1. Inserting a vertical line that I used to find in Word by going to Insert > Symbol
    2. Preventing Pages from defaulting to #10 Letter (which I used recently) but seems to be the default size (but not the default Pulldown page type for some weird reason). I guess I'm just not sure how this is all working.
    3. Where do I go for the Program's Help Menu in Mac? I seem to go to the Help Pulldown at the end but when I type in a word I seem to get answers for Mac as a whole and not just for Pages, which is what I want.

    Hotwheels22 wrote:
    I'm having a hard time doing the following:
    1. Inserting a vertical line that I used to find in Word by going to Insert > Symbol
    On French keyboards, we get it with option + shift + l
    It would be a good idea to enter the System's Preferences Pane entitled "Language and Text"
    Then trigger the newly installed menu item in the menu bar.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 27 novembre 2010 22:17:35

  • Insert symbols in second column of multicolumn box

    Hi everybody,
    is there a way of inserting symbols(or images) in a multicolumn box in the other columns apart from the first one.i have tried doing it but i can only add them to the first column...please help thank you

    HI! alpony01,
    This link could help you;

  • Error While Assigning Ad insert contract from Ad insert orders.

    Hi Experts,
    While performing the transaction for u2018Assigning Ad inserts Contracts from Ad Insert ordersu2019, Iu2019m getting the following error.
    Message no. JVSD056
    I did the following steps.
    a) Created a geographical unit.
    b) Assigned that geographical unit in the BP master of the retailer with a newly created assignment type.
    c) Linked the geographical unit in the booking unit for Ad inserts  in MAM .
    d) Created an Ad insert order in MAM by using the booking unit which has the geographical unit assignment.
    Then tried to execute the u2018Assign Ad inserts Contracts from Ad insert orders. The error message is JVSD056.
    Appreciate if anyone can help me in this. This is the first time we are doing this.

    Hi Helios,
    I hav egone through the document.However i have resolved the error ar: illegal option -- F by following the doc id Doc ID 785828.1
    Now i am facing error while relinking
    Relinking module 'FNDCORE.dll' in product fnd ...
    Removing any existing temp directory
    rm -rf temp
    creating the temp directory
    mkdir temp
    changing permissions for the temp directory
    chmod 777 temp
    Getting the object file names for this FNDCORE.dll
    gnumake -f E:/oracle/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/out/ fndcore.LIST
    E:/oracle/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/out/ *** target pattern contains no `%'. Stop.
    Unable to get the objects for module "FNDCORE.dll".
    See error messages above (also recorded in log file)
    for possible reasons for the failure.
    adrelink is exiting with status 1
    Please advice

  • Inserting data from one table into another table using PL/SQL

    I am trying to insert values from one table into another using PL procedure, the values I want to retrieve from the table riverside1 are charac_id and charac_type and insert these values into another table called riverside2 , the stored procedure zorgs_gorfs(x,y) accepts two parameters which are 2 charac_id's of d characters in riverside1 then using insert statements inserts these characters from riverside1 into riverside2.
              INSERT INTO riverside2
    INSERT INTO riverside2
          END zorgs_gorfs;
    /This works but the problem im having is that when I also try to insert the charac_type as well as the charac_id it doesnt work below is the code:
              INSERT INTO riverside2
                        charac_id = x);
          END zorgs_gorfs;
    /can someone kindly sort me out

    modify this sql
    INSERT INTO riverside2
                        charac_id = x);as
    INSERT INTO riverside2
                        charac_id in ( x,y));But my suggestion would be consider revising your approach. It does not look that good.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How to set iPhone so Mail messages in inbox disappear after being downloaded to Mail on my MacBook Pro

    Hi - Previously, the Mail settings on my iPhone and MacBook Pro were set exactly as I wanted them to be: If I opened a Mail message on my phone, it stayed in the inbox only until I opened the Mail App on my MacBook Pro, at which time it downloaded on

  • HP Laserjet CM1415 install fail on windows 7 64 bits

    Under windows 7 64bits  it's impossible to resinstall  the driver for my multifunction printer  hp1415  connected with USB to a dell laptop .   I've got this at the end of setup : "installation failed" and setup failed saying something is too long ar

  • Numerous issues after firmware updates

    After installing the latest firmware updates I've noticed several issues develop. Firstly, the keyboard and mighty mouse have become less responsive. Particularly within certain applications, for example in iPhoto there is so much latency with the mo

  • WILL AIM iChat work with AIM Triton for PC?

    I see RALPH's how to and his summary notes advising that AIM PC will not work the AIM Chat. But is this the case for AIM's new TRITON? My friend has downloaded TRITON. He is able to invite me to chat with AUDIO. Triton activates my iChat asking me to

  • Urgent help in looking for a package

    Hi, May i know where to download sun.awt.win32.Win32PrintJob? I have searched for it but fails to find it. Thanks Yours sincerely, Xueli