Insert XML data into a diferents fiels in a TABLE.

We have an xml to import in to a table with XMLType of fields.
The xml file has on field that the content of that field is a full xml file.
<T> 1212 </T>
<INFO><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <BuriedDropTask xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="buriedDropSchema.xsd"> <TaskName>UTFS277779</TaskName>.......
This is just an idea and not the actual document.
We need to insert in a table the data from <J> </J> and some fields of the ineer document like <BuriedDropTask> </BuriedDropTask> to other field in the same table to process the data.
What is the rigth process to follow?
The previus programmer was using utl_http.request_pieces to read the xml from an url and acummulated in a varchar2 variable. But the process is not working.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Jose Galan

The XML file with <?xml?> somewhere inside the tags is not valid.
I think, at first stage the unneeded garbage should be striped of with replace/instr/whatever.
Then extract() functions should be applied to bulk process the XML.
    insert into tasks (id, t, task_name)
    select tasks_seq.nextval
      from (
        select extractvalue(xml, '//J/T') t,
               extractvalue(xml, '//BDI/INFO/TaskName') task_name
          from (
              select extract(xml, '/BD') xml from xml_table

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    i've been doing this steps :
    1. create folder in oracle port:8080
    2. copy xsd into folder
    3. register schema
    4. Give me next step...

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    <xs:schema xmlns:xs = "">
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    I use command to create table :
    create table elements of xmltype
    xmlschema ""
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  • Insert XML Data Into An Existing PDF Form

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    Users enter data into an XHTML form and upon submission I create an XML file of the data using JavaScript.
    At any later time users will be able to open the XML file from the application. I will use JavaScript, again, to read the XML and fill in an XHTML form. But at this point I will provide a button for users to generate a PDF with the data. I would then like to insert the XML data into the appropriate fields of the existing PDF form. I would like to continue to do this from within the AIR application using JavaScript.
    Is this possible?
    What version of Acrobat would I need as the developer? Professional or Standard or Other or None?
    What version of Acrobat would the end users need? Professional or Standard or Other or None?
    Can this all be done using only JavaScript and the Acrobat SDK? Does using AIR offer any help (all Adobe products)?
    When the end user clicks the generate PDF button would Acrobat have to open? Can this be done without the user seeing Acrobat open? Either way is ok, I would just like the user to see an alert saying that the file has be generated and point them to its location on the local machine. But again, this is not a requirement.
    Thanks in advance.
    Not asking for source code here, just if its possible. :)
    I'll figure out the how.

    You have two choices
    1) You can use JavaScript in your AIR application to communicate with the JavaScript in the PDF to fill in the form directly. This can all be done inside of your AIR app. This is certainly the best route to go and there is (IIRC) a sample in the AIR SDK.
    2) You can create an XFDF file from your XML data and then have Acrobat/Reader open the XFDF file to fill in the data.
    Both methods will work with Acrobat and Reader - HOWEVER, Reader users won't be able to save the PDF unless it has been Reader Enabled.

  • Insert XML data into oracle table

    I want to insert xml data returned by the VB code into oracle table.
    As a prequisite I have installed the XDK capabilities for Oracle by installing JServer & running
    SQL scripts catxsu.sql,xmlparserv2.jar,load.sql to load the XMLSQL Utility (DBMS_XMLQuery) into the database.
    I have also granted following privileges to the user.
    Grant users access to XMLParser and XMLDom packages:
         grant execute on xmldom to public;
         grant execute on xmlparser to public;
         create public synonym xmldom for sys.xmldom;
         create public synonym xmlparser for sys.xmlparser;
    But still i am not able to create procedure which will accept input parameter as an XML document coming from front end which in turn will insert that record into simple oracle table . I am using Oracle 8.1.7
    Thanks in advance

    Would you specify the database version?
    Since DBMS_XMLSave requires DOM, you normally need to divide the huge XML before insertion.

  • Inserting XML data into and XML template

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  • Inserting XML data into xmltype column

    Oracle version:
    OpenVms Alpha V8.3
    1) Tried this and get the error shown below. Removed charset and placed a zero. Same error.
    INSERT INTO xml_demo (xml_data) -- column of xmltype
    bfilename('XML_DIR', 'MOL.XML'),
    ORA-22993: specified input amount is greater than actual source amount
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOB", line 637
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 283
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    2) This PL/SQL block works. However maximum raw size around 32K. The file can be around 100K. May be I can load it into a table of raw and somehow concatnate it to insert. Not sure whether this is possible but I am sure there must me a simple way of doing this.
    Subset of the xml file is pasted below.
    set serveroutput on size 1000000
    file1 bfile;
    v_xml XMLType;
    len1 number(6);
    v_rec1 raw(32000);
    file1 := bfilename('XML_DIR','MOL.XML');
    DBMS_LOB.fileopen(file1, DBMS_LOB.file_readonly);
    len1 := DBMS_LOB.getLength(file1);
    v_rec1 := dbms_lob.substr(file1,len1,1);
    v_xml := xmltype(UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(v_rec1));
    INSERT INTO xml_demo (xml_data) VALUES (v_xml);
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_LINE (sqlerrm);
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <MolDocument DtdVersion="3" DtdRelease="0">
    <DocumentIdentification v="MOL_20100331_1500_1600"/>
    <DocumentVersion v="1"/>
    <DocumentType v="A43"/>
    <SenderIdentification codingScheme="A01" v="17X100Z100Z0001H"/>
    <SenderRole v="A35"/>
    <ReceiverIdentification codingScheme="A01" v="10XFR-RTE------Q"/>
    <ReceiverRole v="A04"/>
    <CreationDateTime v="2010-03-31T14:10:00Z"/>
    <ValidTimeInterval v="2010-03-31T15:00Z/2010-03-31T16:00Z"/>
    <Domain codingScheme="A01" v="10YDOM-1001A001A"/>
    <ContractIdentification v="RTE_20100331_1500_16"/>
    <ResourceProvider codingScheme="A01" v="10XFR-RTE------Q"/>
    <AcquiringArea codingScheme="A01" v="17Y100Z100Z00013"/>
    <ConnectingArea codingScheme="A01" v="10YFR-RTE------C"/>
    <AuctionIdentification v="AUCTION_20100331_1500_1600"/>
    <BusinessType v="A10"/>
    <BidTimeInterval v="2010-03-31T15:00Z/2010-03-31T16:00Z"/>
    <MeasureUnitQuantity v="MAW"/>
    <Currency v="EUR"/>
    <MeasureUnitPrice v="MWH"/>
    <Direction v="A02"/>
    <MinimumActivationQuantity v="50"/>
    <Status v="A06"/>
    <TimeInterval v="2010-03-31T15:00Z/2010-03-31T16:00Z"/>
    <Resolution v="PT60M"/>
    <Pos v="1"/>
    <Qty v="50"/>
    <EnergyPrice v="50.45"/>

    Thanks. I understand what you are saying. I have been copying files in binary mode from NT servers into VMS. I have to get a proper xml file via FTP from the originating system to further investigate.
    I have one last item i need help on. If anything looks obvious let me know:
    +1) The xsd defintion of Qty (type: QuantityType) and EnergyPrice (type: Amount Type)+
                   <xsd:element name="Qty" type="ecc:QuantityType">
                   <xsd:element name="EnergyPrice" type="ecc:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
    +2) Definition of AmountType and QuantityType in the parent xsd+
         <xsd:complexType name="AmountType">
                        <Definition>The monetary value of an object</Definition>
              <xsd:attribute name="v" use="required">
                        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal">
                             <xsd:totalDigits value="17"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="QuantityType">
                        <Definition>(Synonym "qty") The quantity of an energy product. Positive quantities shall not have a sign.</Definition>
              <xsd:attribute name="v" type="xsd:decimal" use="required"/>
    +3. Data in the XML file+
    <TimeInterval v="2010-03-31T15:00Z/2010-03-31T16:00Z"/>
    <Resolution v="PT60M"/>
    <Pos v="1"/>
    <Qty v="50"/>
    <EnergyPrice v="50.45"/>
    +4) When I do the load:+
    the EnergyPrice is saved in the xmltype column as <EnergyPrice v="50"/>
    Losing its decimal value of .45
    +5) When I select as follows:+
    **DEV** SQL>> l
    1 SELECT
    2 EXTRACTVALUE(x2.column_value,'/MolTimeSeries/Period/Interval/EnergyPrice/@v') v1,
    3 EXTRACTVALUE(x2.column_value,'/MolTimeSeries/Period/Interval/EnergyPrice') v2,
    4 EXTRACTVALUE(x2.column_value,'/MolTimeSeries/Period/Interval/Qty') v3
    5 FROM balit_mol_xml x,
    6 TABLE(
    8 EXTRACT(x.xml_payload, '/MolDocument/MolTimeSeries')
    9 )
    10 ) x2
    11* WHERE EXISTSNODE(x.xml_payload,'/MolDocument/DocumentIdentification[@v="MOL_20100331_1500_1600"]') = 1
    +6) get the result+
    AmountType479_T(XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), 50)
    QuantityType471_T(XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), 50)
    +7) XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'),+
    Does that tell what I am doing wrong?

  • Error while inserting xml data into table

    I am running thid stored procedure and this compiles correctly , but when I try to execute it gives me a error, I have been trying this form the past 3 days , could anyone please help me ASAP
    2 fil BFILE;
    3 buffer RAW(32767);
    4 len INTEGER;
    5 insrow INTEGER;
    6 BEGIN
    7 SELECT f_lob INTO fil FROM xml_temp12 WHERE key = 1;
    9 len := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(fil);
    10 DBMS_LOB.READ(fil,len,1,buffer);
    11 xmlgen.resetOptions;
    12 insrow := xmlgen.insertXML('xml_doc',UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(buffer));
    13 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(insrow);
    16 END IF;
    19 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('In Exception');
    23 END IF;
    24 end;
    25 /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> exec loadxml12
    In Exception
    BEGIN loadxml12; END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20000: ORU-10028: line length overflow, limit of 255 bytes per line
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 99
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 65
    ORA-06512: at "CARCLUB_RW2.LOADXML12", line 20
    ORA-06512: at line 1

    Could you explain what your procedure does, please. I also tried to compile it but always got error message:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    PLS-00385: type mismatch found at 'FIL' in SELECT...INTO
    2 fil BFILE;
    3 buffer RAW(32767);
    4 len INTEGER;
    5 insrow INTEGER;
    6 BEGIN
    7 SELECT f_lob INTO fil FROM xml_temp12 WHERE key = 1;
    9 len := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(fil);
    10 DBMS_LOB.READ(fil,len,1,buffer);
    11 xmlgen.resetOptions;
    12 insrow := xmlgen.insertXML('xml_doc',UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(buffer));
    13 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(insrow);
    16 END IF;
    19 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('In Exception');
    23 END IF;
    24 end;
    25 /

  • How to insert more than 32k xml data into oracle clob column

    how to insert more than 32k xml data into oracle clob column.
    xml data is coming from java front end
    if we cannot use clob than what are the different options available

    Are you facing any issue with my code?
    String lateral size error will come when you try to insert the full xml in string format.
    public static boolean writeCLOBData(String tableName, String id, String columnName, String strContents) throws DataAccessException{
      boolean isUpdated = true;
      Connection connection = null;
      try {
      connection = ConnectionManager.getConnection ();
      //connection.setAutoCommit ( false );
      PreparedStatement PREPARE_STATEMENT = null;
      String sqlQuery = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET " + columnName + "  = ?  WHERE ID =" + id;
      PREPARE_STATEMENT = connection.prepareStatement ( sqlQuery );
      // converting string to reader stream
      Reader reader = new StringReader ( strContents );
      PREPARE_STATEMENT.setClob ( 1, reader );
      // return false after updating the clob data to DB
      isUpdated = PREPARE_STATEMENT.execute ();
      PREPARE_STATEMENT.close ();
      } catch ( SQLException e ) {
      e.printStackTrace ();
      return isUpdated;
    Try this JAVA code.

  • How to insert 4K of XML data into XMLType column?

    I use OCCI and our Oracle version is I have successfully been able to insert xml data (any size) into a clob column using "insert into...values(.., empty_clob()) returning c1 into :3"; and then using Statement::GetClob() to acquire a reference to the internal clob and populate it. I cannot seem to be able to do the same when the column type is of XMLType.
    I could not find a single sample code which demonstrates inserting into a table with a XMLType column. Using SetDataBuffer(OCCI_SQLT_STR) with data over 4000 bytes does not work.
    I'd greatly appreciate any feedback.

    Pretty sure this was a bug in the base 9.2 release which was fixed in a patch drop. Try or later.


    i am using XMLDOM to insert the data into the table
    i am using different function of it.
    but i am facing the problem to retrive the the multiple entry.
    like in my example i have two entry of the ' po number '
    & i am using the function
    dbms_xmldom.item(l_nodelist, 0)
    i which i have to pass index no.
    & through this i am getting only single entry according to the index no.
    Example on which i am working is
    l_xml_data CLOB;
    l_xml_doc dbms_xmldom.domdocument;
    l_nodelist dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    l_node dbms_xmldom.domnode;
    l_xmltype XMLTYPE;
    l_po_num VARCHAR2(30);
    l_cust_ord VARCHAR2(30);
    l_item_code VARCHAR2(30);
    l_xml_data := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!--DOCTYPE MobileInventoryResponse SYSTEM "MobileInventoryResponse.dtd"-->
    <ship-email>[email protected]</ship-email>
    <purchase-order-number>380929</purchase-order-number> ----modi by Ananda Dubey
    l_xml_doc := dbms_xmldom.newDomDocument(l_xml_data);
    -- Method 1 to get data
    l_nodelist := dbms_xmldom.getelementsbytagname(l_xml_doc, 'purchase-order-number');
    l_node := dbms_xmldom.item(l_nodelist, 0); -- gets first item from list
    l_po_num := dbms_xmldom.getnodevalue(dbms_xmldom.getfirstchild(l_node));
    l_nodelist := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes(dbms_xmldom.makenode(l_xml_doc),
    l_node := dbms_xmldom.item(l_nodelist, 0); -- gets first item from list
    l_item_code := dbms_xmldom.getnodevalue(dbms_xmldom.getfirstchild(l_node));
    l_xmltype := XMLTYPE(l_xml_data);
    l_cust_ord := l_xmltype.extract('/MobileInventoryResponse/message/ship-advice/header/order-header/customer-order-number/text()').getStringVal();

    In the following code
    l_nodelist := dbms_xmldom.getelementsbytagname(l_xml_doc, 'purchase-order-number');
    l_node := dbms_xmldom.item(l_nodelist, 0); -- gets first item from listYou need to understand what the second parm on the .item call does. See [dbms_xmldom.item|]
    The nodelist is a 0 based array of information and you are only requesting to pull the node info in the first array position. So to get the info in the second array position, you need to use ", 1)". You can also use .getLength and a loop to parse through everything in the node list.

  • Inserting large xml data into xmltype

    Hi all,
    In my project I need to insert very large XML data into xmltype column.
    My table:
    CREATE TABLE TransDetailstblCLOB ( id number, data_xml XMLType) XmlType data_xml STORE AS CLOB;
    I am using JDBC approach to insert values. It works fine for data less than 4000 bytes when using preparedStatement.setString(1, xmlData). As I have to insert large Xml data >4000 bytes I am now using preparedStatement.setClob() methods.
    My code works fine for table which has column declared as CLOB expicitly. But for TransDetailstblCLOB where the column is declared as XMLTYPE and storage option as CLOB I am getting the error : "ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column".
    This error means that there is a mismatch between my setClob() and column. which means am I not storing in CLOB column.
    I read in Oracle site that
    When you create an XMLType column without any XML schema specification, a hidden CLOB column is automatically created to store the XML data. The XMLType column itself becomes a virtual column over this hidden CLOB column. It is not possible to directly access the CLOB column; however, you can set the storage characteristics for the column using the XMLType storage clause."
    I dont understand its stated here that it is a hidden CLOB column then why not I use setClob()? It worked fine for pure CLOB column (another table) then Why is it giving such error for XMLTYPE table?
    I am struck up with this since 3 days. Can anyone help me please?
    My code snippet:
    query = "INSERT INTO po_xml_tab VALUES (?,XMLType(?)) ";
              //query = "INSERT INTO test VALUES (?,?) ";
         // Get the statement Object
         pstmt =(OraclePreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(query);
         // pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);
    //      If the temporary CLOB has not yet been created, create new
         temporaryClob = oracle.sql.CLOB.createTemporary(conn, true, CLOB.DURATION_SESSION);
         // Open the temporary CLOB in readwrite mode to enable writing;
         log.debug("tempClob opened"+"size bef writing data"+"length "+temporaryClob.getLength()+
                   "buffer size "+temporaryClob.getBufferSize()+"chunk size "+temporaryClob.getChunkSize());
         OutputStream out = temporaryClob.getAsciiOutputStream();
         InputStream in = new StringBufferInputStream(xmlData);
    int length = -1;
    int wrote = 0;
    int chunkSize = temporaryClob.getChunkSize();
    byte[] buf = new byte[chunkSize];
    while ((length = != -1) {
    out.write(buf, 0, length);
    wrote += length;
    log.debug("Wrote lenght"+wrote);
         // Bind this CLOB with the prepared Statement
         pstmt.setStringForClob(2, xmlData);
         int i =pstmt.executeUpdate();
         if (i == 1) {
         log.debug("Record Successfully inserted!");

    try this, in adodb works:
    declare poXML CLOB;
    poXML := '<OIDS><OID>large text</OID></OIDS>';
    UPDATE a_po_xml_tab set podoc=XMLType(poXML) WHERE poid = 102;

  • XML data into Oracle Tables. XML file on Application Server.Oracle Apps R12

    Hi All,
    My Database version :
    I have an XML file which needs to be loaded into the Database Tables. How ever i do not want to use the XMLTYPE as given below
    insert into test1 (
    SELECT PrcDate, PmtType, PmtStatus, PmtTypeCount, PmtTypeAmt
    PrcDate VARCHAR2(2000) PATH '@PrcDate' ,
    PmtType VARCHAR2(2000) PATH '@PmtType' ,
    PmtStatus VARCHAR2(100) PATH '@PmtStatus' ,
    PmtTypeCount VARCHAR2(100) PATH 'PmtTypeCount' ,
    PmtTypeAmt VARCHAR2(100) PATH 'PmtTypeAmt'
    Because this way the XML file needs to reside on the DB server.
    I am looking into other option of loading the XML file into a CLOB column of a table and reading it from that column.
    I did a couple of tests and feel that this way also the XML file has to reside on the Database Server itself. I am not sure if this is correct or if there is any problem with our TEST instance.
    ++Can anyone let me know if i need to have the XML file on the DB server instead of the Application server to load into a CLOB column of table ??++
    ++Is there any other workaround for me to load XML into Oracle Tables, while having the XML file on Application Server.++
    Your immediate help is appreciated. I need to get past this ASAP.
    Thanks in Advance.

    1) Are you asking me to create a folder on Database directory which points to a folder on the Apps server ?I suggest creating an Oracle directory object (a database object) pointing to a real location (folder) on Application server.
    we DONOT want a hand shake between the DB Server and the APPS server.I don't see where the problem is.
    I'm not familiar with Apps R12 but there's no doubt the two servers are already communicating, at least App server should be able to access the DB for the whole thing to run.
    As I said :
    One way or another, the data has to make its way to the database, there's no workaround to that.How do you imagine the data will end up in a database table if it doesn't come to the DB server?
    There's no magical method out there, both servers have to communicate at some point.
    About client-server approaches (client being here the App server), you can read about accessing the XML DB repository in the XML DB Developer's Guide :
    Other option : SQL*Loader can load a CLOB, or an XMLType column too
    Edited by: odie_63 on 19 déc. 2011 20:22

  • Best method to load XML data into Oracle

    I have to load XML data into Oracle tables. I tried using different options and have run into a dead end in each of those. I do not have knowledge of java and hence have restricted myself to PL/SQL solutions. I tried the following options.
    1. Using DBMS_XMLSave package : Expects the ROWSET and ROW tags. Connot change format of the incoming XML file (Gives error oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: Start of root element expected).
    2. Using the XMLPARSER and XMLDOM PL/SQL APIs : Works fine for small files. Run into memory problems for large files (Gives error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError). Have tried increasing the JAVA_POOL_SIZE but does not work. I am not sure whether I am changing the correct parameter.
    I have read that the SAX API does not hog memory resources since it does not build the entire DOM tree structure. But the problem is that it does not have a PL/SQL implementation.
    Can anyone PLEASE guide me in the right direction, as to the best way to achieve this through PL/SQL ??? I have not designed the tables so am flexible on using purely relational or object-relational design. Although would prefer to keep a purely relational design. (Had tried used object-relational for 1. and purely relational for 2. above)
    The XML files are in the following format, (EXAMINEEs with single DEMOGRAPHIC and multiple TESTs)
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    Thanks for the help.

    Please refer to the XSU(XML SQL Utility) or TransX Utility(for Multi-language Document) if you want to load data in XML format into database.
    Both of them require special XML formats, please first refer to the following docs:
    You can use XSLT to transform your document to the required format.
    If you document is large, you can use SAX method to insert data into database. But you need to write the code.
    The following sample may be useful:

  • Inserting xml data in a MYSQL database

    I would like to know how i can insert data from an xml file into a MYSQL database using a java program, I currently have a program which retrieves an xml record and i need to insert the information between the tags into a table in MYSQL..please help me out if anyone knows...i am not very familiar with java...thanks

    Hi there Sherkhan,
    Im trying to do exactly what ur doing, inserting xml data in to a mySQL database. Any chance u could share the code for this???
    Many thanks in advance.

  • How to load xml data into a table

    i am a newbie. I want to insert the data of xml file into a table. I am doing this using XSU api for java.
    I am using oracle 9i and jdk 1.7.
    I am using OracleXmlSave class.
    but i am getting following error.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/jdbc2/Clob
    Please help in this regard. this is my first thread.
    Edited by: 979682 on Jan 3, 2013 3:39 AM

    You can insert XML data from XML file to Oracle database by this script :
    For reading and inserting the data from XML file to Oracle Database :
    1. CREATE A BLANK TABLE with same structure as XML file :
    select * from xml_test
    SELECT XMLTYPE(bfilename('TEST_DIR', 'data_file.xml'), nls_charset_id('UTF8')) xml_data FROM dual
    --CREATE DIRECTORY TEST_DIR as '/oracle/test';
    --grant all on directory TEST_DIR to public;
    INSERT INTO xml_test(column1,coumn2)
    WITH t AS (SELECT XMLTYPE(bfilename('TEST_DIR', 'attachment.xml'), nls_charset_id('UTF8')) xml_col FROM dual)
    extractValue(value(x),'/ROW/COLUMN1') column1
    ,extractValue(value(x),'ROW/COLUMN2') column2
    FROM t,TABLE(XMLSequence(extract(t.xml_col,'/ROWSET/ROW'))) x;
    I have assumed a table with 2 columns.
    Rohit Chaudhari
    [email protected]

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