Inserting a column into the title of a graph

I have a pie chart with a title. I also have a drop down column in the graph prompt area showing the months.
I need the month value to show within the title, and for it to change when the user chooses another month
from the drop down list.
Any help would be really appreciated.
- Jenny

Let's see if I can figure this out and type it up before the real GREP masters show up...
\d{9} will find groups of nine digits, but what you actually need to do is find groups of five digits followed by groups of four digits.
And you need to separate them into groups:
so that in the Change field you can use "first found group" and "second found group":

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    i dunn know if i understand you well, but it seems like you want to pass 2 dates (from, to) to some report and to have those 2 dates in the report title.
    its too easy, first at the universe level you have to have a Date objects, which comes in the time dimension.
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         return banner;
       // add the banner
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    Adding a new column to a DefaultTableModel fires a special TableModelEvent. Because of that the JTable reinitializes its TableColumnModel and any column movements are undone.
    You can call "setAutoCreateColumnsFromModel(false)" on the table but then you must update the TableColumnModel manually. The best solution is to build a table model with all necessary columns and to remove all TableColumn-Objekts from the TableColumnModel which should not be visible at first; adding TableColumn objects later wont alter the positions of the other columns.

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    INTO myschema.Fact_page_performance
    time_sk ,
    batch_id ,
    delta_msec ,
    error_code_sk ,
    content_errs ,
    element_count ,
    page_bytes ,
    Available ,
    (SELECT time_sk ,
    batch_id ,
    delta_msec ,
    error_code_sk ,
    content_errs ,
    element_count ,
    page_bytes ,
    WHERE date_sk=20090509,20090510
    But it is giving the error like missing Expression.
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    You can have either VALUES or SELECT not both
    INTO myschema.Fact_page_performance
    time_sk ,
    batch_id ,
    delta_msec ,
    error_code_sk ,
    content_errs ,
    element_count ,
    page_bytes ,
    Available ,
    SELECT time_sk ,
    batch_id ,
    delta_msec ,
    error_code_sk ,
    content_errs ,
    element_count ,
    page_bytes ,
    WHERE date_sk=20090509,20090510;

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    Me too also wants to know regarding this,
    Mr Rod any inputs?
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