Insert time - ok, but how do I remove it?

Hello all
Is there a way to remove time from a timeline?
In Flash this could be done by selecint frames, right click > remove frames.

Another questions for you guys.
After deleting a big part of my animation (and strugling through a number of unexpected issues that came out of that, grrr!) I've saved the file and got an error message about a missing image file, which I have indeed removed from the "images" folder (the software should have done that!).
After searching for any reference to that file in the Edge Animate (and failing), I've looked into  the code "*_edge.js" file.
All the code from the full length animation is still there.
Now I'm no developer so if I start chaning things around, I will end up ruining all my work.
Am I doing something wrong?

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    I don't have a good sense of what is going wrong.
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    AppleMan1958 wrote:
    Select the clip. Then open the Inspector. Go to the Rotate, Crop, Ken Burns tab of the Inspector. Here you can switch between CROP, FIT, and KEN BURNS. You can also change the dimensions of the crop box (but you cannot change the aspect ratio.)
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    "Select the clip. Then open the Inspector. Go to the Rotate, Crop, Ken Burns tab of the Inspector. Here you can switch between CROP, FIT, and KEN BURNS. You can also change the dimensions of the crop box (but you cannot change the aspect ratio.)
    CROP will cut off the top and bottom. FIT will letterbox to make it fit."
    I am not sure I understand completely. I selected a clip and opened the Inspector, chose "CROP" and then adjusted the crop for that clip.... but exactly how do I turn that off IE reverse the process so that no adjustment is applyed?

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